Is absolute shapeshifting the strongest power?
Is absolute shapeshifting the strongest power?
>transform into a straw
>girl sucks you off
later virgins
No, but it is without a doubt the first power I would ever choose. It's probably the most versatile, since it has unlimited social applications. It'd be one of the few powers that could affect every second of your day-to-day life.
>give myself 3 inches to become 6'4" GigaChad
>give myself a 10" Python to become Thundercock
>give myself blue eyes with no myopia
>touch up my nose a bit
Shapeshifting IS the best power second to something like Reality Manipulation. If it's Mystique-Level, then the sky's the limit.
I'd take telepathy assuming it's of a controllable variety. Utilizing the knowledge of others is very powerful, you can be a shapechanger and still be a dumb ass.
>not turning into a cute girl
Not everyone here is a tranny.
My personal powers ranking?
>Reality Manipulation
>Toon Force
>Advanced telepathy/mind control
>total shapeshifting
You could say Toon Force is technically a form of reality manipulation and replace it with super luck but I don't want to put super luck up there because that's basically plot armor (which trumps all anyway.) So yeah, you wouldn't think it but being able to change your physical form is so useful it's stupid.
Not everyone is gay like you
>wanting to be a GigaChad and fuck hot bitches is faggotry
>wanting to turn into a "cute girl" and get fucked is straight
This isn't the Bizzaro thread user.
Girls get fucked faggot
Like said, it's not the absolute strongest but it's damn well the most versatile and easily the one I'd choose if given some magical option. T1000 melee weapons, flight, water breathing, biological immortality via jellyfish age reversion, become a hot man, become a beautiful woman, turn into a dinosaur for shits and giggles, impersonate celebrities, get away with every crime imaginable or use your powers for good.
It's straight if it's straight at the time. Even if it's not your first move once you get the powers, you're eventually going to try it.
Nothing that can be done about that inferiority complex though.
>Not turning into a cute girl with a Thundercock
I've got no desire to turn into a woman, thanks.
Eh,it's not like I'm some 5'6" manlet with a 4" dick. I just wanna be the absolute best if I have the choice. Christ, it's a wish-fulfilment thread, why do you faggots always jump out of the woods?
>"you have the opportunity to boost your stats?!"
>"if you do you're an insecure faggot hurdur"
It's like someone winning the lottery, but telling him to drop it because he wasn't rich in the first place, so he'll always be a poseur.
This shapeshifter summoned a copy of cap's bullshittium shield. If it's somehow actually able to duplicate ultrarare materials then this power has potential way beyond its first glance.
I'd say bar full reality-warping, Unlimited Telekinesis is the strongest power you can have, but I should add that it only achieves god-tier status when you are aware of everything you're doing down to the atomic level, like another muscle. The first additional power I can think of that comes from this is time travel, you can time travel using a black hole but the pressure would normally kill you. Not only would you be able to make a construct and adjust the mass on the fly, you could make a second one within your black hole with normal air pressure that exerts enough outward pressure to keep you safe. You could bend light for invisibility/perception manipulation, modify your own cells on the fly, collide atoms on a whim, enter the deepest parts of the ocean and space, and if you can make the moving parts work telekinetically and similarly to real life counterparts, an invisible version of any tool or tech you want.
>wanting to be m*le
then the sky's the limit
you can literally fly to the moon if you're hot enough to have some rich old woman/guy pay for your travels
you raise the ability to shapeshift yourself, I raise you the ability to shapeshift others
>fighting someone
>turn them into a toucan
>they cant turn back to normal
These are the same people who want to become women instead of the best man they could be, so take whatever they're saying with a grain of salt.
Remember that scene in the first X-Men movie where Mystique shapeshifted into Wolverine and then got her claws sliced right off? Probably the same deal here.
You know what's more effective than shape shifting your enemies?
Killing them
>not just working to become head of a fortune 500
Come on user, why be a Zigollo? Why not be THE perfect fictional character?
>These are the same people who want to become women instead of the best man they could be, so take whatever they're saying with a grain of salt.
I know, I know. Yea Forumsmblr's full of faggots.
>I've got no desire to turn into a woman, thanks.
Perfect shapeshifting would also be effective immortality. You're going to get curious eventually.
>enemy is immortal/very durable
>turn them into a small animal
>lock them in a cage
I don't want to live forever either. I'd kill myself at some point. It's not fan outliving your kids.
>Come on user, why be a Zigollo? Why not be THE perfect fictional character?
nigga, I ain't got the dedication and wish to work that hard. If you have the superpower to change your looks, you bet your ass that I'll be a gigollo with a thousand thirsty rich bitches hovering around my ass
Doesn't absolute shapeshifting also pretty much make you immune to damage via guns/knives etc.? Your organs are malleable to an insane degree at that point. I can't see anything short of lava killing you.
Immortality through science could be on the cards within some of our lifetimes anyway.
Wouldn't it suck to use a wish for a superpower only for some discovery to allow everyone to have it soon afterwards
>You're going to get curious eventually
not the guy but fuck no. Do you know how many goddamn bitches you can bang when you can literally change your looks? Alternatively, you could just have long-term relationships if you grow tired of banging random hoes. Fuck, it's more realistic that people would try out all banging chicks of all ages than turning gay
yeah, but wouldn't it be interesting to see what a female orgasm feels like?
>Getting killed by lava
They'll have to launch your ass into space.
There is zero fucking chance immortality is being sold to the general public ever. That's asking for population problems.
Also, immortality is like a minor side benefit to being able to shift into a bird, a dolphin, Gigachad, Bombshell McSlut etc.
If two have such powers a battle between can be pretty fun.
As if big corps care about the long-term effects of their shortsighted business practices
it's good but not as strong as reality warping
>use your powers for good
that has an inch of truth to it but hell, might as well make it a lesbian scene then and recruit some hot-as-fuck raunchy bitches to do it with
Telekinesis is the backbone of most manipulation powers, I figure that most mutants learn a few ways of utilizing it and those ways stick. Leaving them specialized.
I really want this in a hero. Instead of killing his enemies or putting them in a black hole he turns them into action figures and then represents them in court. The only way that works is if they shut the fuck up.
>These are the same people who want to become women instead of the best man they could be
Not for forever, women have way too much biological bullshit to deal with. Just every once and awhile.
>hero turns bad people into random animals
>animals run wild and start killing people
>hero has to deal with animal-related incidents
I'd love to read this
That goes without saying, it's not likely that you'd immediately want to fuck a dude.
It is definitely the sexist super power.
I thought that was the implication of the "you'd definitely want to turn into a woman" user.
by the way, what limits does shapeshifting have in terms of mass? what hinders Mystique from turning into a bigger Hulk (obviously without the powers but the greater the mass, the greater the potential force)
Captain Marvel!
Captain Britain!
Captain America!
I'm guessing that you can't produce more cells faster than normal, you can only change their roles and structure.
It's really useful, but strongest? I think gravity manipulation is more useful in a fight
>Not being the world's first bonafide superhero
Mystique very much does NOT have "absolute shapeshifting" however.
Mystique just mimics form. She can't turn into a chair, a bird, a microbe,a sentient bacteria cluster, or nano-cloud.
"absolute" implies yes, that shapeshifting is pretty much reality warping, focused exclusively on the self.
But then yeah, that "self" can in theory be abused. As suggested, turn yourself into a sentient virus, infect everyone ala Unity. Now everyone is YOU.
That's her mom, Faiza is younger.
sorry I thought the gag was all the different captains and she looked just like Captain Britain
They both have Pakistani heritage so I get it. Faiza would've been cool to see Kamala turn into if she knew about her heroing over in Europe.
i would put it just below psychic powers
This is pretty well animated
>Some of them retain their powers
>Turn fire villain into an ant
>Literal FIRE ANTS
maybe, but it is my favorite fetish.
Quick, assuming no size/mass limits on your shapeshifting, what prank do you pull off to freak out the whole world?
>fire ants vs water ants
>"pyrants vs. HYDRANTS!!!!"
>get so massive you turn the Earth into a black hole
does turning into a huge giant and shitting on california and new york count as a prank?
Not Yea Forums, but one of the few examples I've seen of absolute shapeshifting was Project Lamia, the holistic actress, from Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. She's not in many episodes, but there is a nice little scene where she infiltrates a government base by shifting forms (tricycle, squeaky toy, soap bubble, etc.)
She gets captured, but it's very clear she's just humoring her captors. She mentions to them that she could, for example, turn into a battleship to escape. It was pretty nifty.
>If it's Mystique-Level, then the sky's the limit.
Unfortunately, your own physical mass is the limit. No matter how big you make yourself look, you're still going to weigh like you always do.
Kamala Khan isn't affected by this limitation due to a secondary effect of her powers where she transfers mass between other Kamalas in time and space to maintain proportionate strength.
rob a bank as every living president
Get on TV and reveal myself to be an alien
Pretend to be a jet, aim for the NY trade center, change into a bird just before impact and fly away.
So like that one time in Authority when the literal god gets pissed off by the redneck cyborg, so he turns him into a flock of chickens with a shared consciousness and teleports them to his cousins' place just so they'd get raped.
convince the world you are the Son of God returned to earth, then convert to Islam
I raise essentially being The Thing, but actually in control of everything you assimilate and not being driven by alien instinct to consume the entire world (that's fully your choice now).
I make them think an actual god exists, is pissed, and will destroy them, but also make them believe that they can destroy it. Pretty much Ozymandias's plan if he was Dr. Manhattan.
Tray and make every /x/ conspiracy true.
>Turn into politicians and then transform into lizard people
>Re-create every Crypted photo evidence
>Tell the world Mushrooms are a sentient and sapent creatures from space
>Not wanting to be a hot lesbian dyke and have sex with other hot lesbian dykes
How is this not the most arousing experience you can live out as a straight man with shape shifting powers!?
It used to be said now and then that Mystique couldn't just magic mass into existence and so if she became someone bigger than her default shape, she was lighter than them.
I dunno, it's all comic bullshit.
I hate that it's my fetish. One of those tastes that has way too much bad art in the way.
turn into a flying horse then enter a horse race derby
>120-pound woman morphs into a 120-pound dog
Your point?
oh my god get off of Yea Forums and go to the gender clinic; testosterone is rotting your mind.
I thi k it trumps reality controle and ultimate Telekinesis and Telepathy. Because Absolute Shapeshifting means you can transform into reality benders or ultimate Telekinetic or Telepath.
No it counts as public service
Now I kind of wonder how pregnancy works when you're a shapshifter and what happened when you shapeshift into pregnant women.
flew over your head at the speed of a sonic boom
Does someone have the comic book page where the shapeshifter girl turns into a dude and says something like
>for a shapeshifter changing genders is like changing shirts
Absolutely my power of choice
First give myself mind reading powers then randomly make people's deepest darkest fantasies reality for a bit, especially if they're really embarrassing.
Other way around
Mystique didnt use to have that kind of shapeshifting. Power creep I guess.
I do remember like 2 years ago, there was a comic where she basically went full clayface. Turning her arms into stretchy spikes of doom. Which again was not in her powerset.
I think that was a WW2 hero that could do that. They transformed badguys into Doves
That depends, does "absolute shapeshifting" include the ability to create/eliminate matter? If so to what limits? Could I become a single self-aware atom? Could I generate enough mass to become a black hole?
Does it include the ability to alter chemical structures? If so at what limits? Can I only turn organic matter into other organic matter, or can I form inorganic objects? Can I create things like magnets, implying control over atomic force?
The thing about absolute shapeshifting is that you are in controle of each and every molecule. Your Molecule is self aware and can transform into anything. No matter chemical structure or or force.
You can become any number of ants and become magnetized
>It's probably the most versatile, since it has unlimited social applications.
Until you forget the fingerprints you used to lock your smartphone, or are too distracted to focus on what a normal human hand looks like and start looking weird and unnatural
Ok, so the size limit for mental functioning is a molecule, there's no limit to mass generation, and more or less complete control over natural forces
Yeah, that's basically a step short of omnipotence.
Just don't enable the fingerprint lock. And if this is about an idealized version of the power, having to focus to maintain a form isn't particularly ideal.
Besides omnipotence, reality warping duh
You fucking retarded niggers. The strongest power will always be the power to absolutely exist one dimension above everyone and everything else
Much like how a 3D man can interact with the world of a 2D man and the 2D man wouldnt even be aware of it.
>transform into a girl
>stretch your dick and put the pee pee in the poo poo
later virgins
Christ you flyovers spend a lot of time thinking about people who rarely if ever think of you.
It's all still limited by her physical mass. No matter how much she changes herself, she can't really break that limit.
>not electrokinesis
Yes because with shapeshifting i can get electrokinesis
>having to focus to maintain a form isn't particularly ideal.
I meant more as in transformations come so easily and naturally to you that you have to focus on not adapting.
Like you're trying to walk fast but people are crowding you out an slowing you down, you try to sqeeze through and then you notice you've istinctively flattened yourself laterally
Turn into a nuclear missile and play chicken with Washington. If my goal is to shock people. If my goal is just to weird people out, film myself as improbable public figures in numerous sex tapes. Maybe turn up on talk shows as various celebrities and say really bizarre crap. Turn into Mark Zuckerberg and film myself fucking a smoker while moaning about barbecue sauce. Walk around with stilt legs.
She also more recently got the power to alter her scent at will, thus nullifying Wolverine's main method of tracking her.
Kamala-kouch bump!
the strongest power objectively is psychokinesis. see: nate grey
Man it must have suck having hobos sleep on her
Why is she a couch?
Also one thing I wondered about shapeshifters: are their "clothes" actually just part of them if they disapear and reapear when they change forms?
she was trying to be stealthy
Kamala uses unstable molecules aka bullshitfabric
Her power literally lets her morph any clothing on her naturally. No unstable molecules involved.
they must have known what they were doing with this, right?
Why do I find this so hot?
>The bulge
No, Plastic-Man!
Easy fetish to get
Carol probably has it in universe considering how often she runs into shapeshifters
Honestly? I'd pose as a destructive monster in my spare time and dedicate all of my work on porno commissions -- where clients pay me to disguise myself as whoever / whatever they want and they pay to see it by the minute.
that was cool
Boom, this user knows what's up.
Absolute shapeshifting is pretty much the ultimate porn star superpower... well at least assuming you're going for a female angle. Flawlessly imitate any hot chick, fictional or otherwise, never suffer from ageing or worry about pre-sex prep for hardcore stuff. Become a millionaire with ease.
You can always expect ridiculous power creep from the X-men. Just look at Cypher. His language powers went from being capable of understanding different foreign to body language (became a master martial artists) to machine language (can talk to machines and tell them what to do) to magic (became a master sorcerer). Its just ridiculous.
better start bulking then
I once played a toon-force hero in Mutants & Masterminds. I really should reboot the character and rejoin the forum I played on.
I can actually get behind that kind of power creep.
That feels like the type of power progression that's employed in One Piece, where characters realise their powers have more applications than they first realised.
Also, that sounds really neat.
Funny how shapeshiftering isnt even her power any more
What is?
It's always been her power. She just doesn't like using it specifically for that.
Borrowing and trading mass between time and other realities with her selvesbor something like that
That's the side-effect to get around mass limits.
Gail Simone wrote it, so definitely.
It's one of the strongest fetishes.
Nice name.