I've heard that this was good at one point. I wanna read it. Where do I start/stop...

I've heard that this was good at one point. I wanna read it. Where do I start/stop? Are there any highlights/lowlights in between?

Attached: Sinfest_554.jpg (350x449, 59K)

Oh just start reading, you'll know when to stop.

Beginning. When one of the succubus leaves hell, probably a bit before, but that one is very obvious to see.

The current strips are hilarious cuz they are sure to alienate even some fans who were on board for the MenBad storyarc.

Stop around 2013.

6 years is a long time to let something go to crap.

"Good" Sinfest was around when Megatokyo was popular, it's "good" on a bit of a curve.

Around 2011 it went from 0 to tumblr with no warning, and over the last few years it's come out the other end and become a /pol/ comic which a lot of the tumblr fans found pretty surprising and then he literally banned his entire forum and made a new one with three people in it.

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I dont think it was exactly good at any point, but the art was way above the average webcomic from the start

>become a /pol/ comic
What the fuck? That’s fucking hilarious
Is there a word for the phenomenon of people serially swinging between opposite political/ideological poles?

eh it was fun, thoroughly enjoyed it and used to check up on it day to day. Rooted for Slick and 'Nique to finally get together one day, though that's the classic "when will they fuck" blunder. And then happened, all that was good got shoved out of a fucking airlock and that was that.

The author is pretty strongly a TERF, which means he thinks that transsexuals are fake women, which is an interesting stance to take considering the years of pandering to feminism.

It's not really switching between sides so much as a weird belief that the conservative institutions are super pro-trans

Attached: 2019-06-02.gif (740x1359, 495K)

It was crap long before that.
I'd say 2009

The funny thing is that now people on both sides of the aisle hate Sinfest. He shoehorns current politics into every strip now, but his opinions are just uninformed and milquetoast enough that both sides of the political spectrum consider him incredibly stupid.

>The author is pretty strongly a TERF
I do not know what that means.
And I'm pretty sure I'd much rather remain ignorant in this case.

>Tatsuya Ishida
Is that guy really Japanese or is he another “Akira Yoshida”?

When the little girl with sunglasses shows up it quickly goes to shit is how I remember it

He didn't so much switch sides as change somewhat the tone and focus of his ramblings.

This was the point I realized he had completely lost it.

Attached: 2013-02-23.gif (740x250, 89K)

It's called being so batshit that you break the horseshoe curve.


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Start at the beginning and then get out of it in 2011. It's when he starts going a bit stupid in his usual shit.

Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist

Feminists that believe trannies aren't real women.

It is super weird how because he's a radfem, the evil shadow government in this comic is super conservative, but because he hates trannies, the super conservative shadow government is also extremely pro-transexual.

Just took a look at his last few comics and apparently he thinks being trans supportive is a "neoliberal" thing? This guy is fucking nuts. What's gonna happen when he learns what a true progressive thinks?

When you run a webcomic you can be crap for as long as you can pay for the cost of the website, because unlike a TV show you don't need to be successful to continue to stay on the air.

Most of that is because his political views are so hypocritical and vague that they're borderline non sequitur. Like, he says he's feminist, but yet implies women have no actual agency, that men need to reform, yet are also irredeemably evil.

It's such a fucking bizarre mishmash of ideas that moves beyond politics into the realm of insanity. I literally can't read it anymore without getting frustrated trying to understand it's meaning.

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I really like this post because it's true but also because the image makes it look like you're talking about Obama.

That's pretty consistent with general feminist worldview. Not necessary with individual feminism, but general vector. Feminism is movement to get women more rights and privileges, any other sentiments are secondary.

So women are strong and independent (Therefore can be trusted with more rights) but lack agency when you question if they ever going to misuse those rights. Men need to reform and give women more rights and are always going to be a danger so women need more rights to fend them off.

This is Maslow's golden hammer in action, when all you know is demanding more rights, everything looks like it can be solved by giving you more rights.

It's not /pol/. It's radfem which means feminists being crazy in all the usual ways, but sane on the singular subject of trannies. And also being anti-porn/anti-prostitution.

Start at the beginning and stop when there's no more cute Fuschia/Crim interactions

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>Worshiping Chaos Undivided

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>evil shadow government in this comic is super conservative

We're talking about a pro-military, pro-violence, pro-sex, misogynist tranny government here. They literally own fucking robot whorehouses to tempt men into sexist evil.

Trying to attribute political positions to it is an effort in futility. It's literally something Francis E. Dec would come up with.

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Need R34 of Radfem and Libfem lezzing out.

>Francis E. Dec
Holy shit, you are right, he seems to be really a Millenial version of him

And they're absolutely right.

It comes from the idea that a man willingly taking on the gender role of a woman as the ultimate subversion/rape, that only a man could be a woman "properly." What makes it /pol/ tier is that the only people that TERFS find acceptance with ideologically are ultra radical conservatives and they tent to take it willingly. Basically Ishida read too much Janice Raymond, specifically "The Transsexual Empire" and has been parroting the cliffs notes version of it. Thing is, that's always how Ishida has done his politics in the comic regardless of what they are at any given moment. He gets obsessed with some surface level shit for like a year while he beats it to death until he moves on to his next shiny object

>yfw this is a metaphor for his current readership

I remember when we still thought that she was a joke character

pretty much from that point on there is no joke.

Was this strip ever actually GOOD or was it newspaper funnies tier humor carried by nice art and demon girl tiddies? Always thought there was something slightly off about the whole thing.

Attached: 2009-05-31.gif (740x1322, 349K)

Mainly the art. I will never say Ishida isn't talented because he's talented as fuck artistically. But there was at least a time where he used the characters to express his political views while still allowing them to be separate characters and not just strawmen, at least outside of God and the Devil. Hell even the angel/devil kids had other own shit going on sometimes

Bookworm and Devilgirl were cute af, but otherwise a lot of it was hot garbage. It was definitely trying for newspaper tier at first.

i wanted the girl from this comic to lez out with the goth girl from Foamy the squirl.

coulda been great cross over.

everyone kept reading well beyond the point of stopping