Who's the strongest out of the Justice League? Which character has done the most bullshit, plot breaking insane feat out of the Justice League?
Who's the strongest out of the Justice League? Which character has done the most bullshit...
Cyborg is the weakest
Top 3 contenders would be Barry, Hal or Clark, gonna lead towards Barry in this one.
i'm leaning towards Hal, he has come back from the dead for the most inane bullshit reasons and survives even more retarded shit for no reason. Superman and Flash at least have their retarded bullshit powerlevels granting them comparative legitimacy.
Don't see or hear too much about Wondy, Arthur or Victor's feats in comparison, desu. MM is supposed to be Superman but addicted to Oreos and jobbing, so that's something,
To add to this.
The Flash could solo the JL if he wanted too.
See Flash war.
They're all slow statues that get IMP'd a billion times, phased, and dumped into the speed force.
Zoom does it all the time.
>Who's the strongest out of the Justice League?
Flash>Superman>GL>Wondy=Aquaman>Batman(He is the smartest, not strongest)
>Which character has done the most bullshit, plot breaking insane feat out of the Justice League?
Hal Jordan. Problem happens - BEWARE MY POWER ERHHhHhHH - Problem solved
Clark, Hal, and Barry are both the top 3 and it's really up for debate what the order is.
As of Final Crisis up to Flashpoint and past then Flash has a solid claim to #1. Superman has retained that spot for a while though. Hal is probably 3rd.
So either:
1. Flash
2. Superman
3. Green Lantern
1. Superman
2. Flash
3. Green Lantern
Firestorm or Martian Manhunter.
He's got Hypertime powers now user.
Just saying...
Technically MM since he can drop mind control on everyone
But if you mean outside of the actual Justice League and the new age bullshit they made then Superman
How fucking strong is that chain?
Even in the Timmverse JL universe, the Flash was the strongest character by a landslide.
>Lex gets control of Flash's body
>Proceeds to fucking decimate the entire Watchtower by using tricks the real Flash refused to use because of how dangerous they were to everything around him
I bet you haven't even read the comic that panel is from
This, if he wanted to he could telepathy everyone to death.
People like to pretend Flash is still the same. Everyone got a powerup with nu52, but Flash was nerfed considerably. He isnt even the fastest man alive anymore.
You don't really read comics do you? Wikis and your imagination don't matter.
>a thread full of casuals who scan wikis and unironically use the word 'feats'
Why do you people fucking come here?
>the one speedster that isn't by default connected to the speed force
Go away, casual.
Superman used to casually fly through time he's every bit as fast as flash if some faggots are imagining Flash is tossing infinite mass punches in bunches like it's a fucking jab.
I hate these threads because powerlevelfags always pull the "that actually published Superman doesn't count because hacks rebooted him but this extreme upper limit imagination I have is totally valid" before submitting and simply saying "PC superman is stupid so he doesn't count." As if that isn't an /thread
They've taken a lot of his power and transferred it to Mera to make her more important so no. And his telepathy isn't generally that strong, fish are simple-minded and can be compelled much more easily and depending on how you want it defined telepathy isn't quite what he does.
>friend with no morals beats his friends who don't want to hurt him
>this convinces a Flashfag that flash is the best
It's sad how obsessed with the character being the "best" flashfags are.
Better question, which core JL member has the worst fandom?
>only the version that makes my point matters
Timm/Dini Superman was always criminally depowered. That's very well known, like wolverine in the X-Men TAS.
If a cartoon is your basis for discussion you're likely intentionally ignoring things that prove you wrong.
Flash and Batman.
Both fandoms think everyone is a Superman fan simply for disliking their favorite. And many are just casuals who'd also likely be unable to tell you the original 7.
guy gardner
Honestly the worst fanbases out of the JL, hands down.
>core JL member
Guy wishes.
Flash is the most powerful by far. Disappointingly, sadly so. Flashwank by Barry loving retards has made Flash stronger than anything that isn't just omnipotence.
In terms of plot breaking insane bullshit though, it's Batman. The whole company is built on Batwank and all their bestselling books are Batwank, which they sell to greedy bat-cancer. Batman's basically omnipotent at this point.
The funniest part of your post is that most of the biggest feats were performed by Wally.
And Barry isn't even the fastest man alive these days.
Most, yes.
But the attosecond thing, if that's not an empty boast, is complete horseshit.
Of course, Barry is a villain, so it's ok if he's overpowered.
Flash fans don’t care, they see a guy in a red hit, and they’ll call em Barry so they can continue to power wank.
You're right, but we do need to point out that batman fans are worse and greater in number by far
>ignore the thread
>post casual shit instead to bait people into replying.
This is incredibly low quality
I agree but it's mostly because of the over-exposure via poorly adapted media with batfags. Flashfags are contrarians that searched out "flash is most powerful" threads and blog posts full of conflations and alternate Us in order to be able to make their case. Batfags just took the garbage WB was shilling.
plastic man
Any person that doesn't say Hal Jordan clearly doesn't read DC comics. No other league member comes close to his epic power. Not Superman, not the Flash and certainly not Martian Man Jobber.
>doesn't acknowledge that 60 years preceding this still exist and Superman is in fact by far the strongest
At least you didn't go outside the core of the group. There has never been any reason other than PIS for Hal being a better lantern than, say, Diana would.
Lmao no, if anything Meras been powered down, she used to make GL style "hard water" constructs and was queen of an alternate water world earth. Also, fuck Snyder.
Your fucking brain is low quality if you think that's ignoring the thread or bait.
Batfans are cancer. That's not bait, it's fact.
Strong disagree.
It's not what WB was shilling. It's what DC editorial *is* shilling.
The bat-cancer is writing and editing the books.
Tom King called Batman fans "the smartest fans in the world" and they're tearing him to pieces now because his Batman isn't double-ultra-plus-megagod.
Batman>Superman is enshrined as Dogma.
Nobody fucking cares about shitty silver age bullshit Grandpa.
Silver age does not and never will count. PC Hal is by far the most powerful leaguer.
Barry hasn't even done half the bullshit Wally did. Wally remains the greatest Flash even when talking about feats.
>blows up a planet
Big deal.
How is this a feat?
They're literally saving a zombified Spectre. And the black lanterns are all less formidable than their live versions except for being unkillable.
Given recent announcements, WB has more faith in DC titles than DC does.
It's fucking sad that a movie studio will take a risk on things like Supergirl or Birds of Prey but DC just wants to do safe comfy Batshit.
>female centric movies in the capeshit genre
>centered around one of the most popular characters currently in the DCU roster
That's like two current trends, user, wrapped around a proven property. Trailblazers they are not.
Gardner's still based tho
Feats, yes.
Wally is the best flash even without feats, because Barry is a fucking menace.
But that attosecond thing, if true, is beyond Wally by orders of magnitude, and i that was the intent- just as making Barry the source of the speed force was- to try and make Barry a better character by making him more powerful and important.
It didn't work, Barry is garbage, but they were wanking him as hard as they could.
You're right. They should go back to Batman movies again. There's the real risk.
>let me just present this irrelevant set of circumstances so that this paint by the numbers bullshit that was protrayed as brave doesn't look as bad.
You sour little bitch.
You really did ignore the thread unless you're falseflagging to confirm a previous post.
I guarantee you're this faggot too:
You insufferable faggot ass child.
>it doesn't count cause I said so
>it's too old
Is honestly the most juvenile shit. Blow your faggot ass brains out or fuck off. I'm so sick of you fucking children.
>Which character has done the most bullshit, plot breaking insane feat out of the Justice League?
Superman literally fought the concept of stories itself and won.
> fought the concept of stories itself and won.
Man, lots of anons salty about Batman here and the funny thing is no one even mentioned Batman beating anyone. Batman is truly living rent free in your heads.
Kinda funny
Can we include all JLs? Including JLI or other instances where Doctor Fate is in?
yeah sure
Then Fate tops everything besides Supes' metapowers.
Cap could fuck everyone up in that case. He was made to one-up everyone at DC.
Captain Atom?