>leaks on Yea Forums were for once right
>leaks on Yea Forums were for once right
Other urls found in this thread:
boring nuwalker stuff instead of cool shit like the brothers war or phyrexia.
I really disliked the changes the planeswalkers experienced in the reboot of the franchises storylines. they were cool when they were ALL near gods. it made YOU a near-god as well, since you were a planeswalker as well.
is this the card game the producers recently claimed homophobia doesn't exist in their world and lore?
Magic turned into such a shit game, espically after they introduced planeswalkers. Basically big "I win" buttons. Changed the whole layout of the game
fuck off shill
no-one should be so excited about this that ALL CAPS IN THE TITLE! is at all necessary
Ravnica should’ve had an animated series the moment they decided to do that trailer, now WotC can just fuck off and go bankrupt.
I'm surprised they haven't done this years ago. There's so much story to use for a cartoon.
>people on co play mtga
I'd rather see it have nothing to do with anything in the main plot of the game.
Finding out the MtG lore honestly make the actual game less appealing to me, it was more fun when it just seemed like random silly shit.
mtg vidya is popular as hell, even if you don't play the physical games you can still have a fun experience with the games alone.
that's what I do nowadays because I don't have the patience or time to go to real life events.
It should just be a Yu-Gi-Oh type thing. Anime kids slappin' cards down and yelling and shit. I know there's been MTG manga.
>from Russo brothers
Into the trash it goes
EDH is still Based.
Considering how many times I've read a headline about MtG getting a series/movie, don't believe a thing until you actually see footage.
Yea Forums but I don't care since it's on topic.
They need to make a mmorpg set in the mtg world and use the show as a promotion for both the tcg and the mmorpg, wakfu style.
I always wanted a T/S-RPG. I'm surprised they never tried to capitalize on the gacha trend. Or do stuff with Magic outside of DCGs.
They dont have an unlimited budget and 12 seasons to do everything before Lorwyn block. Even if they did it would be dumbed down to hell and back to make sure normies got it.
It's a netflix series anyways so odds are it will suck regardless.
The staff looks good, but not sure about going with Octopie. Looks like they mostly do youtube stuff.
Oh hell no!
>90s style saturday morning cartoon about krenko and the boys
Could be fun, so long as the show is aware of it's limitations and makes sure to structure the plot accordingly. Something like the Dragon Prince is a good example of how to do this. The appeal of mtg has always been the worlds and themes the cards explore. So long as they can deliver on that in classic fashion and not be too burdened down by the plot/characters, I'm sure it'll be above average
Please for the love of god do not make Jace a central protagonist
The Lorwyn 5 still hold up. None of them were OP and could win the game by themselves. Newer PWs protect themselves, draw you cards, and basically play your deck for you while providing their own wincon and massaging your balls.
what leak?
It doesn't matter because now there's confirmation that it's happening.
Could be cool.
based and gobbopilled, building for this lad right now
>mtg anime
If it's not about based Lily or Urza that's a hard pass by me dawg
Death to the green skins
But is /ourguy/ gonna me the cut?
oh fuck off with that shit. No it shouldn't.
Anons are only saying this because they dont know about the KinoJourney that is OG Weatherlight vs Yawgmoth the Chad Lord
Netflix already has enough generic fantasy garbage.
I'm prepared for some colourful ixalan kino
>war of the spark just happened and now they're banking on more walker garbage
Is there a YouTube video that discusses the whole lore/history of magic the gathering?
read the books if it peaks your interest
It shouldn't be ripping off YGO's format of trying to sell garbage rare cards to kids.
If magic players want to watch something like that, they can watch SCG Opens and GP's.
The production studio listed is Canadian, the only way it's "anime" is because it's serious and dramatic.
It's probably better for something to be a cartoon but not called a cartoon and taken seriously than for something to be a cartoon and called a cartoon and not taken seriously, but boy do I hate it.
This time it has actual names attached.
The Mending was not a reboot. And Phyrexians are still around.
There is a bit too much to explain. I am sure there are a couple of videos somewhere.
They already made a castlevania cartoon series.
Currently building this guy EDH to slay all goblins who come out of their stinking holes.
Figures a leak about something I don't care about would turn out to be true.
And now I'm just remembering the Duel Masters and Duel Fighter Jin mangas.
If these 2 guys arent featured in this series in any way, then this series is gonna suck!
Do you think it's going to be truly animated or just a bunch of 3d cell-shaded models running around like the Halo movies?
Because channel/fireball, black lotus, time walk, and ancestral recall were so much more balanced, right?
Is Bobcat Goldthwait still alive? I want him as Tibalt.
>an i win button
more like a meat shield
I'm just going to join the
Echoes and be done with this thread.
I'd prefer a series on guys playing Magic like that manga
>yfw the series takes place during the Mirrodin war
>Season 1 ends with the compleation of Mirrodin
>Remaining seasons are non Canon stories of new walkers trying to stop phyrexian invasions
I'd be down