Feels thread

Feels thread.

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Kubo, lived a hard life.

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Honestly, this ruined the ending.


It took away from the bittersweetness. It would have been fine if the two candles Kubo set up in their memory lit themselves like all the others, but making them appear to stand by his side and interact with him undid the sense of loss.

>What's a warrior without weapons, eh?
>A warrior still!

>Oh, please! Face it, Dinobot! You're old technology, obsolete. What could you possibly do?

I think it was just symbolic.

they weren’t actually there

anyone else disappointed how modern pixar relies on emotional scenes to make a good movie?

i think it should be part of the story, not its climax

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>Hey guys... if you're hearing this then it means you did it. You won. You kicked the shit out of Hargrove's forces. I knew you could. But this is my last stop. See, when I came into this world, I was really just a collection of somebody else's memories. But with your help, these memories... they-they took form! They became my voice, my personality. And, after a while, I... I began to make brand new memories of my own. All of these things are what make me who I am... but they're also holding me back. (Looks at the Meta's armor) I can't run this suit as Epsilon, but if I erase my memories, if I... deconstruct myself, the fragments I'll leave behind will have the strength to get you through this. I believe that. I wish that there was another way. But I'm leaving this message, as well as others, in the hopes that you'll understand why I have to go this time...hehe, it was actually Doyle who made me realize something that I've never thought of before. There are so many stories where some brave hero decides to give their life to save the day, and because of their sacrifice, the good guys win, the survivors all cheer, and everybody lives happily ever after. But the hero... never gets to see that ending. They'll never know if their sacrifice actually made a difference. (Epsilon begins shifting between his different forms) They'll never know if the day was really saved. In the end, they just have to have faith. Ain’t that a bitch?

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>Who am I?

>I'm nobody.

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As far as I'm concerned this is where RvB ended

Season 17 was really fucking good.

That feel when the movie states that everyone in the series you liked died a horrible death

>another thread where Yea Forums pretends to have feelings other that boiling hatred and a desire to murder all blacks/Jews/LGBTs/women/foreigners/etc.
These shows of maudlin hypocrisy are always disgusting and do NOT belong on Yea Forums.

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not bad for third world cartoon

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Eeeeh that's questionable. I won't try to tell you how you should feel, but I thought it was a nice callback to earlier in the movie when Kubo tried to talk to his dad's ghost (and failed for reasons that became obvious).

Hoping that if Hasbro will EVER make a new Beast Wars show (I'm really getting tired of G1 at this point even if it is good), then they will do something that will be at least close to this. Though probably it will never come to pass.

Hal looks so sad in the last panel.

What a fucking fantastic film

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Is it bad I think Ace has nice legs even though she's dead and like 12
Lucky mortician getting to remove that leotard

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>20 minutes

hit so hard i couldnt rewatch it for some time

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What season was this from?

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Such a fun movie about orphaned kid getting superpowers!

>You'll need this more than me.

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there's a season 17? how good?

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>Maybe in time, you'll want to be mine

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Pretty damn good. Season 14 is a bunch of anthologies, so if you’re not interested skip that. Season 15 is meh, but necessary to understand Season 16. Season 16 is bad, but necessary to understanding Season 17. Season 17 was very very good.


>hanzo was that hot and a smooth talker to boot
No wonder Kubo's mum immediately jumped on his katana.

His 20 minutes is actually worst then it may first look.

You see he succeeded, when yugo touched the cube they made it all the way back to the choas of Ogres maybe even long before his family died, he fucking made it but he didn't realised it, he tought he was somewhere that didn't mater and used his 20 fucking minute of wakfu to undo his success destroying all he worked for in the process.

I haven't watched rvb in a while, but I remember liking Season 15 for being one of the only modern seasons of the series that really played around with the different reds and blues individual motivations, beyond just having them tagging along for all the freelancer stuff.

e.g. Sarge being a lunatic and wanting to have an enemy to fight again at whatever cost, Grif ditching the group because he was burnt out on suicidal adventures, Caboose's inability to accept death, etc.

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Yeah. It did explore that a little bit.

LoK confirmed he never really moved passed losing her.

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>I can hear you. I can hear you.

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LOK confirmed dick-all about Sokka beyond that he still loved mentioning his boomerang even as an adult.

Comics used to fun

>Take her to the moon for me, okay?

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Overwrought garbage.
This and that page where Superman saves that suicidal tramp always get spammed for no good fucking reason.

He didn't end up with Suki.

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>bring back the light

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Everyone's entitled to an opinion. You're wrong though.

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sweet thing

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So much going on in this one short clip.

>When you're ugly and someone loves you, you know they love you for who you are.

>She was like you.
>Disgusting? :)

>she touches him and starts bawling

You now realise this scene showed Mantis that parents should mourn the loss of their children, and makes her realise what Ego is doing is fucked up. That's why she instantly wants to tell Drax about it.

Gets me every time I think about it

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I'm working my way through 16 now, I stopped because 15 was garbage

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because she became one of the Fire Lord's concubines

16 is worse, but it’s worth powering through because 17 is great.

>"You're dad saved us all"
>"Is it okay if still miss him?"

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This might be a hot take, but I think Going Sane humanises Joker better the TKJ.

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I can do no wrong. For I do not know what it is.

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You have a funny idea about what "confirmed" means.

>For the sake of anyone you care about, I strongly urge you to keep the details of our little meeting here to yourself.

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Undercut by every facial movement in that movie looking creepy as hell.


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ive seen this image before and I wish I knew what the comic is and where it might be.

It worked for Satan though.


We3 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely, available from all good comics shops (or semi-legally online)

pirate didnt make it

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Childhood's End was a ride.

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your pic wasn't the climax
The climax was just after the final fight and the bad guy's plan was revealed
You gave a real shitty example, a better example is Toy Story 3

"It's okay."

"D'you hear?"

"It's okay."

"But bring the pickles too."

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my bad. but this becomes trite, "this emotional scene will make you bawl like a baby the actor was crying during recording" etc. it loses impact if that's all the movie is about

>same church they got married in

well duh, they never even left the town.

Those things have NEVER inspired any emotion other than frustration or rage.

>No wonder it took us so long to be friends.
>Is that what we are?

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>implying these maudlin manipulative monents had any impact to begin with

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Fucking reddit trash.

I certainly hope you have a pleasant day indeed.

Feels threads have always been a thing, summerfag.

Haha, I do agree with you. However, New X-Men has a special place in my heart. It was the 1st comic I read and followed along with- I use to run to the comic store afterschool whenever an issue was released. I got really into the characters as a teen.

And then I learned the hard was why I shouldn't get attached to ANY comic characters. They literally went through hell.

Still love the series though. Have several copies of the series in tpb form in my classroom and my middle schoolers get into it. Had a parent tell me at a parent-teacher conference a few months back how her son wouldn't put the comic down at dinner and said "You don't understand, it's M-Day!"

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Yeah, but it kinda cheapens the effect when everyone else is equally disturbing.

"summer" doesn't exist, especially now that everyone posts from smartphone

>Feels threads have always been a thing
And that thing has always been "hypocritical manipulative garbage posted by anons incapable of feeling anything except hatred."

Imagine being this paranoic.

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My nigga

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Imagine if they had ended the movie with Moses going through all of that and coming down from the mountain just to see everyone already worshiping a fucking golden cow.

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What cartoon and what third-world country?

I see our point there, but as a Latino who's very close with his family that scene fucking destroyed me.

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Big tearjerker musical moments can run the risk of being emotionally manipulative, but I still thought Coco was Pixar's best film in ages though.

Up was better though.

Malaysia, check netflix.

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They also came out nearly a decade apart.

yeah, Coco is best Pixar movie of the decade.

Try harder thread

It will keep being garbage, just like the fanbase deserves.

This and the Iron Giant will, for me, forever be the greatest animated films ever made.

>I'm a Bad Guy. I don't save the day. I don't fly into the sunstet. I don't get the Girl.
>I'm going home.

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That always gets me because to Jack he just killed another robot he has no idea what he did.

Those are some awfully based opinions user. Glad you feel the same.
Lion King fags can get thee hence.

Holy shit thank you.
I thought I was the only one. I like that it maintains the mystery of the Joker pretty well too. Joseph Kerr isn't the Joker, it's another character he plays.

>They literally went through hell
And it was one of the more positive arcs, because at least nobody died permanently!

>You should go to a safe distance. I can take it from here

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Hal tried to get him killed and Kilowog mocked him calling him lamos and he still sacrificed himself saving them. They didn’t deserve beat boy.

(You) are my quest

That is the point of the candles lighting themselves, that they are still there in some way. They aren't talking to him or doing anything with him just that their spirits are there. It isn't some Obi-Wan force ghost shit.

>thought it was going to be some cheesy romance
>was a very heartfelt film of a dad growing closer with his family
Croods surprised me with how good it was.

Not all feels are tragic.

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If you ask me, Lilo and Stitch was probably the most brutal thing Walt Dinsey Studios ever did. Showing Nani try to do good by her parents, try to raise Lilo, come so close to making it work only to be told that "it might be what's best for you, but it's not best for Lilo", only to lose Lilo minutes later. It didn't hit on any of the specific griefs that I've experienced in life, but man did it hit hard.

Lilo and Stitch is the type of movie that I didn't appreciate half as much as a kid as I do now. Nani's great.

I agree

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Finally watched HTTYD3 the other day, it wasn't bad or anything, but it wasn't good either, I loved 1 & 2. The ending felt contrived for the sake of it, but the epilogue made me tear up.

It doesn't change the fact that they are truly gone though. It was fine.

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a man of taste

>i stay
>you go
>no following

>They told him not to trust her
>They believed in him, who believed in the devil
>They've lost everything
>This songs plays
I don't care what Yea Forums thinks, I think Cats Don't Dance is a good movie; youtube.com/watch?v=AOnMspPrAwc

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I didn't need to remember this, fuck.

Really the whole scene.

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Still definitely one of my top 10 animated movies. You have good taste, user. Also that fucking picture god damn.

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There's a Kickstarter for season 2 of this, there's only 4 days to go, it might not make it, give them money.

First animated crush my dude. Wish I had seen it in theaters back then, only saw it when Cartoon Network had a movie marathon of all of Warner Bros. animated movies at the time.

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I really want to. But I don't think they'll accept my shitty Discover card...

Goddamn uprising was so visually striking.

All fiction is manipulative you dumb bitch

Folks like Nox are why shit like S3 happens, it seems like the only god who cares is Iop.

Since we’re on feels with Garfield, this one always get me


I swear, this may be the most emotionally raw moment in the entire MCU. Sean Gunn puts so much into this scream it's hair-raising.

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How come?

This feels thread still sucks

And smelly.

The word is "past". He never moved *past* losing her.

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Fuck off, feelfag. Go cry on liek this if you cri evry tiem somewhere else.

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I started to look up the Adventure Time comic now I feel sad

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Yo, what happened in this one? Also, for pic related, these girls were orphans until AFTER the movie. Miss Miller didn't adopt them yet. Hell, I think they're orphans in the current cartoon as well, I haven't seen Miss Miller yet.

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What’s the context of this page?

Qilby desperatebly begging his sister and Yugo to not get dumped into white hell was also horrifying

She deserved better
Best death scene of the decade

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Finn and Jake had a adopted sister they never knew existed. It was because she wasn’t suppose to exist in the first place. She probably had the saddest story in Adventure Time

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Well dam... I feel sorry for her.

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They're just nuts and bolts
Just nuts... and bolts

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ive never even heard of this movie and holy fucking shit

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Fine tastes.

The scene where he saw his wife again was so fucking good. Killing him not even five minutes later is probably the biggest bullshit this franchise pulled.

Holy fuck i'm getting old
>Up release date: 2009
>Coco release date: 2017
Is this how it feels for you older anons? I just turned 21 too.

>this one always get me
Me too, but because I was born in 86 so I got to watch this every year growing up with my mom at Christmas.
She has dementia and aphasia now, so on her bad days she sometimes calls me her brother. She can't even tell me what animal Garfield is anymore.

Trust me, it only gets worse.

21? Try 37. Now that's OLD.

I honestly wish they kept in Pudge’s death, but I understand why they didn’t.

I had this weird dream about an epilogue for Adventure Time, Finn had gone off into space and ascended to a cosmic being, and Jake had remained on Ooo and many millennia had passed, but he still waited for Finn to come back for one last Adventure, Finn comes back as a human boy as he had been de-ascended by a bad guy, and they go on an Adventure to stop him, anyways Jake is really old and the Adventure takes it's toll on him and he dies peacefully shortly after, then it turns out Finn was still ascended, he just wanted Jake to die with some dignity, it was really sad and sweet, and I woke up crying.

Fug, that kinda made me feel like shit. There's a gal I'm dating. I think though its really friends with benefits. I care for her greatly and feel lust. I just don't feel romance with her. She been so caring and good to me... I feel like I should tell her but I think she feels romance and would really hurt her.

>You... don't have to be, the Bad Guy.

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>that subtle cheek patting
gets me every time

Fuck why'd you have to remind me

You're only prolonging the inevitable, user, and it'll only make it worse when the truth comes out.

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I'm really glad this got an Oscar it deserved only because Cars 2 was the Pixar movie of that year and if it were any other Pixar movie instead they would've chosen that. Fuck the Oscars.

because best scenes take you by surprise

[pic not related]

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>beginning of the movie
>flashback is more colorful, both are happy
>reveal flashback
>colors are subdued, her face is shown to be more stressed

Where is this from?

season 2 episode 6

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Found the title through reverse-image search with this, thanks user.

He killed 6 innocent girls, and he’ll live with that, especially since he directly killed the last one...and all his friends.

This keeps getting more depressing the more you think about it

Trips of truth.

Can you imagine that? Like, I'm sure every one of us did something bad, with the expectation of "it's not going to matter if we succeed?" Doesn't even have to be anything big. A small lie, an item shoplifted, cheating on a test, whatever. And then I'm sure we remember the guilt of when it DID get found out. The burning shame, the regret.

Now imagine that over CENTURIES of murder. And at you push the lever and (almost) nothing happens, and you realize that you're literally Hitler.

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I remember thinking the part where he was throwing his family was emotional

This movie would have been legendary if he had died at that point.




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