Cringe comic art

Cringe comic art.

Hard mode: No Liefeld

Attached: Unreadable Squirrel Girl.gif (635x457, 257K)

Attached: 'mazin spoogerman.jpg (960x730, 165K)

Boneless Chickenman

this would look good in animation

Attached: 1557094953608.jpg (723x1150, 259K)

Inb4 onions' joke

fuck that's goddamn hilarious.

Your face would be fucking hilarious too if it didn’t make your mother cry.

It makes your mom cum so it's all good in the end

>YFW she pulled those beads out of your bloated anus

Attached: 23974F21-93F1-47F1-B2F1-FD80B3D260FE.jpg (351x302, 34K)

please don't shame anal play

It’s fucking unhealthy, enjoy your hemms and AIDS you filth.

Larry Stroman

Where's that shitty tumblr art that was in a Marvel book?

Attached: why are you white.png (578x430, 521K)

Well, since you asked...

Attached: CWCIsBetter.png (1000x1512, 1.68M)


How do you manage something like this

Thanks user. I'm a bit of a masochist... okay, a lot of a masochist.

As in white paint

Attached: family_fun.jpg (700x500, 65K)

I can't believe families in Australia spend game night shitposting on the internet.

Wikihow isn't cringe it's perfection

Attached: why are you black.jpg (752x1200, 140K)


Attached: freakin sweet.jpg (1024x768, 157K)

Attached: diaper.jpg (610x2371, 306K)

Too late, I'm super special extra shaming you right now. though?

That's some real family bonding