Non-Magic Star Vs. Dimensional Travel?

Now that magic is gone, dimensional scissors aren't going to be working. Any ideas for a tech-based solution to dimensional travel?

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>Tech advances to the point where it can replicate magic
>Star destroys all tech

The series is over and thus nothing matters. I'm declaring this a no fun zone.

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Has anyone checked the "magic" well? It still might open to someplace.

Tom's teleportation might still function.

There's no other dimensions to teleport to. It all got squished together

What about places like the Neverzone?

There's been no confirmation about just how much was merged. With no next season, there never will be.

Resonance Cascade.

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I wouldn't be surprised if we got some supplementary work to act as a epilogue, kind of like what GF got.

A Cascade was an uncontrollable dimensional storm. Kind of like tearing a hole in the underlying reality, which opens you up to the notice of other places. The teleportation that was developed requires a border world like Xen.

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Star Vs. The Forces Of The Combine

You asked for dimensional travel. You never specified how it had to be done or asked what the consequences would be. It's too late now.

Rise and shine, Marco Sanchez. Rise and shine.

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>Star destroyed all magic because of how it was used for destructive purposes
>she kinda forgot all those history lessons she took at Marco's school about Hiroshima

I still doubt there will be a big info dump to fill people in on what they're curious about. Only things related to the plot of the comic would get time.

What comic?

It's hypothetical.

>It all got squished together
So the universe got turned into a hellscape of alien planets crushed into one with no rhyme or reason?

So wake up, and smell the best girl's ashes.

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Magic got killed before and it restarted anyway. There is mo finality to it other than the lives that were destroyed.

How could it be restored this time?

the power of love

Details, please?
