So, everybody here loves to bitch about MCU Spider-Man, but what does Yea Forums think of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man?
So, everybody here loves to bitch about MCU Spider-Man, but what does Yea Forums think of Sam Raimi's Spider-Man?
All three are masterpieces.
And just like that Yea Forums is as worthless as Yea Forums in terms of judging content
I thought the tone didn't hit very well. His Spiderman didn't have a lot of actual quips or sarcastic dialog. Hell, it usually felt like Peter hated being Spiderman, the only time he ever had fun was when he first got powers, everything after that was somehow miserable or emotionally draining. Holland feels like he actually has fun as Spiderman, whereas Toby felt like a ball of angst usually.
I could never get into the stylized, saccharine and explicitly corny acting and general approach. It felt like manufactured Boomer bait not unlike the massively overrated Reeves Superman flicks.
Yea Forums bitch about MCU Spidey is lack of independence. MCU Spidey is treating like Iron Man's sidekick or protege or whatever which is ruined the character.
Great Peter Parker, not so great Spiderman
Classics of the genre
user some anons genuinely like OMD. Yea Forums Dosent even know what character spiderman or Flash are.
Either you're young enough to have a massive nostalgia boner for it, or you admit the first one was alright and the other two are mediocre at best.
The movies aged really, really poorly
What are you talking about user? Still looks pretty good for a 20-year old movie.
Not enough bad CGI and quirps for him
All 3 are good. Every scene is full of energy and love for the source material. Spider-Man isn't as quippy as the original is but it's there. MJ's character is a casualty of the plot. The third one suffers from multiple subplots that aren't fleshed out as it can. People laugh at Evil Peter Parker but I think that was what the scenes were meant for. Peter Parker being evil is laughable. It's kinda annoying that the MCU hasn't copied this when MCU Spider-Man's introduction in Civil War was perfect.
This is your Brain on nostalgia
No they aren't. They're entertaining movies, but they're flawed as hell. Even the best one boils down to "I can't balance my real life and superhero identity. But I have a boner for MJ now, so that doesn't matter anymore and will never be addressed again."
That's a huge simplification and if it was just that, that's who Spider-Man truly is. The guy with the power and responsibility who can't catch a break.
I think the 2nd one is the best. 2>1>3
Maybe I'm just biased because I really like molina's doc oc
The ending is MJ literally coming to terms with it
The slow motion and overacting makes the scene painful to watch (not in a good way). And Green Goblin's costume is impossible to take seriously
>Hur dur it god
>critics raved about Spider-Man 2
Ok kidd
>popular thing bad
I disagree with that. The slomo adds to how brutal it is and Green Goblin's costume/armor is just as believable as Captain America or Iron Man's costume.
user thats literally the only reason MCU Spiderman is hated
Spider-Man is much better than 2. 2 is torture porn and made MJ completely unlikable, tanking her plotline as well as much of Spider-Man 3. Norman was a superior villain to Ock.
I was talking about the fact thag Peter never figures out how to balance his two lives. Which would be a nice way to conclude things, admittedly, by showing there's no easy answer. But the movie never really addresses the turmoil he had at the start again.
>Hur dur its popular so good
Molina is really good in 2, but holy fuck, is Dafoe's Norman the best individual performance ever seen in a superhero movie?
But I don’t hate MCU Spiderman, why would I hate MCU Spiderman?
I even see the good in ASM, friend!
He's not even the best in the trilogy.
>"I can't be with you Mary Jane. If the villains knew we were a couple, you'd be in danger."
>publicly makes out with Geen Stacy without any concern
I miss J.K. Simmons Jameson. I would watch the shit out of any Spider-Man film if it even had a few good scenes with him.
eh sorry then
You know, I'm something of an anti-Semite myself.
Sure kid
Yeah. That was a pretty weak part of 2 but I do like how one kid was screaming to him to not kiss her. It was only in service to make Peter and MJ's relationship more complicated. It's weird how out of place it is since he wasn't even wearing the symbiote then.
All good I’m just breakin balls
3 was weird we can all agree
It's definitely a weird one but I don't think the hate for it is justified. I wonder how it would've worked without the symbiote or Venom. The "Sandman retcon" is annoying but there was something very compelling with the daughter-father relationship. The previous villains weren't ultimately compelling to me with how comprimised their judgement were with their respective experiments.
Barely liked it back then, can't stand it now. Yea Forums's constant dicksucking of it isn't helping either.
I don't hate it. I just like making fun of it. I make fun of lots of things I like, though.
Really, the best way to handle Spider-Man 3 is to make a movie that has Symbiote Spider-Man dealing with New Goblin and then getting rid of the costume at the end.
Spider-Man 4 can have Venom.
I liked when i was a kid, but thats the thing, he feels like someone relatable when you're young, but when i see the movie now, peter is just such a crying ashole
This post is a little whiny, but it makes some decent complaints about the films, desu.
2 > 3 > 1
This is the correct quality order
>3 > 1
I wish his Peter was a bit less of a loser, desu. How the fuck are you such a nerd that you get bullied in college?
Why do people bitch about MCU Spider-Man? You know Peter Parker is supposed to be a nerdy kid, right?
Some of the best super hero films, despite a few rough edges. Despite not being 1 to 1 adaptations, they nail the themes and general tone. They portray the internal struggle of being Spider-Man very well. Lighthearted and fun when it needed to be, serious when it needed to be. The "campiness", which was intentional, is a pleb filter. Emo Peter is hilarious. The music is also killer. Unlike modern comic book movies, they feel like the product of an actual director's vision rather than mass produced capeshit that has to fit into a cinematic universe mold.
Zoomers will never understand.
>wah wah I want to fuck Mary Jane wah wah
Guilty pleasure, but also still what I think of when i think of Spidey movies. The over-acting extras, Perfect JJJ, the wild and wacky shit, the moments when the people of NYC rally behind their hero? Can't be beaten.
>Mary Jane literally has no character and only exists to be with other men so Peter can rescue her
I dont even care about spider man above a superficial level besides these movies. I love loser miserable spider man
Im watching netflixs daredevil recently, that shits amazing desu. I wish more capeshit wad like raimi spider man and daredevil
Even as a child it kinda bothered me how much Mary Jane cucked Peter. Bitch still had the nerve to be mad because Peter kissed Gwen once.
Parker is getting delusional. He finally finds general acceptance. It gets to his head. Fuck I'm going to make out with the hot blond there, after all I deserve it, people like me and respect me. I can finally do what I want.
Mostly miscast. Tobey is a mopey idiot, Kirsten is sad and awkward and barely attractive, James as Harry is more charming than Spiderman. Green Goblin and Aunt May were really well done though.
>All these MCUdrone shit flingers in this thread mad that people hate their precious Ironboy
Even Raimi hates Spider-Man 3.
More than Jews even
I liked em. Couldn't tell you if they're good or bad but I liked em.
There's a small group of complete autists who worship it.
Virtually everyone likes the first, loves the second and hates the third- as much for wasted potential as for its flaws.
Most people think Tobey did a decent job but is a bit too old and not smart enough.
Everyone loves Dafoe and J.K. Simmons. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to be a shit.
All in all, it was a good adaptation but it's not actually much like comics Spider-Man.
You’d be surprised how many Zoomers have nostalgia for the trilogy
>normal fag anime '''''asethetic''''''
>shitting on zoomers
Unlike you user, Zoomers are based
>This entire thread praising or either discussing Raimi spidey
>somehow this corrolates with mcudrones???
Raimi fans seem to be really sensitive that MCU Spidey will be remebered longer than Raimi
This post is reminding me of that episode of Spectacular Spider-Man where Jameson picks out a picture of Spidey losing a fight for his paper, saying that people love it when their heroes fail because it makes them feel better about themselves.
>pure, unadulterated. autism: the post
There are really only 2 miscasts, Peter and MJ. And even them are more of a characterization issue.
Spider-man 1 was decent, the hammy dialogue makes it memorable.
Spider-man 2 is one of the greatest super hero movies ever made.
Spider-man 3 is terrible. I can't think of a single redeeming thing about it.
Mostly excellent. Could've used more fight scenes in 2 though.
Try reading the original 1960s Spodey comics sometime, kiddo
I love the Raimi movies because Peter is actually the dork he was supposed to be before he became edgy in the 90s and "hip" in the 2000s
>Actually thinking this
You could have replaced every scene of Doc Ock with The Lizard in Spider-Man 2 and it would have worked just as fine, if not better.
Hell, Lizard was one of the villains considered, and he had some fantastic concept art.
Raimi Spider-Man films don't feel samey as most superhero movies do. They retain Raimi's visual flair and directing style, making them stand out compared to the several superhero movies coming out each year.
Sure, most MCU films are competently made. But aside from Gunn's Guardians, I can't think of something that makes me think "yeah, this is definitely a [director] movie".
Peter is alright I suppose its just everything around him that’s wrong, ness fine but unessecary for peters development, iron man as a mentor was literally everything peter was supposed to not be, flash is the exact opposite of everything the character was and MJ is a decent character but should’ve been named something else
I loved them when I was a kid hated them as a teen and respect them now as an adult. They’re not perfect movies but 2 still stands the test if time as a legitimately good movie and as the best spider-man movie. The three movies also have the hallmark of being everything people love and hate about the genre. 1 has dated effects and a cheesy story that hits the broad strokes of the franchise but forgets the minor details. 2 takes everything people loved about one and makes it better and three is so bogged down in having to set up characters for spin offs we’ll never see it loses what it could’ve been half way into the movie
It's still the best live action adaption we've had so far. Raimi has a respect for the series, but did his own spin without altering it. I like Tobey's performance, but even if you don't JJJ, Goblin and Doc Ock were cast amazingly.
To be fair, it became much more marketing-controlled by the 3rd film, otherwise I agree with you. Don't let the other autists persuade you otherwise.
there peak kino
I own the first Spidey omnibus and Peter was never this much of a whiny bitch.
>Sam Raimi's Spider-Man
Not a Manlet loving twink, so already ahead just in that respect
>"I can't balance my real life and superhero identity. But I have a boner for MJ now, so that doesn't matter anymore and will never be addressed again."
He couldn't balance it because he was isolating himself and making himself miserable when he didn't have to. It ends with him letting MJ in to help him. The next film then with poorer execution has him taking that support for granted and being absorbed by his own ego.
The second was like the apex of the trillogy
you have no taste for Camp my friend, I bet you dislike army of darkness because skeletons aren't scary.
How the fuck is Tobey Maguire not a twink?
The lizard was actually planned for Spider-Man 3 instead of Doc oc and Sandman.
"A comic book movie that looks like a comic book?? What the hell???"
He's going to be in more movies, and those movies are going to make more money. Just because he doesn't have dank maymays like pizza time doesn't mean normies won't like him more.
Adjusted for inflation, the new films are never catching up to Raimi's
They've got plenty of flaws, but ultimately I'd still rank the first two as some of the better superhero movies even today, and the third is obviously fun in its own way (definitely not good though). They're colorful, over-the-top, and campy -- you know, like a superhero movie should be more often than not. These movies aren't even the slightest iota ashamed of their source material. They're superhero movies through and through. Think about it this way: Even among MCU movies, how many of them frequently and primarily refer to the superheroes and supervillains by their superhero and supervillain names? How many characters' costumes are as bright and colorful as they are in the source material?
However, and I know this opinion has been parroted since shortly after the trilogy first released, Tobey Maguire is a way better Peter Parker than he is Spider-man. MJ was similarly poorly cast, but again, that's been pretty thoroughly discussed in this thread alone.
I'm very much not seeing the problem here. It looks like a comic book superhero fight to me.
I guess you own them but have never read them
Spider-Man 2 is a literal masterpiece
Raimi is also our based god
Holland muscled up for the role too, that doesn't make him not a twink.
Dohoho, great rebuttal. Please post instances of 60s Spider-Man crying like a bitch that's not right after Uncle Ben's death.
If you don't have a argument, you could've just said so
I don't like the Raimi Trilogy, but I begrudgingly respect it.
>Peter never actually developing or changing throughout the trilogy, just really learning the same lesson, just slightly different (except for 3)
>Doc Ock being written like The Lizard doesn't work.
>Norman's motive being his company stolen from him, to which he gets his revenge in his first scene.
>Kristen Duncecap MJ
>The fact that the climax of all three movies is exactly the same
>Every plot-driven reason for Peter being Spider-Man not being, "great power has great responsibility," but instead, "my old airbag of an aunt or my chances of getting laid are in danger."
>I'm fine with campiness, but Sam Raimi camp is just too much for me.
>Power Ranger Green Goblin.
>The Green Goblin being Norman's alternate personality has never been good, be it comics, cartoons, anything.
>Tobey Maguire's acting was passable in the first movie, but just gets worse over time.
I've got a laundry list of issues with the Trilogy, but if they didn't exist, then some of my favorite capeshit films wouldn't exist.
Though it should definitely get a comic book continuation.
>god speed spiderman
fucking genius
Their great.
Only marvel drones think they are awful
t. Marvel drone
How much does the mouse pay you?
Overrated by nostalgia goggles
Such good casting that Disney doesn't dare to use the character again.
First two are great, last one is kinda bad tough not as bad as memes would have you believe. I feel like it's the only Spider-man movie series to capture all the important and interesting parts of Peter Parker's character, mainly in how much of a luckless loser he is.
Nobody gives a shit about spiderboy
The best incarnation of spiderman, period.
Did you really need an user to make a poorly informed opinion in order to make that conclusion?
The effects are very, very good for the time. I would argue they're the best at that point. It's a result of raimi mixing CG with practical effects and set pieces
>Barely attractive
It really is pride month, huh.
>Green Goblin's costume/armor is just as believable as Captain America or Iron Man's costume
Not sure if nostalgia or just retardation
Straight up ruined Mary Jane.
So you are one of those people who claim that new stuff is always better and only nostalgiafags like old movies.
>you admit the first one was alright and the other two are mediocre at best
Third is mediocre but first two are still good. And i also like Sam Raimi as director in general.
>And Green Goblin's costume is impossible to take seriously
So? This is fucking comic book movie. Why can't comic book movies be more like comics and not whatever MCU movies are?
Why? You don't Sam Raimis directing?
wrong and pretty bad.
>Unlike modern comic book movies, they feel like the product of an actual director's vision rather than mass produced capeshit
The anime pic is what makes this shitty post. Might as well post your fucking fedora to go with the superficial YouTube-tier commentary.
>Sam Raimi camp is just too much for me
You don't like his other movies?
I don't think so. I think there is more people who hate the trilogy than people who like it nowadays especially because your average normalfag doesn't like campyness.
But he is right about a lot MCU movies feeling like studio movies and not director having vision kinda movies. Or are you one of those faggots who think that any movie that has different kinda visuals than blockbuster movies are pretentious.
Look, ESL-kun, despite what your autistic brain might be trying to suggest here, every single movie is a cold product to be sold to the masses. Praising a movie because MUH COMFY FEELS makes you look like a stupid anime-posting weeb that is incapable of enjoying anything popular or recent. Basically, a dumb child.
toby maquire was a barely passable spider-man and a terrible peter parker. they had a great norman and a great JJJ but a crappy MJ, Harry, Doc Ock, Eddie/Venom, okay Sandman,
the biggest problem was all the plots hinged on as many people as possible being intellectually and emotionally complete buffoons in a story that wasn't designed to be a comedy at their expense
I'm just speaking as one member of one audience but it seems like Raimi peaked with Evil Dead 2 and never managed to identify where his strengths as a director lay and where his flaws lay, instead just falling back on what he thought was a successful formula which then got pushed about by whoever was producing his works and this problem got worse and worse the more success he found until he was just another yes-man that cared more about money than entertainment despite being rich enough to retire
>Why can't comic book movies be more like comics
Are you using this suit to ask why comic book movies can't be more like comics? You imbecile, you inbred dog.
Still one of my favorite scenes.
>Spider-man 3 is terrible. I can't think of a single redeeming thing about it.
Harry's death, I guess, even if Peter and Harry were too stupid to avoid this outcome.
Also, the James Brown Spider-Man song is good.
Are you me?
>I will not die a monster
Was straight up one of the best lines in any superhero movie, without exception.
Fight me.
>Norman's motive being his company stolen from him, to which he gets his revenge in his first scene.
Yeah, his motivation to take over the world felt a bit sudden. Then again, you could argue his new power went to his head, especially with the Jekyll and Hyde thing he had going on.
Definitely better than how the Symbiote was handled, though.
Raimi should have never stopped making comic book movies. His style of filmmaking is perfect for the type of schlock needed to adapt superhero comics to the big screen
Even spiderman 3 has more entertainment value than anything from the MCU.
1st was good, 2nd was very good, 3rd was bad though it had moments that worked.
>they feel like the product of an actual director's vision rather than mass produced capeshit
This is very literally not an argument. The things that you pointed out as beng good in Raimi's Spider-Man also exist in the MCU movies.
The only mcu movie I enjoyed watching was guardians of the galaxy. Every other movie was just flat out boring with bad actors trying to do the same schtick. Every movie became a groanfest coincidently after GotG. I fell asleep during Infinity War. The movies all seem like they're missing something and feel as if they're made through some cookie cutter process.
The film scores are also really boring in every MCU movie.
I'd really love to know why autistic people hate the MCU so much. Especially because I'm seeing a lot of MCU-hate from people defending Raimi's SM itt. Is it because the MCU is popular and your little pea brains are wired to hate anything popular?
At this point, hating on the MCU is pure retarded contrarianism.
>every single movie is a cold product to be sold to the masses
Even pic related? Also you are misunderstading. What i meant that some movies actually look and feel like some director actually directed it and not just a bunch of suits looking at what can be made the move to reach widest audience.
>also exist in the MCU movies
Like maybe few of them are like that.
Why do i have to like them? Why can't i just be in peace and not care about them?
>he was just another yes-man that cared more about money than entertainment despite being rich enough to retire
Yeah i think you are thinking someone else because Raimi never felt like that.