I'm sorry, sir. Only the most absolute best Capeshit movies are allowed to enter the club

I'm sorry, sir. Only the most absolute best Capeshit movies are allowed to enter the club.

Attached: Bouncer 01.png (330x340, 213K)

Sure pal, here's my ID.

Attached: Ant-Man_poster.jpg (220x326, 89K)

step aside, citizen

Attached: Captain_America_The_Winter_Soldier_poster_005.jpg (1382x2048, 332K)

>Take the fucking elephant

Attached: darkmanpepe.png (463x412, 26K)

Step aside

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My regular table, yes?

Attached: spiderman2.jpg (387x580, 104K)

Excel Saga was a treasure

I prefer the first one over the second, but still very good taste user.

Move aside.

Attached: 341535778.jpg (432x640, 75K)


>Hehe nothin personnel marvel

Attached: MV5BYTE0Yjc1NzUtMjFjMC00Y2I3LTg3NGYtNGRlMGJhYThjMTJmXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTI4MzE4MDU@._V1_.jpg (2764x4096, 1.61M)

I really like the first Ant Man. The only things I probably don't like are superhero physical training montage being a bit weak, Yellowjacket being abit poorly designed, and Darren Cross being more of a villain to Hank than Scott.

Attached: this-cool-spider-man-into-the-spider-verse-poster-art-from-matt-ferguson-glows-in-the-dark1.jpg (1500x2250, 884K)

Sorry hon, I was doing this back when you were just a supporting character.

Attached: barbarella.jpg (798x1000, 82K)

>I name the memes doctor, not the other way around...

Attached: MrMindPepe.png (386x448, 37K)

I feel the old trilogy didn't really hold up.

Attached: Batman Mask of The Phantasm.jpg (797x1084, 134K)

Good taste.

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Based and Antspilled

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Hello Bobby.

Attached: images.jpg (177x285, 22K)

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Attached: Bouncer 02.png (330x329, 202K)