Now that the dust has settled, who is the best gay character in the mcu?

Now that the dust has settled, who is the best gay character in the mcu?

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the audience

You already know

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where's rocket?

Mantis, but she'd be better if she wasn't.

Mantis gay? what

The only one who actually improved the film they were in, Jeff Goldblum.


Also, Mantis is straight and my wife.

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Not confirmed but I can see the writing on the walls
>There's a gay guardian, but you'll never guess who (though I was suspicious when she said)
>"I don't even like the kind of thing you are" vague enough but
>I think she's cute
Therefore she's probably gay, that's how it always works out.

The gay one is Groot. Can easily pass it off since he is asexual and reproduce asexually.

Wasn't she also checking out Thor when he arrived?

The ship is gay.



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The gay asian feddie

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No onscreen smooching, no buy.

Carol dind't even bother to visit the Rambeaus after the snap. She fucked off to space.

Everyone was, though.

I didn't even notice the sunglasses on the belly, and was just wondering why Carol was grabbing her tit and saying that it made the baby feel cool.

Literally none of these but Grandmaster have acted gay on screen.

I don't think the Rambeaus were cast when the filmed Endgame

they think Scott's banter with the FBI guy is flirting

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Grandmaster, because he’s probably the gayest one here.


Op is such a faggot.

>top left
Asian Shield Guy can't be gay, he's a youth pastor!

blacks would riot


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Lylla's about to be introduced next movie. Your furry headcanon is stupid.

Drax is bi though.

Blacks are the gayest race by population.

Still canon that Carol fucked off.

Absolutely based and DCEUpilled

1. thats not true, latinos have the most lgbt. Asians and blacks are tied and whites are 1 or 2 points less, this is implying that the respondents admitted the truth. 2. the study said lgbt and bisexuals make up good portion of that 4 %, there's a reason blacks call it downlow/prison gay.

the only confirmed lgbt is valkyrie and she's bi. marvel wont do it because its not safe for the international market. carol has always been straight, cant wait for the rhodey pairing.
u know his girlfriend is lupita, this si racebait fuck off.

Does Howard being gay for Steve in Agent Carter count? I thought him calling Steve his greatest creation andt then saying he loved him as much as Peggy did was pretty good when you think about the scene in IM2 where he records himself saying Tony is his greatest creation too.

Wasn't he supposed to be Loki's sugar daddy? That's the impression I got.