Goddammit Yea Forums, will Sideways ever return? I genuinely liked his book...

Goddammit Yea Forums, will Sideways ever return? I genuinely liked his book, and the potential stories Derek could have given how his powers work. At least he’s acknowledged to still be around as seen in HiC (even though that makes zero sense).

What stories/characters would you like to see?

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Maybe he’ll be in that upcoming Batman/Superman series dealing with the Dark Multiverse

Is that the Leviathan crap?

>will Sideways ever return
There has been rumors about Bendis having him join Young Justice or some shit, but we'll just have to wait and see

>What stories/characters would you like to see?
I would personally have more of Tempus Fuginaut (the guy from Issue 1) and more about Derek starting to become a hero in Gotham or having him traveling through the multiverse.

Same, but I think they threw him into way too much too fast. He didn't get a chance to develop normally and his stories went into personal tragedy and the cosmic deep-end basically straight away and he suffered for it.

No that’s a secret organization thing, not Multiverse stuff

No, it's Dark Multiverse crap (which is kinda what Derek draws his powers from)

I think the worst possible outcome is putting him on YJ or Batman. I could see him guest staring on Flash or maybe Titans.
The sad truth is new characters don’t have the luxury of proper pacing. They need to sell books, fast, or get written off

>The sad truth is new characters don’t have the luxury of proper pacing.
Ironically that's just means they don't sell anymore.

If he did, would you guys want him to ignore everything that happened in the previous run and start over with a clean slate?

Some of the stuff (such as Tempest, his mother's death, Ernie) should be existing in the new run, other than that yeah a new slate would be nice.

Why start over?

His mother's death is actually something I would drop, it's too much of a forced uncle ben moment and not really necessary.
Because the current status quo isn't what I got sold on Sideways. Sideways started out strong but ended weak.

This just might be his last appearance for a long time. Next time you see him he just might be dead.

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Well unlike Uncle Ben she’s not entirely out of the picture. And he got a new mom

New characters with solo books are essentially doomed, these days. Comics don't sell as much to justify them.
If he's lucky, he'll get into a team book.
If he's not, he'll get brutally offed during an event book.

>What stories/characters would you like to see?

maybe they could put him on a team with a bunch of other forgotten characters. not necessarily the outsiders but something along those lines

>she's still in the picture
It also doesn't do anything for Sideways as a character so that's why I would drop it.

>Comics don't sell as much to justify them.
That's why DC should be promoting these new characters instead of another Batman comic by Scott Snyder.

He's Didio's pet character so he will be protected for awhile.

But user. Batman sells. He's a proven quantity. Obviously, the smart thing to do instead of creating the next big IP is to just shovel out even more Batman spinoffs every month.
The industry needs more.

Why couldn't HiC just be about Heroes talking about the stresses and trauma being a hero puts them through? Like a more focused Tears of the Titans of whatever that Austen run of JL was about.

DC-where Wells can't run dry.

When did Spider-man get this suit?

>Bendis having him join Young Justice

I don't think Didio has that kind of sway anymore.

>Why couldn't HiC just be about Heroes talking about the stresses and trauma being a hero puts them through?
That's how King pitched the story, but I'm sure editorial added the caveat of the murder mystery we eventually got stuck with.