Harley Quinn is getting her own Black Label series

>In Joker/Harley: Criminal Insanity by writer Kami Garcia and artists Mike Mayhew and Mico Suayan, Harleen Quinzel is given a bit more agency as she's reimagined as a forensic psychatrist/profiler called in by Gotham City Police Department to help stop a serial killer known as the Joker.
>Joker/Harley: Criminal Insanity is scheduled to run for nine issues monthly beginning October 2.

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>Harley/Joker shit


mite b cool

actually sounds cool

Harley is only ever good when her and Joker both love each other.
Everything else is garbage.

Prove me wrong.

Who is Kami Garcia? never heard of her.

She is writing Young Adult graphic novels for DC Ink.

God, I fucking hate this stupid character. I patiently await the day when Jokers going to lose all his popularity because of this shit and DC loses her another draw.

I can't. You're fucking right.

I'm all in for Mayhew

Do people not tire of this shit? How many more fucking stories involving these one-note retards does the world need?

Black Label was a mistake if all it's gonna be is fanfiction-level takes on Batman already exhausted mythos, just fuck the fuck off

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If there isn't Harley boobies, I'm not reading.

Black Label more like Batman Label

I'm so fucking tired of Harley Quinn you guys

Dunno what other spin they can take on this relationship
I think White Knight was the best one yet, hard to top

>more Batman shit

DC is fucking dead

Sound kinda interesting, but I'm tired of all this Batman-focused Black Label.

>9 issues

This better not be 6 bucks.

DC has successfully made their fanbase complete Batfags so whenever some non casual starts wanting different characters to get exposed you can count a Batfag to try to paint as if DC isn't oversaturating itself with Bat Guano.

>Harley is only ever good when her and Joker both love each other.
No. It's only good when she loves the Joker and the Joker alternates between indifference and abuse. Also it has to be real Harley, not retarded blue and red hair dye nu-Harley.
Her whole gimmick's supposed to be representing women who stay in abusive relationships, in addition to serving as an example of Joker's predatory manipulation skills. Making her have enhanced strength and insanity from falling into the same chemical vat Joker did and having her go around as a strong independent woman who doesn't fall for the Joker anymore and is now a hero ruins everything about her.

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I'm just hoping people eventually get tired of Batman and the constant masturbation over his world and move elsewhere, it'd at least force DC to properly develop their portfolio for once instead of coasting by on the same regurgitated wank. At least they seem to be making an effort on the cinematic side of things, but that's an entirely different point

>her own Black Label series
>gets second billing in the title
Absolute state of that bitch.

>more harleyshit
>this time with an edge

Hard pass.

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There are plenty of people tired of it. Too bad they are drowned out by Batman fans who feel persecuted if one fucking year he has 15 new titles instead of 16. Also the fact that DC staff is now filled with Batman fans who grew up with WB's wanking of him in the 90s. It'll take another decade for another generation who liked Shazam, Wonder Woman, or Aquaman movies to start kicking those assholes out.

>oker/Harley: Criminal Insanity is scheduled to run for nine issues monthly beginning October 2.
That's a record. I'm guessing they are regular sized issues, not double ones

Batman will be chained to 1992 the same way Superman is chained to 1978, mark my words.

>Harleen Quinzel is given a bit more agency
How to kill any interest in eight words. She only ever worked as Joker's number one guy.

Counter point: The Batman had the best Harley/Joker relationship.


Imagine being so insecure that you have to reimagine a crazy battered girlfriend character (who eventually gains independence but stays crazy) as a strong independent woman.

>Joker's number one guy.
>number one
I see what you did there

Maybe they recognise that the further they pushed Harley from the Joker the exponentially worse character she became, so they're hoping to over-write that with her always having been terrible.

Bullshit. DC constantly tries not Bat stuff like the new age of superheroes or Didio keeping books like blue beetle or all star western alive way past what the sales warranted, sometimes they even try to trick people into reading notBatman with his name like Gotham by Midnight and that doesn't work either.

It's not their fault it's the only thing that sells

lmao, that's clearly not it.

Do you think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and lie?

>The Batman
lol, no. Take your retarded jamaican monkey joker and leave pls.
>inb4 "you don't understand, his hair is meant to be like a jester's cap!"

>Black Label
That’s still a thing? I thought it got proved pointless when they couldn’t show Batman dong.

"Try". Sureeeee they do. Giving those titles to literal whos and no marketing whatsoever. Yeah of course no one reads what they don't know is out there.

Batfags don't want any other character getting any exposure and use this fucking excuse. Meanwhile Marvel seems to just fine with lesser knowns. Gee, I wonder why that is? Is it because they are willing to say "no" to creators who only want to do just Spider-Man? Spare me Batfag, you are the cancer on DC.

Sounds pretty good actually.

Did they really censor Harley's boobs or was that just a rumor?

>more feminist rewriting
no thanks

remember when comics where allowed to also feature stories that might interested men instead of pandering to women who have never done anything positive for comics 24/7?

>Meanwhile Marvel seems to just fine with lesser knowns

Not really?

Is Kami Garcia even a good writter?

She's a teen fiction writer.

Blargh -- I had some interest in the Raven comic simply because of Gabriel Piccolo's art, but ugh...

I expected gordonposting

Why do women even stay in these kind of relation ships.
Its a mystery to me.

They censored them in White Knight.

>Why do women even stay in these kind of relation ships.
Women prefer abusive but powerful over non-abusive but weak. Also the abuse gives them something to work on, making their relationship seem more interesting like an unsolved puzzle, in contrast with someone who's nice to them to begin with like a game they've already beaten.

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woke tumblr/twitter is full of how it's not up to women to fix broken men, but they get upset when they get called out for having this fantasy in the first place.

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I'm not normally the "own libs" / "take pleasure in getting people who disagree with you upset" type. But I can't deny it was really satisfying seeing so many roasties get upset about the way their minds work getting broadcast to everyone in the form of that mentally ill nurse's stalking of Darth Vader.

Real liberals and actual feminists would agree that stalker got exactly what she deserved and she was a creepy asshole, but they're sadly too few in number nowadays.

Reminder that we already got the perfect Joker/Harley story in the form of Bride of Chucky (and maybe Seed of Chucky too if you wanna count that)

If you think any of what you said is true, then you're an idiot. Nobody likes getting the shit beaten out of them or considers an abusive person an "unsolved puzzle"

>not muh joker
Got it.

Really. I mean they already do more than just one character. But what would a DCfag know?

She wasn't even in love with Vader, she was in love with the idea of being in love with Vader.

And this issue was clearly a lesson in how obsession can cloud your mind AND how shipping is truly the worst part of any fandom.

So they cry because this comic is showing them a reflection of how ugly they are as fandom

"Oh, but why do you attack us? Headcanons are harmless!" -- while also crying that Endgame is heteronormative garbage because you didn't get StevexBucky

you know how you excuse in your friends and family personality flaws you wouldn't put up with in strangers you weren't emotionally invested in? like that times a billion. abusers don't usually start a relationship beating the victim up immediately, the usually seem like normal people. then there are lapses. the victim gets used to making excuses. then it escalates

fuck off men can get abused too.

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>fuck off men can get abused too.

I don't think anyone is arguing they cannot.

>Nobody likes getting the shit beaten out of them
Setting aside BDSM where people definitely do like getting the shit beaten out of them, it's not really about them enjoying getting beaten up. Like I mentioned already, it's about getting beaten up being a price women in abusive relationships are willing to pay. By analogy, it's not that you enjoy losing $1,000 each month to pay for your mortgage or rent at an apartment. It's that you're willing to pay that cost.
>or considers an abusive person an "unsolved puzzle"
That's common to the point of being a cliché and I'm surprised you would pretend otherwise. Do you just not even believe women staying in abusive relationships exist in the first place?

>not muh joker
No, more like "not a quality joker."

deciding that staying with abusers is some sort of feminine psyche thing implies that it does.

i'm not sure puzzles is the right word. that would imply intellectual interest. they just see a hurt animal that needs their ministrations, but abusers make their own hurt.

Okay, tell me how The Batman Joker is a bad character WITHOUT comparing or even talking about any other Joker.

>Okay, tell me how The Batman Joker is a bad character WITHOUT comparing or even talking about any other Joker.
I already did. He's a retarded looking jamaican monkey. He literally jumps around and uses his feet like a fucking monkey and he has horribly unaesthetic dreadlock looking hair. He was also too "lol I'm so random look at me" in behavior and there was never any sense of menace or legitimate threat. He was a joke, and not in the good way. Only nice thing I can say about him is the voice acting wasn't terrible. Not what I prefer either mind you but it wasn't anything exceptionally bad.

Another Black Label book for them? They already have that White Knight book by Murphy there where the two are basically leads.

>i'm not sure puzzles is the right word.
It's definitely the right word. Like I said, it's common to the point of cliché. I found this just now after two seconds of Google on the topic.

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Well I'm prepared to see panels from this posted out of context by annoying thots on social media.

>He's a retarded looking jamaican monkey.
He looks like someone who is genially insane and needs to be locked in the funny house.
> He literally jumps around and uses his feet like a fucking monkey and he has horribly
So being able to fight by jumping and unique body moments make him a bad character?
>he has horribly unaesthetic dreadlock looking hair
A hair style you don't like doesn't make a bad character.
>He was also too "lol I'm so random look at me" in behavior
Almost every one of his plots had a theme that he stuck to. He was far from random.
>never any sense of menace or legitimate threat
You know, despite almost killing Batman multiple times and having some well thought out plans.
>He was a joke, and not in the good way.
No, he was a joke in a good way. He had some honestly good jokes.

I have no idea how to relate to you as a human being and I hope you're just pretending to have taste this bad.

Why don't you defend you absurd assertion rather than bitching at user for shitting on that dollar store joker?

>We'll never get a version of Joker and Harley where they're a loving Bonnie and Clyde type couple
>Joker will always be an abusive shit
>Harley will always be either a punching bag or hates him
>She'll always be paired with Ivy now too
>They'll never be equal partners and a weirdly healthy and loving pair of criminal masterminds

Never gonna happen normalfags love the Joker for some goddamn reason

I wonder if she will be paired with Cyborg in comics since the two are the most popular duo in the Injustice game.

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So they are going to do any non-Batman Black Label stories?

That's just Punch and Jewelee.

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>She'll always be paired with Ivy now too
What a fucking step down, both in and out of universe.

We did end up with that in Suicide Squad of all things because test audiences hated the abuse scenes. Of course they're throwing all that in the trash starting with Birds of Prey.

Kelly Sue keeps saying that History of the Amazons is coming and Superman Year One is solicited iirc

Phil Jimenez keeps posting roughly weekly updates on the art.
I think they are waiting until it is almost done to actually solicit it.
Superman should be out this month

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Lemire has said that he is 3/4 done with an unnanounced title that features art from a legendary old school DC artist who was known for the character it is about.
I'm guessing Grell for either Green Arrow or The Warlord.

>his hair is meant to be like a jester's cap
I actually never noticed that. Good catch.

look at the linework. they just colored over it.

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Is this gonna be a Silence of the Lambs rip off?
>Harleen Quinzel is given a bit more agency
But why?

Harley/Joker good, Harley/Ivy bad.
The only thing I dislike is pretending she's smart and not an idiot who got her A on her thesis, by blowjobs.

>Mad Love, but Edgy

Focus user, Harleen gets agency. As in, she's a more accomplished shrink, not an airhead idiot. She makes a more conscious choice to get deep in his mind and it ends up fucking her up. I don't think this refers to the shit we get from modern stronk independend nuharley that don't need no joker.
I hope.

*saved the edit*
Batcock I can understand but having tits off limits was dumb as fuck.
Story wasn't good enough to carry it. Only the nude controversy fueled sales.

They had to shut down all the nudity because of all those late night talk show hosts who had laughs about Batman's penis.

>Harleen Quinzel is given a bit more agency
How much more agency does she need? She gets to be the DC universe's Bugs Bunny and fuck things up for everyone without any consequences. Fuck her.

Also fuck the author for thinking aping Silence of the Lambs is a unique take on the characters involved.

Superman: Year One by Miller but that looks like it’s going to be shit. KSD and Phil Jimenez are making a BL book about the Amazons. Rucka said he wanted to make a BL WW book that would be her finale story like All-Star Superman or DKR. Other than that nothing has been officially announced, it’s mostly just Batshit.

Doing a Silence of the Lambs riff is literally the least unique take on the characters

Still annoyed how one annoying news host complaining about something he’s never bought or did any real research into made dc go full panic and fuck the black label