Why are modern audiences so afraid of strong women?
Why are modern audiences so afraid of strong women?
They aren't. You're just making a thinly veiled muscle girl thread, which you don't need to do. You can just say "muscle girl thread", the mods don't care.
Modern audiences are afraid of women. Period. Have one attractive female be as near naked as Drax or Thor in the next MCU movie and watch journos lose their shit
if youre talking about movies, directors/producers are boring
they never get good actresses who actually have muscle
What about being nearly nude makes a woman strong to you? Without deflecting. Because as said I'm all for a thread about barely dressed women. I just don't know how the two concepts connect.
I'd much rather that happen than the shitpost bait he clearly intended
There's a clear double entendre of strong women.
The OP is phrased as though they mean "women of strong character" when the image makes the phrasing imply it actually means attractive physically strong women.
Then OP should just delete this thread and make a new one.
Excuse me, is this the Muscle Girl thread?
seriously LOL
Kind of a weird sentiment when you think about recent shows like Steven Universe, and that the MCU is planning to center on Captain Marvel. Not to mention the focus on Valkyrie during the last Thor movie.
I'd say if anything we are finally getting strong women.
>confidence in one's body
These all usually go together. Plus it helps show off the muscles that the actress worked hard for
because there is no Sean Connery James Bond running around slapping bitches.
The joke is that it has nothing to do with them, they just mean sexy muscle girls.
I for one prefer athletic muscle/toned girls
They're not, they're just bored with them. Any vulnerabilty being weakness forces them to be one dimensional.
Dima Ivanov
insecurity of both genders
Strong through adversity or just "Ew used goods"
meh, usually needing to show off your body is a sign you don't feel like you deserve attention for anything else. The girl with her tits out is the one who's dad was absent or weak and predators home in on her.
Needing attention from strangers is just narcissism unchecked by the little light in your chest installed by your parents, it's called self-esteem and it's a basis for a strong sense of who you are.
So many people these days can't even say their own names and sound certain.
It is now
god that's terrible art
t. ugly faggot who has never felt comfortable in his own body
>See sexy artwork with a character I don't recognize
>Reverse image search
>Its fucking Loud House
>Every god damn time
How the hell does that show inspire sexy fanart? I never see the appeal
Why not?
Strong through ABversity.
Why not what?
Yoked girls with tiddy
One day science will see us into the golden age
You should know by now that this happens with just about everything.
At the very least they'll figure out how to make a convincing implant....one of these days.
Because nowadays they usually have a penis.
Post the treasure trail version.
Not always. Most shows get maybe one or two pieces of art by a random artist who wants to be the first person on rule34. But for some reason Loud House gets a disproportionately large amount of porn for what it is.
>Most shows get maybe one or two pieces of art by a random artist who wants to be the first person on rule34.
not really
a cosplay bit
Yeah they get none. Only the lucky few get any art at all
20s Kim on anavar
no dude. have you ever been on r34? almost any show on nick or cartoon network has plenty of porn.
Because we need a female genocide right now to be honest with you
No, you only think that because you aren't aware. Theres hundreds of cartoons people never talk about that don't get any porn.
Most of these have nothing, and they probably won't ever because they don't have anything to inspire anyone. This is also also only a list of things made in the past few years on two services. The sheer volume of semi forgotten shows goes far beyond what artists care about on paheal.
What you call strong women I call weak whores who need to be pandered to and coddled their whole lives while having standards lowered so they can pretend they are strong when essentially they are just humored retards.
>Talks about Steven Universe
>In a thread about strong woman
>Not a picture of Jasper
One job, user, you had one job
I don't think he really gets what this is about.
Man orange kisses draws some sexy muscle women
That she do.
that guy's making $700 average on its Patreon
Average what?
On average
The fact that the woman doesn't need clothes to protect herself makes her stronger, both physically and mentally, as she does not need to protect herself from the elements nor the male gaze.
Strong women don't scare me, there's no doubt been plenty of female roles and characters that I've admired throughout my life. I am, however, tired of women being shoehorned into everything because of political correctness and social justice ideology. It feels like many female characters and actors are starring in media simply to meet a quota rather than actual merit or interest from the audience.
post three nick or cn cartoons without any porn
Captain Marvel is not a strong woman, she's a cunt and a bully riding a power trip.
Shut up, Carol. You're delusional.
$700 a month, you fucking sperg
They aren't. It's just an excuse used to attack fans who don't like today's vapid NPCs
Agreed. Dana Lynn Bailey would be an actress in MY world.
>when Arnold Schwarzenegger injures a douchebag toughguy for insulting him and then takes his stuff he's a badass
>when Brie Larson does it she's cunt and a bully
Well for starters one is an emotionless killing machine you're not supposed to empathise with, and the other is the T-800.
what if I empathise with emotionless killing machines?
besides, Carol isn't emotionless. she feels rage. nothing but rage.
Because they don't their manhood threatened and end up being so whiney that it borderlines being a complete sexist and would rather want something to fap to. They don't like when women are treated equally then their male counterparts and would want them to remain inferior
I mean how many threads are there that talked about leotards and why Carol as Ms. Marvel was better than her as Captain Marvel? Constantly saying that sex sell, but never mention how would it help the story and the character. In the end it's just being boring and using sex to hide a terrible story and poor character development, and women refusing to be taken seriously
Example. This piece of shit:
Oh hey I know this guy. Cool dude. A few of his pieces on his blog are commissioned by me.
You know you sould like a hypocrite and it shows how threatened you are when your manhood is at stake
And the dude that was hitting on her is an actual douche. Just like in Terminator 2, Carol did exactly what the Terminator did. Except Carol didn't even cause serious harm to him. She just stole his shit
You sir are cleary a hypocrite and honestly it sounds like you're an incel that don't like strong women
Why are modern women afraid of their own sexuality?
They don't know how to broaden their masturbation fantasies. In other words, autism.
They think it's part of some feminist world domination conspiracy instead of just companies trying to cash in on the female and woke™ audience.
You keep comparing Carol, a person supposed to be touted as a hero on par with Captain America or Iron Man to an emotionless machine that has zero, absolutely no understanding of human life until it's rebooted and then capable of learning.
Are you retarded?
>And the dude that was hitting on her is an actual douche.
and that's an excuse to break his fucking bones because he whistled at her? go outside and break someone's jaw because they did something you didn't like and see how many friends that wins.
Because modern audiences are the weakest faggots you will ever encounter. If it doesn't cater to their specific needs, it must be a direct threat to their sad existence. It gets especially bad when there's plenty to actually hate about a property, but some can't help but drag the most trivial shit into it. See: faggots upset that SU has lesbians, diluting the legit complaints regarding animation or story.
Because everyone else blames it on everything.
VR will solve this issue first than its just a question of hooking it to your brain to simulate being able to feel their touch and then I am fucking done with this world on every single level.
what's with this recurring meme where people compare Carol being an unlikable asshole to a killer robot that would snap your neck in a heartbeat like the actions of said robot justifies being an asshole? that's like justifying murder because jeffrey dahmer did it.
because apparently being a killer robot that would snap your neck in a heartbeat is only worth clapping if its a male-presenting killer robot
but Carol isn't a killer robot...
Literally nobody had an issue with the TX decimating fools in Terminator 3. In fact, the problem people had with the TX was that the actress did anything but act emotionless like every other Terminator.
Depends on if you mean a female character who is physically strong or strong female character. One is not always the other. A strong female character can be weak/meek/submissive/broken/etc. because "strong" is referring to strength of character.
Personally I don't think anybody is afraid of a female in a story with strong character, I think they just don't like being told to like a character and being told a female character is strong on the basis that they are female and being told they are wrong/stupid/evil for not liking a female character. People generally want compelling characters and people generally don't like being told what to do.
the kree tried to make her one which was the whole driving force of the movie.
Modern producers/directors/writers can't make a strong woman without making her a Mary Sue.
user, two of the most popular and successful movies in the last 5 years were movies about strong women: Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel. What the fuck are you talking about?
Before I answer, I must ask you a question: why are strong women afraid of my penis?
I think he means muscle girls. Those could've been great examples if they didn't cast Gadot and Larson respectively.
doesn't make her one.
Says the bigger retard who would believe in anything just to say how much a bully Carol is when she's doing the exact same thing a male hero would do
That's the hypocracy that you would have no problem if a male character does it, but when a female character does the exact same thing you suddenly believed that character is a bully. That's the pure double-standard you've displayed and only points out the real problem you really have against Carol, or any female character that's on par with their male counterparts
Did she really break her bone or are you exaggerating what you saw just to feed your stupidity? Because she did none of that and you're being a real dumbass for saying it and shows how really stupid you are
The. Terminator. Is. An. Emotionless. Killing. Machine. Designed. To. End. Human. Life.
Carol. Is. A. Super. Hero. Meant. To. Protect. People.
i worry for your mental health when you continue to equate a sociopath robot with a woman, pretty sexist.
>Yea Forums is legitimately this thick in the skull
I don't know what I expected.
all soldiers are killing machines designed to end life
>women STILL think, to this day, that men only want a fashion magazine cover model as their baseline standard of attractive, with little to no deviation from that baseline
>in spite of the mountain of evidence (and very hyper-specific and extremely profitable variety of niche porno genres) that shows otherwise
I can't wait for gynoid waifus to hit the market. They think they're all going to be Marilyn Monroe-bots lining the Tencentmazon.com warehouses and the best seller of 2062 is going to be a giant orange wildcat muscle woman with a rock for a nose, kek. Future's looking bright, lads. Future's looking bright.
Why are modern men so submissive?
I came here for muscle girls and most of this thread is just words words words.
Yes, Modern Yea Forums is quite retarded.
>he can't into medic soldier class
Jesus Christ what the fuck is wrong with that image.
Because they're handled by writers who dress them like that, then spend the next 3 panels tearing apart any male who dares look at their tits.
men aren't real,retard. thats just a myth made up by the rockerfellers
Your the bigger sexist for complaining when a woman hero does the same thing a male hero does. And a reprogrammed killing robot dissing a couple of dudes in a bar scene, which Carol did the same thing to that biker dude
Only difference is Terminator brokes dudes, while Carol scarred a dude. There is a difference
I blame s o c i e t y
>does the same thing a male hero does.
You're not going to convince anybody when you keep trying to wrongly affirm a psychotic killer robot is on the same moral playing field as a superheroine.
>no ur the sexist
>if a robot (not a man) can be an insane murderer then women have every right to be insane psychotic abusers too!
seek help
Guys, the real difference is Terminator is a good movie.
>Only difference is Terminator brokes dudes
And is also a robot from the future that has slaughtered thousands of humans, and has absolutely no sympathy/empathy for organic life.
The protein farts
Because actual strong people,, not men or women only as it applies to both are people who are simply confident in themselves and their actions.
The idea of a "strong woman" character is simply someone like Babs Gordon or some shit.
Instead we get "4th wave feminist strong" which is a whiny politically bitching woman.
Bruce Wayne is a terribly weak character but Batman is a strong character, if that helps you understand.
Having your tits or dick on display doesn't make you strong - it makes you a fucking degenerate.
Actually, now that I think about it, it's totally the same. Carol IS a psychopathic murderer, what with participating in the attempted genocide of the Skrull.
I guess from that angle, Brie Larson was the perfect casting.
The human body is a thing of beauty, and should be appreciated.
Indeed! Why, given the totalitarian leanings of the Kree, she's basically a Nazi war criminal with a redemption arc.
Too much of a good thing leads to soul crippling boredom.
>Having your tits or dick on display doesn't make you strong - it makes you a fucking degenerate.
But they're just drawings, user
They're both soldiers before they became heroes. Know the difference
She's a soldier. She served an empire that's controlling the population to fit their narrative. Carol didn't even know about it until later on
You're clearly exaggerating this just to feel your Carol-hating ride
They are though, remember that thread about how everyone hated that buff she hulk figure?
There were articles lambasting it as fetishist shit
The soldier background is irrelevant. The T-800 was designed and created for the sole purpose of snapping your neck with over a dozen effective methods. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
And you're comparing this lifeless, horrifying bag of bolts to Captain Marvel.
>literally just following orders
If it's not enough to keep a man from a short drop and a sudden stop, it doesn't excuse your cycle-jacking wooden plank for her part in the Skrull holocaust. Hell, she barely squeaks out with finding them a new homeworld and fighting Thanos.
Would literally sell a couple organs for one not even joking. Will literally harvest poor people's organs if I have to. All I want is a tall buff female and they literally refuse to meet my standards even half way.
>It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.
Isn't that the entire point of what a soldier does? Because there is no difference in that
A soldier can absolutely be bargained/reasoned with. It would be difficult unless the circumstances were right, but it's possible unless the person was a brainwashed husk and is basically a robot at that point.
A Terminator has no need for money, food or companionship. Its only reason for existence is the mission at hand. There is no possible leverage you could use against it.
Come on Ronald, we're all rooting for you over here!
I LOVE a freakish, roided out She-Hulk and I think that's the ideal look for her.
She should still have the fun loving personality and intellect she's had since Byrne, though.
I think that's where most of the negative interactions stem from.
My favorite part of the Slott run was when she worked out as Jen, making her proportionally stronger She-Hulk form so much bigger and more powerful that she had to wear the Jupiter Suit to keep it under control.
>A soldier can absolutely be bargained/reasoned with
no that gets beaten out of them in basic training. the military has no use for a soldier that can be convinced to defy orders and spare someone they were ordered to kill just because they made a persuasive argument or offered something desirable
You can't beat that shit out of people, only suppress it. Hence horrific PTSD for most vets when they start thinking about the innocent lives they accidentally wiped out when they carpet bombed a strip of a city that had two terrorists inside a building.
>It would be difficult unless the circumstances were right, but it's possible unless the person was a brainwashed husk and is basically a robot at that point
Unless you're an extreamist zealot. Because that is precisely what passes as a modern day robot with how many people they've killd in the name of their religion.
You have a very dark view of soldiers, user, and you clearly do not know what the biggest hurdle is in training one. Can you guess what it is? Getting them willing to kill someone at all. Even drone operators, one of the most disconnected forms of warfare there is, still has to break that fundamental aversion to taking another human life.
soldiers are designed to follow orders without questions. Even horrible ones. You defy them you go to jail and get branded as a traitor. That's how it works
Again, I don't think you have any friends or family who've served. Seriously, you're speaking as if their humanity has been wholly stripped from them.
Are you fucking kidding me? How retarded can you get? Have you ever even met a soldier? Do you even know what one looks like? Do you have this image in your mind that all soldiers act like 12 year olds playing fortnite or call of duty yelling nigger at their targets and teabagging corpses? You're building soldiers up to be these horrible monstrosities that feel nothing and aren't even people anymore. Basic's a bitch, but it doesn't destroy your humanity. It's overly privileged paranoid wastes of flesh like yourself that cause veterans to be treated like shit when they get home, when they risked life and limb just so dumbasses like you can live another day of freedom. Go fuck yourself, or at the very least make a conceited effort to better yourself.
They might be European, my dude, meaning their soldiers fight for another day of comfortable subjugation.
Horse shi, though there are always those who want it to not be. Look into what it took to make infantry soldiers in the days of formation battles or for that matter how child soldiers get fucked into what they are.
Some will want perfectly obedient tin figures they can tell to murder whoever they want murdered, but thing is those tin figures aren’t very good soldiers. When you see horrible abuses perpetrated by members of modern armed forces, the people involved were likely pieces of shit to start with.
Are you entirely sure you’re on the right board?
Sure, but things have gone a little off topic. More muscular women would be apropos, no?
>More muscular women would be apropos, no?
Does anyone actually prefer the old kinda-sorta-fit Shulkie over weight lifter Shulkie? I don't understand the intent o not actually giving her this level of muscle from the very beginning.
Let's leave monster shulkie for another conversation.