Penumbra did nothing wrong

Attached: Penumbradidnothingwrong2.png (699x750, 434K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Rendering the subs right now.
I know someone else allready did it but they´re a bit rough.
Also, I spent all night doing it yesterday.

She's probably only good for one episode but goddammit I already love this adorable albino and her schemes to block out the sun for Irishmen everywhere (we don't tan). Fan art when?

Attached: Penumbra Villainous.jpg (640x640, 39K)

Sub user, the very fact that you're taking the time to credit the people who were left out, makes your subs and video infinitely worth more than the others. If Alan doesn't see it, then we need to make sure that those other people know about your stuff.

Check twittter, there’s already loads of fanart for her

at the end of this show every single character will have been shipped with Black hat

Could this show have an Invader Zim-like cult following?

Are you gonna release them in text format? Would be nice to watch the source uncompressed video with them.


So is this shit legit or not?

Attached: 1559464049318.png (538x501, 186K)

Mostly speculation. The situation is still vague as fuck, but of course, people want to jump in on the hate bandwagon when they hear anything bad.

Why is Flug fascinated by planes?

He might have been a pilot in the past, in fact, you can see a pilot uniform covered by plastic in his closet.

There´s a text at the end of the video, but I didn´t find all of them. Some anons helped me last thread by linking me the controversial tweets, but then I checked the credits and a bunch of the people complaining in twitter really where credited. Which leads me to believe they´re speaking up for the ones who suffered the most who don´t want to bring attention to themselves.
I hope everyone speaks up so we can have a full list of uncredited animators.

They're pretty cool.

another creepy site:
I can't get in because I have no password

or he just really likes planes

Welp, here it is.

Attached: tumblr_psg121uDtU1uo9cd8_1280.gif (628x535, 1.32M)

Attached: 1498884465633.jpg (895x1024, 201K)


Can you post them in .srt or .ass separately please?

Inb4 cancelled after five episodes

>Can you post them in .srt or ,ass
the uncredited artists? I´m not familiar with those formats. But the ones I found where:
Benji Santiago
Veronica Cárdenas
Kevin Martinez
Erika Rodriguez

The what now? I'm talking about the English subtitles for the episode that you've made. Do you have them in text format so I could watch the original 1080p video with them?

Could this show reach mainstream success, or is it doomed to cult status?

Oh. Well, no, but I do have all the text on Sony Vegas, so I could just copy and paste it on a word document and hand it over to you. I'm not familiar with the .srt or .ass formats to be honest.

I think this show has BIG potential given the current state of cartoons

Thanks, but no 1080p?

That was pretty funny. Does anyone know if the whole show gonna be focused on the team rather than Hat himself? I don't mind because I do like Flug, 505 and Dem as characters, but Black Hat was always great in the shorts

Here you go:

I'm sure there will be episodes with more focus on Black Hat, but the first few episodes will be more about establishing the characters and the premise. After that there's plenty of time for wacky eldritch shenanigans.

Attached: we just dont know.gif (250x251, 999K)

Sorry. I don´t normally work on 1080p because my laptop takes like a million years to render it, but I think I´m gonna start doing it for future episodes.
If you want it at 1080p did it as well.

if you want it with a bunch of text, this user did a transcript

not him, I'm just thankful you're doing this at all, user. I've been really looking forward to this show since i saw the shorts

bless you

Flug first entered Black Hat's organization by plane so that might be a reason

I´m hoping for more Venture Bros-esque adventures. I wanna see Black Hat on the plane traveling with the rest of them as well.

Attached: the-terrible-secret-of-turtle-bay-the-venture-brothers.jpg (640x300, 68K)

who is he going to kill first?

Sunblast was an asshole that kept forcing sunlight (aka skin cancer) in poor sick citizens, and never ever tried to understand why penumbra did it, neither let her make a cure with his powers. Additional points for judging people by looks and calling them nerds and losers for not liking literal killing lights. Penumbra was called a villian for just saving herself and other people temporary until a solution was found

user I think blocking out the sun is a bit extreme regardless.

don't say that to demencia

>starco is canon
>liking star vs shit at all
Into the trash it goes

Could O.K. K.O. be planning a crossover with this show? Might be fun

Attached: crossover.jpg (1920x2909, 695K)

Lads, the entire crew just quit.
Even if it gets picked up its unironically going to get calartsified by the new skeleton crew.

Dicks out for black hat.

Oh please.
Blocking out the sun is your average day in London.

source or it didn't happen and you better show me a credible one

maybe Zone makes an animation with Penumbra, all that moaning and groaning she does in the first two minutes of the pilot does things to me

That´s not what happened at all. If you´re going by the photo that had all the ex-crew members in it, tweets confirm that those people stopped working in Villainous a while ago. One of them quit after the Boxmore orientation video.
This has been going on for a while, they only are speaking up now that the work they put into it is out.

That sound great, but I think that crossover is for season 3. It feels too soon for the episode they worked on to come out.
But if it is, I´ll be gratefully surprised.

ok, in might get postponed while Alan gets a new crew and fixes any kind of money problems he had(i heard that his accountant was his mom and that she wasted a decent amount of money behind alan's back).

I don't have any doubts that the animators there worked extra hours without pay, and they were in their right to quit, but on the other hand, only one person from the bunch of angry people has said what was going wrong on the studio so far (12+ hour workdays) and that's it. The credits stuff is mostly bullshit and entitlement; i've done a fair share of work for TV shows with my name not appearing on the credits and that's fine. Appearing on the credits is just an extra, not some obligatory thing that Alan must do for the animators.

So is this series going to eventually delve into "deepest lore", some weird backstory keeps getting hinted

Attached: Z.jpg (1280x1440, 120K)

Kek Alan got a good bunch of his staff to quit, he only needed to put them on the credits after making them work for extra hours with no payment and yet he didn't even bother, now his art director, animation director, the web manager and a bunch more left, expect villianous to enter development hell

Please no. This show is legit good and it would suck for it all to go downhill because of what was probably an honest mistake.

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I believe what you say about your past jobs

Source or it didn't happen

>he only needed to put them on the credits after making them work for extra hours with no payment and yet he didn't even bother
It's never that simple,user.


>eventually delve into "deepest lore"
user, they have been in the deepest lore stuff since the very beginning. There is a page that you only can access by watching a secret code hidden in the early videos and there they go to explain BlackHat eldritch nature.

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I had a villain named Penumbra for my shitty webcomic that never got to be.

She shouldn't want to TOTALLY block out the sun, otherwise her name should be "Umbra."

Penumbra is just a bit of shade. Not total darkness

I wish I knew what any of this means

What is this eldritch language? I can't understand anything and my skin is turning into a shade of brown. Is there a translation available?

You can check the Twitter of the ones who are leaving, the major example being Benji who Is known for his background art and character design
I mean he could've tried to do something

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I think maybe the "toxic enviroment" has to do with the trans media project Villainous has.
Not only do they have to work on the cartoons, they also have to work on the websites, the art made for said website, program it so that it´s revealed in time, make codes, hide hidden numbers on the videos so people figure it out, etc.
That´s a lot of work they probably didn´t want to do.

Attached: website products.jpg (862x625, 108K)

yeah there's an english copy of the notebook, i also think there's subtitled translations of the audio log that came with the book up somewhere.

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>dressing up Demencia takes about an hour
Is this implying Flug must chase after a naked Demencia who refuses to put on clothes?

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Sunblast came off like a jock beating up nerds.

Please user, he's got Hat Bots for that.

he was a jock who beats up nerds, his first instinct was to punch Flug before he even knew he was an evil scientist

It´s weird how in the members page of the black hat site there´s villains that showed up once, while characters like Metauro, Dark Phantom, Illuminarrow and Ms Valdoom, who had more presence before, aren´t there.

Attached: members.jpg (874x542, 81K)

I just realized: all of those members are female except Cthulu.
Does Cthulu even have a gender?

Underrated side villain.
She´s a fucking space pirate who uses DINOSAURS. That´s badass.

Attached: STARDUSK.jpg (500x500, 176K)

Its the audio of a guy who might be the physical vessel of BlackHat, who seems to be in reality a spirit or some kind of eldritch abomination who can only walk the earth while possessing someone.
The audio is in Spanish but basically:
>Guy goes to some kind of club where everyone wears hats.
>It gets selected by the higher ups and gets some perks
>Stars seeing and hearing things, feels like is being follow and sees a strange figure in his apartment one time
>Goes to the next assembly and discover its some kin cult for BlackHats
>Tries to leave by plane, but the day before something happens to him and becomes ultra loyal too the "master"
>Says the masters needs a vessel and he is happy to be selected.

Flamme is a girl? I thought that was a guy

The toxic environment was working without getting paid user you just can't live of promises and it's worse when you don't even get credited, Alan should acknowledge whats happening

Look at that chest.
Also, her name is a play on words. Femme (of femme fatale) and Flame.

Attached: FLAMME.jpg (500x500, 102K)

Maybe they were designed by the artists who left the crew

>I mean he could've tried to do something
We don't know if he did try something or if these are just people that are still angry after everything was settled. The story is barely unfolding and what's on the air so far is basically nothing.

probably, as a beaner i tried to watch 5 minutes of it but i could because it was so cringe... now imagine if you worked in this crap.

I thought that was just a manly chest like they sometimes give to guys with chest muscles
wow, so many villain waifus
I feel kind of sorry for them
some kind of got pushed into villainy by circumstance like Penumbra
Mawrasite probably too, considering that tiny hint we get of her in the orientation video

Flammes a man you fucking dumbass

but that doesn´t give the artist the right to keep the character since they don´t own villainous.
And Diego Valenuzela, a crew member who didn´t quit, is obsessed with Metauro. So why isn´t he on the website?

I honestly want to know, is it a common practice to not let anyone on the animation crew watch the final product until it airs on TV? There should have been a better way to approach the credits issue.
Also I hate to sound as an apologist since these guys have been on the studio for 2 years, but in my own workplace I have seen people quitting because they were expecting a less demanding job and never come back from their “lunch breaks”, so I really want to know what is the real problem instead of keeping it vague with “toxic workplace”

Attached: 547DF7BD-1393-40B3-BA91-F8D6DAF5A5BC.gif (562x314, 865K)

in universe Black hat only wants to put up the most successful members to make a good first impression and for some reason Metauro sucked at his job

>I can't get in because I have no password
Isn't it the one from pic related?

Attached: CD2E9A64-1986-4270-9BAF-1865B2D5849E.jpg (1226x2006, 1.13M)

The new password is

Post production in mexico usually gets done days, if not hours before the deadline(as in its 5am, you haven't slept in two days straight and the video needs to be in CN's hands by 9). If those were the circumstances, it makes sense that the compositor decided to not add them. On the other hand it seems that there wasn't that much time for credits and though several animators appeared, maybe the others weren't "worthy"of appearing? maybe they arrived on the last month, or their scenes were always fixed by someone else, or some other stuff like that.

how likely is cn to can this whole thing? there's six new eps promised but only a handful of people left in the whole studio

Attached: 1559356373548.jpg (552x555, 21K)

>AI Studios is hiring!

Penumbras machine, the one that effected 20% of the Atreno population when it exploded, was sabotaged right?

Attached: tumblr_inline_poi5803BWR1tp3ydh_1280.png (767x1117, 516K)

If there are six episodes confirmed, that means the rest are on the final stages of production. The crew that is left can manage.
Keep in mind that it wasn´t the whole crew that left. The people in that big foto where those who left a while ago, but they´re only revealing it now. It´s not like 90% of the crew quit overnight. They quit one by one in a long period of time this past year (or 2 years)

huh, i didn't know. thanks, user

Big thanks to the one who shared this drive with their fan made music. It´s awesome.

they just finished the pilot haha
Hiring students so they can have no paid interns doing all the work

demencia's armpits


somtimes being a leader means making tough choices.

there's quite a focus on them.

Despite being only 10% of the Population, Umbras commit 85% of all crimes in Atreno City

Attached: bd4t4.png (860x800, 628K)

More crossovers when?

Attached: Red Action vs Demencia.jpg (2275x1626, 873K)

If all of this ties to a bigger keikaku, then most likely it was

Thx. Needed more Demencia.

>every single character will have been shipped with Black hat

Attached: PENUMBRAHAT FAGS GET OUT.webm (1920x1080, 158K)

What if we've only seen a fraction of what Black Hat is capable of?

she deserves it

Attached: byebye.webm (678x824, 95K)

>she only wanted to protect the world from UV radiation
>accident makes her and a bunch of citizens get a vampire skin disease
>she just wants to find a cure and gets bullied by a newcomer who only got popular in Atreno because of his sun powers
What is evil?

>Check twiter
Could you please lend me a link? I don't know how to use twitter, I'm too retarded.

Think Black Hat is a legend among the other CN villains? Or maybe he's so evil and powerful that the other villains are afraid of him?

He’s friends with Aku and Him

>He is friends with Aku
That's what Aku wants to believe. Black Hat is more a friend of Red Guy than of Aku.

She temporary blocks out the sun with what seems are the rainclouds, that arent that good at blocking light, until she finds a cure, and shes less of a dick than sunblast, and less of a villain than blackhat, having a friendly conversation with him after he got captured, using the public plane, being excited like a puppy.
I mean, there is light in her, her cause and her means.

I think after realizing Sunblast is dead and she just sold her soul for nothing, I think Penumbra will go full villain and try to block out the sun for good

Hm but does she reeeeeeeeeeally need him alive?

Yes because the entire point was using his DNA to create a cure, and she sure as hell can't do that with a random lightbulb


Black Hat is too much of a menace for everyone and yet he only wants to run a business to fuck people up

Attached: VSCRSH2019-06-01-19h01m37s402.png (1920x1080, 1.48M)

Based and Sunpilled

I wish Demencia would eat me so I could live in her bowels and slowly be digested and turned into shit...

Same but with Penumbra

probably all of this is going to unfoild in "everything is BH fault"

Based on the orientation videos yes. A bunch of em buy from his catalog how else do you think they get all that tech for their schemes so quickly?

They are also afraid of him. Flug is behind NuPPG Mojo

Check for “#Villainous penumbra” on the search bar and you’ll see a bunch of fanart.
Or follow Nightfur Moon on twitter. They retweet fanart

its actually funny how millenials envision work at a company; they say, they exploit me make me work extra hours that is affecting my social life. but they fail to see that they are getting unvaluable workplace experience, they prefer to do nothing than to be blooded to death by a famous company.

>unironic "millenials, amirtie?" post from someone who has clearly never actually had a job before

She was gonna have fun playing with him.

>Aku is gone

When the hell is the next episode, watching the pilot gave me a feeling of sheer excitement that I haven't felt in a good while.

Attached: D1KGWFtX4AIx_wT.png (604x588, 629K)

>Sunblast them out
>please remove all objects from head before entering
the more I look at it the more I support Penumbra

Attached: 154405106381.png (492x549, 266K)

I love her already

Attached: IMG_20190602_120938.jpg (1224x898, 155K)

>podemos bailar

Attached: Vore queen.webm (988x692, 989K)

I swear Flug's sleep pod uses a sound from one of the Doom games.

When's the next episode?

>DC Super Hero Girls
Are we finally in new era of good cartoons after the 2010's shit?!

Also thanks user

Do you think anyone here could translate the livestream from yesterday?

Depending on how the production is like after the controversy, either in a few months or in a year.

i just hope it was a legit fuckup and not intentional.

>i heard that his accountant was his mom and that she wasted a decent amount of money behind alan's back

Attached: f41c2c5d872dd6252a10ac260667b9ee.jpg (998x560, 109K)

>slowly be digested and turned into shit...
Well, at least you got half of that done already. Vorefags are subhuman.

The question now is what is the state of the other episodes.
They wouldn’t confirm 5 more episodes if there is 0 progress on them.

>i heard that his accountant was his mom and that she wasted a decent amount of money behind alan's back
citation needed

>Dragon Prince
>The Owl House
>Infinity Train
>Mao Mao

I think cartoons are gonna be just fine.

On the positive side, it seems most of the crew are still friends. It’s just that now they don’t like Alan or the other higher ups anymore.

>(i heard that his accountant was his mom and that she wasted a decent amount of money behind alan's back).
This is so typically Mexican is not funny, all the good comes with the bad I guess.

Alright niggas, which side characters do you want to reappear in the main show? Pic related is probably the most obvious choice.

Attached: f78.png (1280x720, 513K)

This shit sounds like your average mexidrama, Alan made it but they want to be on the same spot as him even if they can be replaced and him not.
Crabs in a bucket.

so far just skullgirls knockoff, female doctor freeze but with sunlight instead of ice.

Mawrasite, Illuminarrow, Metauro, Ms Valdoom, Lady NaDaga, Poker Face, StarDusk and Bonnivet.


I've known about this character for almost five minutes now, where's the lewds?

Attached: source.gif (400x304, 1.29M)

can't wait to fill this out

Attached: 53f.png (762x1120, 468K)


Attached: Albertisdissapoint.png (482x555, 72K)

>PCs SJW trying to ruin another cartoon

Poker Face, definitely. Also that Minotaurus dude, forgot his name.

Happens with blacks too, I don't know what it is with people thinking their relatives just suddenly know how to handle money thatn isn't theirs.

I want to see Penumbra revealing her lingerie under an unbuttoned lab coat

Attached: Penumbra.jpg (645x639, 29K)

there are drawthreads on aco you degenerates

What I suggested was actually fairly tame

I was on ai for a while AMA

What did you work on? Animation? Concept art? Character design? Also proof or it didn't happen.

Attached: D8FKFZ5XsAUa5WN.jpg:orig.jpg (1368x770, 73K)

Prove it.

tell me what's under that bag,
if I'd take it off would he die?

I'm regreting this already, I don't want to say, believe me nobody wants to be linked to Yea Forums, just gonna say I like the show but Alan and his mom bited more than they could chew and they started working on the pilot since december, to see if cn la approved a full series

Also you can search on the archives a few months back when I spoiled some of the plot of the pilot for proof

Uh huh, and now you're gonna tell us that he groped Ami's ass or something or that the dead corpses of overworked animators are in the buildings basement.

Attached: 1524856497480.jpg (720x552, 26K)

Bet he shits in trash cans too, right?

what, specifically, went wrong? overworking, or something more?

Haha It would be more probable that Ami was the ones grabbing his ass

Overworking and bad investments, any to non support of cn la, inside fighting, there was a lot of stuff

Alan's mom here. Can confirm.

>ywn be tasked with running after a feral nude woman as her maniacal giggles echo throughout the lair.

Flug is living the dream

...My boss is a prodicer and she is friends with almost everyone important on the mexican industry. I know, i know, its cliche as fuck, but its the truth.
To be fair, Alan's mom is a accountant, but well, i suppose she didn't separate family from business.

No here the thing is bring all your family that could be part of the work.
>Your X is an accountant bring him in
Thinking it will either cost less or they will perform better cuz family but since the relationship never is of a boss-employee they tend to pull your arm when you gave a hand.

anything you want to get off your chest that you haven't had the chance to say?

All I found it's a gay thread with your trip there :^)

Really? What makes you say that?

That makes a bit more sense, but I think it's misguided to ever trust your parents with your money in a professional sense. They'll always find a way to try to guilt-trip you when they misappropriate funds because "You owe me I'm your parent" etc.

Not really I didn't get as affected as others
Alan is quiet, Ami Is more outgoing

The animation is so fucking good !!! How much were these animators paid to make this pilot?

What framerate is that thing running on?

a dollar

It would be extremely painful

Seria extremadamente doloroso

We need a version of this that doesn't cut Penumbra's giddy dance out

I'm so in love with this pilot that I'm going to ignore the boring way the superhero was dispatched.

That atmosphere. That charm. This is infinitely more appealing than Evil Con Carne.
If they go with a more story-driven atmosphere-driven cartoon instead of dumbed down comedy then we have a winner.

I love how Blackhat actually seems like the big bad boss instead of the typical bumbling buffoon. It's a fitting direction for him, even if he'd have lesser screentime.

Yeah, keeping the focus on Flug and crew lets Black Hat continue to be as scary as he should be. If he were given more focus they'd have to tone him down and reduce his competence otherwise he'd just steamroll everything. Plus Flug works well as a main character since he's the most relatable one.

Can anyone make out the other shit on this image? I can only read "ODIA NERDS"

Attached: bggkVl4.png (626x389, 489K)

This shit will be the hero of the week and you know it

i was eh on flug being the mc but the pilot really endeared me to him, he's a fun character

I want to protect this smile

>Stupid hairstyle
>Dumb laugh
That's what I can make of the image

I can make out "stupid hairdo" and "dumb smile"

>waaah I hate my job my boss is a jerk waaaah
>waiting 3 years to quit
Their fault.

Ok seriously, where is the porn.

seems like 12

>We are a bunch of friends let's all work together!
>Ok so the idea guy has to be the boss I guess
>Wait why is he treating us like employees we are all friends?
>Why is he getting all the credit even tho is his idea? We work here too
>Fuck this

You know, that's not such a bad change really. Seeing down on their luck, frustrated, or pompous villains coming regurally to ask for assistance in donination or destruction would be quite nice. Not every story needs to be Macbeth, but sometimes just be like The Canterbury Tales

>ywn walk through the park with Penumbra on an overcast day, holding her hand as she carries her parasol with her
I don't want to live anymore bros...

Attached: despondent.jpg (398x400, 48K)

There's already a good amount

>hero of the week

Attached: 1428011972873.png (234x436, 89K)

Evil Con Carne and Billy & Mandy was a very boring and rehashed "Ed edd eddy" wannabe where the MCs aren't allowed to win. Of course that gives no sense of progression and satisfaction to the viewer.

Villainous where villains actually win is of course automatically charming by virtue of winning and feeling good about it.
The other part is providing a charming atmosphere.

I genuinely, genuinely felt like I was watching Megamind.


Attached: VIRGINS GET OUT.png (1920x1080, 1.39M)

Could any of the CN heroes defeat Black Hat?

Hmm I agree with Demencia, she's ugly looking.
I prefer her normal human form or while she's wearing her shadow scarf.

Those plain round eyes and that bald head just don't do it for me.

Did they assign a specific animator to this guy? His frames are far more detailed and his movement is snappier looking rather than fluid.

big tits?

Of Penumbra?

>she's ugly looking.
I'll cut you

I don't know about you guys, but I'd love to see some powrpuff girls with that arrogance and rapist attitude. This guy felt like Bubblevicious.

>the virgin sunblast
>the chad flug

Demencia's loop feels like it's running at 60 fps. Is this the power of animators who understand proper timing/frame arrangement?

your ugleh

I'm assuming that the Umbras still need to eat at the end of the day, and most of their food requires sunlight. She was in the wrong.

She can still get them. She was only covering a part of the city.

Sucks for the others who don't have the condition who are living there so in that sense its still wrong.

Uncle Grandpa or the Mask

Attached: 582395681b75ab0f96359ed0c6ffb332.jpg (480x360, 20K)

>I genuinely, genuinely felt like I was watching Megamind.
Do you mean this as a good thing, as a bad thing, or as an observation?

Attached: tumblr_psg3ctkot61ukt09e_1280.jpg (1280x640, 99K)

She's not bald! She has a full head of shade

So is Penumbra mid tier according to this?

Samurai Jack has a sword that destroys evil by simply touching it, and Ben has a pletora of aliens that are strong as fuck. It would also depend on Black Hat's power level. Is he Trigon tier?

An observation. Albeit I'd still pick DreamWorks writers over the usual trash Canadian Flash writers who can't do charm and atmosphere worth a damn.

English dub when

is true thad alan is a HUGE mommas boy?

When asked what Black Hat's power level was the creator's response was "I don't know, or maybe I do know." along with some joking that BH is watching them

Its implied Black Hat lovecraftian tier and he is basically Cartoon Network Nyarlathotep

Attached: Demonbane Nyralathotep.jpg (720x540, 64K)

Soon I imagine, the pilot was actually animated with English dialogue in mind which is why the Spanish lines don't always match the mouth movements


Attached: Screenshot_20190602-164748_Chrome.jpg (1920x1080, 438K)

But he is shit tier

Watch Star vs The Forces of Evil

Attached: StarUwU.png (783x688, 532K)

Is it true the crew worked 12hr days, 7 days a week on little to no pay?

Also, what role did Alan play in everyone’s decision to quit?

Get out of here with that travesty of a show

Attached: D8FdvaoXoAYmel0.jpg:orig.jpg (2048x1152, 197K)

>house flips over, crushing the shed behind
>pair of legs on the ground with green liquid that not a 4kids kinda censoring pooling beneath

Mainly just compared him to Nyralathotep with the whole shapeshifting eldritch being theme while also having a motive and being a dick.

I mean from what we saw so far he can

>Shatter your teeth with noise
>Tear open a rift to some horrific dimension by merely scratching on a board
>Can do top tier shapeshifting and most likely has crazy tier regeneration on top of it
>Change size
>Can blow up shit
>Crazy telepathic powers
>Spatial Distortion and can warp people to him
>Devilish powers / Contracts
>Awareness outside of time and space (he knew about Aku and him no longer existing)
>Possible temporal distortion (I forget if they momentarily stopped time to grab Nega Pops or just warped him)
>Laser eyes
>Shadow Teleportation
>Extreme intelligence

Along with other shit I probably missed and that's just his supposed avatar

Its a good show, you can watch it after Villanous gets cancelled after the first season

Attached: Way Pst Cuck.png (2048x1858, 922K)
Music done for the pilot

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Star should have been cancelled after season 1.

Holy shit that's the composer for Generator Rex.

Who the hell let you out of your containment thread?

Attached: D7-uoLyXUAA-Wfw.png (434x355, 266K)

I'd let her suck my plan if you know what I mean



welp it went for four seasons
not sure if villanous can last that long

Attached: Glossaryck.png (764x476, 19K)

>Why is he getting all the credit even tho is his idea?

Attached: C12227CA-FC7F-4F89-A01D-F5E4218BBD1D.png (551x437, 267K)

Quality > Quantity
Something Disney forgot with Star

Not that user but the chad sunblast reminded me of the ”nice guy” superhero megamind created, an asshole with superpowers being the designated hero because

yeah theres plenty of quality
only thing interesting about villanous is that retarded girl people lust after

Attached: star honeydew.png (1000x1320, 171K)

So he stole it?

>Alan often jokes that he is working for Black Hat and that he is the real boss behind the making of the show
>All this inside fighting happens
>yfw Alan wasn't joking and it was all a deal with Black Hat and now that he got his pilot released the despair stage starts

Attached: D519588C-886A-4BB9-B3F4-EFFB69569A54.gif (640x452, 499K)

Oh man, that was good.

Demencia is a cuck haha

Attached: cuckquean.png (1366x768, 883K)

Fan art of Penumbra cucking Demencia with Black Hat when?

>You know I think Black Hat and Penumbra make a cute couple

Attached: AF284855-12B2-4F45-A10A-6D4785DCE9CE.jpg (1048x640, 58K)

Then that's one cuck I want to fuck

Attached: 1520125267.scaleandtails_dementia_nsfw_hard_shading.jpg (1280x1083, 189K)

So are 5.0.5. and Demencia Flug's children? Or would experiments be a better term?

Flug's only son is 505. Demencia is probably on the “she would be the pet of 505's pet” category.

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Attached: Penumbra.jpg (1387x1849, 635K)

Where's that shot from?

>[*rattles in spanish*]
good job

I’ve been in almost every Villainous thread and not once did anyone spoil the pilots plot

Great taste

I think the head is a bit big but good job giving Penumbra some love


Guys is it possible to have sex with a cartoon show? not a character, but an entire cartoon show.

Sweet monkey Jesus the animation and poses were so good. If it had even more lightning and shading I would have legitimately thought I was watching the preview of a theatrical release.

No, you idiot, he says it's comparable to Villanous's plot.

>t. coper
Everybody who like it has been talking about it's potential not just it's waifu.

Was anyone able to record the English dub?

Attached: 1481516790197.png (277x256, 159K)

>dat music
God DAMN it's so good, I hope we get more tunes from the series because so far it's phenomenal.

Don't think English has been shown yet even though its clearly animated in english

none yet. usually they offer the english dub as an alt track on the tv broadcast, but it wasn't there this time. have to wait for cn to put it out, unfortunately
Article overviewing the weird situation with the animators and crew members. Still no solid answers yet over what exactly happened.

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>Dude, i don't appear in the credits, i can't believe this, i am gonna resign

Holy fuck, that entitlement

One of the orientation videos, can't remember which one. Flug was watching 505 gives his first steps and Black Hat kicked him for a new football record.
One of those last videos had a shot of Flug feeding baby 505 airplane style too, don't have a shot of that with me right now tho.

People can listen to the music of the first epidose here


Attached: Excite.webm (1920x1080, 226K)

You know this brief bit of animation is better than the usual shit CN cranks out. It's not flat CalArts bullshit

God damn she was super cute

>penumbra will never be your wife

Attached: 1401508732894.png (291x343, 79K)

Why is she so perfect?

is cute

Alan unfollowed several of the artists on twitter after they spoke out. Seems like this is more on AI rather than CN.

Alan was following him last night.

>Alan unfollowed several of the artists on twitter after they spoke out
This IS getting worse, fuck

Attached: 1493259492079.jpg (480x270, 11K)

You were only good for two seasons. Then your creator got blackmailed by that college lipstick lesbian with STDs, sunk it into the Marianas Trench WITH NO SURVIVORS, and turned the title character into Magical Hitler because she wanted a MEXICAN DICKING.

What does AI mean?


It's A.I., but yeah it also refers to/looks like Alans name.

A.I is the animation team behind Villainous which is owned by Alan.

>Animated in english?
What the hell does this even mean?

The lip-synch in the animation is done for the english dub

>turned the title character into Magical Hitler because she wanted a MEXICAN DICKING.
Care to explain this user?



i wonder when they'll release the english dub? you think they'd strike while the iron is hot with the spanish one

Dude, animators get enough shit already? A lot of fucking work, little pay, you could at least give them some recognition. At least with cartoons, there are hardly any actual animators and instead we get shitty storyboard artists because of this.

Star essentially genocided all magic born beings because she threw a tantrum about the shit she had to deal with and she just wanted to be with her boyfriend

*don't animators get enough shit already

Star's a cunt and destroyed all magic because she's and everyone from Mewni is an idiot. However, destroy all magic means, EVERYTHING relating or connected to magic, this means people and her own spells too, which were also shown to have lived and loving families of their own

I prefer to be sweet gas...

Attached: 5.gif (3500x3600, 804K)

Why can't good things just be good things anymore? Why do the people behind them have to be incompetent or make bad decisions that fuck the entire project up? Why couldn't Villainous just be a good thing without horrible shit happening in the background? Why are we still here?

Attached: 1548555272862.jpg (960x1280, 84K)

>Not even day 1 and the cartoon is already doomed
I guess this was really good to be true

>tfw they didn't bother showing laser puppies becoming just regular puppies
>tfw laser puppies are most likely dead

Attached: Screaming Kermit.gif (216x150, 1.98M)

in Yea Forums the same bullshit happens often see kemono friends.

That's what happens when you work with villains

Attached: 4228f63636083ea3afcd368c018a16c7feeae1f9.png (838x626, 296K)

she kept on getting them killed, one even got sucked into a black hole she made

>cute goth looks
>a woman of science
>not even actually evil just tragic backstory, mr freeze style.

Why does being an animator have to suck so much? Unless you want to get with a big name studio, you're shit out of luck for a real job in the field in America. Or you could become an animator in any Asian country if you really hate yourself.
Is it that bad in the Euro and (whatever exists) of the African industry?

>kemono friends
Damn that one was a huge clusterfuck

>jefecito chulo


How do you guys even localize that to english?

Whatever way you name your boss when you are licking his boots in burgerland

>manita de puerco

>this now has a chance to enter development hell, possibly not exist at all or get worse because several people left
This was supposed to be it bros. This was supposed to be the end of shitty overly safe cartoons from the 2010s.

Attached: 1498308246326.jpg (510x432, 39K)

This is the rare instance where fan support MIGHT bring these crazy kids back together

all mighty boss, or basically

These are the people listed on the AI Animation Studios website, does anyone remember if there were more people here or not? I don't know if the sites been updated properly though.

Attached: dpXQmzJ.png (1467x613, 687K)

Attached: crew.png (1280x320, 729K)

flug is a chicken?

>Woman on the farthest left


Attached: MINE.png (128x129, 37K)

Yep, there's more people before in the archive of the site, however this is from October of last year.
The website has this REALLY fucking annoying shit where its 'cropped' for some reason so it's a pain to get a decent shot anything.
fuck off

Attached: FlMEEcg.png (1275x107, 14K)

Attached: DxtCZ29.png (1225x127, 13K)

Last of the bunch.

Attached: IwiG3HY.png (1048x121, 9K)

lol alan what are you doing?

>fuck off
Unnecessary. Uninvited to the wedding.

It's your fault if you don't enforce your rights as a worker, and that applies in any situation.

If my super scientific calculations are correct, and no one was left out before and after the pages update, then the team previously 11 people, lost 4 employees, and is now down to 7.

Attached: 1495336817152.png (478x443, 69K)

*then the team was previously

Soo is Facebook not a thing anymore?

What do you think Black Hat's hiring process is like?

i love how i can tell that they made BH slide in not because of poor animation but because they wanted the extra creepy factor

>kemono friends
all i know about this is the penguin who got his penguin waifu
what else is there

From what I remember, creator got screwed by the company when it got really popular, and decided to make the second season without him. I think they eventually brought him back, but it was enough to make people to vote negatively on the first episode of season 2.


The Villainous Fandom is friendly with the Nefarious one; expect plenty artwork overlapping the two.

Attached: D9A3C76B-5475-47B3-ACC6-C1271907C3DC.jpg (710x1024, 49K)

Considering he seems to have only three people "employed" (by which I mean allow to live with him) it probably takes a colossal amount of balls and obsession

Flug is a genius and useful it making robotic mooks. Probably the top of his field even though he isn't treated with respect. Flug also probably sought Black Hat personally and must have had the brains and resources to find him himself. Then Black Hat simply snatched him at which point he probably threw tests like throwing monsters against his Flug's robotic creations and seeing if Flug could simply survive around the mansion

505 was made with some of BHs power so of course he is going to keep an eye on him

Who knows with Demencia. Either she was ultra obsessed that she simply brute forced her way to getting to him or she was someone he personally wanted to corrupt and turn into his muscle.

And that’s not counting the previous members who left before all this controversy.

Sort of, it was the creator of the IP but the show's director got sacked after the finish of S1 and Kadokawa announced an S2 without him, people got pissed and they offered a non-apology and went quiet about it until re-announcing it with a new crew. Tatsuki was never asked to come back and he's off making better projects now, and S2 was a complete shitshow.

Because these cuntz seem to want as much credit as the creator.Shit reeks of deviantart drama.

>Watch the pilot and enjoy it
>Come to this thread and see all the possible ways the show will never make it to air or never be as good as it could have been due to production infighting and staff resignations
My dreams are all dead and buried, sometimes I wish the sun would just explode, when God comes and calls me to his kingdom, I'll take all you user fuckers when I go

Attached: man_throwing_stones_at_very_hihg_speed.gif (236x260, 72K)

Don't you love how Flug just feeds sidekicks to Dementica? To hell with ransom, just Jason Todd the lot of them for a daily breakfast

I predict this show will never have mainstream success, but will have a dedicated cult following.

Instagram is mostly for circlejerking, Facebook has become a family thing now

Facebook is for boomers now. Not even the meme boomer, I mean actual 50 year old baby boomers.

There are hints that Demencia was some kind of experiment, so she may have been created or at least modified into her current state by Flug or BH himself

Instagram is where the Zoomer captures their life. Facebook is the mantle where Boomers keep their moments.

Instagram is for friends, twitter is for keeping up with events, Facebook is for family who are too old to be mixed up in multiple things.

Seriously, when's the next episode? Next week?

Instagram is a good place for those obsessed with mainstream. Facebook is good for those obsessed with the local.

Never, enjoy imagining what could have been.

>The show might end because of disagreements between staff

You know what? I'm not gonna get excited for anything ever again. That way, I won't be let down.

I want to kiss Ami

Make an evil pun with Facebook

Can't be Fuckbook



>getting excited over a shit spic show

Seriously man, why do you cucks think sjws ruin everything?

Here's a (You), now fuck off.

what? these are "legit"(as in they are very common in mexico) complaints. The only thing that we need to know is if the problems are recent or not.

I can't tell if this show's fucked or not. Can't they just hire new people in their place?

Attached: 1550686673465.png (826x616, 44K)

Can anyone make out the button on Sidekicks chest? Despite the video being in 1080p I can't see shit.

Attached: flSQEyo.png (296x333, 211K)

Yeah. that's probably what they are going to do. Also keep in mind that the most of the people complaining left through the development of the cycle and not at once.

Not to mention S2 was a really soulless product that went lower and lower in the popularity rankings and at the end it felt like they were mocking the original S1 on purpose.

You can replace them, but if they were anyone significant like an art director, it won't be the same show at all.

if they all left at once the show would be fucked, but as it looks the show might enter development hell for a while and eventually recover

It looks like a 4 points star

I don't think anything serious will happen. Worse things have been done in different studios and they are still going.

I'd just hate to see the animation and the writing suffer after all of this drama

true. it's hard not to be a little anxious

better than the crap weare getting lately in the main network

Hes collecting villans signatures probably for some satanic stuff

I thought Animators and artists were the only ones quitting. Did writers quit too? They are the actual important part.

>you're entitled if you want to be credited for your work


I think the biggest lose were character designers

>tragic villain
>clear motivations
>positive personality despite villain status
A one-off character is better than 95% of the shit characters there've been in cartoons in recent years

It's no longer the main social media platform for people under 25 at the very least.

Instagram is owned by FB regardless so it's the same shit anyways

We Bare Bears, Summer Camp and Craig of the Creek are actually good shows
Also Infinity Train is comming soon
Meanwhile this spic shitshow is boring and the animation team are already fighting

>all those calart shows
this must be fucking bait

Attached: Crawling in my Shield.png (517x177, 110K)

>don't get your name featured for 0.3s in a segment literally noone watches
Yeah because there are so many animation companies in Mexico just dying to hire you.

Everyone that isn't literally blind knows Infinity Train will be smoking garbage from the plot alone.
That won't stop it from getting threads claiming DEEPEST LORE because of having middle school-tier foreshadowing though

The studio isn't obliged to put you in the credits. Yes, is the nice and moral thing to do, but there is no contract where it says that you will appear in the show's credits.

they were not getting paid for the extra hours
fuck you, I like nigger of the creek

>Watching Paint Dry: The Show
>Watching Pastel Paint Dry: The Show
>yet another safe slice of life show
>show which has no hook other than HEY GUYS THIS SHOW HAS LEEPEST DORE

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like they could pay more than alan that's for sure
but they are obligated to pay you wich they didnt bc of bad organization all they wanted was at least credit if ai couldnt pay them right now

That should be a given though, especially for a small studio that wouldn't have much trouble spending a couple of minutes crediting the same people that literally made the show. The vibe in this thread that they should've sucked it up and kept working uncredited is a much bigger case of entitlement.

Craig of the Creek is not that bad but the rest mentioned are actually boring

This was posted in hispachan a few days ago. Is it true that the exec producer got fired for being a commie?

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that's a different matter. I'm just arguing the credits stuff.
>That should be a given
Not really. there are many reasons for why the credit list doesn't have all the studio members. Maybe it was an order from CN, maybe alan hates his employees or maybe the animators that are whining did such a shitty job that they didn't earn their place on the list. We just don't know and is unfair to blame alan when there are too many uncertain factors.
>The vibe in this thread that they should've sucked it up and kept working uncredited
They should have left then, which they did. Also, if they left in the middle of production and are demanding their name to appear on the show, they are stupid. Also credits don't really matter, specially for animators. What matters is that you can show what you've worked on in your demo reel and they can do that.

i know the show is frommexico but could you at least translate the pic in burrito language?
its shit, user

>fired for being a commie
and nothing of value was lost

>I got fired, don't really know why
>no hard feelings for anyone
>dunno what's next, but no worries
That's pretty muuch it

It doesn't matter, is the cliche "I no longer work for CNMX, it wasn't my choice, I'm grateful for having worked there, blah blah blah".

>Is it true that the exec producer got fired for being a commie?
Seems the only confirmarion for that is a tweet from someone. So it's a “we just don’t know” situation.

Yeah I'll admit Craig of the Creek is the best of the bunch and probably the only one I'll actually end up watching completely once I run out of other things to watch.

t. mutt

>fired for being a commie
Based CN

Huh wasnt expecting a Robin type hero in the first episode

fuck Villainous
best show comming to Netflix soon

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Sifferent guy here, i'm gonna advocate for We bare bears. I think it's an entertaining show and i'll be honest, from time to time if i see a cartoon isn't being fought about on this board it makes me thing it's because there isn't really much things to get angry about and is calm so i tend to give it a free-pass.

>tfw you realized Penumbra really did just want to talk with Sunburst, and in reality he wouldn't have actually been in any danger with her if he hadn't been eating
You know, as far as villainous rivals go Penumbra wouldn't be a bad one to have at all.

Attached: 1496240309355.png (697x568, 217K)

maybe because Penumbra wasnt really a full on villain, she just wanted to survive but she had to deal with a fucking dickish meathead that hates nerds and was drunk on his own fame, Aka: AN ACTUAL VILLAIN!

There's nothing to link it to Villainous

looks like theres even more trouble

Attached: IMG_20190602_222551.jpg (2122x1829, 387K)

archived version:

Attached: IMG_20190602_222553.jpg (1826x1750, 303K)

I'm desperate, so let's just get this out of the way. If dubs, it will be revealed that Alan did nothing wrong, the people who left will be properly compensated for their troubles and Villainous' production will proceed as planned.

and this is why we cannot have nice things.

to think a good series is gonna die before it even starts, depressing to say the least.

you fucked up, m8
its going into development hell
>12 forever

Attached: 1546641895454.jpg (470x521, 43K)

The people who quit did so before the pilot was out, it's not a mass exodus but more like... hemorrhage?

Whats even funnier Is that this happened before, Amo keeps getting in the same problems wonder if Alan was on this too

Attached: images (16).jpg (647x474, 51K)

then again, its a 42, so it still has some power.

yeah, a lot of the people who were on that picture already quit long ago. There certainly is a problem but it´s not as big as they are saying it is. Half the staff didn´t just leave this week, they left earlier.

If you still work there, try to get Alan to work in "si hay pelito, no hay delito" into an episode

It sounds like Alan is your typical power-crazed asshole manager who can't stand when people other than himself get credit. Which is the result of the friction and the animators bleeding off the project.

He could hire people to replace them, but typically people don't want to work with a known asshole. So check my five.

Attached: 555.png (256x188, 51K)


i just wanted penumbra fanart

I don't sorry and I know everybody wants to talk about the drama but I just remembered Alan has a folder full of sexy Demencia I just think you would appreciate that info

This will end in nothing.

not shocked

I mean they could have talked to him before making a big deal about it. Even so most of them were young and still have alot to learn. Im sure CN wanted this so they can put people with experience

That's why I'm here. I want to see her cowering under a beach umbrella trying to read a book. Why the hell would she relax at a beach you ask? Because it's the only way she can somewhat socialize with people in that sun obsessed city.

I do actually
I don´t think he´s a total asshole given that the people who are still on the AI studio love him to death. Specially Ami.

Could blackhat defeat stardust the super wizard?

Why the FUCK did this bullshit have to happen RIGHT AFTER the pilot, the thing everyone has been anticipating two full fucking years for, and now this barely-started series is possibly going to die a early death? What actual horseshit. Get me off this planet right fucking now.

Attached: 1542269310691.png (540x542, 292K)

because its the perfect time to reveal what happened.

she should just move to london, or mexico city wich is perpetually drowned in heavy smog from the cars and industry.

Some people can't imagine living anywhere else. Penumbra has a science accident, becomes as photosensitive as a vampire, and now can't enjoy her home anymore because of it. She's just too damn stubborn, and just wants to go back to the way things were.

They've been working their asses off for extra hours and apparently didn't even get paid for it. It can't be that hard to add their names for a small fraction of the credits like, cmon.

A este punto no me sorprende tanto, ¿algo más que no sepamos?

Cada vez q preguntaba por la paga me decian q no me podían decir aún y que los horarios eran libres y q todos amaban quedarse horas extra pura mierda

At this point it doesn't surprise you and you want to know if there's anything else we don't know?
Sorry I'm bad at Spanish.

Hey that sounds like every new company that tries to take this “modern and carefree” approach.Which is a really common problem among businesses related to design and arts honestly, really sad. Abd callcenters. Fuck those assholes.

The people working on it didnt see the pilot until it aired on TV so they had no idea they weren't credited until then. I guess that was the kick off.

>villainous pilot rekindled my hope for CN to get back on track
>suddely all this crew drama that appeared after it aired

Attached: 1450459969950.jpg (500x365, 57K)

The pilot is almost a million views already.
Let´s at least be glad that the crew members effort created something great, even if not all of them were credited.
Get your shit together Alan.

What are you talking about Mr. Person who worked on the show, some deviant stuff Alan did or what?

So maybe the reason why they were uncredited was because they quitted before it got released so the editor forgot to add them on the list? Sounds incompetent still but that would make sense.

Attached: B125CCBE-7CA7-4FDC-BBEE-9C9494A4CBCD.png (1366x768, 687K)

Considering Alan unfollowed people for saying "Wow I didnt get credited on something I worked on for 3 years that sucks" on twitter. It sounds like more than an incompetent editor.

Perhaps the niggers felt entitled to more than they deserved.

any examples of tweets like that?

stop sucking Alan's dick

>Not unfollowing your employees the moment they quit so you don't have to make it that obvious when they start complaining on P-day
Alan what are you doing

Scroll further up. Most people complaining about A.I's treatment only bring up the lack of credit but that was more than enough for them to be unfollowed.

Stop sucking nigger dicks, these whole shit reeks of deviantart tier drama and knowing Mexicans and how this is centered around the credits these fucker sure wanted to be on the same spotlight as Alan and got mad when they realized they where just background noise.

they unfollowed him first though

The thing that's pissing me off about all this is how theres been no official statement about what the hell is going on. Just quit pussy-footing and tell us what's happening and whats going to happen.

Attached: 1495418149184.png (301x313, 65K)

Nope. Humberto Cervera is still following Alan, and Alan was following him he posted his comments last night.

Imagine working on the shorts without credit and payment for years and when you finally get the chance to at least be recognized you get cucked of having your name on a second of the animation you helped to make because no one cared enought to type it

Alan was following him UNTIL he posted his comments last night*

Already does. It will never be as big though unless it airs on TV here.

>Literal for exposure shit this time without even the exposure

to be fair, the best way to deal with is is to do nothing. acknowledging the situation will only make it worse.

A second of animation isn't credit worthy. That's literally just a day of work(in ideal conditions of course).

Wait I never realized Ami was the one that had that username. Welp?

Attached: 9DB9ED51-D539-49C0-9206-4DDBB2AC2DE8.jpg (1242x1312, 622K)

She is fucking Alan and it shows.

if they take on more staff, do you think the conditions will be as shit as ever, or will the scrutiny force alan to improve?

Flug has a Instagram now apparently

Attached: 61679130_135407214309957_8177799585852202759_n.jpg (1080x1080, 28K)

Description on this pic is a binary code that translates to "STOP MAKING FUN OF ME! YOU DON'T KNOW WHO YOU'RE DEALING WITH! TROGOLODYTES!"
It has a slight chance of being fake, but I think the previous image of the airplane image might mean its a real thing made by the crew.

Attached: 54247991_643708476087992_3020595637251166432_n.jpg (789x789, 35K)

G-guys? Anyone knows marble hornets speak or whatever?

Attached: 41BCA2A0-3DB0-4D19-B313-6368EEA02CDA.jpg (1242x1767, 903K)

What? Several animators who didnt get credited like Snonny were working on the show since 2016/2017.

If you actually read the complaints you'd know they were working 12 hour days for months, sometimes giving up their weekends, and they dont even get an animator credit.

OH FUCK YEAH I love this

What even is this pic anyway?

Their fault for being spics.

>All these production issues
What the fuck I've never heard of shit like this happening on a show. Can we get this show made in America instead? Jesus Christ.

Attached: bloodborne oh shit.jpg (631x457, 152K)

Your fault for liking a spic show.

Looks like an extreme closeup of his face like he is yelling into a camera

Well they are a newbie studio so a lot of management issues are expected if they don't have real experience.

>following two people
>it's demencia and penumbra
Well I'll be, I knew of penumbras but not demens.

Attached: 19121661_308207329629853_5778077030100762624_n.jpg (1080x772, 95K)

oh shit, you're right. it's a closeup of his goggles

Those dudes are in their whole right to complain, but the post i was replying to said a second of animation.

Holy shit Penumbra is really popular, that's impressive. Also, I'm starting to get iffy on that Demencia accounts legitimacy.

Attached: IjbvZoB.png (321x318, 161K)

sorry I meant to say that the studio should've wasted a second of the animation to have them on the credits

Read it again. Not that they WORKED on a second of animation, but that after their work they would have their name ON a second of animation.

Not CN yet but he is a good matchup

Attached: IMG_20190601_182205.png (521x521, 115K)

I just wanna say there is even more pissed people inside the studio right now so expect at least more quitting. Its a goddam shitshow. My friend had a tatoo of the show and she also quit

Attached: 1559189761242.png (423x353, 125K)

Oh, i misread that. My apologies.


Attached: J2lM7NY.png (672x570, 289K)

Found more interesting info. I changed some of the text so it made more sense.
>Everyone says that they were mistreated, but they don't say exactly how, except for the one that said that she worked for more than 12 hours a day.
>Give us more details.

>Isn't that enough? (Working) 12 hours from monday to sunday without being paid for the extra hours and it turns out that your name doesn't appear on the credits.
>Everyone being used to work more than 10 hours without extra pay doesn't make it right or normal; People like these(that allow themselves to be mistreated and accept dirt cheap pay) are the reason that studios don't change nor stop exploiting their employees.

>As an ex employee i can say that although all the guys are super amicable, their pay is a joke and for the full time work they have i don't know they(the studio, alan) expected the people to survive by paying them 15.28(USD) per minute
>One with the hope to work on these kind of projects and there are always issues like this one.
>Well, they even accused me of plagiarism.
>One of the worst work experiences i had.

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Apparently someone was able to contact all the uncredited workers:

I get why but still, who is it?

that's why they are VILLIANS

>Well, they even accused me of plagiarism in there
What the fuck? I would like to know which design it was

I'm gonna be the devils advocate:
Now i can see why the credit list is so short. That list alone would have taken more or less from 30 seconds to a full minute. and since CN is the one that gives the time requirements to the studio, the only way to make it fit is to chop the animation, which is a big no-no. Between delivering a full product to not showing everyone that worked on the animation, delivering the full product wins.

Several people that are complaining on a animators group. I don't really know what they did on the show. The group name is industria de la animacion en mexico

I can't believe we were actually gonna get a cartoon aimed at the villains winning with all sorts of cool stories from their perspectives and it just gets fucking killed. I hope to god the walk-out people are just replaceable animators, not like the best of the best who kept the show going strong. I get wanting accreditation, but like come the fuck on, it's 1 episode.

Flug just called Penumbra crybaby,what does that mean?

They could have easily did it the way Disney cartoons like Gravity Falls or Phineas and Ferb did it. (Both of which have much larger teams)

The size of the crew is no excuse to cut their names.

He thought she was the figure of the legend of La Llorona, but she mistook it as him calling her crybaby. I'm not spanish but that's what other people said.

>15.28(USD) per minute
>not enough to survive
Is this a typo or mistranslation or something? Wouldn't that be like ungodly money?

how did they do it?

That's gotta be a typo.

Am I just dumb or don't credits normally only play on the second episode of something? Like the old school pairs of cartoons. Is that not a thing any more?

The paid is mega shite and alan the madman want everyone to stay for long freepaid journeys
The company already got a bad name inside this industry


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whe he saw her he just yell ''ay la llorona'' in surprise.
La Llorona is a famous mexican cryptid/ghost, that is the spirit of a woman who wanders the streets at night looking for her children.
At the same time the word llorona is used to reffer to a woman who weeps/cries a lot, my guess is that crybaby would be the most accurate way of translating it.

Maybe per animation minute they did?

15usd per minute means they'd be paid $900USD an hour. No way thats right.

Oh actually, that makes way more sense, and then makes it sound extremely underpaid. This show has really solid animation too, it can't be too easy to do

that has to be a typo, it was most 15.28 USD a day. its very rare that a they pay you by the hour in mexico.

I don't see animators' names there

the thing is that you don't do a minute of animation per day. you do at more or less a second of that. so you divide 15.28/60 and you get 25 cents per second.
That is a horrible pay and i can see that, specially since living in mexico city is kinda cheap specially if you keep your workers in the studio and you give them pizza every once in a while so they keep working.

Its per minute of animation, no per minute of their time.

believe me, its that bad, and i know that because one of my friends had a similar situation where they were paid nothing for three months straight.

There's that painting in one of the shorts that shows BH literally probably killed most CN hero protags

Atleast I'll have another reason to kill myself if the show goes under.

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jesus no wonder these people are pissed. what the fuck was alan thinking

it works but those are only the leads from each area. all the korean and workers that do the heavy lifting aren't there.

Other CN shows like Gumball have no trouble crediting all their animators

Thats fucking terrible. How the hell did they even put up with this shit?

I don't think western cartoons usually do that. That's more a cinematic thing.

They tell you Is a amazing show and that you will get your payment later and that it's the only good animation studio in México, what can you say you are young and love to be part of a big project with your friends

Well, i'll use my friend as an example:
He was an idiot and had hopes for the future. We only managed to get him to work with us when he was literally starving and had only enough money for a round trip from his house to where we work.

I assume the same happened to the others. They are new on the business, are too innocent and expect that eveything will be ok by the end. Hell, until recently i had the same problem as him.

Its a thing (Gumball does this pretty often) but its only done when the episodes are aired in pairs. When a new episode airs it usually is given its own set of credits

They were fed with hopes and dreams in a newborn company. Sadly common.

Did Alan work on any other job before making AI animation studios? Because all of this sounds like really poor management which is usual on newbie entrepeneurs.

He worked on a couple of shitty cgi movies before founding A.I

even cinema doesn't put all the credits of the people that work on it. i have another friend that worked on thanos for endgame and his name isn't on the movie. Such is life.
I highlighted the important stuff.

>I must admit that it was harsh to not see myself on the credits and be able to share a screenshot with my name on it, but for the ones that don't know, every studio has a limit of people that they can place on the screen and many of the times it(getting your name on the screen) depends on the time you worked on the project, the amount of work you did, or the amount of shoots the studio made, etc...

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Endgame employed a million people. Like others have said not that many people worked on this show compared to other cartoons that get their full credits. I'm sure there are a few people left out of those but it's weird that it's a problem for a small studio.

but if what my friend says is true, then alan had his hands tied and was forced to pick and choose who to put on the credits. That is a lose -lose situation for him.

by cn?

probably. either CN or CN LA, i don't really know who would be the one in charge.

Well I think his animators and artists wouldn't be this desesperated for credit if he had paid them what they deserved

I definitely agree. At least they can show their work on their respective demo reels which most of the time is more important.

considering the hero she has to 'fight' and that her goals are very reasonable
>she just wants to throw some shade at one part of her town
she's elder god tier

I just thought: what if some villains are the cause for more villains
especially looking at Bonnivet and Stardusk
Bonnivet burned Stardusk hometown to the grounds driving her to become a space pirate
if you pit two villains against each other what would happen if they'd both go to Black Hat to get rid of each other?

It's fucking over bros. One of the few things I looked forward to in recent years and now this, someone hold me.

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>wants to cover the sun just so she and a bunch of other people dont burn to death,
>wants to find a cure to her condition so the previous thing is not necesary anymore.
>the 'hero' just beats her because she is a nerd.

She is elder god tier.

so its pretty much confirmed that after the pilot the quality will go to shit

Can I ask him to post lewds of himself?

other shots in demencias cage

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>The show is actually full of these types of “Villains”.
Oh fuck imagine one of them actually succeeding and thanking Black Hat for helping them make the world a better place.

Attached: C5824E32-0382-4B96-90A5-2D0C0886B65B.gif (302x188, 1.61M)

the one seen on the podemos bailar site
BH would probably kill them on the spot and then undo anything they managed to achieve

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and the last one showing the other side, seems like there's actually a larger/fuller image of the one we've seen on the secret site.

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wait is this show not happening or something

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It's still happening, there wasn't some immediate overnight exodus of staffers. Most of these people quit a long time ago and are only now talking about it.

>Holy fuck, that entitlement

Well, it is but not in the millenial complaint sense. If they deny credit then the next stop is denying pay. Denying credit also means they could deny you ever worked on it.

Because leadership and integrity are skills that some parts of society deems too problematic to have.

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