Tell me about Doom; how would he govern the world? I mean, he doesn't strike me as some progressive paragon, so I imagine his empire would be pretty rough to live in...
What's his (Tax) Policy?
Fully automated space dictatorship
Go away Tommy
So Doom wants to bring about Wall-E? That seems pretty short-sighted...
t. Richards
>progressive paragon
Doom's not a faggot, so you'd be right
Doom runs a regular society but any of the children that use Doom's value system to start becoming poor members of society get mine wiped and dumped in the shelter system of foreign countries.
Go away, George R. R. Martin. Shoo, off with you.
>so I imagine his empire would be pretty rough to live in...
Latverians seem to genuinely like him, and the country always goes to shit the moment he or his Doombots aren't around.
Doom's the head of an authoritarian monarchy, right? He makes all the decisions and tells everybody what to do with the money and resources. Doom wouldn't allow anybody less intelligent than him to decide shit, would he?
What will become of Latveria once Doom dies of old age?
And then he realized he made a huge mistake
>rule of South Africa is turned over to the nigs
Yeah, that really worked out well, huh?
Nah, he got bored and gave up. According to Doom, whitey be evil an shit.
Shut up filthy wh*toid! DOOM commands you give South Africa to its rightful owners! Also, Europe is rightful Gypsy clay!
>Nah, he got bored and gave up
Exactly, he made a huge mistake
>inb4 that's Reed
Yeah, but getting influenced by Doom's gyppo thoughts.
Read the GN user. Doom's not redpilled, he's a globalist poo-in-loo.
I did read it, it was pretty shitty
I never liked the idea that if Doom ruled the world then suddenly it turns into a paradise and the best period ever for mankind.
>Only one future where humanity flourish and survives under Doom
>Untold amount of them where humanity dies under Doom
It's just Globalism Propaganda and brainlet thinking
>duuuuuuuude if people, like, came together and like, mixed and had like, no flags, they'd like, create paradise
In a sense that is correct, the less difference there is between people and when they have a common goal the less likely they are to fight each other. Germany was able to forget hundreds of years of conflict after their unification and Yugoslavia was a success until people started to open up old wounds and nationalism.
So what I'm saying is that mankind will unify when we find aliens
Hello. Unify in self destruction, maybe, lol!
Except that this cannot happen globally, and people only band together in countries in times of crises. The rest of them time they shittalk and try to sabotaze one another from city to city. What, you think if there's One Empire, One Flag, One Religion, even one mixed mutt monstrocity of a race, the North and the South won't be at odds? If Space Colonies ever happen they won't get uppity? Conflict is nature. This whole "if we just let our sisters get fucked by negroes so that we'd all turn brown, everything would be fixed" line of thinking is a brainlet take parroted by two-bit "thinkers". The only to achieve that kind of tranquility and peace is to just destroy reality and be done with it.
Conflict with space colonies will indeed happen, but only if there are no aliens.
>This whole "if we just let our sisters get fucked by negroes so that we'd all turn brown, everything would be fixed" line of thinking is a brainlet take parroted by two-bit "thinkers".
Aaa why didn't you just say right away that you're from /pol/? Should have just said so from the strand and save everyone the trouble, now please fuck off back to /pol/.
>mind-controls literally everyone in the world
>forces the mind-controlled people into pacts and alliances there are useless, considering they already are mind-controlled
>Marvelfags go "DAMN, such good writing!!1!"
>now please fuck off back to /pol/.
S'Okay tranny, I don't care enough to converse with a brainlet anyhow.
>Rule of South Africa is turned over to the black majority
I thought he was supposed to be smart?
Who was the (((writer))) of this shit again?
>South Africa
Well this aged like milk.
David Micheline and Bob Hall. It's a shame, because I really enjoyed the former's Iron Man. Everyone's pozzed in comics.
Doom can't die, are you crazy? With all the Doom bots and elixers of youth out there, Doom will outlive Latveria itself.
The idea is that if you really had an all powerful dictator running the show willing to do unethical acts to achieve peace and prosperity you would actually get there.
It's a joke and the writers can't ever be proven wrong because no one in the world exists like doom, who would be an unethical leader that wouldn't just everything in their power to make sure they weren't ousted as world emperor, but to actually make things better. He would gladly kill people that stole candy bars to reduce crime rates to 0 and create a doomtopia, and create a world of tolerance and peace through unimaginable violence.
Who's Tommy? Keep seeing that name being tossed about, vut I haven't been able to identify the fella. He only hangs about Doom/F4 threads?
Yeah, that's not what happened. He was using The Purple Man in order to mind control everyone
If Doom dies then both the world and Doom have bigger shit to worry about than how Latveria is going to restructure its tax system
He would simply be reveal the dead Doom was just a clone/robot and take its place as the rightful ruler of Latveria.
Aktually, Doctor Doom is immortal, lile it was made clear during Millar's run, and even if he dies, his willlpower is so amazing that he can just WILL himself back to life.
This, plus the fact that he becomes omnipotent every year, makes Doctor Doom the best character ever created in all fiction.
Yes, I am familiar with that what if, but it's also why the panther God lets doom have vibranium
>what if,
It's not a What If, it's an OGN set in the 616.
he DOES delegate, actually
Mostly because he cannot be bothered with every minute detail
He was training Kristoff to take his place, but at this point it's more likely Valeria will just take over.
The fact they have yet to interact with each other still baffles me.
He also might have a backup plan in the form of Doombots(think Nick Fury in Earth-X), as suggested by his discussion-fight with Loki
he didn't directly controlled everybody... he basically commanded them to stop being shitheads and go along, which resulted in that page of events.
Which causes the negros stop being shithead dicks, which caused them getting land a positive thing.
>it was made clear during Millar's run,
nobody cares about that run, user.
The tax is loyalty. Unconditional loyalty.