Dark PhoeniX

>Comes out in 4 Days
>0 threads
Does anybody else here care? is anybody else here besides Me gonna see it?

Attached: darkphoenix_4.jpg (1894x2560, 827K)

Most of the people I know aren't going to bother to see it. When they usually go for this kind of thing. Can't speak for the general population but yeah.

So... just Me?

I care for it to be out of the cinemas again so they can move on with the franchise.

I'm gonna see it on the 6th, but I'm only really going to see Fassbender Magneto.

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I could not imagine spending $12 on this, no. Maaaybe watching it ironcally stoned on HBO in a year. FoX-Men is dead, berry it.

>Berry it
What kind of berry?

Nobody on Yea Forums likes X-Men anymore. That's why nobody here gives a fuck about this flick.

I checked out of the FoX-Men a long time ago. I wasn't even enamored with First Class when I finally got around to seeing it. The series has been on life support for almost two decades. Fuck'em

I'm not even talking about FoX-Men flicks. I'm talking about the franchise in general. X-Titles don't get storytimed anymore and every day there's a new thread about how mutants should be exterminated from existence (last one might be Yea Forums being its "third /pol/" self as usual, but still a valid point).

> another Dark Phoenix, trailer was meh
> several better movies are out the same month
Logan was a nice conclusion, and I lost interest in the main movies with DofP/Apocalypse.

That kind of berry.

Attached: halle-berry-tornade.jpg (400x297, 46K)

But they do? Just because there are no constant threads for them doesn't mean they haven't happened. New issues get storytimed all the time.

>every day there's a new thread about how mutants should be exterminated from existence

Most of them seem to be poking fun at how comically evil and frothing at the mouth the anti-mutant crowd tend to be, it just doesn't same the impact when you can click over to another board and pretty much see the same shit being said about people that exist in real life, then it's not so funny anymore.

I don't hate the X-Men, but I've gotten sick of them as time goes on through over saturation, retreading the same story, and throwing non-X characters under the bus. I honestly believe at this point that they should exist in an alternate Marvel universe, where their stories would make more sense without the strange dissonance.

FOX-Men killed the franchise, there isn’t gonna be another period like the 90#for the X-Men.

>Does anybody else here care about the Dark Phoenix movie?
I did when I saw it 13 years ago, fool me once user.

The only one who seems to care is you given the number of "Does anybody care?" threads you've made the past few weeks, you fucking subtle shill

a glib facsimile.

No Hellfire Club. No Black Queen. No Dark Phoenix blowing up a planet and pissing off the Shi'ar. No XMen vs Shi'ar battle of honor for Jean's life.

Instead. Jean becomes Phoenix. Jean learns charles fucked with her head. Jean kills Mystique and gets the government onto mutants. Jean runs to magneto. Jean fights the govt. Magneto and Charles fight. Some white hair bitch is pushing Jean on. Jean goes after the mutants.another big action set piece. Alien meddling exposed. Jean kills her self. Another Good Future set up, to only be undone by the next set of Xmen movies.

A literally nothing matters because Disney has them now, and if they were smart they would go the Homecoming route with the X-Men. No Mags as the villain for the love of Kirby.

>Does anybody else here care?
obviously not

It's the same fucking writer of X3 except now it's his directorial debut. Not worth it.

>>Does anybody else here care about the Dark Phoenix movie?
>I did when I saw it 13 years ago, fool me once user.
same hack is doing the new movie.

I think this is going to be beaten by secret life of pets 2

Also wrote Days of Future Past and Apocalypse, so he's gotten better.

Embargo lifted on Tuesday. What score do you think it'll get on RT from all Critics?

X3 wasn't really his fault, Tom Rothman fucked that movie over and X-Men Origins: Wolverine as well.

*Embargo lifts of Tuesday

>Also wrote Days of Future Past and Apocalypse, so he's gotten better.
Apocalypse is get better? shiit

Apocalypse might be insanely long, but it's still a more entertaining romp with good character beats and acting.
X3 is embarrassing and wasted McKellan by having him spend the movie with the weakest, most tired, villain one-liners.

By comparison, the most embarrassing thing that Magneto does in Apocalypse is make the X symbol with steel girders.

>I think this is going to be beaten by secret life of pets 2

‘Think’? It will. Guaranteed.

And that’s a good thing. The first Pets movie was actually pretty fun, despite what the cartoon/film snobs think. And the second movie looks 10x more hectic, and I for one can’t wait to it.