Was he the most irrelevant character yet?

Was he the most irrelevant character yet?

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he gave Thanos a stone so he did more than Carol by default

Quicksilver, Betty Ross, Jane Foster, Sif...

I wish the vision-warlock rumor was true. Would have been both interesting for the character and a good send off.

Til now, yeah, he's one of them. But he's starring in a show, so that won't last.
As says, Quicksilver, Betty, and Sif are more irrelevant. Jane though was the vessel of a stone, and made it to Endgame

? He was targetted and made irrelevant in figths because he was strong and important. Even without that, He saved Captain America by killing jobber Corvus.

Poor guy. All he wanted was an easy 2 weeks payed voice over job and collect the pay check, but then got pushed into acting in a nerd movie(which he hates).

That role saved his career. He was joking when he was complaining about it, and you seem to be taking it literally.

I don't want my boy Warlock to be this boring shithead

In Civil War and Infinity War, he was too powerful for the stories they wanted to tell, so he does nothing in Civil War, then spends most of Infinity War severely injured. We never got to see him operating at full power, so casuals think he's a weak loser.

What was his name again ?

"irrelevant" to what?

He had an Infinity Gem in his head, that makes him pretty relevant to the plot.

>? He was targetted and made irrelevant in figths
In the Civil War airport fight he was practically ignored yet did fuck all. These are literally the four things he did throughout the entire conflict.

>Stopped a bus flung by Ant-Man from hitting Black Panther, which was a worthless move because BP is essentially invulnerable from physical trauma in his suit
>Canonballed Ant-Man in the chest and knocked him back slightly into a parked aircraft
>Tried to block off the Quinjet by barricading it with debris
>Missed Sam with his beam and gave Rhodes the free-fall paralysis special

Literally nobody gunned for him during the entire brawl, it's a definitive case of the writers had no clue what to do with him. I also consider this entire fight the turnaround where more people started paying attention to Ant-Man and looked forward to more content with him because Scott was the fucking centrepiece of this scene.

the cat in MIB had the galaxy around its neck. the ct itself was never relevant to the plot beyond being the location of a mcguffin, it was the mcguffin itself that was relevent

Meh not really true of the cat. His name being Orion makes him relevant in that situation. Also the fact that vision was a "person" kept them from destroying the stone which allowed thanos to get it.

His relevance is in being a living thing rather than just a computer of vessel. It shows that despite the violent name the Avengers are not cold calculators like the villain.

Or vessel **

>Just had a look because I didn't believe it
>It's actually true
Holy shit Vision practically fucking disappears after the run up where everybody charges one another.

>can't be seen
What did the Russos mean by this?

> Sacrifices himself to save half of all life.
> Its worthless.
> The only thing it did is make Wanda fully embrace her powers...which Vision seemed to be dead set against through Civil War and up until he gets attacked. He is urging her to retire in Edinburgh, and he seemed to want her to retire in Civil War.
> The world knows about Tony's sacrifice, but it's likely the public still shits on Wanda for Lagos and Leipzig because they don't know anything about her and Vision's sacrifice.
> The Vision we see in AoU, CW, and IW is dead according to the Russos and will only appear in flashback. We are probably getting 3 new Vision's in WandaVision.

> I will kek if Chthon gives him the alias "Victor Shade".

>Make conspicuously overpowered character.
>Use them as the designated Princess Peach.

The Russos are kind of dumb in handling powerful characters (with Strange and Witch they are glass cannons so there are work arounds). If they had made the Black Order a powerful threat they would have fixed this problem, but by making Vision job and having Corvus be a wimp they fucked themselves.

Ultimately the reason Vision jobbed is because the Edinburgh scenes had to be short so the New York scenes with Spidey and Tony could be longer.

They handled Wanda incredibly poorly in that Thor didn't seek her out immediately to help him cut thanos' fucking head off again.

Captain marvel was superfluous to the entire universe. Widow or Wanda should have gotten that movie, even if they pissed everyone off and made vision just a silly love interest in her flick to drive home their romance and her pain, and had her go full belligerent quasi-villain for Clint to then talk her down and her to talk him down. Clint then should have fired antman on an arrows to the gauntlet to steal it while Wanda subdued thanos and Thor sprigs in as he's distracted by the theft and resisting Wanda and clocks his doll off.

They needed three to six Avengers total the entire time even tonys sciencemagic nano suit was superfluous and was proven OP when he did what his little liquid armor should have already been able to do on Titan.