Cap Thread

Is a comfy thread
Post favorite panels, runs, quotes and whatever else

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>*cucks to black people*

Somehow he has a wicked sense of humor

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Remember when cap had a son?

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They need a oneshot crossover mini together set in WW2
>Epilogue is Diana running into Cap who escaped the SHIELD facility in NYC while on a walk
>They embrace after so many years with SHIELD agents looking on awkwardly

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Why can't we have good things?

Because Marvel and DC are headed by hacks

Remember when Cap was cap?

Post your favourite cap ships

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>Steve... had a hard life

That was the time Sharon killed the baby by mistake?

Shit, man

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>At l-least we aren't speaking German

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What did cap mean by this?

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Lmao, what

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Are cycles Caps vehicle of choice?

Letting Raimi film some of the scenes was a mistake

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I want to hug cap

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He has peak human sense of smell

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Is the sky blue?

He doesn't relax.

Sometimes it's orange and purple.

Steve Rogers getting back in the swing of things. He takes Diana to a Mets game after that, he once to go for a dance with her having such a good time.
Steve know just the place. The two arrive at what’s now a Starbucks. Caps staring at the wall while Diana pats his back he says it used to be brick. Diana sees a guy with a lap top asks to borrow it. Music from the computer starts playing she looks at Steve and says you know the mans suppose to ask the Lady to dance. Steve smiles two end up dancing at Starbucks.

He deserves all the hugs and fugs [/spoilers]

Remember that canon Cap is actually a nazi sleeper agent.

How big and juicy is his cock?

Didn't Selene already killed him in the recent run?

Who wouldn’t want to sleep with Cap? It’s cannon even hydra would want too.

Go away, Tony

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Proof of panel?

Tony wouldn't have to ask that question because he already knows.

>In 20 years Cap will be all alone outside of Red Skull, Magneto and the like
Perfect, but there's a number of old timey places in NY. Including renovated speakeasies

Keep dreaming, Tony

That’s why it was Steve when he first came back going by memory.

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Stephen Rogers is hot

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>Oh no he's hot!.jpg

But Hickman himself said so.

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I remember he had a kid with Natasha in one timeline and a daughter with Carol-in-Rogue's body in another. I wish Cap was my dad.

Huh, not my thing. But nice

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We need more dad cap stories

I quit marvel after this
His friendship with zemo was pretty gay

One of my favorite comic panels.

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It was probably more along the lines of Tony getting facefucked out of frustration and anger.

There's a bunch of panels where Madame Hydra kind of harasses him

Which one does Tony prefer?

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Can't speak for anyone else, but I fucking hated MCU Cap. He was like a walking dispensary for self-righteous platitudes for whom the universe constantly bent backwards so he could fight enemies way out of his league and never have to re-examine his principles.

This is one of my favorite panels
Tony is not for vanilla sex, after all..

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The original Steve, always. But Hydra Cap tries his hardest to seduce Tony over to villainry at any opportunity he can.

>Cap will never lead her to redemption with gentle loving and vanilla sex

If we can't have Diana and Steve I'll settle for zarda

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Why can they just clone Cap a billion times and have everyone in the univers fall in love with him? He's best boy.

Because no one loves a nazi

who`s the gay guy?

so why does Cap not protect filthy Mutants?

Cap should have died in endgame instead of Tony! this makes more sense!

And boy does he try sometimes
>No Madame Hydra or Sin
Shit taste

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>I quit marvel after this
Is it that bad?

They both should've died desu

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Cap goes perfect with female villains. Like Madame Hydra or Female Tony Stark or Carol.

This is the second part

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>Cap turned into a nazi
>Mutants are given their own state and the first thing they do is bully humans and threaten to put them into work camps, yet unironically Cap is the threat
>Heroes want to commit murder at the drop of the hat
Its bad when the Nazi is better then the heroes is all im saying.

Tony is so used to shitty evil exes trying to kill or court him but it's harder for him to deal with Hydra Cap because he shares just about everything with the Steve he knows from appearance to even memories. The moral and ideological differences is what keeps him from caving in.

He can do better than that

He's a slut with big boobs.

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Why Carol when he can fuck Kamala.

I want art of rule63 superior Tony seducing Steve

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Because Kamala is underage and we were talking about female villains

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I miss D-Man

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Does anyone have the pages where Ult Cap is interacting with Ult Panther? I liked those ones

Give Cap a evil girlfriend!

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Dennis needs to be a supporting characters in that falcon/winter soldier show

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Still mad.

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>Tony is not for vanilla sex, after all
Tony toes the line so much and so often that he needs to be put in his place from time to time. Vanilla certainly wouldn't be the solution.

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He'll come back
Nothing wrong about that, he ended all of those relationships on good terms

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I love their frienship

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Bernie should make an appereance too

He'll get the chance to be Cap in the TV show. Even if it's for a day, he'll get to use the shield.

>Thor sipping on a latte
I hope there's an image of this somewhere. What do you think he prefers?

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>Hydra Cap goes full Shinji Ikari
How did Nick Spencer got away with this

I dunno, just the general "God of Thunder having a fondness for silly little modern things" jokes always crack me up

Does chocolate actually exist in Asgard?
Could be one of those unique things that Thor doesn't get to enjoy there

Well, Thor did have to live as a regular human back when he made use of the Donald Blake identity. He must've picked up a midgardian thing or two he liked.

Does Thor still have his Donald Blake memories?

The world was too fussing over him being a Nazi to worry about Stevil molesting Tony's comatose body.

He's chaste as fuck considering so many women in Marvel tunnel a hole to China when they see him. If he were an unrepentant whore like Tony or Wolverine, there would be a million illegitimate genetically modified children running around already.

Truly an evil genius

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>. If he were an unrepentant whore like Tony or Wolverine, there would be a million illegitimate genetically modified children running around already.
What are condoms

Of course, but that's not as funny as imagining classic statuesque Thor sipping a latte, or watching YouTube or SpongeBob

Too weak to stand up to serum-enhanced cum, burns right through it.

>HYDRA Steve's true plan was to molest Tony at his leisure
>Everything else was tangenital

We live in a world were cap became Gay Nazi. What a strange timeline

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That’s not Zemo.

is that loss?

>Stevil recorded his "sessions" with Tony's body
>Then has the videos sent to good Steve as form of mental torture


And then we even got a reference to it in Endgame.

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As a final farewell he uploads it to the internet/dream space so everyone can see it

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That was a good thread

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what's this from

>Ywn be Hydracap and bang Jantonytron
>Ywn have them service the rest your team
Shame desu.

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Sam Wilson Captain America issue 7

>Earth-61311 Captain America raised by fascist, loyal to Hydra; a duplicate of Captain America-616 was created by the sentient cosmic cube Kobik with his past/reality overwritten with Cap-61311's; this Captain America led Hydra to conquer America in Reality-616 until original Cap-616 located and defeated this fascist duplicate. Captain America: Sam Wilson #7 (2016)

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>Tony toes the line so much and so often that he needs to be put in his place from time to time. Vanilla certainly wouldn't be the solution.
What's the ideal way to punish Tony?

bruce campbell?


Thanks, based user

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Hell he’ll be alone in 5 years. WW2 vets are in their 90s

I posted a bunch of comfy villain glory shots in another thread. Part of my Cabal Shmooze rest inspired by the Illuminati thread.

>Here's how the New York Times described the plot of the musical back then:

>Captain America boasts a hero-sized $4 million budget. It's going to be a big one, if everything works out as befits a musical named Captain America. Big, in this case, means a budget of $4 million—a lot of money, even for a superhero fighting for the American dream, the flag and the woman he loves. The superhero will not, in fact, be particularly super when the curtain goes up. The book by Mel Mandel and Norman Sachs (who are also responsible for music and lyrics) has Captain A. going through a mid-life crisis. Fortunately, the action speeds up—his girlfriend, a candidate for President, is captured by terrorists and held hostage at the Lincoln Memorial.

I wonder if someone wrote a Stony fic like this.

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Fuck you, I like it.

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Insane. I found an article from 1988 on it failing.
Me too and I like it after endgame too. I don't know why Stucks are so upset by canon, just ignore it like us Stonyfags do.

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>normies think fucking Peggy said this.

Ok. Explain

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Hey guys I realized I only read the Bucky Cap part of the Brubaker run
So give me recs of good Captain America Steve Rogers comics
Is the Remender Marvel Now run worth it?

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There was supposedly a Cap A musical planned. The guy you're asking posted a 'shopped audition call.
See for the real art and for the history.

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>Is the Remender Marvel Now run worth it?
Yep it's solid.
And his handling of Falcon as Cap for 1 arc was vastly better then Spencer did.

The arc right after 911 with John Cassiday on art was a little preachy but still solid for sure.

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>Me too and I like it after endgame too. I don't know why Stucks are so upset by canon, just ignore it like us Stonyfags do.
This. The world is not gonna end

Orgasm denial. He has an addictive personality so bringing him to the edge only to rip it away until he's a sobbing and begging mess over and over is perfect.

>I don't know why Stucks are so upset by canon, just ignore it like us Stonyfags do.
Stuckies have been pampered by the MCU and have never really dealt with a situation where they've gotten a unfavorable piece of canon for their ship. Stonies has been around for over a decade so they're use to picking and choosing what pieces of canon they decide to ignore or not for their fanworks. Stuckies should be glad both parties of their ship is still even alive and that Steve can be deaged at any time with Pym particle technology if the age difference is such an issue.

I'm actually fond of May-December stuff. The characters as older and more silver versions of themselves can be anything from hilarious, hot to angst-ridden. Plus mortality gets very interesting when you've got one person with Extremis or the super-soldier serum and the other character is dead.

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I guess this is the first time they've "lost" Steve in such a definitive way. They seemed fine after IW because we all knew they'd bring everyone back after the snap.

20 was to make sure

>Cap keeps trying to get senior citizen discounts
>Legally people can't let him at all except for Veteran's Day

>Steve can be deaged at any time with Pym particle technology if the age difference is such an issue.
funnily enough even the age difference in 616 didnt stop stonyfags from making fanwork with old man steve and tony. nothing really stops them when theyre that adamant.

Well, Tony is a thirsty whore for Steve no matter what so realistically Steve being an old man wouldn't be much of a deterent.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen old man Steve and Tony art for the 616. Only the other way around.

>that Steve can be deaged at any time with Pym particle technology if the age difference is such an issue.
I hope he actually gets deaged for the tv show. Not to take the shield again of course. Just for a cameo where he mentors Sam and Bucky a little, friendly banter and a couple of beers and hugs. He could even try to be an artist again now

You haven't looked around enough, user. It's not exactly common but it does exist and it's usually paired with Superior Tony. The other way around came from Secret Wars Civil War where Leinil Yu drew Tony as a silverfox.

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I’ve seen Leinil Yu’s Tony in art. I see SIM paired with Hydra Cap often. Didn’t know this dynamic exists.

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I want that teddy bear

I miss the Gruenwald era, with the cheesy lines and everything

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They’re mad cute.

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Marvel doesn't seem to like doing things in halves when it comes to Steve and Tony, intentionally or otherwise.
>Superior Tony was a villain?
>Let's make Hydra Cap
>Steve was an old man?
>Let's make Tony a silverfox

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>Steve was a fragment trapped in a cube? Let’s put Tony in a coma and make him a crystalline AI.
>Steve died? Let’s kill Tony too.
You’re right. At least AA lets them be happy.

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Isn't AA purely Black Panther centric now? Also throw EMH and AVAC into that pile as well. RIP both of them.

I don’t really follow the cartoon or comic BP etc. I’ve also not reached BP quest while watching AA yet. The good thing is, I still have massive amounts of canon Steve Tony to cover, if I’m only focusing on these two. I’m usually engrossed in fics but I’ve been tapering off. Steve and Tony’s MCU ends and the surrounding wank has taken its toll on me.

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>I still have massive amounts of canon Steve Tony to cover, if I’m only focusing on these two.
I see. Well, that's one of the beauties of SteveTony there's so much canon material to explore that you're bound to find one thing or another that you haven't discovered yet. There's also so many different flavours of it that it'll appeal to you in many different ways. The authors are great at writing things and making them digestible enough that you can easily follow with minimal comic knowledge too.
>Steve and Tony’s MCU ends and the surrounding wank has taken its toll on me.
Yeah, I'm not entirely happy with their ends either. I'd prefer something else compared to what we actually got but I just make do with what we got. As for the wank, I personally haven't experienced much of it outside Yea Forums but I tend to keep myself in specific circles and don't venture outside of it much.

I'm everywhere like a ghost. So it's kind of my own fault I see so much hate. But even my tiny personal circle is polarized and I've stopped discussing SteveTony with them just so I don't get it soured for me.

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In hindsight, one way or another Endgame would end up polarizing the fanbase. Simply because it's the last movie in the franchise with characters we knew and grew to love in the last decade. I don't think it was possible to ever make everyone happy.

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There is basically no AA season 4, it's almost certainly Black Panther cartoon just published under Avengers Assemble. Different designs, movie synergy, different art and writers, different animation.

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>another Cap thread devolves into stony pow-wow

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Post AU caps

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well the thread is for all cap ships its just that I think there's more of us/we're the most active on Yea Forums

Steve/Tony is always gonna be more popular on Yea Forums, I think, as both older and general comic reading gays and fujos are more likely to lurk. It's also probably going to outlast the movie fandoms and continue on as it always had because there's always a stream of some kind of content/alot of history.

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That fic where the Avengers use Tony as a honeypot against Doom with old man Steve being bitter and jealous was pretty great

Man I wish hydra cap was as slick as that during se

Why do popular Tonyfags keep writing Stony if they hate Steve so much? He's either a sexy lamp/sex toy or cucked. But bashed either way.
And they all hate MCU Steve.

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What? I don't hate Steve and the fic wasn't bashy. Is there a law that states Steve is not allowed to feel jealousy in any way? There's jealous Tony fics that exist too.

A character being jelly their love interest might fuck another dude isn't exactly bashing.

It's also mostly teenage stans who write bashing fic and they're generally along the lines of "I self insert as Tony and Steve is my ex".

This isn't helped by Endgame having all these awkward ex boyfriend vibes.

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If you're talking about this fic, A Strange Doomsday, I've not seen the author write a single fic where Steve's not put down in some way.

It wasn't that fic, user. It was With Nobody Else But Me by Sineala and as far as I know that author has never written anything bashy of Steve but feel free to correct me.

Old school Stonyfags definitely don't hate Steve, You're probably thinking of the fujos that were spawned around 2012 that can't help self-inserting.

>ywn make Steve beg

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That author falls under "Steve, Tony's sex toy" category.
Check her Dreamwidth for the MCU Steve bashing, in the endgame review post.

>waiting for BlossomsintheMist to update her latest fics

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Some people just don't like MCU Steve. Which is, you know, valid, he's a very flawed character and oldschool Capfags have certain expectations that MCU Steve did not fulfill.

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I'm only into the first few paragraphs but it seems like she doesn't like MCU Stony in general.

I'm only talking about tonyfags. And tonyfags bashing MCU Steve while their fave's gotten the most screen time and care in character development, while Steve's had to play foil to Tony and everyone else, leaves a bitter aftertaste.

>Blame Whedon and the Russos for that, the last ones were doing Steve great until they got their hands in Tony and threw out of the window all the good work they did with other characters (Natasha,Falcon,Crossbones,Winter Soldier)

I blame Feige for his Tony and Downey obsession. And it wasn't even good.

Whedon actually wrote him okay. He was coming to terms with the future, calling the Compound his home and coming to fully trust and accept the team. The Russos were the ones who made him more sad/mistrustful/obsessed with the past/a liar, which are qualities that make him seem like he regresses instead of grows.
I do like him but I can fully embrace why others don't. Unless they're just self inserting as Tony to make it all about stilted teen girl love drama.

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>TFW we'll never see The Boss & Cap in WWII smacking up Axis forces
>TFW we'll never have The Boss thinking Steve is great guy but too damn optimistic or Steve thinking the Boss is fine soldier & leader but damn stern.
>TFW they rub off each other and before Cap gets iced they promise to catch a Dodgers game after the War.
>TFW we'll never see The Boss being considered to be Cap(backed by Nick Fury, no less) but it's squashed.

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I loved Whedon's takes too, he was gathering friends, he was a lot more optimistic.
While The Winter Soldier was great, no Russos films that followed gave Steve the time of day. I think the things they did to him made "Cap goes back in time" one of the only logical ways to make Steve happy in the MCU.

>TFW we'll never see The Boss tell Naked Snake stories of Steve, which in turn makes him a fan of Rogers.
>TFW we'll never see Steve get defrosted and battle Big Boss and telling him The Boss would be disappointed in his actions while Big Boss telling him he's too naive and the world passed him by.
>TFW we'll never Les Enfant Terrible have ties to the Super Soldier/Weapon Plus projects.
>TFW we'll never see Steve mentor Soild Snake and Snake teaching Cap, CQC.

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He still was hot tho

>"Cap goes back in time" one of the only logical ways to make Steve happy in the MCU.
The fuckers even said after Civil War that "the history about Peggy was done" but now guess fucking what.
I hate this shit, Comic Steve would never do this

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It seems like every character of note has gotten a crack at being sorcerer supreme. Fuck wolverine was one recently, right?

Seems like a fun job. Guess it comes with facial hair as a requirement, though.

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That's not different from comics Cap. I found the MCU version less unsufferable.

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Even raging asshole Ult Cap wouldn't do it

That looks fun.

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Really wish they had kept Cap's energy shield from Waid's run. Really cool concept

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MGS styled captain america video game when?

MCU cap wouldn't to this either! He saw Peggy die and buried her for fuck's sake. They pulled some darkest timeline bullshit from Community and overlaid it on the MCU. Those five years of being shunned by Tony and trying his best to keep Natasha and himself from an heroing while rehashing his memories, must have made him regress to a happier past in his mind.
I can maybe take it that he's suffered enough, he saved the freaking universe, the poor guy earned his retirement. Tony's dead, Nat's dead and that means two of his major anchors to the present are gone. Bucky and Sam didn't know what hell the past five years had been. Short of blowing his brains out, what choice did he have but to retire to the past, to be with the love of his life? It's the bleakest but most realistic theory I've got.
All the comic Caps had a great support system in the future. What did MCU Steve have that wasn't ripped away?

I read the original and I still think this panel makes more sense

He's fuckable so it's ok. I liked him a bit better in the first Captain America movie, he was cute and I like depressing endings anyway.

>That time Cap conquered the world
>took out all the S class heroes with some eggs and a farmer
>took out the shit load of New York supers with a boat and a dark boy
>pacified the villains
>Has an iron man suit powered by a fragment of the cosmic cube
>Hated by normies and casuals
Is there a single flaw?

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I skimmed through SE as it was happening because I honestly just couldn't be assed after CW2, was it ever explained where the armor came from/who it was made by? All I know is that Spencer ripped it from Civil Warrior.

>I don't know why Stucks are so upset by canon
They're normies who don't know how lucky they even got for having their ship interact on screen several times.

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We doin these threads again?

>what choice did he have but to retire to the past, to be with the love of his life? It's the bleakest theory I've got.
Not only that,also:
>Completely undoes Steve's characterization (See, the ending of AoU for example)
>What Peggy said on the hospital in TWS? Never heard of it. ;^)
> For all the pushing they did for Sharon, they completely shat all over her (again)
> this ending was too fucking lazy to write that almost everyone already guessed it after Infinity War came out.
Jesus Christ, if is not about Tony, the Russos do barely try

Rachel was too cool for this timeline

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I enjoy the suffering of Stuckyfaggettes

Kamala doesn't go for infidel meat, despite how much it temlts her.

>>Completely undoes Steve's characterization (See, the ending of AoU for example)
Are you, i don't know, ignoring the fact that people can change?

AoU started new arcs for Tony and Steve, the latter if he could have a nomal life. Heck, during the final scene Tony suggested Steve he should do the same and that ties in with what you saw in Endgame.

>>What Peggy said on the hospital in TWS? Never heard of it. ;^)
This happens int he same movie where Steve gets obssesive about Bucky still beign alive.

>> For all the pushing they did for Sharon, they completely shat all over her (again)
She only appeared like 2 movies with less than 10 minutes f relevance. Besides, people still liked Peggy as the only love interest.

>> this ending was too fucking lazy to write that almost everyone already guessed it after Infinity War came out.
Liar, most people expected Steve dying in Endgame. Even that leak that guessed most of the plot points rights implied Steve would die.

Absolutely Based

>Bucky gets enhanced equipment from Cyborg Ninja data and in a fight, a cross between The Boss(who helped train him in WWII) & Sam Gideon from Vanquish.
>Guns of The Patriots is now an insane plot by the Patriots AI to take out Snake, Steve & Fury.
>Snake gets injected with a cocktail of Steve's blood & nanomachines to help slow his fast aging & stop FOXDIE to continue the fight.
>Revengance will have an over the top debate between Armstrong & Steve.

Isn't that Captain Hydra?

>never get any real agency or a character arc because you're a vehicle for Steve
>he friend chases you down until you become muh bucky for him again
>immediately fucks off to be with Peggy when he gets the chance
>he time travelled and never saved you from abuse and torture when he had the chance
>never get a chance to reconcile with Howard's son, seen visibly needing comfort at his funeral
>stuck with Sam ribbing him aggressively forever
>Shuri bullies him
Poor ol Bucky.

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Bucky got treated like dirt in the MCU and it hurts because I love him in 616.

Steve is totally ocelots dad in this scenario right?

If anyone was gonna break her, it’d be Steve

Who would win in a fight Felicia or Steve?

That would explain ocelot's crazy bullet ricochet powers

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>son of the ultimate super soldier and the mother of special forces
>still gets dabbed on by some box loving autist

I feel like cap could easily handle black cat, unless she still has those weird bad luck powers?

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Is he still alive? i like the idea of Cap and Sharon being parents

Depends. How good is her super soldier serum?

Every character has a shitty retcon,remember when iron man was an agent of Kang the Conqueror the whole time and then the avengers had to bring a teenage tony from the past to beat him?

What if I don't hate Steve and want Tony being reduced to the sex toy?

A lot of those moved onto IronStrange with IW.

Jacket's cool, buckle is faggoty, crosses on the boots don't match the aesthetic. 5/10

>what if I don't hate Steve and want Tony being reduced to the sex toy?
Nothing wrong about that

Wasn't he in that one secret wars tie in?

Why did you post a Nazi?

Please don't bully Tony

Honestly, they just look too similar for me to want to consider it, and even then the two characters didn't exactly become close in IW. If anything, Bruce/Thor/Rhodey would be better rebound boyfriends to choose.

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Tony is made for bullying

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But he was made for bullying.

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>ywn playfully bully Tony
Why live?

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>become Iron Man for about 10 seconds
>fail to save the guy who saved his life

It was all downhill from there. Poor devil.

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Why are their cheeks stung by bees?

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>Cyborg Ninja Bucky
Fuck, I need this now. I need Armstrong calling the shield a Frisbee now.

>in Metal Gear

Did this artist even play the games? MG is all about Cold War stupidity.

>I can break this frisbee in two with my bare hands!

>Not know the Cobra unit fought in WW2.

Who bitchslaps that kraut whore Naomi?

It was an extra suit held by the US government Cap just took it out of storage after taking over the US. I think. Can't remember exactly

Yeah. They won so hard that there are zero Nazi threats in MG3 going forward.

So does this mean Ocelot is Ult Red Skull?

>tfw Ultron controls TonyJanTron in this scenario and converts HydraCap and the crew into drones.

>SHAGOHOD was actually a nigh-worthless meme weapon
>the Legacy was used by a British guy to take over America with AIs he couldn't control

Poor Boss. Died for nothing

Thor's a beefy blonde like Steve so he'd definitely be the better rebound than Strange.

Is zero now union jack?

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I never understood the appeal of magic vs science ships like frostiron and ironstrange, especially with a character like tony who absolutely hates magic

>Zero is a James Bond fan
>dies looking like Blofeld

Metal Gear's stories might be hot garbage, but that was legitimately kino

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story time it i never seen what ever happened to hydra cap.

Yes but good

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>9 seconds apart
bully hivemind

I wonder how he would have turned out if Big Boss hadn't "inspired" him.

Great minds think alike

Honestly I'm more Stony, but even I found it so fucking out-of-character for MCU!Cap to just fucking BAIL on Bucky in Endgame. Did they completely forget everything that happened in TWC??

sorry, meant TWS

What was he thinking?
>There'll never be a modern event where Steve needs to find a costume after his old one gets destroyed so he has to dig out the Nomad getup into battle

God, Nomad is a slut.

>inspired by stories of cap instead
>actively helps bb on his mission
>constantly praising America, has collected all the Captain America trading cards
>has to hide his powerlevel so his commie friends don’t realize he’s a westaboo
Sounds great

Hell no. He'd help Hydra take over all over America so that he could destroy Hydra thereby "freeing" America not only from Hydra but also the various corporations and political parties that Hydra wrested control from.

>Thor’s perky attitude and humour in Ragnarok are directly linked to him apparently hanging it a whole lot with Tony between movies by Waititi
>Tony would ironically be the best at helping with chunky Thor’s panic attacks because he had them too
>builds him a whole Asgard in 616
Underrated ship.

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I know the makers of this commercial probably never even skimmed the story summary of the first two MG games, but that just makes this ad even funnier:

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I have a friend that's super casual when it comes to Marvel and has only seen a few of the movies. Her only knowledge of comics is what she's learned from my various SteveTony ramblings and ranting over the years but she loves ThorTony and really enjoyed the bits of scraps she got in Endgame.

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The suit is exactly what a male stripper posing as a superhero would like

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I need art of rule 63 cap in that costume

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Cute and somehow fucked up

Too much r63 iron man, not enough r63 cap

>somehow fucked up
lines up well enough with whats been shown in agent carter

>r63 Nomad reveals that she's actually Cap
>no one believes her
>takes off mask
>no one believes her
>takes off cape
>still nothing
>zips up cleavage window

Fem Steve is the perfect waifu

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Love it when they give Steve long hair.
Not that exactly but close.

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>r63 Steve
Both his discussion with Tony in Avengers 1 and his final fight against Bucky ends up in sex

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She's certainly namor's type

That's a given regardless of his gender. Steve should be fucked, kept on a leash and tied under the table for repeated use. Or Tony. Or Bucky, I miss the HTP.

>Is there a single flaw?

He's a dicksucking fascist.

It's a fucking shame how the only real time they've shown Steve's intelligence, cunning, and drive to seriously change the world for the better is when he's plotting and setting in motion Hydra's takeover of Earth as a fucking Nazi.

>Fem!Steve and Tony arguing on the helicarrier
>Turns into hot and passionate making out
>Everyone else in the room left dumbfounded

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I wish I got that pic in full.

Same user

How would he react to a robotic Captain?

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>Poor pepper gets her heart broken after hearing 90 year old woman stole her man.

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Unintentionally, on top of that

Cap is for rape.

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What are some essential Cap stories? I absolutely adore him in the MCU but haven't read any of his comics and don't know where to start. Any suggestions?

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My ship

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>U mad Pietro?

Do women actually think like that?

>fem steve
>being shorter than mcu tony

In the presence of Cap, absolutely.

Someone post the gif of Pietro punching Cap from AoU

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>Punching me won't change the fact I made sweet sweet love to your sister.
>I made her a woman

Stop it Kamala. Only older thicc future Kamala may gaze upon him with such lust.

>Come on Steve, I'll wear Wanda's old costume

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>Kamala enters a Captain Marvel cosplay contest
>Gets last place

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>Hero is corrupted by a villain
>Hero kills some people and shows how much of a threat he is when not holding back
>Avengers divided on whether they can save him or have to kill him
>A good version of the hero is introduced to fight the evil one, and replaces the original.

Secret Empire was Captain America's The Crossing, but with anti-Trump monologues and metaphors instead of shipper moments and edgy violence.

>but with anti-Trump monologues and metaphors instead of shipper moments and edgy violence.
Secret Empire and The Oath tie-in had it's own fair share of "shipper moments" if you're a fujo.

Those weren't for established canon couples, and may not have been intentional. Gay shipping has destroyed fiction's ability to portray friendship without everyone seeing it as sexual.

If you like MCU cap you should start with the brubaker run

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Thank you man

Steve had much more interesting pairings in his own book, the MCU handles it better where he's a father figure for Wanda.
The moment Johns left Avengers they ignored the Wanda/Vision reunion he was writing and started this instead, Marvel just keep punishing their fans.

Mark Gruenwald's run is a pretty good read overall.

>13 pins in one alley

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>TFW trying to asorb Cap, it pushed Rouge to be a hero/better person.

>if tony had been a woman civil war never would have happened

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We live in the worst universe

It's so cute, the way she holds his tiny head wings as she gently cups his head and tenderly sucks the life out of him. Cap really is for lewds.

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Proof that lewd actions with Cap can turn villians into heroes. He's best boy now and forever

Thoughts on USAgent? Always liked the character as a counterpoint to Cap

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Captain America is how America sees itself, US Agent is how everybody else sees America.


Captain America is the fantasy, US Agent is the reality.

Or something like that, I still greatly prefer Steve over John for, among many other reasons, not being a complete stooge.

How do you random hate-filled trolls consistently come up with better scenes than anything in current comics?

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AmericanWonder inspires some amazing stuff.

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He really got shit on. Shame after the great setup in WS

He's getting an entire TV show and will get more screen time than Downey maybe.

Is he still MIA since he fought Captain Falcon?

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Howard was so gay for Steve that he gave Tony all his daddy issues. I wonder how he would have reacted if he lived long enough to see Steve again after he got freed from the ice. There's so much potential for angst and fucked up love triangle with Steve, Tony and Howard.

Steve/Howard is really sad. I like to think Steve went back to Howard on top of Peggy.

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yeah, ian is lost to space time trying to return home . like a mix of sam beckett and samurai jack

>master asia
>duke togo

cap is about to have one hell of a time

>this is hydra cap’s final fate after trying to escape from jail
Perfect punishment for a facist with Steve’s slutty body.

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You misunderstand. I see that as a reward reserved for normal Steve, especially if Tony gets to use him. Hydra Steve should only get gentle teasing, always in a spiked cage, never be allowed to come or have all his orgasms ruined. This way, he'll never enjoy /Tony's/ slutty body.

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fascist yes

nazi no

>eternally desperate cockslut hydracap edged and ruined so much he is mindbroken into a good cumdump who’s eventual reward will be to have his genitals rewritten into a luscious cap pussy with nanotechnology
It’s the best way to redeem him.

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There's probably an alternate universe where Steve go back in time to reunite with Peggy but he hooks up with Howard instead and Tony never existed there.

>Stevillia has to compete with JanTonyTron for Steve's dick, but she'll never get it.

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>Tries to redeem HydraCap
>Turn him into a cockslut
I love this place sometimes

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I always loved thinking about Steve wishing Howard were around to see all the technological wonders of the new worldwide after he got out of the ice. And wishing he's never had to leave him behind and make him heart-breakingly intent on searching for him, eventually pushing Tony away. Think of all the things he could tell Howard once he got back.
They'd find IceCap and Bucky, Peggy'd walk her own path and find Daniel and so on.

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Cap is for lewding.

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considering all the contributions tony made (detrimental or otherwise) in his field humanity in that timeline would probably be a lot less advanced.

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I didn't say that Tony not being born was a good thing, if anything this adds more angst.

Tony would probably still be born desu. Howard needs someone to pass the business down to and Maria could just be a beard. Unless Howard just hands it to Obadiah.

Couldn't agree more

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>accidentally destroy the world by ensuring Tony is never born
>Steve is the mother, through vita ray science, and ensures Howard never goes full drunk abusive retard

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>ensures Howard never goes full drunk abusive retard
Steve would make sure of that, regardless of blood

>Unless Howard just hands it to Obadiah.
This is the worst timelime.

Howard doesn't deserve Cap.

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>Tony keeps mindbroken Hydra cap in his fetish basement which he uses whenever he needs a release

>every so often he makes Hydra Cap watch and Steve gets to come inside him, hold him and have him
>once a year Hydra Cap gets a handie, a ruined orgasm and a smaller cock cage
>and he's so grateful

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MCU Howard deserves Cap more than MCU Tony.

Didn't MCU Howard ignore his son, never even tell him he liked or loved him, drink and leave the family for a while with all the money to hunt for Cap, leaving Tony to leave school to try and keep the company and family afloat? That's if those tie in comics are still canon.

If he hadn't lost Steve, he'd have never gone down that road.

That's why Tony being born is very important.

Let's be real, nobody deserves Steve.

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Steve's body is made for mothering.

I never read the tie in comics but iirc in the movies Howard was never very close to Tony despite liking him a lot and being proud of him but with everything that was implied he sent Tony to boarding school to protect him from Hydra and Tony thought at the time it was just so he could get rid of him for a few years. Some of his friends died horribly and he probably didn't want to grow too attached to his son only to have him killed too or some shit. Howard was always a sarcastic guy with everyone but add that to him losing his friends one by one, drowning his sorrows in alcohol and being targeted by a criminal organisation.

Which reminds of when I saw people complaining about IM2 when Howard says in his video that Tony was his greatest creation, which was perceived as Howard seeing Tony as just another project. But in Agent Carter when Howard calls Steve his greatest creation, you have Peggy saying she understands how hard it is to move on because they both loved Steve. And that's pretty telling coming from Steve's love interest of all people.

>Agent Carter has been deleted so we'll never see baby!Tony with his parents and Jarvis
Why live

This image is simultaneously creepy and wholesome

Peggy Carter's Howard Stark is a good fella who's hard to reconcile with the movie/tie in Howard. It's when he gets bodysnatched and replaced by a different actor he'd a bad dad.

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>Let's be real, nobody deserves Steve.
Bernie definitely does
Sharon does
Sam definitely does
Bucky (up to discussion) does

>Not covering his nips and crotch with whipped cream
Please call me once the redos are finished.

Definitely agreed on Sam, in the MCU and 616.

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The tie in comics look depressing, I'm going to pretend they're not canon to the MCU.

> It's when he gets bodysnatched and replaced by a different actor he'd a bad dad.
Too bad Tony could meet his father and Jarvis when they were younger in Endgame, we could have had Dominic Cooper in Endgame

>mfw this movie's title became "Sex Academy" in France so I never watched it back then because I thought it was porn

>time travel shenanigans
>Tony meets Cooper Howard
>and because they get on fantastically and Cooper Howard looks nothing like his dad they fondue

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That's westaboo's for you. They draw some of the cutest but also creepiest shit.

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Now that's an image.

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I can't believe this exists actually.
Too right.

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I wish I could fondue Cooper too

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Holy shit, did he stuff?

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>older Tony
>younger Howard
>Howard calls his son Daddy
>this is your life on Pym Particles

Attached: 18278389892092.gif (250x298, 835K)

>Steve fucking the whole Stark family
>Maria included
Time travel has introduced all kinds of fuckery imaginable.

Attached: 53766685_p0.png (900x643, 593K)

>this is your life on Pym Particles
>use it also to de-age Old Steve
Now that's a party


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Please link me up to your favourite artists

Patrician taste, user

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>Tony spends his slutty teenage years on uncle Steves dick instead

>halfway into homework and chill and he gives you this look

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>Flirting even with an actual 100 year age difference in the end.
That exquisite May-December vibe.

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I have no idea but I hope not, I want to keep fantasizing about Cooper.

>Jarvis' face when all of this happens

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Have an Ults Jarvis. He's the saltiest.

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>Let's be real, nobody deserves Steve.
Not important, because Steve deserves all the dick and pussy he could ever want. And that's not up to debate

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And love.

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Of course

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These threads are the best.

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He's worthy.

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Lmao, Ok Gruenwald.

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I've seen so many people lusting after professor hulk with endgame

>Cap calling them faggots
Jesus I need to use that word

>Sweet and dorky guy
>Strong Af
>giant dick
How the fuck are people supposed to say no

Explain how Bernie and Sharon never got pregnant then

He is perfect. Good-looking and big. How are you not supposed to lust after him?

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Based panel

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I just found it a bit funny since women never gave Banner a whole bunch of attention compared to Tony, Steve, and Thor before Endgame.

I hope you're talking about the characters in the movies and not the fans because ever since the first Avengers movie I'm seeing a lot of girls lusting over Bruce and calling Mark Ruffalo "daddy"

Yes. He's in some multiverse trouble with her new AU sister, Ellie Rogers

This is Ellie btw

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I'm hype for the tv show

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Bruce got a massive boost in attention after Ragnarok because Thor/Bruce took off. I think they were sleeping on best boy. SteveBruce is comfy, like ThunderShield. As user above said, people have always lusted after Ruffalo.

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Me too.

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Yes but he barely interacted with Cap once his mind was in order

The worst, they should have more nice and healthy interactions

We can't have everything. Just as Tony and Steve were finally peaceful, Tony got ripped away from Steve. But he's still alive (till they decide to write him out forever like Tony). That means interactions can still happen.
Plus remember, Bruce's de-aging tech exists. All Buckaroo and Sam have to do is zap Steve to get him back.

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Well then you kidnap them and use indoctrination. And then train them to be soldiers.

>de-aging tech
I actually forgot they literally have unlocked immortality now. God damn Pym particles.
Probably would have ruined the moment to have old Cap jump into Scotts van and turn young again. At least it means he could return at some point.

Bucky moved on, Nat and Tony dead, Sam is fine without him, no wonder Steve decided to leave the timeline. Those were the people who anchored Russo’s version of Steve to the present.

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MCU Steve never got that home properly cemented into his life before the possibility was ripped away entirely. It's tragic and depressing.

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>One of the most important things in Steve’s life is Tony and the home he represents
>is firm bout helping Tony rebuild their home when it’s destroyed and he’s low on funds
I just want a best friends mini run with them, their friendship/dynamic is great fun when they’re not having dramatic spats.

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He didn't even get a proper relationship with Sharon either, another thing missing to keep him grounded in the future. His chance to start anew in the future died with Tony and Nat. God I thought I was finally done crying over Endgame.

It's literally the first shot of him ever.

"You're a soldier named Steven?"
>That's my fetish, the Amazon thought

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>You Are
what did he mean by this

I once talked to a guy who unironically interpreted the scene that way. He missed the part where Cap bet Nick ten bucks.

Is there any decent fanfiction involving these two?

Amazing, what did he said?

In good hands, US Agent is a good man, a hero who just happens to be White, southern, conservative, patriotic and Christian. In the wrong hands, he's a right-wing strawman who exists to be proven wrong or beaten up by 'real' heroes. Spencer's Captain America oddly had one of the more balanced and fair takes on the character.

- But -


This really needs to stop. Steve is 40 years old at most.

Protect his smile

Dressing like that is haram!! She should be stoned!!

They'd be printing easy money if they made another team up book with a decent writer who knows what they're doing. Maybe Stohl?

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It was just an outrage piece for sales. That is the biggest flaw.

That the sword had to go into him.

It makes sense in context.

I don't think he responded after I brought that up.

She looks pretty stoned to me, padre.

>a decent writer who knows what they're doing. Maybe Stohl?


What writer(s) do you suggest then?

This one is wholesome on all parts

Is the trouble resisting the urge to rape her?

Cap is right, ending slavery was a mistake.

Calm down, Raimi

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Cullen Bunn? Everybody loves One Night In Madripoor.

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>He was like a walking dispensary for self-righteous platitudes for whom the universe constantly bent backwards so he could fight enemies way out of his league and never have to re-examine his principles.

So he's very faithful to the comics?

I love the 80's Cap era

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Stevil was great until Marvel panicked and bribed Spencer with ASM so he would change the ending.

I guess with the difference being that 616 Cap seems like he at least tries to follow through on his platitudes more. Cap telling Tony off for not immediately telling him about the Ultron project when he was withholding the Stark deaths was peak dislikable.

I mean, it’s fully possible that it was unintentional on Whedon’s part writing it, but retrospectively it’s kind of a garbage attitude to have.

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>Cap being trapped in a pocket dimension or something rather than breaking out of the Hydra Cap persona when he’s forced to confront what he’s doing/his fellow Avengers
What a cop out. If you're gonna give Cap a The Crossing treatment, go for it in full.

616 Cap a best

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Heroes miscalculating and looking like idiots is my favourite thing.

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I found like one but the writing in the early chapters is garbage, current chapters are passable but there is way less out there than there should be

Gruenwald Cap is full of panels like that

Lmao, how him how it's done Sam

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>peak dislikable
The way Tony treated Steve after he finds out ruins Tony for me more.
He didn't speak to him for two years even though Steve risked his life and ability to serve trying to get a letter and phone through, just to apologize. Stilted as it was, it was sincere but Tony stans can only call it narcissistic.
Tony was rich enough to be cushioned from any consequences throughout his life. He broke the law many times during him the movies. And then the Accords numerous times and didn't end up in the Raft.
Tony didn't call him for the space invasion when he still had time on earth, or after he was fighting Maw and called Pepper when going to space. Then he came back from Titan and acted like he was the only victim who lost anyone, while in actuality he lost Peter. Every one of his own people - Pepper, Happy, Rhodey, maybe Nat or Fury - were alive. While Steve lost Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Vision, T'Challa, Fury, Maria - almost everyone he came to call family. I guess he lost Tony before any of that happened.
Then Tony proceeded to ignore him and not speak to Steve for another five years while he lived his best life, got married and had a kid etc. MCU Tony treated his Steve like garbage most of the time even before Cap started withholding his secret.
But Steve's judged and bashed based on one mistake (not telling Tony about his parents) while Tony gets chance after chance and then he dies a martyr so no one can criticize him, ever. I don't hate him but MCU Tony is a disappointment in as many ways as he is a great character, to me.

In the end, Steve still does what he can to honor his promise to Tony, even if Tony said it in passing, that he'll get there, the simple life. He lost his home and anchor in the new world. And to me, Steve is tragic, he lived from one kind word to the next, from Tony, Natasha, Sam, Bucky and in the end, the sum total of his loss in the new future outweighs his loss from his past when he got into the ice.

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>maybe Nat or Fury
Just Nat

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I like female Steve to have long gorgeous blond hair and a big rack. Not short hair and a runway for a chest.

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>Clint calls Cap "Fry"
>Cap borrows Futurama DVDs from Clint

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Give us a storytime you coward. We can take it.

Jesus fuck who is that amazon

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Pre serum fem!steve Is my waifu

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>you'll never cry to Cap and be enveloped by his strong, manly arms as you squish your DDs onto his DDs.

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I wish I was Carol so I could hang with Steve and Tony whenever

I wish I was Carol so I could hang with Kamala whenever

Stay mad FAG

I see this time we arent hitting image limit first

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Tis a bummer. Yep.

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I haven't seen too much of oeming's work aside from powers but I really like his painting on this

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Paging 1872 Stonyfans:

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>That level of talent

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Any other good American themed super heroes? I know D.C. has Uncle Sam but he's not really in anything ever

Cap is missing from the final issue's page of the victorious heroes, the epilogue focuses on Sam. It looks like Steve was meant to stay evil and maybe die before they changed the ending.

Buddy, it’s not a biggest asshole contest, just saying why people often dislike MCU Cap’s platitudes because he doesn’t follow through. It’s why he gets painted a scumbag in memes and shit, even though it ironically makes him feel more human as a youngish dude trying to be the ideal of Captain America but failing because people don’t work that way.

Tony’s a petty motherfucker and we all know it, but honestly if you can’t defend Steve without bashing Tony (especially his absolutely trauma based reaction after Titan) your defence kinda sucks and sounds like a Stan rant.

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I'm not bashing him, pal. I'm disappointed. And I'm not the ex-Stonies writing 200k-word spite fics of Tony shacking up with Killmonger or T'Challa. It's that the MCU makes it out like Tony's the only one who ever lost anything of worth and only Tony's trauma is valid. It's not just Steve, Thor's trauma is made out to be a joke and so is Star Lord's pain over losing Gamora. I'm over Feige's Downey and Stark wank, is all.

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>Risks thousands of lives in Wakanda to save Vision
They were soldiers and warriors from different tribes who signed up to be soldiers. Steve didn't force random civilians to bear arms. And they had the best dome-like defence to stop Thanos, considering how Thanos' children decimated NY.

>Tony shacking up with Killmonger
I was gonna disagree with you about all other trauma being jokes because Thor’s especially was sad to me and I didn’t see how it was completely lighthearted, but what the fuck, that’s a thing?

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I'm not linking it because they are probably written by 18 year olds who identify too much with Tony's daddy issues and ten years ago, I was exactly like them.
It's a trip and then some, the fics that Tony stans write. Pretty much most IronStrange is like that too.

I found the fat jokes and that "eat a salad" thing unfunny, that bathos marvel always throws in. His story was one of the saddest of the lot.

A murderous alien invasion machine posing as a human.

It's a parody of Power Princess, who was a pastiche of Wonder Woman.

>I wish I was Carol

No you don't.

>not wishing you were an overpowered OC instead

You think he ever touched her ass accidentally when she wore the Ms. Marvel uniform?