Star Vs. The Forces of Evil Wand Designs and Cheek Marks

We got to see a lot of Wand designs and magic cheek marks in Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, both in the show itself and in the Book of Spells book, but does anyone have any good ideas and/or art about what Meteora's wand would have looked like? What about if Mariposa had used the wand? What about what her cheek marks would have looked like? What about if Janna had used the wand and gotten cheek marks? Jackie and/or Chloe? Anyone else that you can think of?

Attached: 59872328_157263861980547_3792009809734149572_n.jpg (640x640, 80K)

Other urls found in this thread:!vjYDlIoZ!zGM93cPPJNwWIZY47O82dA!2vhhBAQa

These female designs are hideous.

magic is over, fuck off

Why is Meteora's crotch so damn low?

she's wearing diapers

Be nice!

Attached: meteora_and_mariposa_by_infaminxy_dd64ykb-fullview.jpg (1024x1148, 167K)

Calm down the show ended like a week ago

Do you have any ideas as to what the cheek marks of the aforementioned characters would have been?


Hello, is anyone there?

but why am I still seething?

You want it back.

Any ideas on the thread topic?


Meteora is gross.

Attached: meteora fucked a lizard claw.jpg (1197x835, 335K)

Shit taste detected.

Meteora is a wild hot mess with a 10/10 fit body and da curves.

Attached: 8be93d14aa82b0c100c8d22b20c9dd50.jpg (735x516, 62K)


I want Meteora to ride my dick while screaming how angry I make her, as she is trying to hide her pleasure moans.

I love her teenage re-design. Give her longer hair and she is perfect.

Attached: 8822eb94ab50889a0d5f79f66347a360.png (720x799, 402K)

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No, she look like shit, and dike hair

Isn't it only marco that pisses her off specifically though?

>Meteora's wand
pile of shit, to match herself
>Mariposa had used the wand
it would look just like Marco's but girlier and fatter, because that's exactly how she looks
>What about what her cheek marks would have looked like
just text reading I'M A SHITTY OC
>What about if Janna had used the wand and gotten cheek marks
Some super edgy shit anime shit or a magical-looking human weapon like a crossbow. Her marks could be something like the anarchy symbol in pink
some sort of seashell design, probably. Could be the same for her marks, could be something else related to the ocean like a wave symbol.
who knows. Could be literally anything since we don't really know anything about her. There's room for some obvious joke about LESBIANISM here but since I actually don't hate her I'm not gonna be the one to make it
>Anyone else that you can think of?
Toffee, like if he'd ever had the real wand and not a makeshift one made from the crystal and his bones. I can see it looking it like the scythe or whatever it was he used in the war

I came in here prepared to be bitter as fuck because of the image, but wand designs are actually fun to talk about. Go figure

God...I want to bend over Mariposa!

Also forgot Toffee's marks. I really don't know. I guess some fang or claw symbol to represent the whole Septarian supremacy thing he had going on, but that would essentially just look like a lame triangle or something in reality

I honestly hope we get a sequel/spinoff starring these two. Until then, Morninmark's comic will suffice.

Attached: best_friends_ever____meteora_and_mariposa_by_namygaga_dd5q8bc.png (1958x1975, 1.52M)

>angry heated sex
>loving caring sex

hmm...which one is better?

Attached: like_old_times___au_by_namygaga_dd5qiso.png (2718x2901, 2.35M)

Meteora is Great

Attached: Between some lady a disembodied hand and also her manservant.png (600x800, 106K)

>Until then, Morninmark's comic will suffice.
I'm excited to watch his nonsense OCs fill a increasingly 'deeper' and incoherent plotline until it slowly stops updating when something else grabs his attention like the last comic series he did.



I've read it.

Be nice.

Does anyone have the mega link for the latest episodes?


You can watch it even on fucking youtube niggah!vjYDlIoZ!zGM93cPPJNwWIZY47O82dA!2vhhBAQa
It's labeled (ongoing) but all the episodes are there.

I still feel bad for Rhombulus.

me too, I also feel bad for Kelly who fucking risked her life for her friends which she will never see again, she couldn't even say goodbye

My main gripe is that his whole character felt very derailed and the end with him going villain didn't made sense.

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he just followed Moon's orders

Thanks, user!

Question, which episodes does it has? I don't intend on watching the mega, i'm actually looking to see if i have the correct megas if someone asks for the series.

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What's with the cards? Do you have any more?

You ever notice these threads always get bumped on page ten, sort of like nobody really cares but the one dweeb keeping them alive?

Nope, all i have and that's from the first Nexus gallery thing.

Attached: 65TyzNC_d.jpg (640x409, 70K)

Who? Someone like me?
Not OP btw

Theory time:
>Star was going to break up with tom but not get with Marco in the original ending
>The scene where she runs to Marco and looks at the nigga was all the closure we'd get, pic related
>Also the whole season was going to focus on monster / mewman prejudice with mina playing a part only at the end
>Nercy (thank the Lord) decided fuck that bullshit and completely changed up the ending, and added the solarian army subplot last minute, which is why moons betrayal seemed so out of no where and the ending was so rushed


Attached: Kiss the Cuck.png (618x1076, 56K)


Where is this from?

That and the tarot cards (and pic related) are from a Gallery Nucleus art show for Star Vs. from 2017, with art mostly made by the crew and a few other artists in the industry not connected to the show

Attached: akuma basutaa sutaa batafurai.jpg (825x1275, 460K)

Here's the link


Fuck, i knew i was getting the name wrong.

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show is over
move on

What's supposed to be going on here?

The sacred monster orgy is about to commence


Christ Almighty... Seeing them like this seems like Cotugno's wet dream for a pisitively gay representative spinoff of the show.
Also, holy fuck, Star and Marco's designs are so much more appealing than these two.

How many babies can Star give birth to?

Attached: marco wants 1000 babies.jpg (1280x853, 266K)

>The number of eggs laid by a female monarch butterfly, who may mate several times, ranges from 290 to 1180
Looks like she knew what she was talking about.


How many can a human woman reasonably have?

Based on an interview Adam gave, S3 and S4 were a connected story from the start. and that's the real goddamn shocker considering how half assed many portions feel and how rushed the ending seems. Not only that, but it sounds like witchcraft that the supposedly NON-connected stories found in S1 and S2 do a better job telling a connected story and providing a proper theme and arc than the seasons that were made with that as an intention.



How many for moths?

Sometimes you just have to test the thread. 4 Chan goes wonky from time to time

Roughly 20.

isn't the world record 69 babies?

Don't know about the record, but roughly 20 normally possible if you get pregnant every year from puberty until menopause.

Wouldn’t that cause health issues?

reposting this theoretical maximum

Attached: firefox_2019-06-03_11-08-46.png (1147x344, 83K)

If we can calculate, to the pixel, the amount that star leaned into their first kiss, stuff like this should be child's play.

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Yes, many. You're vagina is basically fucked after that many pregnancies. Probably more prone to infections.

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What is this?

Looks like the head of a pony to me

It is a ponyhead from said nucleus gallery.

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God, I can tell just by the way you type you're that weirdo who kept making threads on /trash/

Trash denizen here. There aren't any start threads on there and that guy and this OP are actually two different people.
I know that because i am said weirdo and actually stopped doing threads a long time ago when i became literal unable to save images and also haven't been outside that board in a long time. Only came back to take a peek at something.

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lol they all ded

former /trash/ denizen. Likely to return once again if that's where the threads start going. Can also vouch for starting threads in a similar manner when the other OPs failed in their duties

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I miss that Lawyer Lizard.

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They should have done more with Seth.

You mean ANYTHING. He was introduced for no reason. No one in the show mentions him. He only exists because that part of the Spellbook had an anti-Trump writing team that wanted to get back at white boys who were promoting the nationalism that was a big part of Star's character (ie drawing her in an SS uniform). It's why "monster racism" suddenly becomes an overt, hamfisted thing in S3, when in S1 (Mewnipendence Day) and S2 (Raid the Cave) it was much more subtle and nuanced to show that things really aren't black and white.

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He was right.
Was he more right than Cyclops?

Man, I have a lot of fun ideas for Seth.

I really like the idea of him being the show's Uncle Iroh. As in "former badass who has since retired after deciding war and violence wasn't what we wanted out of life".

He looks back on murdering Comet (or facilitating Toffee's assassination of her) with regret and embarrassment. It isn't that he likes Mewmans, but that he's had something akin to what Greg Weisman said Demona would undergo far after the events of Gargoyles:
>Hi there. You recently said that Demona is in for a "true epiphany" eventually. What exactly does this mean? Will she realize her errors or go mad?
>Maybe a little of both.

Like Demona, Seth's actions undeniably made things worse for monster kind. Because he killed Comet, the peace treaty with Batwing did not pass, and, as a result, the war continued on. This is what pressed Moon into discovering the Darkest Spell, which basically opened Septarian hunting season. The book established that Solaria wanted to kill Septarians, but could not manage it. Instead, she just spread their parts around. Eclipsa had no intention of sharing the spell - she loves monsters! So Seth and Toffee's actions directly caused the mass murder of (or at least, the political threat against) Septarians.

While Toffee has only double down'ed and aims at the humiliation of Moon and the destruction of magic entirely, Seth could have had a breakdown. Especially if, like Iroh, his warfaring ways caused the death of someone he loved or his home. Now living in mah, I mean his, swamp, Seth sits around feeling sorry for himself.

Maybe Toffee or Rasticore even visited their old mentor only for him to shut them down. We only ever see Toffee react to people that he either looks down on (Ludo) or respects but hates (Moon). It would be fascinating to see him interact with someone he respects but does not entirely loathe.

Attached: hes a big guy.png (500x512, 124K)

Technically he did served a purpose.
He was put in the book as a very strong force and had the top posituon of view, that way when we are told all of what he did and how he was viewed then that gives more weight to the fact that Toffee is seen as a bigger threat than him when he took his chair.

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Fuck it. I'm going full autism and dumping my "headcanons" on Seth, the Avarius family, and how the worldbuilding could have been improved in general.

I wanted so much more out of the Monster vs. Mewman plot. The show did so well at the beginning. The Mewindependence Day and Lobster Hands episodes subtly showed how Star, someone indoctrinated by Mewnian racism, was blind to how her people treat monsters. Marco, an outsider, needed to explain to her what was wrong, and facilitated a real change in Star -she shows mercy on Buff Frog twice and this begins their friendship.

Even more subtly, we see the immense poverty caused by the legacy of genocide the Mewmans inflicted. The Avarius family was royalty (albeit, pupet royalty) amongst the monsters, but when Moon visits them they live in a run-down shack. Moon even gives Lady Avarius corn feed in a bag. Do you think Moon gives a bag of feed to Lord and Lady Spiderbite? Of course not. She probably sets out a proper royal spread. This is how the monster royalty is treated. Very subtly, the audience is being fed information on the living conditions of monsters.

The Avarius family in general are really interesting. Crescenta establishes them as a puppet government for the monsters, but they were technically elected. Maybe that was why, despite his complete lack of abilities, Ludo still could maintain an army of monsters and even have a henchman so loyal that he would tattoo Ludo's image on himself?

The Avarius family were ruined by Brudo's addiction. This was stated in the Magic Book of Spells. However, what if Moon was part of the reason that this occured? Moon outright states that she will "hunt down the remains of the monster army and leave them without country or leadership". What if part of "leave them without...leadership" included the abolition of the Avarius family as monster representatives?

Attached: ludo deserved better.png (1280x1248, 1.12M)

Quite literally, WHO?
you're right though, he seemed like a cool villain with potential as Toffee's mentor or Mina's rival

I think you are right on the Moon screwing Ludo's family. Leave the monster puppet ruler without credibility enough that je won't try anything, but still hanging by just enough string to still be called king even if just in name so that the rest of the monsters follow him.
Make a blind man lead the rest of the blind, and you subtly nudge the blind leader to do as you need.
Also, where did you originally saved that image? Curious about something.

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This is true because Ludo likely acted unilaterally when he ousted his parents. If the Avarius family were of any use to Queen Moon, she would have told Ludo to hippity hoppity off their ancestral property. Therefore, Moon either disenfranchised the Avarius family when she became Queen or ceased supporting them so that they gradually fell from power.

Using my autism, I made two diagrams of how long the Avarius family were royals. One shows the minimum (Crescenta establishes them late in life, every queen having a daughter at 18, and Moon becoming queen at Star's age of 14) and maximum estimate (Crescenta was very young, queens had daughters at age 35, Moon becomes queen at 18). What we find is that the Avariuses were the monster royal family for about 64 to 173 years.

This adds an element of tension to Ludo's rivalry with Star. View it from his perspective: >Your family has their status elevated due to Mewman intervention.
>Extremists like Seth hate you for being collaborators and race traitors. >Mewman / Monster war breaks out
>your family remain loyal and catches further contempt from radical monster factions
That's why it isn't Brudo who leads the monster army, but the Archduke Batwin.

>However, even he proves not radical enough and is ditched for a bunch of lunatics who murder Queen Comet.
>Despite Batwin's compliance, he is arrested and interrogated by Mina Loveberry.
This indicates that all monsters, regardless of their alliance, are now suspect to the Butterflies - just as the general monster population turns increasingly against you for either aligning yourselves with the Mewmans or remaining neutral.
>Queen Moon either sits back and watches as your father drin- uh, scratches, your family's prestige away or actively disbands you.
>All for fucking following orders.
>Now you're peasants and other monsters hate you.

Right? And no clue, try reverse image search?

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>Toffee's cheek marks are black scales
he was right all along

Attached: Finance_law_scales-512.png (512x512, 34K)

user! I found it!

Let's ask ourselves why the Avariuses would even align themselves with the Butterflies to begin with. They're described as Kappa, but they don't have the typical turtleshells, love of wrasslin', or ability to play bass guitar typically assigned to Kappa. They act more like passerine birds / missing bird and dinosaur links.
>beaks with teeth
>insectivores / herbivores
>non prehensile (and therefore likely boneless) tails
>reptilian scales
>ability to fly

It's a fair guess that they probably, like passerine birds, have traits such as hollow bones which would make them easy to oneshot with a good punch. They don't have the muscularity demonstrated by the mammalian or reptilian monsters, and they lack traits useful for combat like Septarian regeneration. Compared to other monsters, Kappa seem pretty weak.

They are monsters that, relative to the general population, are physically very vulnerable. They likely sold out in order to protect themselves during the resulting chaos the collapse of monster civilization inevitably caused for them.

From this perspective, Ludo's decision to get rid of Brudo makes a lot more political sense. Your real estate is the only thing you have to protect yourselves from the outside world, and, from the way your father's gambling addiction, your deed is likely at great risk. We know that Ludo is familiar (and possibly competent) with real estate law since, while Dennis naively signed everything away, Ludo seemed able to read the deed pretty quickly. Kicking Brudo out was not just an act of personal resentment on Ludo's part (although it most certainly was) but also an act of survival to prevent losing everything.

Trips proves it. The real Toffee OTP is not with Eclipsa, Rasticore, Moon, or anyone other than Lady Justice.

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Sounds interesting.
Aboug the image, i know who the artist is, what i wanted to know is if you got the image from the source or grabbed it when it was posted in a thread on trash.

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Ludo relies upon the security afforded by Castle Avarius moreso than his family because of his disability (dwarfism, inability to fly). Ludo clearly spent very little time outside of the controlled environment of his castle, since, in Ludo in the Wild, he treats the situation as one entirely new to him.
>there's definitely some interesting comparisons to be made here between Tyrion Lannister and our boy Ludo
>both are the dwarf sons of noble families who seem to think that they would not be able to survive in the outside world (Tyrion believes if he was born to a poor family he would have been left to die)
>both are abused by their fathers
Brudo admits to being hard on Ludo - and the impetus for taking their castle was that the whole family went on vacation without him!
>they both grow beards
>Has an older sibling whose name starts with C who perpetually fucks with them (Cersei / Chudo)
TLDR: Ludo is the God of Tits and Wine. Literally. Buff Frog has a tattoo of Ludo on the titty.

Ludo may have capitalized on the remains of the Avarius legacy. Ludo was a thoroughly nasty and mercurial leader and yet - until Toffee appeared - his men were thoroughly dedicated to him. Buff Frog has a tattoo that says "Ludo forever". Since Ludo seems lacking in every other respect, he may have actually sold himself as the proper Monster King. Hence the royal accoutrement like the throne.

Oh God, I am so sorry for shitting up the thread but I need to get the autism out about my favourite character.

Anyway, that's a bit strange. Why, has the artist been dealing with art theft lately? Did they delete it?

Attached: me after writing this autistic nonsense.png (832x467, 121K)

What I find interesting about this is that it adds several layers to Ludo's hatred of Star and his desire for the wand. From Ludo's perspective, the Butterflies basically fucked your entire family. You backed the wrong horse and supported them with the expectation that they would use their magic to protect you from other more pissed off (and physically threatening) monsters. She abandon your family purely out of spite for what happened to her mother, and decides to leave the monsters "without country or leadership".

The Butterflies are responsible for the loss of the likely century-old Avarius dynasty. Of course Ludo is going to strike back and attempt to destroy their legacy by taking the wand. Furthermore, Ludo may even feel entitled to the wand. After all, the Queens promised to protect them with their magic, and they did not. So is Ludo not owed his own right to magical protection?

This could also add insight to Toffee's absolute disgust with Ludo. Toffee hates Ludo's guts.
He is clearly annoyed by the prospect of being lumped in with him ("Do you think I'm like Ludo"), betrays him despite Ludo's fondness for him, doesn't see Ludo as a full person ("Just swallow IT"), and casually insults him ("Do you drink from the bottle?"). It could be Toffee's cunty personality combined with the fact that he had to "work" for Ludo (which I'm sure made Toffee twist at least one Laser Puppy neck).

However, I prefer Toffee absolutely reviling the Avariuses because he sees them as a bunch of physically inferior, Mewman stool pigeon addicts. Then, Ludo has the audacity to claim that he's entitled to the title of Monster King (especially when you're a literal "lizard prince of the Dark Monster nations", ie. an actual monster royal) because some imperialist in a poofy dress bequeathed the title to his great-great-something-great grandmother. In this context, I think it's slightly miraculous that Ludo wasn't rotisseried for that sandwich.

Attached: IMG_0021.png (859x757, 114K)

That's what I always thought re: Toffee and Ludo too, that he just kind of viewed Ludo as like the quintessential representation of the Avarius family flaunting power they don't deserve and being the Butterflys' bitches. There was also the guidebook implying some sort of conflict between Septarians and the Avariuses in the past. I saw Toffee's actions in S1 as not just leading to the destruction of magic, but also him wanting to really deliberately strip Ludo of his power and dignity.

I think we all saw that part, about Toffee's disdain for Ludo. He and his family were basically a sign of how the butterflies had stomped all over Septarians and monsters in general, then having the audacity of going and installing a new "ruler" on their behalf.
I can post this oldies and have them be on context of the talk...after so long.
You aren't shitting the thread. Besides, we are actually talking about the show in a calm manner, so if you want to gush aboit your favorite character and what you feel was wronged to him, or even husbandofag about him, that's actually fine by me.
Nothing major about the image, opposite in fact.
i ask specifically because i am the user who posted monsters and if i can remember well, i was the one who posted the image originally.

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Attached: tumblr_oo28hadeqY1tg0vd7o5_1280.jpg (1280x1470, 478K)

Some other theories / things I noticed:

>Ludo and the other Avariuses are citizens of Mewni
Unlike the other monsters, who are categorized according to their monster clan (ex. "Seth of Septarsis") in the Book of Spells, Ludo is described as "of Mewni".

Which actually fits in with what you're saying.
>conflict between Septarians and Avariuses
Yes! The Avarius-Septarsis Treaty! Star and Marco's guide says that the takeover of the castle was a violation of this. The castle and "its inhabitants" (read: Ludo) are described as royally protected - which fits in with what I said above.

>post this oldies
>posted the image
Excellent taste. Keep posting, monsteranon.

I love Ludo and would gladly get a tattoo of him on the titty, but Dennis Avarius is my one true love. What can I say? I love lanklets and treating husband material with love and respect. What did you think this spoiler was going to be about?

Let's be real, the only reason that royal thot Eclipsa didn't like Kappas was because she's only into monsters for the BMC. She's too much of a pleb to appreciate cloaca the boipussy of connoisseurs.

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We are talking about the show and disscussing iy's elements, particularly what we like about and so i love this already.
Remember when we theorized that Toffee was a militar of somw sort since in "Marco Grows A Beard" he specifically said "Your SOLDIERS deserve better". He may have saw them as chess pieces but at least he knew they had to be cared to a degree if they were to have some use, and in just a few days they achieved what Ludo couldn't in who-knows-how-many years
We also came with why he hated Yvgeny, he was not only the only loyal enough to Ludo to see through his ruse, he also saw him as a bootlicker to the one who was not only a traitor, but an incompetent traitor.

Attached: tumblr_pf0fuxnyKT1xoc3gyo1_1280.png (1280x1678, 236K)

And on the subject of favorite characters.
I don't find Ludo attractive, but my tastes for bodyshapes is indeed varied. Lanklets are excellent, i also like Toffee, Rasticore, Rhombulus, Meat Fork, Yvgeny gets an honorary mention because i need an example of body.
On your spoiler, funny enough i actually thoigh you were going to keep listing other character instead of jumping to lewd, in a way i was correct.
Finally, boipussy was always a turn-off word for me. Never liked it.

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Holy fuck I love this and I am delighted.
>all seeing eye
>return the favor
What a melodramatic lizard baby.

Samefagging because I won't stop.

Because of the Avariuses utility to the Butterflies, the families were likely quite close.

It is clear that both are matrilineal families. The first "Avarius" was a female, and it is Lady who carries the family name, not her husband. This matriarchal nature may just be an artifact of who Crescenta chose, or perhaps as aspect of why they were chosen. Perhaps Crescenta wanted to choose a monster leader from a culture that was already matriarchal on the basis that such a family would be (1) easier for her to deal with and (2) would promote ideas within the monster culture that would encourage acceptance of a female Mewman leader.

This last point is especially interesting when one entertains the possibility that other Monster societies are patriarchal and perhaps especially resistant to female authority. Given that all Septarians of note are male, this may be the case for Septarsis. Rasticore condescendingly says to Moon that the Septarians "aren't afraid of [Moon's] little girl magic". In a society where women have all executive authority, this seems like an odd remark. Unless, of course, Septarsis is a male-dominated society.

Was Lady invited to the Silver Bell Ball back in the day? It seems that all kingdoms of use to the Butterflies attend, even if they don't fit Mewman racial standards. Hell, maybe Moon only started inviting the Rich Pigeons to come to the ball because they needed a token bird. The fucking racist.

Attached: Lady_13ea31_6259239.jpg (600x600, 60K)

There are other pieces of evidence that the Avariuses were close to the Butterflies, such as their accents. Queen Moon, River Johannsen, and other upper class Mewmans speak with an Earth British accent - but so do the elder Avariuses! This indicates that they spent time together in social situations or were educated to speak that way.

This also explains Dennis' lack of accent. Ludo is older than Star and most certainly an adult, but Dennis does not appear to be much older than 25, at the most. If my earlier theory was true and Queen Moon disbanded the Avarius family, then that means the children born before the death of Comet would have socialized and educated like their parents, but the younger children were not.

This explains why Ludo speaks like his parents and Dennis does not. Ludo is definitely older than Star - he's clearly an adult. Ludo must have been born by the events of Moon the Undaunted and, because his parents still had ties to the Butterflies, attended a Mewman school or interacted with upper class Mewmans in order to develop his decidedly faux-British accent.

By the time Dennis was born, the family lost their prestige and was no longer in contact with the Butterflies. Dennis, surrounded by other low-born monsters, speaks like a common monster (Ludo's army) or Mewman (Ruberiot).

Moon and Lady do have many reasons to be friends. They are both the female heads of a matriarchal royalty who likely had close contact when they were kids. The show does suggest that Queen Moon and Lady were friends, or at least friendly:
>Lady stands up and immediately smiles when she sees Moon
>"Oh Queen Moon!"
>Lady immediately forgets whatever she was doing and out stretches her arms
>as if for a hug
>Moon, despite describing public displays of affection as unbecoming, pats Lady's shoulder

They have not seen each other for a great deal of time:
>Lady feels the need to explain the Ludo situation
>Moon does not know Lady's children

Attached: Lady_9b61e4_6259239.jpg (600x600, 48K)

She lived in the Neverzone and was chosen guardian warrior of her tribe remains, her hairdo there is inspired in Mad Max and post-apocalyptic franchises. The style is fitting and cool.
Hair will be longer now that she is in Mewni Creek with a happy family.

Mariposa is the retarded one for keeping it long in the Neverzone. It's easier to pull for the enemy.

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This is pure conjecture at this point, but it's sort of heartbreaking to think what happened to these two.
>be Young Lady Avarius
>go to a Mewman school
>attend parties with the Mewman upper crust
>part of a long line of strong monster women who have lead the monster nations to peaceful existence under Mewman authority
>meet a young Princess Moon
>assume that you're going to be working with this person your entire life
>befriend her
>the one day, a bunch of monster rebels declare war
>you refuse to participate
>you have children now, and besides, Mewmans are your friends
>Queen Comet is murdered
>she was always super kind to you
>Moon, who you thought was your friend, stops speaking to you
>you stop being invited to political organizations
>realize that the person you thought was your friend wants nothing to do with you
>and she wants nothing to do with you because you're a monster and a monster killed her mother
>it doesn't matter that you didn't support the war or the assassination, or knew her since her was little
>you're a monster and so you're just as guilty as the rest in her eyes
>in the end, a crown cannot make a monster a queen
>or a friend

This gives me strong Wicked vibes.
>Like a Comet pulled from orbit
>As it passes a sun

>your soldiers
Yeah, Toffee clearly gave off strong military vibes. Although, it may not be a verbal tic on his part. The Mewman-Monster War was a massive event. It is not unreasonable to assume that many of them were veterans. Consider Buff Frog's salute.

>body types
I'm a pretty solid lanklet girl. I can appreciate those who like different body types, especially if said body types deviate from the boring mainstream.

Toffee is cute, but I think I like this fan-portrayals a lot more than what we got in canon. Meteora's Lesson solidified that he was always sort of a cunt. Which is a shame, since I think he could have had so much more nuance.

>turn off
Oh, I agree. I was being funny.

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Anyway, last autistic post. Sorry again for the spam, /SvtFoe/ anons. Hope at least some of my posts were interesting.

I wonder if, because of their unique status as citizens, the Avariuses had unique access to things generally prohibited to monsters, such as property rights. On the map in the guidebook, there is no mention of any other monster properties outside of the Avarius castle. Which makes me wonder if the Avariuses may have had some sneaky financial rackets in the past where they could invest on behalf of other monsters. Maybe this was the source of tension between them and the Septarians before our boy Seth hit the scene.

Brudo is very rude to Moon. Initially this seems like typical Brudo obnoxiousness, but considering what I've posted about the behavior of Moon towards them, it may be reasonable.

You have to wonder if, before the death of Comet, a young Moon met baby Ludo.
>plot twist
>River Johansen was the Tickle Monster

Anyway, sleep tight SvtFoE fans.

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I am a faggot so i go for guys. I actually don't like how some artist draw Toffee because they make him a tad femenine.
The guy was always a sadist but whatever he did he did with a reason instead of just "lol it amused me" Of courae he'd enjoy the pain of others but if it wasn't needed then he wouldn't do it. He left ludo emotionally destroyed but he didn't crush or maim him even when the oportunity was on a silver plate.
Good night user, i'll keep here for anyone who wants to keep talking, you sleep well.

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>Dies Irae was right all along but we were looking at the wrong matriarchy
Fugg :DDDD

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I'll outright say I'm not gonna have a wank fest to your monster autism. But the thinking and energy behind the ideas presented are commendable and would be excellent material for usage in fan stories. It's a bit regrettable even a minimal amount of that nuance wasn't brought to bear in the show itself instead if the hamfisted, agenda schlock we got handed.

>What a melodramatic lizard baby.
*clenches fist, looks into the distance*
>Ore wa....ore wa TOFREE-DESU! Kisama Butterfry tenno...SHI-NEE~

>not going to wank to me
Would that change if I bought you dinner? Anyway, thanks user.

I'm straight, but I like dudes too, so I guess we got that in common?

>tad feminine
I know what you mean. Like pic related. I absolutely adore this person's art. It shows amazing technical skill and a degree of fluidity I envy. However, they make Toffee (and Rasticore, to an extent) very effeminate.

I don't really get it . The guy has a baritone voice, is tall, visibly buff, drinks man's drinks, is ex-military, etc. I guess the Moon the Undaunted outfit was a bit kinky, but that's really it. The guy isn't some limp wristed fop that would be Ludo.

I think it just boils down to fujoshis needing a prissy seme or uke or whatever to Rasticore's ...bear? I don't speak fag hag.

Oh, definitely. I've seen people argue that he only "took what he needed". Which is absolutely absurd.

Like you said, he definitely justified a lot of his nonsense with political yammering, but at the end of the day he was a petty, vindictive cunt who launched a bunch of Mewman children into orbit and then patted himself on the back because apparently this is reparations.

That's a similarity with Dexter. You have someone with obvious cruel and sadistic impulses ("You were making that stupid leaf hat...") who avoids looking in the mirror by telling himself that he's focusing his viciousness in a "good" direction. Except that "good' direction is a middle aged mother and her 14 year old daughter. Twice.

Night user.

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>Ludo is a real estate guru
Ludo confirmed for Mewni's Donald Trump
>Sorry Dennis, but my height is one of the highest - and you all know it! Please don't feel so small or insecure, it's not your fault.
>I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the Mewmans and Liggers, on this special date, the 37th of Gravnogk
>Despite the constant negative press levatato
>I will build a great castle, Dennis - and nobody builds castles better than me, believe me - and I'll builld them very inexpensively. I made one out of garbage, for corn's sake. I will build a great, great castle on our ancestral lands, and I will make Mewmans pay for that castle. Mark my words.
>The beauty of me is that I'm very rich.
>When was the last time anybody saw us beating, let's say, the Butterflies, in a battle. I beat Star all the time. All the time.
Try not reading it in his voice.

So what I got out of this thread is that the Septarians are raging SJWs who want to kill all cishet Mewmans and the Avariuses are the Hillary Clintons liberals of the Monster world.
>be reasonable monster
>just want a nice two-state solution where you have basic dignity
>literally have to choose between a bunch of psychotic liggers who murdered a glorified pastry chef and tried to kill a 14 year old girl
>or a clutch of screeching baby alcoholic bird men
>literally douche and turd options

Genuine question: Why does Ludo say that this is what he gets for hiring people from the swamp in front of Toffee who's a literal fucking alligator?

Does Toffee speak alligator, like Moon?

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Gotta admit Meteora looks great with long hair. Far better than female Marco (aka. Mariposa)

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Is that...Monsters Inc.?

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do you want to fuck your grandmother or what?

I doubt user's mother is a hot teenager.

But same way I would fuck Heekapoo millenium-age ass non-stop, Meteora 2.0 has free access to my dick (her latina friend can join us).

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If Meteora turning back into a baby was caused by magic, should she turn back into an old lady?

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No, because she didn't turn into a baby... what happened is that Black Velvet Inferno (a killing spell) completely erased Heinous existence . As she lived so much she manage to survive as a baby with no memories.

What magic has already killed/erased/destroyed cannot return. Only spells and curses which are still working are affected by the Realm's end.
My only doubt is concerning transformations.

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>Healthy young monster goes to Glossyrck, gets pumped with massive shot of many magics, doesn't feel good and changes - MEWBERTY. Many such cases!

Wouldn't mind a comic with those two in kindergarden.

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>tfw I liked original Heinous but not 2.0

All three versions (Heinous, Neverzona, Meteora 2.0) have their charm.

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This is the incomplete version

Anyone have the more full one?

He probably literally did meet Buff Frog in a swamp somewhere. Septarians might not necessarily come from there.

Speaking alligator, I'm gonna say no. If he could just get in there himself and jump into the Realm of Magic and corrupt it that way, he wouldn't really need Star to perform the Whispering Spell.

I'm not even sure if Moon really speaks alligator either besides knowing the password to get into the place and maybe a few words, just because I get the sense that that's something handed down by the queens to get into the sanctuary and not something only she can do.

Who is that?

I think the seme Rasticore/uke Toffee shit mainly got kicked off when people saw Rasticore in the S2 OP and assumed he'd be the new villain and a total badass instead of mostly a joke. And so that and the size difference meant Toffee would obviously be his more gentle and feminine lover, or whatever. And that stuck around up to the present even though Rasticore turned out to not really fit that at all.

I honestly feel like you're gonna ship them that Toffee would more likely be the dominant one, since he's more competent and sure of himself and could take control and Rasticore comes off as a more insecure fuckup who'd be charmed by him, but then I don't even ship them so I dunno why I've thought of this.

I just think it was a huge cop out that this character was introduced with all the baggage and stuff going on and no she's a baby.

It's basically like in the Star Wars prequels where E1 Anakin is a totally different person from E2 Anakin. Except worse and in reverse.

Not necessarily.
Toffee may or may not have k own about the Magic Well Temple but without a way of corrupting and destroying magic (whispering spell) then he would be at an impass.
>Go to Magic well
>Go to magic realm
>But don't know how to destroy magic
>Now what?
And just because we are at the topic of the whispering spell. When the first season finalle came out and we were trying to make what it said, i thought it said: For all the horrible things i've said and done, here is one more to remember me for, i'm one to worship something out of nothing, but you'll always be remembered, in our hearts.

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Okay that example is hilarious and creative, but let's be real, the original autism one would have worked fine for Star.

Here's my argument for the Septarians are Crocs/Alligators theory:
1.) Toffee, Seth, Purple Guy, and several other Septarians look like crocodiles or alligators in terms of size, snout, and toothy overbite.
2.) The Magic Book of Spells alludes to a Septarian flower that is comparable to a flower that grows in tropical, humid climates.
3.) It'd be fucking hilarious
>Comet's last words are croikey
>all Septarian porn / fanfic is now mandated by law to use the phrase, "she's/he's a beauty".
>babies stored in mouth
>the death roll but Septarians

I concede that Rasticore is more like a frilled lizard, that regenerative lizards are often tree-dwelling species like Anoles, and the meeting place in Meteora's lesson looks more temperate as opposed to a swampx

>their downward biteforce is huge but you can lock their jaws by sitting on them
>Moon holding Toffee's fucking face together with one hand to make him shut the fuck up.
>"Hello Moo-mmph!"

One interpretation I heard for the spell a long time ago was

>For all the horrible things that I've done, there's one to remember.
>What I took is much more precious than your magic, but..
>Unicorn, you'll relive betrayal and pain, forever...

Got any more like this?

>Crooked Eclipsa thinks she can win in Monster Temple with loser Moon Butterfly's help. Who cares about Monster Temple? Small kingdom, strange monsters. Boring place
It's unnerving how well it fits. Was /pol/ right all along??

Specify a little please.
You mean "more like this" as in more corrupted realm of magic by Toffee, or Toffee in general?
I do have many images of monsters so i need to know which ones you are talking and refering about. Will gladly share them, just need a point of reference.

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Which one?

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>beneath all the rage, frustration and obsession for Princess Turdina was longing and desire for the figure princess which Meteora gets to live out now with Mariposa, the closest thing to the real life version possible

^ This is my headcanon now.

Will she ask Mariposa to wear pink princess outfits?

Would be hilarious if Mari grows up to be a tomboy and Meteora is the feminine one who gets too overjoyed when she manages to dress her friend up.

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But how is her ojou-sama laugh game??

It's honestly delightful.

>"I'm also honored to have the greatest temperament that any monster has."
>"I think I am, actually humble. I think I'm much more humble than you would understand."
>"I will be the greatest corns king that God ever created."
>"And when you’re Star Butterfly, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the wand. You can do anything."
>"If River Johansen can't satisfy his wife what makes him think he can satisfy Mewni?"

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>Crazy Toffee is trying to act like a tough guy. Actually, he is weak, both mentally and physically, and yet he threatens me, for the second time, with stealing my castle. He doesn’t know me, but he would go down fast and hard, crying all the way. Don’t threaten people, Toff!

>Star is a mess. Star Butterfly is the weakest person in this castle by far. Star is a waste, and everybody knows it. She is so weak, it's laughable. Star is a mess. Star is a waste. Star is a mess. Star is a big fat mistake."
>"Oh so THIS is the standard operating procedure? To trash talk me? That's fine, Marco and I-"
>"Excuse me, Star. Star is a big fat mess."
>"The reason you should you should trust me and stop using that wand i-"
>"Two days ago she was saying she'd bring her mom back from the Realm of Magic and she'd moon everyone. Nasty girl."
>"Toffee is in the wan-"
>"I want to tell you. I don't often agree with Toffee, and I don't often agree with Buff Frog, but I get along with everybody - but I say this every night, every day, every afternoon - and it is so true! Star is a mess. Star is a waste. Star is a big fat mess."

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Does this make Star a Bush? I think so.
>retard who is part of established political dynasty and tries to take down the rival of her same-sex parent
>family part of insect theme demographic (wasps, butterflies)

>"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures."
>"There's an old saying in Mewni —I know it's in Echo Creek, probably on Mewni, too — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — .... Toffee won't fool me again!"
>"They misunderestimated me."
>"Toffee is innovative and resourceful, and so are we. He never stops thinking about new ways to harm Mewni and Mewmans, and neither do we."
>"I know the mewman being and monster can co-exist peacefully."
>"I don't care what the polls say about Eclipsa. I don't. I'm doing what I think what's wrong."
>"Thank you, your Majesty, awesome speech!"

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That's a good point, about misinterpreting Rasticore's first appearance.

>Toffee as dominant
He could be a power bottom? Yeah... no... I don't see it either. I just don't see him as passive in any respect. And because, there is one true monster pillow princess and it's Ludo.Also Toffee and Rasticore never read as gay to me, Ludo on the other, full fingered hand...

I don't ship this either, but you assessment is pretty in character. That's basically what his dynamic with Heinous was, and she's similar to Toffee in several respects.

>Toffee may or may not have k own about the Magic Well Temple
This is true, the show does not explain a lot. Toffee somehow knows about the Whispering Spell, but not dipping down (or he would have planned for the Star contingency). He knows the Whispering Spell, but can't perform it himself for some reason or doesn't know the words? The show's writing is a fucking mess.

>The Whispering Spell
And then it changes? Because in the finale it's "cleave the stone / stop the magic" or whatever?

So either (1) Star used another spell to fuck Toffee up (which supports the idea he doesn't know the Whispering Spell) or (2) ?????? and then (3) Profit!

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Toffee knew about The Whispering Spell but not its words so he needed to hear to use it. You know something exist but don't know how it works so you need to see first so you can replicate it. It's not a mess.
I think Toffee was surprised she was able to dip down because it was stated by moon that it ia something hard as she only did it untill 19.
The new whispering spell was "Break the bond, Tear the fabric, Break the stone, Stop the magic" so there is is a case of ????, not messing with Toffee because let's admit it, Star isn't really that smart.

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He doesn't know the words but he knows it's the first spell Moon taught Star? I guess teaching a kid to stop magic makes sense so they can fix mistakes, but that's still a huge jump. Star's first spell could have been levitato and the wand would have floated up and hit Toffee in the face.

>surprised she could dip down because Moon
Yeah but the last time he underestimate a 14 year old girl he got a free amputation. You think he'd be a touch paranoid.

>so there is is a case of ????, not messing with Toffee because let's admit it, Star isn't really that smart.
Not following.

On your last paragraph you said that it was either of two options, a)Star making a different spell to mess with Toffee, or, b)??????. I am saying that it was option b).
Toffee knew a lot about the butterflies so he knew he wasn't making a jump, but we do are left in the dark about how he was able to gather way too much info since that book could only have had so much, and the secrets of the butterflies he knew would be comparable to top secret state affairs so it wouldn't be in any book, but rather kept close in the family.

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Oh, right. See that's what I meant by messy writing. Toffee knows intimate details of the Butterfly family, despite being known to Moon and having no interpersonal bond to them.

>When a kingdom (Monster) is losing many billions of chips on trade with virtually every kingdom it does business with, trade wars are good, and easy to win. Example, when we are down 100 billion corn with a certain kingdom and they get cute, don't trade anymore-we win big. It's easy!
Oh god, I've become based and ludopilled. Take me back bros I don't want this. Some truths man was not meant to know

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>"Star, Pokemon Go practice with your wand."

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Sounds like complete copout bullshit.

Yeah, when Glossaryck is first teaching Star to dip down in My New Wand, Moon is shocked because she says she didn't learn how until she was 19.

It would work if it was at least explained.

>Why does Ludo say that this is what he gets for hiring people from the swamp in front of Toffee who's a literal fucking alligator?
Because he was not an alligator, he was a Septarian
>Does Toffee speak alligator, like Moon?
Toffee knew a lot of magic stuff because of Glossaryck. He probably did

>he was a Septarian
Woah, fuck, slow down user. Next you're gonna tell me Buff Frog isn't a literal frog?

Yeah, but Buff Frog lives in a swamp because he looks like a frog and that's where frogs live. Likewise, Septarians look like alligators.

>Likewise, Septarians look like alligators.
They look more like lizards. Ludo is closer to alligators than Toffee. Anyways they're monsters and Buff Frog lives in a swamp, but it seems Septarians lived in the forests if Meteora's Lesson is an indication of the traditional Septarian dwelling place

I concede Rasticore does.

>more alligator like

Like you said, assuming that's representative. Could make sense. Anoles regenerate. Anoles live in trees.

Maybe he's talking about how birds are the grandsons of dinosaurs?


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Sounds like you can't differenciate between creating something new with magic and completely erasing something that already existed... leaving only a part behind.

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Anyone know the source for this comic?

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Between friends?

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A spell specifically designed to wipe something from existence fails in the one job it has and just so happens to putter out at the last second when the target is a baby. Which also just so happens to erase any culpability for all of the bad shit the character has done throughout their life so that they are a blank slate for the writers to project their desires into. And then because babies are boring, they just aged her up so that we could see how her being a bitch totally wasn't her fault and was just a result of how she was raised.

Wow they both look so punchable

The better question is 'does anyone NOT know the source for this?'

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Eclipsa can do no wrong. She's a DINDU favorite of the staff for some reason. She gets away with everything and gets these neat little scape goats left and right for being absolutely perfect.
We've been seeing regular posts calling Star a genocidal maniac for the tough call she made. But guess who forced that situation? Your innocent 'Queen of Darkness' with her uncontrollable 'melt everything until the end if time' spell coupled with her 'corrupt the purity of magic to obtain results' methods and 'destabilize and radicalize the populace with progressive policies'. Seriously, fuck this bitch. Having Rhombulus fucking end her or refusing Moon from conversing with her and instead forcing the mewmans to take the L and cede land/retreat from Toffee would've been better than making a deal with this scum.

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>you will never spread Star's legs and look at her beautiful cunny

Fuck this comic for giving me these feels

fuck that's cute

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The spell was casted against the most powerful magical user who managed to survive for 300 years thanks to artificial methods.
So Eclipsa no only had to erase Heinous but the life essence of thousands of different people.

I'm surprised the spell worked at all given the target.

BTW, Heinous was kind of amazing if you think about it. She was forbiden from using magic, yet managed to accomplish something no other queen could (inmortality) through technology and even built sentient beings like Gemini.

Not to mention she turned irresponsible and selfish princesses (from all kinds, equaly) into well-educated rulers for generations.
If she had been given the chance to teach the Butterflies, things would have been better for Mewni.

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Why are their designs designs so much shittier than the other characters?

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A question for you guys: what do you think the root cause of Mina's insanity was?

Solaria's propaganda?
Did the Warrior spell warp her mind?
Was it always there, just buried and waiting to come out?
Or was it a little of all of the above?

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>Did the Warrior spell warp her mind?
Wasn't that already confirmed somewhere.

>Did the Warrior spell warp her mind?
They straight out stated that in the show.

Crocodiles are the closest relatives to birds

Mina became Grey Fox. She could only feel alive in heat of combat.
That's good, Star! Hurt me MORE

Already explained magic made her unstable.
And coupled with a few mental illnesses after years and years of being a soldier...

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Must have missed/forgotten that. Cheers.
I wish we got more about her past. Maybe a snippet of her first battle under Solaria.

Based on point analogy poster

Was re-watching "Crystal Clear" and now i'm sad.

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The spells were the main cause then the hundreds of years of war and dead comrades probably made it worse

Ludo is literally a Kappa tho

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They're the staff's new favorites and so they had to make them SUPER SPESHUL

Honestly I think Mariposa would look okay if they'd done anything with her other than "female Marco," but then that's exactly what they did

>After years and years of being a soldier...
What a fucking golden opportunity to address how the horrors of war and PTSD can change and warp a person. And instead we just get a "haha, look at this totally-not-a-trump-supporter hick being a mustache twirling villain."

Nah, just bald, not indentation on his head or a shell on his back.

Plus his parents have feathered armes.

That's actually how i saw it.
We saw her eating bakery out of the trash, always rambling about her doctor (who we later see is a rock with a face), loneliness and feeling like she is the only one in the world (mud sister), flashbacks and lapses in reality...

And like most of Ludo's army would have been vets, too.

The wars weee a very long time ago, relatively speaking of course, and given how none in Ludo's army even Knew about Toffee they were probably somewhat young and never gone to any war, so no vets.


Sorry, didn't notice the typo.

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Except that's not true. The same purple lizard appears twice, I believe. Also Buff Frog makes a military-esque salute.

>doing literal math
It's astounding how fans are willing to make so much more effort than the show runners.

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The dimension system was magically created, so I assume all the dimensions have merged together into Earth. I assume they will see Kelly again.


Keep the dream alive. Don't let the "Genocidal Star" theorists sway you otherwise.

They can both be true.

Which is dumb because Ponyhead's narration made it sound like the last of Kelly. The finale's tone was horrendous.

>that bulge

this is worse then the show's ending

Ewww, why? I'd rather a proper show that showed the consequences of Star's actions and her coming to terms with it... you know, like S4 should've done instead of sucking off Eclipsa and continuing to run away from problems.

The forbidden texts are my absolute favorite rule 34.

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Wands are supposed to represent the personality and tastes of the holder.
Said that, I think Meteora would have been more selfless than the previous queens. Also similar in personality to Marco, but less prone to fighting and more cool headed. She would kick your ass more quickly if you endanger their friends, but contrasting to Star's murderous impulsiveness, she would prefer a sadistic torture session not unlike her mother. I see her intelligent and snarky. The wand could take the shape of a shield, or something similar to non lethal weapon.
Mariposa will be similar in personality to Star, more similar also to original Star, just less autistic and more competitive as she's not a princess. Pretty similar to Star in the way she reacts when someone she cares and thus she gets into lots fights. The wand would be a mix between Marco's and Stars'. The cheek marks would be flowers.
Janna's wand could be a magnifying glass and her cheek marks books.
Jackie's or Chloes wand would be probably a shackle and the cheek marks some simple geometric figure as a triangle.
Other ask, but I'd came with stupid ideas

>Said that, I think Meteora would have been more selfless than the previous queens.

With Eclipsa and Globgor as her parents? No fucking way.

My response probably sounded more dickish than I meant it to be, sorry. I just never really got over Eclipsa spending so much manpower and time decorating the temple with pictures of herself and Globgor.

I do like your ideas and explanations for them.

Why a magnifying glass and books for Janna and a shackle for Jackie or Chloe?

Do you think we'll ever get a newcomer who accepts the challenge to surpass it?

No problem.
Also, to be honest, it's not really difficult to be more selfless previous queens. Two of them gave everything for dick and the other one made her biggest mistake for power.
Also, Meteora did protect Glossaryck against Toffee, she has the emotional background of her previous lifes. The new upbringing will make her more proud of what she is and Mariposa would help at it.
Janna's has to be something related to mystery but completely useless to fight. Jackie's something related to PPE used for extreme sports, and that's what I came first

Not since the show is over, no.

I don't care what all of you say. It's a happy end where Star, Marco, Tom and Janna can have all kinds of adventures and figure themselves out. Noone said that magic couldn't return either. Where did it came from? Nowhere. That's where it's gone back to, momentarily. Earthni will become the new Mewni eventually. The universe is endless.

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I will say it got old really fast seeing all those magic star hitler threads. I feel like we can still shit on the writers for being unable to structure their shit correctly.

Half the fannon in this thread is way more interesting than what the show had but i'm willing to concede the point that it's hard to convey all this shit without either a.) boring filler episodes or b.) more books you have to buy independently from the show.

Most of all I just want more cute adorable couples shit.

How could magic come back?

We don't have a specific source explaining where the magic dimension came from in the first place. It was just already there, waiting for humans. Whose to say it couldn't just warp back into existence, kinda like turning back on a machine?

>Half the fannon ...from the show.
Not true at all. I wrote some of the fanon in this thread and I honestly think a lot of these concepts could be portrayed with fun filler episodes, some episodes focusing on developing the plot, or throwaway lines.

How is a shackle related to PPE?

To be fair, if every time Glossy has died means that magic has died as well, it has happened already like 5 times already.

>if every time Glossy has died means that magic has died as well
I don't think it does; he simply comes back since there must always be an Avatar/Master of the Book.

Rock climbing. Sorry English is not my first language and I don't climb.

What kind of shackle did you mean?

What happened to all the posts about this show? There’s this one and that’s it.

Backlash regarding the finale?

Anyone have any hope for MorninMark's comic?

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I like it, personally.

I feel bad for saying this because he seems really nice, but I never got the appeal of Morning Mark. His comics always seemed very "fast food". Until very recently, his art was incredibly stiff as he attempted to emulate the style of the shows he's producing fan content for. His jokes always seemed pretty groan-worthy as well.

Again, he's gotten better (that comic has way more flow) and I'm sure he's very nice but I'm honestly flabbergasted people pay him Patreon money for this stuff. I quietly cringe whenever I see his comics.

I feel like such a dick.

Oh you literal summer child

no it's boring shit

>Did the Warrior spell warp her mind?
She's 1000% the result of Solaria's fuckery and even in death Solaria took no responsibility for her. I don't like Mina in the least but fuck did she get wronged here.

>Nah, just bald
Eclipsa's "Monsters I've Fucked" guide in the book literally says KAPPA in the notes

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Lehkmet. We should have had more of you.

>A shackle, also known as a gyve, is a U-shaped piece of metal secured with a clevis pin or bolt across the opening, or a hinged metal loop secured with a quick-release locking pin mechanism.

Huh. Always called those things D-/G-Links and no-one ever corrected me.

>Surprised people pay for fast food.
It's perfectly ok that some people are basic bitches and it's perfectly ok for you to want stuff with more substance.

They're called mosquetones in my language. I can't correct you

Etymology is an interesting subject as long as you don't delve too far into "why" and find out that Bugs Bunny turned a name into an insult.

It's fun. What you learn falls between "that makes sense" and " I didn't know the real meaning of that word I was using it wrong "

No. Nefcy was a hack. She drew hearts on Stars cheeks because she thought it would be cute. Literally every other character with symbols on their cheeks were "2deep" afterthoughts.



Not really. Glossaryck isn't actually bound by the book, he does it literally just because.
He is the embodiment of magic itself, not of the book. besides, he himself has said "No magic means no Glossaryck"

Lekmet was a really nice goat. I miss him, Reynaldo also deserved some love becauae he sounded like he REALLY needed a hug.
¿España o algun otro pais hispanohablante?
>Bugs Bunny turned a name into an insult
Elaborate a little more please, i don't know about that and don't know which name is the insult.

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He was too dumb for his own good. PerĂº, aprovechando un dĂ­a libre en Yea Forums


reading stuff like analysis-by-vaylon makes me so depressed because it's amazing what a smart person could do with this series.

I want to do such awful things to those girls. Butt things, mouth things, foot and pit things!

Rhombulus may have been dumb, but he was a nice dumb guy.
Espero que te la estes pasando bien en tu dia libre user.

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Rhombulus was a Good Boy who got screwed by writting.

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As nice as a drunk trigger happy cop could be
Muchas gracias Yea Forumsmpañero

Yeah it's alright. Like a slightly better than avarage fanfic. But I like it.

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A drunk trigger happy cop who was realizing the way he was acting was hurting others and he didn't liked it when he noticed it. Then comes his character derail into "ebil cop"
no es nada Señor, Solo me gusta que otroa esten bien.

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He was not evil, just dumb. Yes, he probably knew he was acting wrong, but he don't know other way to act, and there was no Lekmet.
Also, it was a coup attempt that failed when Globgor proved to be cool headed and charismatic enough to be accepted (or tolerated) by Mewmans who didn't oppose Eclipsa. Rhombulus taking the blame was not out of character for his old self, (probably was with his new ways) so no one could suspect there was an actual conspiracy.
Igual yo, no hay muchas oportunidades de escribir en español por acĂ¡

Rhombulus did nothing wrong and did everything right according to moon

saludos desde la RepĂºblica independiente de Arequipa


I agree, what he did was wrong. What i am talking about is that we were shown that his arc was focused on him changing how he acted, him going back to his old self ten-fold left a very bad taste because my tl;dr of it is: Show, don't tell. and the show didn't showed, it didn't told either, it screamed and only told us "HE IS EVIL HE IS EVIL HE IS EVIL BECAUSE HE IS AGAINST ECLIPSA BELIEVE US AND BE HAPPY WHEN WE KICK HIM"
Concuerdo con usted. De hecho yo ya estaba escribiendo un post mas detallado en mi inconformidad con el trato que el show le dio a Rhombulus pero mejor le hize un recorte. A menos de que usted me pregunte yo no indagare tanto en mi "Ensayo en porque Rhombulus merecĂ­a mejor trato" y mejor no hablare tanto, por ahora.

Sure, it's not bad so far. And he (?) Has a pretty good taco record with the ones they had... The Jarco/Starco one was damn good for a fanpiece until it lost steam and the citadel bullshit took over completely

It may not be your speed, but it is very easily digestible and, even more importantly, it's a regular flow of content. You can turn up your nose and sniff in indignation, but Marks stuff gives very easily accessible, remindable, and exploitable content to utilize to help feed discussion and fan involvement.its totally low-brow, but we're also talking about a cartoon for little girls

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He was a good soldier just following orders
Saludos desde Lima, voy a tener que caer por allĂ­ un domingo para el adobo
OK I see the problem. There was really no one to help him in crystallize the development he had with Star. Actually after Eclipsa appears, Star is his antagonist, as could be the fanaticism against Eclipsa by the MHC he is member. It's interesting he is the one who breaks in Eclipsa's trial that he takes as a victory of his emotions over his reason and metaphorically that he has failed the hero's test so he's free to be a villain. Star's reaction there doesn't help as she practically disowns her membership of the ruling elite, and he gets the mission and personality that he has for the rest of the story. In other words, he learned nothing.
His problem was always that he acted way beyond his intended mission, he was made to protect the magic from the elements that may corrupt it, but as he is too emotional for his own good he starts a lots of problems that corrupts the magic hindering the efficiency of his work.
If the show didn't show anything, it probably was because there was nothing to show. About not telling, Rhombulus was a pretty minor character who got his day in the limelight and he was most likely a pawn of a major character like Moon (who probably should be the focus of your analysis)
Espero leer tu ensayo, ojalĂ¡ que dejes el enlace como "lean las estupideces que dice este tipo"

OK, will begin my wall of text.
Rhombulus was shown as a complete moron who was very well guided by his emotions and his insgincts, there i agree with you. My problem is not that "he didn't learned anything" as you put it, but rather that he basically Unlearned all of his development up to that point, without any stages inbetween or anything. "Crystal Clear" was him acknowledge him that he needed to change and was doing so during his next interactions. Problem is that we were shown a very hard reset where he became his "before the new butterflies" self which contrasted a lot with his current development, and did so very suddently. Before that he was more of a guy who was acknowledeing he was in the wrong, the threat of getting crushed not doing much and breaking only when Star was calling them out. After that he simply goes to being a one-dimentional antagonist and completely forgetting his good qualities.

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That hard reset leaves a bad taste because of how he was presented, a guy who wanted to be appreciated by his family because he felt they just saw him as a bother at best only being the "time-out guy", and the sudden change feels, at best (option A)), like the writters made one character into two different ones of which one was irredemable and the other we had to forget about. Problem is that those two are the same and with the contrast it can be interpreted as, the worst (option B)), like throwing under the bus an honestly innocent guy who was getting more emotional and desperate, all because he didn't knew how to handle things and the ones who do could have helped him understand things better simply abandoning him, getting only in return to be used by the ones who do truly understand but on the opposite side (Moon convincing him to free Globgor to "make everyone see the monster Globgor is and getting praise over a job well done after capturing an obviously dangerous criminal")
Tambien he de admitir, no me interesa hacer un analisis de moon por que tecnicamente no hice un analisis, solo no se muy bien como poner en palabras mas cortas lo que quiero decir.

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All of it me, i'll try to summarize.
An easy way to deal with comeuppance against a villain is to make them very flat, that way we feel a sort of catharsis when said comeuppance comes and we feel it is well-deserved. It feels that the writters simply got rid of his development because he was relateable to a degree and that would clash with said punishment.
Problem is of course one can't erase what was made, so the easy solution is to throw dirg at his character and give him suddenly bad traits that were his exagerated very old self and stretching logic. That way we only see his bad side (old personality) and then get told to forget his good side (his development)

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Not who you're replying to, but Star Vs., or at least Star in its 4th season, has a really fucking shitty habit of demonizing the poor/ powerless while those in power get a free pass as long as they say they're sorry or do one (1) nice thing in public after the fact.

Like, the peasants are just stupid for not trusting Eclipsa, despite having pretty just reasons like losing their homes, her abandoning the crown last time, and Globgor literally having eaten people. Eclipsa is never really held accountable or made to look bad for anything; it's all her subjects' fault for not being woke enough.

Solaria engineers a master race of super-soldiers for genocide. She is forgiven posthumously because she doesn't murder her ugly half-breed granddaughter on the spot. Mina is scum for following the purpose Solaria gave her and because of her fucked brain that Solaria also gave her. Solaria is somehow the better person.

The MHC aren't "powerless," but like the Solarians they're following the greater purpose they were given of preserving magic/aiding the queens. Rhombulus is shit who doesn't deserve sympathy for following Moon's orders. Moon is a good mommy because she says she's sorry after Rhombulus and co. are dead. Moon is also fundamentally good because she's sorry for the fact she restarted the literal genocide program and indirectly led to the death of at least one civilian.

All this despite the fact that I think Moon was in the right

They actually did this better in S1 with Toffee and Ludo, showing how a more privileged person can fuck up the lives of those serving him and portraying that as villainous. Like, Ludo's living in a castle and took in his monsters off the street. He's an asshole for holding that over their heads and treating them like shit. Toffee didn't care if said mercenaries from the street died in the castle's explosion. This is also obviously evil.

Apparently those themes were touched on entirely by accident.

Also, another instance of this I didn't have room for: Globgor eating people for what is shown to be his own pleasure = forgiven because he doesn't eat his own flesh and blood when he's on stage with her for like 2 minutes.

You'd think Globgor eating Shastacan could be an exception to this, royalty portrayed as "evil," but nope, Globgor's also a king so this was between equals (and "Queen of Darkness" is apparently just a title equal to "Madam President").

Going even back to S3, Eclipsa supposedly deserves the crown over Star because she has royal blood. Star is "nobody" for having peasant blood. By S4's end they sort of make it clear that Star was wrong, both by the monarchy no longer existing anymore and by revealing Eclipsa's line also started with a random peasant, but going by S4 I don't think "oh no, Star's a filthy peasant and Eclipsa's pure and perfect" is that far off from the crew's moral code. The fact the details showing Star was wrong only occurred late in S4 means that, even now, the fanbase is still obsessed with who is a "real Butterfly" (and thus has purer blood) and who's "fake." Great message for a show against racism to promote, even if unintentionally.

Also yeah, I know, you could say JUST LIKE REAL LIFE about the powerful getting a pass etc.

But since the show is pushing "our generation is garbage" (direct quote) and is all about challenging the status quo, I think it's pretty clearly just the crew really fucking up the moral they were going for and not some deep satire on privilege and power structures in society or whatever

I think that part of the reason for his downslide was Lehkmet's death and the sudden lack of his major moral compass figure.

>My problem is not that "he didn't learned anything" as you put it, but rather that he basically Unlearned all of his development up to that point, without any stages inbetween or anything.
I really blame the lack of time there, he was much a not important character or a popular one to focus on his development.
If I had to choose an option, it would be B.
Also, sorry I'm insisting with Moon, but I feel the show lacked the explanation about how Moon went from a sensible leader of the refugees, to get influenced by the hatred of that community, to convince the MHC on the coup and to finally work with Mina. It's similar to the events of 300 years ago (the Crystalling of Eclipsa and Globgor, the banishment of Meteora and the Voring of Shastacan timeline) but whit the extenuating that process couldn't be shown without giving up the surprise. Probably it could have been explained between The Tavern and Cleaved, but I really don't see a way to show that development in writing without ruining the feeling or the tempo

>be a lowly ragpicker
>scrape out your meager living under constant threat of monster attacks
>want to help, but ragpicking for your daily corn doesn't leave much wiggle towards heroing
>then one day your fucking magical god-queen rolls up and declares that you're exactly what she needs to save the entire kingdom
>she indoctrinates your impressionable mind with anti-monster rhetoric
>she then uses an extremely unstable and dangerous spell to turn you into a ticking time bomb of madness, then runs off and gets herself killed
>with nobody to remove the spell, you basically have to watch your friends all go insane and kill each other
>you can feel yourself slipping away but somehow manage to fight through and retain your sanity, your oath to your queen the only thing keeping you together
>you make it about 300 years before the royal family takes a huge steaming shit all over the safety and stability of the kingdom you went mad protecting
>and when all is said and done, that bitch of a queen that destroyed your mind and soul turns her back on you

Boy, that Mina. What a cunt, right?

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Sorry friends. I simply have to inject this thread with a bit of Cute & Perfect. Have a great evening.

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That isn't Rhombulus and Lekmet.

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The crew did messed up about the moral and everything came down pretty hard at the end, still love the show though.
Will be honest, don't really care much about the whole mewni population because they have always come up as very stupid all throuh the show, so i don't really care.
Agree, i also said that in the second part.
It would have been hard but i'm sure it could have been possible, the show was able to give us a lot of info in one episode many times before.
And again, don't really see it as much of a problem. I see where you are coming from thpugh so it's no total dissintereat on my behalf, but to me Moon never really changed her believes that much and i thi k she was always anti-monster to a degree. If anything River is the one who feels a bit more non-fitting of his piece of the puzzle with how suddenly he went to supporting Globgor over "Being a father". I'll admit i thought it was cute though.
Tambien debo admitir, la rason por la cual yo creo le estoy dando favoritismo a Rhombulus es por que es uno de mis hache-u-ese-be-a-ene-de-o-ese, y por eso me siento medio encabronado que el haya sacado tan mala suerte.

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But friend, that's Gay & Comfy


Can you think of any other characters?

Thanks for the c&p
The show was really cynical about the politics and society in general. Like classic Simpsons or Daria for younger children. There are really no good and bad guys, just people that sometimes are wrong and make mistakes.
About the coup plan development, it was a really bold move from the writers. But I feel they chewed more than they could swallow in this one. I'm not a writer, but I think to pull that through you need to be very talented. It's not about information, the problem was the rhythm of the story, the ending was pretty rushed to convey the right feeling of "what the fuck did I do" from Moon part that was the climax of her arc. But again they had no time.
The dilemma with Moon was less of bigotry and more about trust in her daughter. Y Rhombulus es un pĂ©simo personaje para ser cĂ³nyuge, no vale la pena ese fĂ­sico con tan poco cerebro. Es mĂ¡s para choque y fuga

I really can't think of anyone else willing to use the wand and capable of not killing any other people, including themselves

Were you the one who commented on future Mariposa and the others above? What do you think Ludo's wand would have been like if he had ever gotten the full thing and not the knock-off Toffee merged with the split crystal?

I actually did got that whole regret no problem but i do see that some may miss it with how rushed it felt. Yes, the whole setting had a very gray and gray morality tone and i liked that, but it did felt like the show tried to put everything in a black and white as it was finishing.
Usted tiene sus gustos con la reina con cabello de culo, yo tengo los mĂ­os. Yo no le veo como un solo ya-me-vine-ya-me-voy solo por el fĂ­sico, este final se sintio como uno de esos bad ends y su personalidad si me agrado. Un idiota que aun asi esta dispuesto a hacer bien y reconciliar las cosas si le das ayuda con su compĂ¡s moral para que no se desvĂ­e. Aunque le voy a dar la razĂ³n en que mis gustos estan bien desalineados, mis otros husbandos son Toffee, Rasticore y Meat Fork

Star, being a formerly magical bug monster, probably lays thousands of eggs every mating season. 1000 is amateur hour.

>tfw for a while you totally forgot how star had these weird insect traits.

I kind of wish they went into that a little more. Sure, we get the lazy throwaway gag of mewmans being humans who just sort of showed up from the wells but what the fuck was up with the butterfly stuff and the growing wings and transforming into a literal semen demon for an afternoon.

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More like sick and disturbing.

>The anti-Rhombulus man himself

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Go be retarded somewhere else.

Toxic radiation from the wands turned the royals into mutants.

Keep crying and toasting tacos to trashy waifus, Jebus

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Keep liking mass murderers who get away with illegal war crimes.

I'm really bummed that the quality of fanfiction this fandom seems to generate isn't great. Maybe that's on me because i'm expecting too much of a fan work. I realize it's a dick thing to say, they do it for free and it's fun for them, but the actual criticism I feel like I have here is they never do the cute adorable stuff quite right or if they do it's laced with edge.

Even that God Hand cross over fanfiction felt like it was going to be a fun ride since I thought the absurdity of god hand mixed with Star Vs was fun but then it went off the fucking rails after the conclusion of the first act.

And that work is a cut above a lot of the other work that floats around.

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I will, thaaaaaaa~~~~~aaaanks
Keep liking literal lesbian who's

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I started writing a proper response. Then realized it was getting pretty long and preachy. So instead I'll just go with: "yeah user, that is a dick thing to say"

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fucking newfag

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you know, Meteora will be just the first of a entire new race of hybrids.
Now with monsters on Earth, the furry community will go mad, people all around the world will come to fuck that Wolf monster guy and the cute lizard girl.
this merging was the best thing that happened to furries

Attached: choose.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)

This comic hits me fucking hard about my old teenage girlfriends. Such innocence back then.

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Is that Elf!Star? Do you have any more pictures like that?

It's my favorite show in the S - O - Y Trilogy!

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i want more bug monster star wrapping marco in a cocoon and harvesting his man juice all day.

Why are Alex's eyes so beady and creepy?

You really gotta hand it to him. The art style was spot on. You're never going to see another like it now that the show's over.

You want to know why Between Friends is one of the best things to come out of the show?
The real Star in the TV series is a self absorbed feminist wannabe. Area's Star actually cares about Marco beyond a physical attraction like Star has for Marco's abs. TV Star has no substance, just like her creator Daron Nefcy.

As St. John of the Cross once said,
>"Where there is no love, put love, and you will draw out love."

The very epitome of Starco's image as a cute and wholesome ship is no better personified than in Area's comic, creating an interpretation of the character that trumps canon and creates something beautiful where canon has failed to.

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Eldar Star

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Yes. Not very different than the Toffee's hand, bones were already related to Ludo from the beginning.
It's not about missing it, it just wasn't felt. The morality of the show is there, but it's not exclusive to the main characters, and yes it's really really grey until the end. The "we fucked our planets but at least we have each other" is really grey morality. It's really a greyscale picture of the morality as the real life. That's one of the appeals of the show
[ spoiler]Tienes razĂ³n, pero he tenido malas experiencias con parejas tontas [/Spoiler]

>Star hijacks the Blackstone Fortesses and destroys the Warp, just to be with her Mon'Keigh boyfriend

Attached: Raps finger guns.gif (252x338, 1.34M)

>CF: "Hold my beer"

Attached: ChromosomeFarm_Star_vs_Condoms.png (675x344, 96K) balls of her partner during copulation. She has special tentacles in her vagina for it. They go through urethra and vas deferens into balls, then deposit eggs that would be fertilized by male's semen. After a few weeks male has to release eggs into his partner where they would lay for a several months before birthing.

That's my Mewman Fact of the Week.

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Dies Irae faggots permanently btfo

The what?

Upper class white liberals always make the most conservative shit.

I don't think it was reallt cynicism but the 2016 election PTSD. The writers aren't willing to make a self-criticism but rather put the entire blame on the other side, especially the racist rednecks that voted for Drumpf.

Due to the high mortality rates found on Mewni, Mewmans have evolved to release larger clutches of eggs per ovulating period. Pregnancy is still not guaranteed and requires sperm to reach the eggs, but larger birthrates and greater occurrences of "fraternal" siblings, have been observed in the general population.

Attached: Star Butterfly - Pregnant.png (1954x2380, 1.59M)

Any elf Star art around?

What i meant about "missing" is exactly that, about being felt. I did felt the emotions the writters were trying to convey but i recognize that because of pacing some people may not feel it, may miss the emotion it was being tried to be shown.
Lo siento por lo de las parejas mensas. Disculpe pero ¿Esta hablando de que usted ha estado con muchachas mensas, o que tambien ha tenido experiencias con hombres bien pendejos?

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Seconding this request...the closest I've seen is the Eldar Star drawings.

>The show was greenlit in 2013 and premiered in 2015
>Mewnipendence Day was aired in 2015
Trump had nothing to do. I know they were salty about that, but showing the reasons for actual resentment of Mewmen refugees, and the actual reason because they are refugees show that it was not just racism, or there are direct causes behind it.
Shit happens IRL, Arakan, Darfur and Kurdistan. And the hate form this groups is not racism, it's "let me live in my house". Probably the biggest example of that sentiment is Israel/Palestine, with more than 70 years expelling each other asses from that strip of land.

>What i meant about "missing" is exactly that, about being felt. I did felt the emotions the writters were trying to convey but i recognize that because of pacing some people may not feel it, may miss the emotion it was being tried to be shown.
Flacas brutas en lo personal. Pendejos por experiencia de familiares, la huevada es que no la ves

That thing on the left is hideous

But her Mewberty form would've been an absolut Semonic Demonic. Maybe even rivaling Monstar's Mewberty form.

Yeah. A show needs to give the audience some time to digest things, that way the audience can sympathize and empathize with the characters. Otherwise it can simply pass by and not get caught, leaving the audience with the last bit they caught that made an impact. In this case, Moons betrayal: It was supposed to come off as her trying to do damage control by steering a tornado to do the least damage even if she knew it was wrong but it was already inevitable, only to realize you can't control a tornado. Problem is that we get presented with this wat too fast and only can catch the first part, which is betrayal.
Ahh. Si se muy bien lo que es tener familia pendeja pero he de admitir no todos los tarados son tan emocionalmente cansantes pero creo que eso del cansancio es muy variante de persona a persona asi que no hay mucho estandar del que le pueda hablar sin que haya discrepancias. En lo personal yo no me siento tan cansado y a veces creo que onions como esa imagen que dice que Å›Ă³Ă½ "Moronsexual". Ademas, estamos hablando de personajes ficticios asi que yo puedo sentirme atraĂ­do por un par de cocodrilos, un jabalĂ­ con tenedor y un cristal con dos serpientes

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It was rushed. I think they also were trying to convey traces of resentment (more than just pettiness), power hunger (fed by the Mewman refugees) that is the base for the development and actions from Moon that weren't shown
tienes razĂ³n

I doubt the power hunger since she was fed up with having to be a babysitter on a pedestal. If anything i think it was "These idiots will get themselves killed so i need to hold their hand, again, ugh" kinda thing.
Resentment i agree with how she got flung out across the universe andback thanks to Eclipsa.
Even then, Moon gets a free pass just because and we are told we need to forgive her while Rhombulus was the one who got screwed the most, even acknowledged that was used by moon, and he only gets to be killed off-screen and we are told we need to be happy that guy got kicked.
Gracias Señor, espero que usted encuentre una chica de su agrado que sea buena pareja. Tambien he de decir me esta gustando que hemos estado conversando de buena manera.

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What is the spoiler about?

Power is a hell of a drug, and an easy way to stay on is being irreplaceable. The Mewmen being dump as fuck was like giving a beer to a recovered alcoholic.
Rhombulus was an useful moron, actually his part is really tragic.
De nada

>Implying warp scum deserve to live

Necron relics to sever the Warp from realspace, thus cutting the demons off from human emotions/souls to nourish them and ultimately kill them.

Of course this would also pretty much wreck any species that isn't Tyranids or Necrons.

Just people being polite to each other.

What kind of elf would you like?

Star is barren. She has to content herself to raising Marco's children with other girls.

Good night sweet prince.
He may have been a useful moron, but he was the useful moron with a heart that i liked.
¿Alguna otra parte del show que quisiera discutir? cualquier tema del que quiera hablar esta bien para mi.

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Just because it kinda fits with the Pixie Dream-Girl motif, Lodoss War's Deedlit but honestly, just have fun with it man. Weve been sorely lacking "fun" in these threads for the longest time.

Pretty sure that's Hekapoo.... Because with a body like that and her promiscuity with bar hook-ups, she should have children all over the place.
Tom's also a likely candidate for low sperm count.

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Hey guys, Russia is in touch, I have a question, how many of you now hate Nefcy?

Not a great character, but if you like, likeable.
Esperemos otro tema dentro del hilo

>Russia is in touch
I don't get you.
Hey, question, are you the user who wants monsters?
I'd say that instead of waiting we could make a suggestion about a topic, that way we don't have to hope for one to appear
Y gracias, el personaje me gusta y espero que usted siga disfrutando de sus personajes favoritos.

Will see what I can do.

Nefcy can still put out a proper product (see: Book of Spells) when she's not delegating responsibilities or being influenced by Junior staff members with agendas to push. The plot and lore that's been outlined in that material blows the SJW shit that we ended up with out of the water. Fuck off Cotugno, you ruined my favorite show

Hey guys, Russia is in touch, I have a question, how many of you now hate Nefcy?

I don't hate Nefcy personally even though I mostly hate what the show became, and rationally I know she approved of it all and wrote the main plot beats herself.

Sometimes I shitpost about her but as a person I don't have anything against her. She seems pretty chill and cool and if I ever met her in person I wouldn't sperg the fuck out.

If she made any more cartoons I'd also probably watch them.

Horseteeth is a very good artist but a very bad writer and spineless showrunner.

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He was such a goofball

>That's why the elevators must be on the fritz
>That's what I'VE been saying
>Hey! The timeout corner isn't on the fritz!

>STUPID timeout corner
>STUPID Glossaryk

The whole commission was full of goofs
Man they went in a weird direction last season

Hi Russia, not even in memes I hate Nefcy. See you in another Jebus livestream
I'm not actually in the mood, it's been almost 3 weeks. I'm not that theory proposing as 2 weeks ago.
De nada, creo que me concentraré en Star

>And instead we just get a "haha, look at this totally-not-a-trump-supporter hick
That was so fucking dull
Here we had a show doing something new and some idiot came in with HURRRRRRMAKEMEWNIGREATAGAIN shit
God the idiots in california are so creatively void

same as this guy

I apologize for the duplicated post, without a clue how this system works here, it’s different for us. I wanted to know your opinion on the final and Nefcy herself. We have been discussing him for quite a while and most agree that this is fucking up. Created the universe only to "merge".

The last war was only about 30 years ago or whenever Moon was a teenager. I have a goof feeling Buff Frog saw action.

I hated it. I didnt expect much but this is such a disappointment.

Hekapoo is a bad person and hates babies. She probably does have a million children she just leaves to the elements or bishie elves

It's funny that she's the one depicted in the Pie-of-Lore as the one (looking quite motherly) pictured with Festivia.

CF has a weird bisexual bend, im not too into it but his vanilla stuff is spot on.

no cheek marks feels wrong.

she pretty much raised Festivia on her own, Festivia calls her mommy in the book of spells

he was such a nice Good Boy and lovable goof, gonna miss him.
Also, while the MHC may have been full of goofs we barely saw anything about Omnitraxus, so we basically don't know him at all.
That's fair
Espero que tenga buen fin de semana Señor
No problem dude, don't worry much about it.
Yes the ending may have felt a bit rushed, but credit is due to where credit is due.
I may not have liked a few things but that doesn't mean the show is bad, it does have many good points to its favor and is an enjoyable show overall no matter that it isn't perfect.
I don't hate Nefcy and doubt i can. But hey, now that we have input from another part, what would you like to disscuss about the show? any oppinions?

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of course she does, Nefcy has an infantilism fetish and wants to be the mommy

Most here aren't pleased with it either. But the merge honestly just a symptom of the overall shitty way there climax and characters were handled.

>tfw for a while you totally forgot how star had these weird insect traits.
>Star, being a formerly magical bug monster
You know what, I know the popular rumor now is that Nefcy got stuck on Battle for Mewni, but these two posts make me think the show had already been vague on its direction long ago.

I think the problem was Eclipsa. Everything started with Eclipsa, which coincidentally, was at the end of Battle for Mewni. Eclipsa in the show changed the lore, the expectations, and then eventually just the show itself.

I think Star and Moon WERE real Butterflies, always were, because Star went through Mewberty. I think Mewmans WERE just Mewmans, and the Butterfly line were, in fact, insectoids just like their name implies.

That all changed after Eclipsa came and everyone was confused what to do with her. It seems like Eclipsa WAS going to be the queen of darkness, but somewhere along the line, someone didn't like how that was going to go with Monster King and how Star had monster friends. Even Eclipsa had a normal butterfly transformation, I was expecting her to be like Moon's except full Mewberty style, in line with her lack of self control. Eclipsa's spells were clearly dark magic, from clairvoyance to outright immortal killer and death spells. Marco floating in darkness I think was just for humor.

I don't know why but they just tried to wash away all of that and retcon Eclipsa. Evil deeds, just rumors. Evil face, just prejudice. Evil spells, I don't really remember how they counter that, even the last episodes had Star forbid the spell, and Eclipsa's corruption was washed away at the magic fountain. The Monster Lair really was this ancient temple with ominous origin. Everything really was leading up to a real Force of Evil ©Disney™Disney® Disney.

Then someone REALLY liked Eclipsa, and wrote a fanfic and the show took it.Let's be real, the show moved away from high school, but the drama of Season 2 was definitely high school drama.

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Here ya go, good night.

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>That toothy biting her lip smile on the bottom right.
>That feeling of wanting to defend Monstar's smile but also wanting to hold this star and tell her how she makes you feel and how her optimism and drive to make everyday an adventure is the wind beneath your wings and you want to be with her forever

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Welcome to Yea Forums! Where in the internet are you from?
-Click the post number to answer
-Use > to quote (greentext)
-Use Spoiler when needed
-Read the rules of all boards, probably this is not for you
Nefcy is the kind of person with great ideas, good development but can finish her plays. I think she lacked time to tie everything. Said that, the ending idea was great, very Nolan-esque. Star really solved her problems creating a lot of new ones. Nefcy gave us a lot of fanwank fuel.
Omnitraxus was really underdeveloped, also Reynaldo.
I imagine a post script season arc of the MHC like this.
>Scientist reactivate the Magic
>Star or probably some other magic user now can summon the MHC, past queens, millhorses and Toffee, and they do to avoid the destruction of the merged dimension by the Total Annihilation Spell. Also they learn the spells are sapient.
>All summoned beings help Earth Scientist to understand magic
>They agree in create a new dimension for the spells with the MHC taking care of it.
>The MHC leaves Earth the Jesus way, only Hekapoo stays in order to not make more portals, and becomes human
Igualmente por cierto

>wanting to defend Monster's smile
>abandoning Monstar for traditional looking Star.
You were her only friend, user. Why would you do this?

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And then they went in Eclipsa territory and changed all of that. And added more...less subtle touches
>And instead we just get a "haha, look at this totally-not-a-trump-supporter hick being a mustache twirling villain."
>Sure, we get the lazy throwaway gag of mewmans being humans who just sort of showed up from the wells
I...don't believe that was a "gag"...that was probably an analogy for American settlers that someone thought was clever, especially since they fit in an origin story at the same time.

Ever since the finale, I went crazy with theories, because it seemed very probable to me that there was alot of confusion over the direction of the show, and most of my theories ended up being a reworked Eclipsa. She changed everything. If I wrote an AU, Eclipsa would be drastically changed. If I were to guess what was an original Eclipsa, and what were some early theories so not even my own, it would be that Eclipsa was an "accelerated" Star, someone who got into dark spells because she wanted things HER way, who wanted NO rules, and went a step further and HATED anything that stood in her way, which Star would like and idealize, like with Mina, but shown to have gone too far, coincidentally, like how Mina was shown to be instead. What a coincidink. Eclipsa was supposed to be even stronger than Star, With Star and her fitting in the Butterfly line, but that was eventually thrown out the window with the baby drama. Speaking of baby drama,
>Eclipsa can do no wrong. She's a DINDU favorite of the staff for some reason. She gets away with everything and gets these neat little scape goats left and right for being absolutely perfect.

It's like someone had even the tiniest idea of
>she wanted things HER way, who wanted NO rules and went a step further and HATED anything that stood in her way
then thought, "wooo go gurl" and then villainized everything else. Evil? Rumors. Monster love? The HUSBAND was evil. Spells? Well..kinda??

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>You were her only friend, user. Why would you do this?


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Extra Based

Mewmans are an offshoot of humanity so this ain't that heretical

Thank you draw friend! Cute! CUTE!!!

Fantastic eldar Star. I love it. Good work.

Speaking of which, what should be the next show to live stream? I have Hilda 2 (even though doesn't matter, Netflix will bomb format it) and Amphibia on my list.

Can you do Hilda weekly? Just for the Game of Thrones feel. I also probably get into Amphibia mid season because I don't want to risk getting into shit

Area isn't a guy.

>more books you have to buy independently from the show


Is she evil now lads?

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Yeah, no way a dude could do that. It'd just end up being an easily forgettable, 8 page wank-fest if a dude was at the helm. The art would be pretty, but it'd just get tossed into the pile, 'favorited' amongst the 1000's of others.

It would depend on how many people would be up for doing it weekly and not just marathon it on their own. It would be fun though, i'd love to do it

>Retard literally doesn't know how to turn the page
Imagine being this illiterate

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Kids watched GF so I don't think it's really fair to put it among SU and StarVS. Better replace GF with AT

No wonder why tumblr loves Eclipsa so much.

Emblematic of the downhill trajectory of the show. She showed such PROMISE too. That was the appeal. She was the free-spirit that Star wanted to become... but instead of being a cautionary mirror of where such thinking can lead you or what impacts it can have.... NOPE, free pass. She's a staff favorite, just like Tom, and gets preferential treatment because of it and can do no wrong.

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>we missed out on a Butterly vs Butterfly full Sailor Moon fight
Well at least we got Mina feetsies

>Noone said that magic couldn't return either.
No, you doofus, the show is exactly the shitty SJW schlickfest it unfortunately turned out to be, Glossaryk was the God figure, Magic was the tool of oppression, and they killed it all with "forward" thinking

Will never appear, because the portals are gone, too

You're right user. Things aren't as horrible as everyone is making it out to be in the end game. Nefcy has given enough material and free reign for you to rewrite and retcon whatever shit we actually ended up with and it can still work out in your head canon. Share it with others so we can forget the shit ending the interns thought up

>Killing god for achieving freedom and self-determination
This is the most anime-esque plotline ever. How did they screw it up? Even P5 used it recently, a fucking dating sim barely disguised as a jrpg.

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Imagine the Pantheon of Greek/Roman Gods but made Elves with elf culture & behavior. Now imagine the Eldar God of the Forge, during the massive shitfest that was the War in Heaven, made what to him would be essentially small talismans (this is something that can destroy entire worlds mind you, and even if it is broken you can ram it into a planet for similar effect).

To make things short [spoilers] during the finale of the Fall of Cadia, the necron magpie Tarzyn activated pillars of FUCK-YOU-DEMONS to shrink the hell strum cacophony of emotional sperg known as the warp (basically imagine hell but in space and you have to use it for FTL travel unless you have access to the Magic Old Man Pepe highway). End point is that as these pillars were activated the forces of evil, err, Chaos basically took a bunch of their ships and rammed a broken Blackstone into Cadia, resulting it hell's gaping asshole into reality spreading it's incredibly huge ass across the galaxy [/spoilers]

Well shit there was an attempt. Ok read it as is, we aren't on /tg/ anyhow. Oh I shouldn't have put an s on the end of spoiler, oops. Sorry.

>Glossaryk was the God figure, Magic was the tool of oppression, and they killed it all with "forward" thinking
I didn't get this at all from the show. I guess if you wish really hard for it to be that way, then I guess, that's how it is in your head?

>Will never appear, because the portals are gone, too
But the Underworld is directly below Mewni, not in a different dimension. Potentially they could just. Dig up to the surface.

>given enough material and free reign for you to rewrite and retcon whatever shit we actually ended up with
This isn't a Nefcy specific thing. Any media already has these rules established. Or rather, EVERY media has this. Always had and always will.

>Share it with others
But you see your problem is that you're not going to give a shit enough to actually make the effort of developing an AU. Simply because you are incredibly fucking bitter. So on top of having to deal with everything a creative process takes, you'll also have to fight back that bitterness so that you don't just go 'aww fuck it, fuck this show, I don't care' at one point. Other people who look at it positively will add to the universe instead of trying to rewrite it. It's a much less strenuous process. That is why Between Friends lasted for so long, and that is why it was actually finished, unlike many other comics of its kind. Because it wasn't made out of hate.

> the shit ending
I don't know about that.

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>the necron magpie Tarzyn activated pillars of FUCK-YOU-DEMONS to shrink the hell strum cacophony of emotional sperg known as the warp

BASED necrons

>I didn't get this at all from the show
The show and the book explicitly state that Glossaryck created time and space and set up Father Time and the MHC to manage it. He gave magic to the first Mewmans. It doesn't get more blunt than that. Apologies if I misunderstood where you were going here.

>I didn't get this at all from the show
Yeah the entire conversation to the audience about how magic is evil and the users of magic don't know how to use it and the random people in the bar cheering Star on about it went over my head, too

I don't want it to be like that, but it do be like that

A big wet fart of a
No more royalty, no more Glossaryk, no more Commission, no more authority figure
It be that and more and no one wanted it but it be what it be

>dig up
You're reaching
They literally had demon elevators, no one is digging anywhere

Yeah I guess that's valid and makes sense all things considered. But do you think this is somehow harmful for children watching this cartoon? Could they even comprehend something like this? Plant subliminal messages in their subconscious?

Furthermore, is it possible to ever look at a cartoon in a way that's not biased towards something in real life?

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Speak for yourself user. IRL bullshit is keeping me pretty busy at the moment, but star vs and related content/media is what brings the small glimmer of joy to my day.

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>Yeah the entire conversation to the audience about how magic is evil and the users of magic don't know how to use it and the random people in the bar cheering Star on about it went over my head, too

I just didn't really see the magic as being a stand in for the GUBBERNMENT or DA PATRIARCHY or whatever else. I just didn't think about it that way. Given the liberal californian type that made this show I guess it's possible they intended this.

But I don't want to care about this. I just want to have my story. Separate from real life. Let me enjoy teenagers being cute.

>They literally had demon elevators, no one is digging anywhere
Well then! Problem solved.

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>But do you think this is somehow harmful
muh children
The question is irrelevant, it is simply uninspired and trite that they went in that direction. Nothing really to do with children.

>is it possible to ever look at a cartoon in a way that's not biased
Sure, when it's not forcing references

>Let me enjoy teenagers being cute.
I don't think anyone ANYONE disagrees with this and the fact that we're talking about the magic is just the consequence of how bad they handled the magic and lore that the focus is on the magic and lore and not cute teenagers or Star and Marco

The Star and Marco was seen as an extra, not the focus

This is exactly what happened in LOST, too, some people were satisfied with the ending, others wanted answers

>Anonymous 06/07/19(Fri)21:24:25 No.1080

Children didn't watch StarVs.

Pictures like these make me wana give her tummy a raspberry.

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Agree. Actually I think a 5 season would be half adapting Mewni into Earth and Earth trying to science what happened.
Season 6 I'm trying to figure it up, but I get how a democratic Mewni would develop.
I'm mostly a guy that enjoys things slowly to let them last it more. I'd do whatever it fits in an hour, and I don't really mind of spoilers. Count me in that project

w-where are your cheek hearts? your wings?
let's just stay friends ok
>somewhere in the distance Janna's nipples harden and she doesn't know exactly why

>Magic is evil
No, this isnt the government or patriarchy. It's guns. And I still hold on to the fact that magic is a tool. And the will and intention of the user shades the goodness and evilness of the application. Just as the spell book goes into explain the 'types of dipping down', the 'ultimate' manifestation of utilizing magic, so too can such intentions be applied to firearms.

>trying to science what happened.

It leads to toying with forces they're not meant to and boom another apocalypse. Enter Star vs the Forces of the Wasteland. With Mad Marco.

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Fucking santa clause user.
Handing out (You)'s like it's Christmas.

>Janna's nipples harden.
>She's Dead

>It's guns.

in that case I think they make a good point for not making 'school shootings' (why the fuck a term like this even exist?) a literal everyday occurence lmao

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why did you let them do this to my boi Finn


>It leads to toying with forces they're not meant to and boom another apocalypse.
Yes, now with the spell dimension
>Enter Star vs the Forces of the Wasteland. With Mad Marco.
I was imagining more a Half Life scenario with DoD staff helped by the known magic users. But your idea was not bad

>Mina was alive during monster raids and when monsters literally killed a queen, Star's grandma
>Suddenly she's evil for not liking monsters
Only about 10 more years until someone will actually explain exactly wtf happened to the staff during the last season

>Just as the spell book goes into explain the 'types of dipping down',
Fun overlooked fact
Glossaryk initially didn't help anyone except princesses
That changed

>Elaborate a little more please
Nimrod is a minor character in the Bible renowned for his hunting ability. In one cartoon, Bugs calls Elmer Fudd "Nimrod" in mocking irony at his ineptitude. Viewers unfamiliar with the reference assumed that calling someone "Nimrod" was an insult at face value, and that cartoon has a bigger presence in modern culture than that part of the Bible.

What are these pics?

>tfw you'll never find somebody who likes to cling to you so she can listen to your heart beat in order to relieve stress.

I can't fucking stand it anymore. It's all too much

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What you're describing isn't actually all that uncommon, user.

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It's uncommon for me because i'm ugly and have been never able to form meaningful human relationships that didn't have a keyboard involved.

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cheer up user sempai

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Sorry user, but you'll get no sympathy from me. Had a 350lb. Athiest , neckbeard, douchebag keyboard warrior of a roommate who was able to land his dream job at a game studio as a designer and get married to another landwhale, but I guess they still cuddled or melded together or something so if someone like that can do it, the only thing really stopping you is yourself.

Ah, thanks.
Not a native english speaker so i never knew about that since it didn't reached here

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So is Nefcy a hack, or nah? Did she purposefully rush her show to an ending and leave things unanswered, just so she can work on the next thing, or are you okay with all of this?

Yes and no.
The show may have started shaking a bit nearing its end, but the show still knew how to deliver many points to great effect.
We need to be fair and recognize which flaws we have, but also give credit to where it belongs.

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Inquisition-approved oviposition!

Hey-hey, people!

What is the context in this image?

>Nefcy is the kind of person with great ideas, good development but can finish her plays. I think she lacked time to tie everything. Said that, the ending idea was great, very Nolan-esque. Star really solved her problems creating a lot of new ones. Nefcy gave us a lot of fanwank fuel.
That is, do you think that the ending of the series went to us only as a plus?

It helps that, to American ears, "Nimrod" sounds like the sort of word you might use to insult someone. Presumably it sounded more majestic to bronze-age Mesopotamians.

>Hey, question, are you the user who wants monsters?

>5 season would be half adapting Mewni into Earth and Earth trying to science what happened.
>It leads to toying with forces they're not meant to and boom another apocalypse. Enter Star vs the Forces of the Wasteland.
With the help of magic?

During the hours after the merger, the Mevrt will turn into a single erupting volcano, burned by the solar wind.
And torn by the tidal gravity of new moons

Attached: 09_06_22_1245361078454.jpg (650x488, 36K)

Mevrt =Mewni+Earth

>only as a plus
Actually, the ending is related with the rest of the show. But it was too rushed, season 4 felt like it was supposed to be 2 seasons, with a lot of breaches of the "show, don't tell rule" including the Starco sub plot. Also, she got into a lot of problems with the Moon arc at the end, as it was nearly impossible to develop her into a rebel without giving up the surprise.

>With the help of magic?
More like science up magic, with the help of magic remains from Britta's Tacos. And those remains are not to be toy with.
>During the hours after the merger, the Mevrt will turn into a single erupting volcano, burned by the solar wind.
>And torn by the tidal gravity of new moons
At least beaches will be something of the past. But writers mostly ignore those implications

nah they would just bring magic back like ever AU writer is doing.

>they would just bring magic back
They will have to act very quickly.
Freeze everyone with magic for ~ 100,000 years.
Until the world becomes fit for biological life.

>he's starting another AU in the middle of this
It's doomed.

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She was alive to see at least two queens killed by monsters since Solaria also died that way.

wow an even shittier one

Yeah, I'm not expecting much from this one.. but the Meteora/Mariposa one shows promise

okay babyfucker

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Why? Why post this?

Just bumping shit, user. Stop being so uptight, holy shit.

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Your mistake was thinking fanfiction quality isn't garbo at best. Semi-decent fanfiction is so rare that when it makes the rounds people write news articles about it and even then those works end up taking a hard right and sucking major cock.

Didn't the whole 50 shades boom basically start off as a twilight fanfic or something? Not speaking for quality or anything, but if it was enough to come 'a thing', that has to count for something

We really, REALLY, have no idea
I won't go that far and say she's a hack, because she had a totally different idea for the show, from the comic to the pitch to the initial idea, from the wikipedia:

>Nefcy said that the overall concept has evolved over about six years
>Nefcy said she originally created Star as a girl who wanted to be a magical girl like Sailor Moon, and Marco as a boy who was obsessed with Dragon Ball Z and karate; they would be enemies instead of friends. In this earlier version, Star did not have any actual magical powers; she instead would approach and solve problems primarily through the force of her determination alone
>She also portrays Star as not really a superhero as she does not specifically go after super-villains except when they attack her, and that she doesn't really save people.[
I think the most important one is
>Nefcy said that the episodes balance comedy and drama: "we really want our characters to feel like teenagers and have them going through the normal emotions that teenagers go through, but in this magical setting."
Because that was where the last season really just went out there.

We have no idea of how or why things changed, it's at a point where people think there had to be some blackmail involved. We don't know how much of it was Nefcy.

That's kind of his point
That ONE fanfic was enough to become its own thing

butt starterfly

>are you okay with all of this?
Lol have you seen Star Vs threads? Alot are not okay with it

That's not Sky, is it?

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You're supposed to lurk before posting, this isn't fucking reddit

This ought to be hilarious.

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Anyone know how to contact him? I have some questions...

M... Maybe...

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It was fanfiction so bad it became it's own thing and then a movie.
It was read by 40-something women who wanted vicarious experiences and didn't knew anything about how that sex went and just had dumb fantasies. The actual BDSM comunity hated the whole thing because it was a way incorrect about everything AND because it was so badly written the characters just came as edgy tryhards.
Fanfiction of any fandom can vary a lot but it's best to always expect the quality to be very bad and out of character, remember one with Toffee and Rasticore acting way out of how they actually are, it was clear it was written by a girl

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I think the answer is very simple, she is not that good as a show runner as we thought.
most of what people liked about this how was made under disney executives intervention.

i think Daron is like george Lucas, good with ideas terrible with execution, the job is only good when someone else is making it.

>Vicarious experiences
You mean kinda like encountering a girl in your teenage years that completes you? A friend who grows steadily closer and who you can't help but start to grow closer to. One that inspires you to challenge yourself to improve, and one who relies on your strengths when they find themselves in doubt. One you'd be willing to throw away your world and everything you've ever known for

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Let me tell you, i'm a cocksucker so all of what you wrote sounds way too cliche for me, it doesn't sell. With all due respect and i apologize in advance, you sound like a faggot.

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It’s a one off joke you fucking autie

Takes one to know one. And you know your kind all too well, it seems

I do am a cocksucker, thank you. If you are trying to proposition to me though then no thank you, i don't find you attractive.

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How about you skip the soft talk and fuck his butt?

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Anymore like this? That's pretty damn good

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Was gonna put them together but the halves arent the same size.

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That overly emotional faggot? hahaha, good joke.

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Are Lekmet and Janna fistbumping? cute

It weirded me out when I realized we are AI. I just realized that the captchas are a system used to identify objects for use in systems where AI is supposed to identify objects. Often its farmed out to Chinese to do. The AI just matches what it sees to what has been identified.

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Thank you friend

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I forgot to add that you can still by this art of your favorite character for $1000

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But are we training the AI or are we testing it. Are we the one telling it what those things are, or are we presented with the AI's results?

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Everybody know Jana would be the one to stab you.

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after all these years where's waldos still give me PTSD from that one screamer

I wonder if any of them are related in that AU. I mean, is Jushtin still Solaria's older brother?

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I know it's just part of the Star Vs. art style where all the women kinda have huge hair, but Comet and Solaria's later designs with the braids (as opposed to Comet having Moon's hair and Solaria being bald) weird me out a bit because it kinda looks like they have weird gross Polish plaits

and I mean, it's Mewni, so maybe they do

>bullying Ludo
Absolutely disgusting.

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It really should be 'Grandmas'... Since technically Moon, Eclipsa, and Star should've been included as Queen's as well

Eclipsa is right there blind fuck

Thanks to everyone for their opinions and answers. I will give them to our Russian thread. It's always nice to chat with fans from the USA.

There's nothing left to mine

You know user we were just having a jokey bant discussion about fanfiction. I don't understand why you had to take it there and go for everyone's neck like that.

Now i'm fucking depressed fucking again. So thanks I guess. You should go sit in the corner and think about what you've done.

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>Janna has a knockoff switchblade
Surely she would steal the real thing or get one on the black market.

How busy do you have to be as a storyboarder not to know where the fucking mole goes

She also once drew Eclipsa with clubs and was like "lol I get the marks mixed up"

>get paycheck that's a 10th of normal
"lol we get the decimal mixed up"

Did that sap made you sad?

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Moringmark did a comic where Meteora gave Mariposa the Wand, what do you think of the shapes?

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Sorry user. but you know it's better than whatever edgetastic stuff the gay lizard is espousing