Are people still mad at Lego Gorilla Aliens being a thing?

Are people still mad at Lego Gorilla Aliens being a thing?

Attached: Bloxx.png (346x337, 53K)

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He could still beat up green lantern

Bloxx is still better than Toepick.

Attached: Toepick_art.png (432x585, 331K)

I loved that guy.

Mad? No.

Disappointed at how lazy this is. Yes.

Sour that Sludge puppy Lucy will never get her own spin off but some background spic on Nick does?


>not legorilla

Don't you fucking start this shit discussion again
Just because he lost doesn't mean we can't have normal Ben 10 or GL threads

>Being mad at Omniverse for Bloxx and the artstyle
>Being mad at Omniverse for the retcons and Kai

"don't sue us" is in play

>Sour that Sludgepuppy Lucy will never get her own spin off
I feel your pain.

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should've known better than to fuck with Green Lantern's autistic fans. they're all crazy.

oh yeah, halfbreed humans didn;t exist anymore yeah?
So what was the deal with the bad guy from Ultimate Alien?

Shouldn't Sludgepuppy be the N-word of Ben 10?

To be fair, we aren't any better

Toepick was cool since it lived up to the hype way back in the original series

Didn't he beat a giant alien by shooting some Lego bricks on the floor for him to step on?

they coulda made a deal with lego to make ben 10 lego sets

They did.

Well, not real Legos, just the thing they used for Hero Factory.

IIRC that was Skurd using his powers

Julie should've fucking won dammit

agreed green lantern is so fucking overrated

Actually he's pretty underrated nowadays.

Did Bloxx ever win a single fight?
Cause despite being a Lego Gorilla, Ben took him seriously

>Made of yellow bricks

Okay Lanternfags cannot bullshit up an excuse for winning this one

wow that looks hideous

I got the impression a lot of the alien designs were the show creators fanfictioning in their favorite things from other series. Damn show had a Dr Who in it

Yellow hasn't worked in decades

Target the non-yellow parts then

Whos mad? HE WAS AWESOME !! And he was my favorite new omnitrix alien. Honestly, I fell in love with him the second when his toy was introduced.

I also liked when that blobby alien could make a lego fun for the other omnitrix aliens in the latter seasons.

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Honestly if we were ever gonna get a spin off it would've been Gwen
If it was plumbers centric, fuck it Clyde 5 the Miniseries

You were a kid when Omniverse aired were you?
Well I guess those angry people were right then

Weren't some of the Nemetrix aliens based off of toys? I know the T-Rex thing was from a Jurassic Park toyline.

No? Why do you think that? Honestly, I’m really curious?

Hell no. I actually thought Bloxx was kind of cool.

Swampfire's redesign on the other hand...

Attached: Ben-10_Swampfire's_2nd_Puberty2.png (551x720, 312K)

Why do you hate Chadfire?


Totally ruined paradox's look.

When Bloxx was first shown people (older fans who wanted the series to be more serious) called it the dumbest shit and that it only existed to appeal to kids

They were having fun. They even admitted to that.

*and merchandise

Bloxx was based. Bloxx on paper sounded like a bad idea but the execution of Bloxx and his powers is what makes him work.

>Bitch bitch MUH SILVER AGE bitch!

It never stop with you people

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Just saying its not a viable argument anymore

I don't even actually hate NuSwampfire. I actually like the design, just not as much as "classic" Swampfire.

Attached: Swampfire_uaf_official.png (343x859, 274K)

Well, I’m not a kid when this aired, and I might have been the few fans who actually liked the art and tone direction the show was taking. I was very aware of the hate-dom this show got.

if we want to talk about favorite things from other series, gutrot is literally just humanoid koffing

If every Omnitrix had a failsafe wouldn't that mean the Mad Ben timeline is fucked?
He just needs to try and kill himself or starve or be executed and the Omnitrix will turn him into a form that would last longer and break out of his cuff

Attached: Mad_Ben_(Omniverse).png (503x830, 346K)

>Let's have one of the best and most mature teen romances in cartoons that doesn't have the terrible "opposites attract" trope being the only thing that drives it
>Then replace it half assedly with an "opposites attract" relationship

Which relationship are you talking about? Omni threw a ton of pairings into the mix

I'm glad this thread is up because I just finished watching it and I want to talk about it.

The biggest problem I had with the show was that it a lot of fun ideas that were really poorly executed by just awkward writing.

It felt like it was filled with some really nitpicky stuff that Wyatt didn't like and the whole show was dedicated to changing.

Also, why does he hate Jetray so much? Jetray had one of the more interesting designs from Alien Force

IIRC it was because he was overused

>first and worst girl wins due to bullshit reasons even when best girl initially gets with the MC
Ben 10 truly is a shounen, no wonder why it got a Japanese dub

Julie and Ben in Alien Force. It felt "normal" which I think is needed in more media

Since the other thread reached bumplimit, is it true that Alien Force's theme is just an orchestral version of the original theme?

If not the original theme exactly, then deferentially the action theme that played often in the OS

This brings up an interesting point about the transport aliens: Jetray is the be all end all transport alien because of his speed and attack capabilities. He basically does what XLR8, Stinkfly and Ripjaws as single being and much better.

This brings up the issue since Ben 10 is all about using different forms for specific purposes and having to deal with their strengths and weaknesses. Having one that is so good it ruins the point of using any of the others is really stupid for Ben 10, so I get that in Omniverse.

HOWEVER In a 10 Alien show, do you think it's worth it delegating one as the "Transport" Alien just so we can have more interesting and varied fighters with the other 9?

Well in the OS there was XLR8 for land and Stinkfly for air even though he wasn't fast
Ripjaws was literally only useful for water based scenarios and that time he was transformed in the fucking desert to deal with Road Pirates

Ultimate Alien and Omniverse showed that it was really running it's course with different Alien ideas because a lot of them seemed to overlapp with eachother and the only different was the design.

>Rath, Four Arms, Kickin Hawk and Humongasaur (without the growing for whatever reason) just end up being different versions of the exact same idea
>Benmummy is just a wildvine who can do less
>So many electric based Aliens they dedicated an episode to it. Why is that?
>I still don't know the difference between NRG and Atomix

Fun fact! There's a Ben 10 Fan Fiction wiki, for some reason.
Funner fact! Somebody on there is enough of a madman to actually try and figure out how the fuck Bloxx's anatomy works

Toepick looks like something taking straight of ed edd n eddy.
like something edd would wear for a horror movie

fuck i meant ed

There are fan fiction wikis for almost everything

Even as a kid I didn't get Shocksquatch
Benviktor had the body and Amfibian controls the entire spectrum
Buzzshock was cool at first but there's literally no good reason to use him since Ampfibian can also fly
And at least Feedback has redirection

What was the fucking point of the Brain Crab guy when Grey Matter existed?

So that he can actually fight
Also its funny how the two Galvan plumbers were explicitly shown to view Brainstorm's species as inferior

NRG is basically just suped up Heat Energy, Atomix is a literal nuke.

Alien Force's two bit copy aliens kind of made sense because they replaced Ben's original roster, but after he got the old aliens back they just kind of kept going through Ultimate Alien.

Omniverse's aliens were pretty much all original, with a couple exceptions, but its roster was pretty unique.
>Gravattack has a gravity field of his own
>Bloxx is retarded but his lego shtick is unique at least and let's him do shit with shapeshifting powers that Goop can't
>Ball Weevil has Katamari powers
>Feedback seems like just another electric alien at first but actually has the power to absorb and redirect all forms of energy
>Gutrot has chemistry powers and can create all forms of gases
>Pesky Dust can tamper with dreams
>Toepick has the most horrifying face in the galaxy and it has to be kept in a cage (Ghostfreak kind of pulled something like this once but we know what Ghostfreak actually looks like on the inside now so)
>Whampire's a vampire that can spit out mind controlling headpieces

But he has other aliens for lightning attacks.

And those were really stupid ones btw. Who knows how effective the plumbers would have been if they didn't get the scraps of Galvan society?

He's smart and can throw lightning. He can multitask.

>Atomix and Gravattack are both powerful and some of Ben's most powerful aliens with hax
>Lodestar is shit
It's not fair, gravity isn't even stronger than electromagnetism
>mfw I see a c*rebrocrustaceanoid

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Omniverse Alien Tiers
>Great Tier
Bloxx, Gravattack, Kickinhawk, The Worst

>OK Tier
Feedback, Crashhopper, Ball Weevil, Astrodactyl, Bullfrag, Whampire

>Good Fun Tier
Molestash, Pesky Dust

>Disappointing Tier
Toepick, Atomix, Gutrot

>The Worst Tier

>Honestly if we were ever gonna get a spin off it would've been Gwen
We know, but it's fun to dream.

Seems like nobody really hates Lucy. I guess it helps that her appearances were few and so she wasn't forced to the point of obnoxiousness like so many other Ben 10 characters.

The Plumbers were best in the original show where they were just the Men in Black-esque cover-up guys, not the full-fucking galactic police.

Bullfrag was cool simply for the voice.

Feedback is the mary sue of Ben's aliens.

He just suddenly shows up and is used for everything, loved by Ben so much that he states that he feels even more like himself when he's Feedback. He's also considerably powerful. (Yes I know he isn't as strong as Alien X. Mary sues aren't always invincible unstoppable Gods).

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NRG is a Nuke. He literally eats up a Nuclear reactor in his introduction episode

Brainstorm was a replacement for Grey Matter in Alien Force with more combat focus.

Earth plumbers had a reason for their be name right (can't recall at the moment)but what about the aliens?

High Breed Ben is a missed opportunity btw.

Apparently he was a homage created by OG Ben 10s Art Director for the show. That might be why the special attention?

Wasn't there a biological explanation? Feedback literally giving Ben a rush that he's becoming an addict.

it was a reference to the guys nixion used for wartergate and other such government matters, which for the purposes of this cartoon included alien bullshit

Yep, he’s the Ben 10 equivalent of cocaine

Okay so judging by the wiki

>NRG is a dude made of radioactive energy. He's so hot he melts anything around him when he's outside of his suit, he can also fly when he's outside of his suit. He can shoot lasers, he's pretty clunky when in his suit. Since he needs to absorb energy we can assume he can't create huge fucking nukes on the fly. He's also intangible outside the suit. NRG might be nuclear but his main powers basically boil down to "hot lasers".

>Atomix is a flying brick like superman, so unlike NRG he has a very physical form. He can also seemingly cook up nukes on the fly without the need to consume energy. He has actual control over nuclear fission. According to Derrick J. Wyatt he's also boundlessly overconfident and is at risk to actually melt down like a nuclear reactor would.

>Its a Blukic and Driba start a race war episode

Homage to what?

>Destroys all racial purity in an instant
Was it genocide?

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...OG Ben 10 because they brought the old art director in specifically to draw him as a past alien?

>tfw only watched the original Ben 10 series and nothing past it
>tfw have no clue what any of this new nonsense is
Is this what being a boomer feels like?

What a fucking hero. Good luck.

Yes. Only instance of ethical genocide.

Consider yourself fortunate.

Why has Ben never had a short form Teleporting Alien?

And they didn't wear those goofy goddamn space suits.

Some of these designs just look ridiculous, not to mention seemingly stupid plots. Speaking of, whatever happens to Vilgax?

He has a whole series
>At any rate, if there's one thing the Ben 10 franchise is famous for aside from being incredibly disappointing, it's the various weird aliens Ben transforms into

Remember the Galactic Enforcers?
He bitchhandled them and took Ultimo's powers along with 9 others to become a conqueror of worlds
He also became a celebrated leader to his people like Doctor Doom and Latveria
IIRC he also worked with Cthulhu
And then Omniverse nerfed his intimidation factor

Well, Fear is the lamest Dark Judge after all.

Dude fuck off Alienforce/Ultimate Alien Vilgax was a piece of shit compared to OG. He looked retarded, he sounded retarded and he was retarded. Omniverse tried to somewhat fix Vilgax and make him more like his OG self.

>Only instance of ethical genocide

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I watched OS, most of AF and a little bit of UA. I didn't even know Omniverse existed until a couple years ago when I saw it on Yea Forums

Yeah and they still nerfed his intimidation factor

Trips of truth. They could have handled that way better than just
>lmao Ben had an alien who was his favorite and the best that he forgot because he died and was never mentioned or foreshadowed until now
Hell they could have had it been one of Ben's aliens already shown rather than Feedback being a thing to shill
>Omniverse made Ben a crackhead who ignores his girlfriend for months and gets with girls who only care for him based off of shit he can do
>You know Ben, with great power comes great responsibility. Azmuth called it "Galvan Man's Burden." Myself I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant.
>Blukic and Driba looks directly at the camera.
>The cerebrocrustaceans, the ectonurite, the petrosapiens, the chimera sui generis...on The Day of the Plunger they shall all be locked in the Omnitrix. We will have all ectonurites dead or in chains in the next ten years, and if i'm wrong may God have our entire universe get rebooted and you stomped to death by a Jewish pedophile. God bless the Plumbers.

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ultimate swampfire should have been the base swampfire design

I dunno what's worse, that he actively seeked out other girls while he was still "with" Julie or he's too stupid to know that he got dumped (making the earlier wooing technically OK).

Who was the best transformation Ben had?

With so many aliens to go off, lets try to make the Ultimate 10 Alien Roster in this thread. No Alien X

We'll start with the original 10 and replace accordingly
>Ghost Freak

Why does every single Omniverse redesign look like complete shit? I actually like the overall art style of the series, but all of the returning Alien Force era heroes in Omni look like hot trash, especially this one and Alien X. I mean Jesus Christ how can you fuck up such a simple design like Alien X so badly? Who’s idea was this?

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>and if i'm wrong may God have our entire universe get rebooted and you stomped to death by a Jewish pedophile

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It's like Wyatt has a grudge against the alien era isn't it?

Alot of them look fucking amazing, but some of them were just whittled down to being another buff man with a big chin. Shocksquatch's design compared to his original was just insulting.

Attached: heroes united shocksquatch.png (744x842, 658K)

>not digging the cosmic chin

Reminder that Jetray and Fastrack are the two worst aliens.

To be fair, nothing about that design implied electricity but OV overdid it (maybe for toy sales)

The quads don't lie

Eatle actually improved

Attached: Eatle_omniverse_official.png (289x452, 30K)

Weirdly enough, Wyatt also designed the original Eatle in UAF.

>Let's change Swampfire completely but don't change any of his powers
>Let's make the swift and sneaky ice ghost big and swole for no reason
>Let's make echo echo weird and square like
>Let's take away the one power that makes Humoungasaur different to everyone else
>Who cares about Chromastone? We'll never use him
>Fuck Jetray too. He can't be the series
>Lets smash Spidermonkey's face in
>And make Goop, the one alien who is mean to be super smooth and fluid, have a lot of weird and jaggy edges
>Brainstorms are literally butt of the joke inferior beings despite Bluchic and Driba existing

The one scene where Brainstorm was used was cooler than any of the 900 episodes of UAF he was in.

tbf, Humungousaur lost his size shifting by episode four of UA

Why were Ultimate Alien's new Aliens so shit after the Based Aggregor 5?

>Jury Rigg

Night time
Forever Knights show up
Kevin turns into metal
Humungousaur is used

Attached: 1538865283680.jpg (960x1440, 169K)

They really did cut every corner possible, didn't they? What a completely passionless show.

Jury Rigg is great

Kevin becoming metamorpho sucks when you realize Ben barely did anything to help him. He basically paid for Ben's arrogance.

UA jury rigg was shit but OV jury rigg fixed everything about him and puts him in my top 10
You're forgetting about going to Las Solidad (the abandoned army base) every goddamn episode, Kevin and Gwen getting their shit slapped every 5 minutes

To be honest Humoungosaur and all of Ben's aliens solely based on brute strength like Fourarms were all kinda shit and boring. Sorta like most of Ben's electric aliens too

Brainstorm at least had one good scene of him stomping the Vengers

I swear Cannonbolt's gave kids the inflation fetish

Chamalien was worth it for the Internment Camp Episode for his debut

The fail safe only activates when he’s not transformed into a alien. It lets him die when he’s in alien form (Ben 10k).

Showrunners just forgot Humoungasaur can change his size. UA started it too.

Yeah and Mad Ben is in human form

I fucking hated humungosaur for replacing based Fourarms as the strength alien, ended up fucking his design with the weird masters of the universe outfit as well.
And most of the electric aliens were overlapping with other ones
Shocksquatch and Frankenstrike/Ben-Viktor were both electric bruisers, Amp-phibian was just a worse version of big chill and Ripjaws (criminally underused), I rather have that original electric alien that was a imp that looked like a battery.

Shut up, Kuro. Your 5YL design of him is trash

Omniverse really fixed alot of shit by giving alot of underused aliens screentime. It was nice seeing stuff like benwolf and benmummy again

Compared to upgrade he isn't

Like what? Best Aliens for their repective powers? Knock out XLR8, Stinkfly and Ripjaws for Jetray (Jetray was noted being able to breathe underwater since the beginning of the show).

Just put in Cannonbolt and Wildvine in the two new spots for now.

It was in too

I've never liked Fourarms honestly, he was always pretty boring.
Honestly Ampfibian had the best design of the electric aliens and even then he's pretty eh, which is a damn shame considering he had like 5 fucking electric aliens and they all ranged from bad to okay designs.

Googled it for us to see

My boy Spitter didnt make it though

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Replace Fourarms with Humoungasur as the strength alien just because his size changing is like having a slightly less powerful Waybig with more versatility

Just realized Bloxx is the Vanilluxe of Ben 10

Attached: 250px-584Vanilluxe.png (250x250, 56K)

So Current Roster
>Ghost Freak


It kinda feels like wyatt just wanted to shit over AF and UA considering how much shit was retcon'd, hell omniverse was even goofier than OG ben 10 with how ben seems to not even care his universe died or how he seems to care more about smoothies than his own family

NRG is a better Heatblast

You know what bugs me a TON about NuBen 10? It's not that they've limited him to only having 10 aliens at a time, so if he gets a new one it replaces an old one, it's HOW they've handled that. That's a solid way to diversify without overcrowding, but NuBen has gotten Rath and Humongosaur at this point, and NEITHER of them have replaced Four Arms. Out of his 10 aliens, 3 of them are Super Strength aliens. Hell, 4 if we're gonna count Diamondhead, who has that secondary to his crystal powers.

You might as well just make him Ben 8 if 3 of his aliens are just going to be the same power.

Just make Bloxx something like the Modular Person from All Tomorrows or a bunch of individual alien pieces
>Wyatt actually liked UAF and wanted to shit on people who hated it with a massive tone shift by making it goofy as shit to the point of it being a detriment and Ben a complete asshole and child as opposed to UAF's darker tone and atmosphere and Ben being generally more mature
But hey that's just a gay theory

Cannonbolt AND Diamondhead feels redundant because they're both "indestructable" Keep Diamondhead for versatility.

Wildvine is mostly stretchy and regenerative and Upgrade has that covered with his abilities.

You need a lightning hero because it's basically a meme now but I don't know who's the best?

Throw in EchoEcho as he's the better of the clones and the better of the sonic characters.

Is Atomix better than NRG though?

Ampfibian controls the whole spectrum IIRC
Plus he can fly and go intangible

Oh yea spitter. I guess that's a hero Ben unlocks in the future

So Current Roster
>Ghost Freak
>NRG (or Atomix?)


The headcanon from the fan fic wiki had him be bugs encased in some alien material

Thoughts on the Secret Saturdays crossover?

I remember those people.I couldn't relate, considering UAF was about as mature as a YA novel. Omniverse had its own issues, but after the melodrama of Agragore, ultimate Kevin, and Daigon, I appreciated the less serious moments a lot.

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Okay what the fuck happened to Gluto?

I wish they gave him pupils like in the concept art.

Attached: Feedback_Concept_Art_by_Dave_Johnson.png (358x479, 241K)

Dumb fun. Like a usual Ben 10 episode
I think the less serious take was just a change in Ben's personality. He's saved the world multiple times and is a legend already, his friends are leaving too at this point he just wants to do plumber and hero stuff because he's having fun. Shame we didn't get intergalactic road trip would have been great

Mediocre and underwhelming.

None of the relationships in this show were very good. Gwen and Kevin were being shipped the second they saw each other in AF.
Ben really could have ended up with anyone and it wouldn't have made a difference because Ben doesn't take romantic relationships seriously.

I know Skurd only exists because of Bandai but is he really as bad as people make him out to be?

It's so fucking funny that they only added Skurd because Bandai wanted a way to reuse molds


Omniverse fixed Ripjaws at least. Alien Force/Ultimate Alien ruined his design.

Attached: Ripjaws.png (404x417, 214K)

Why would he bother changing the design at all? Couldn't he just not use the character? What does this prove?

Yeah the redesign was weird idk what was up with that
>Big Chill
Well, Big is in the name
>Echo Echo
Echo Echo was already fucking weird, you're mad that a really stylistic show made him kind of square shaped?
Nobody on UAF's writing team seemed to remember he could do this either
That tends to happen when you're Diamondhead 2 with lasers but not as strong.
Yeah, fuck Jetray. Jetray sucked. Astrodactyl was LITERALLY made to replace Jetray because Jetray sucked that bad.
If you seriously think UAF Spidermonkey looks less ugly than OV Spidermonkey there's something wrong with you
You're literally exaggerating shit way out of proportion, he's no more angular than any other character in the OV artstyle, probably less angular than others
Making Cerebrocrustaceans the butt of Galvan jokes was more of a knock at Dr. Psychobos, the new Cerebrocrustacean villain, than at Brainstorm. Plus Brainstorms redesign was top tier.
>Alien X
Yeah I don't know what Derrick was thinking with that one

Forgot to mention: The real crime was that /ourguy/ ChamAlien was supposed to appear, but the scene he was in was cut. We did get a sexy chick of his species though so there's that at least.

Ok the real question is

>which aliens are attractive and fuckable

ChamAlien sucks

Probably get a shorter list if you asked which ones aren't.

Pesky dust for sure

Goddamn he's annoying.

So you can make a continuation after ultimate alien, basically removing omniverse from continuity but you have to keep some elements in, so what do you pick and what do you not

>The worst, toepick and a few others to keep as aliens

>keep some of the multiverse stuff

>remove the annhilaarg and the hillbilly aliens

So if every alien has a natural predator for the Nemetrix, what are humans?

disease probably

But Chromastone can asorb energy and fly, I kinda forgot. He would be a better then Feedback is he had Feedback's feats.

I kinda like that feedback has his own design going on rather than another crystal monster like Chromastone is to Diamondhead

I don't remember Chromastone flying? But if he can than his powerset is kind of all over the place

Chromastone didn't fly, but the guy who actually was Chromastone could fly. Chromastone was a real guy in the watch and he got out and flew away, and then he brought back the Petrosapien race.

I remember that part, then why could Sugilite fly if Chromastone (who's basically literally him) couldn't?

From then on Ben could use him to fly after that episode.

Vladats most likely

Ben 23 was cool but I don't get why they call it a 23rd dimension

Lodestar is the shit but lacks feats

Big Cats

wasnt chromastone like a 1 race species?

kinda like nanomech being a hybrid of human and the chip? which begs the question as to why ben cant scan say ultimate kevin for example

I hated the Gwen and Kevin relationship. It played too heavily into the good girl bad guy trope. Is it still a thing in the new show?

Favorite aliens?
Mine was Spidermonkey. I hated his ultimate form though. Fuck Apes.


Some ultimate forms were decent but I can kind of agree that his isnt good.

Hard to say for me, but can I ask you guys something, is it me or 'ultimate ben' not actually a good transformation, he still needs to change to the power itself, the only realy advantage over a pure form shift is that he looks human

Snare-Oh, Rath, and Spitter

I mean, he isn't weighed down by shit like Clockwork's piss poor durability and speed

Ultimate Spidermonkey was way better in omniverse, actually mixed Gorilla and Spider features instead of just slapping spiderlegs on a gorilla. Too bad only Albedo ever used it.

Ok, what advantages does NRG have over Atomix?
NRG can leave(?) his suit and become a flying, intangible heatblast that can absorb rads. In the suit, you got a clumsy, durable laser tank with a cool accent.
Atomix, on the other hand, can do what he can without the clumsiness and the intangibility. In addition, he doesn't need to eat energy like our favorite russian reactor.

I mean is clockwork actually less durable than a normal human? he cant combine abilities or anything, the only capabilities i can see for it are just 'surprise i actually can move fast'

As someone who hasnt watched omniverse to any decent point (multitude of reasons), i keep hearing that 'atomix is the 2nd strongest alien' but i heard he doesnt really show it that well

Slightly more durable but still weak as fuck for alien standards

For instance he was shot with a normal gun and Ben had to use a sling for a broken arm when he transformed back

makes sense, but I still cant see a benefit for ultimate ben outside of misdirection and maybe for a few aliens like grey matter

How can a anodite have no DNA yet NRG does

I liked the original, and did watch the rest a bit, but not that much. I never really "followed" the rest.

Dude what? This is bar none one of the most creative alien designs of the series.
Compare it to
>Big human but red and has four arms
>the Human Torch
>stereotypical 50's b-movie alien but tiny
>Angler Fish with legs (sometimes)
>Literally just a ghost/wolf/mummy/Vampire
Frankenstrike was cool though
>Wakko Warner
>A Dinosaur but with arms
>just a dude but covered in stars
>A Humanoid frog

Sure Bloxx is a bit toyetic, but the whole damned series was toyetic. It's not unique in that regard

Also they're called Lenopans you racist fuck

Ultimate Ben is a stupid idea that misses the entire goddamn point of the show, and whos power set is inferior to just having the master control

Yeah, he still has to yell it out instead of instant switch and several other things as well

no, he's actually a pretty fun character

>still mad

Probably because they're made of magic.
The omnitrix doesn't handle magic very well. It can't scan the creatures from Ledgerdomain either.

Yeah I can see that, from waht I heard even alien X species has trouble with mana and would have to reformat the universe to mess with it (tho im not sure if this is from dwayne or the other guy who is considered super unrealible with his WOG)

Wyatt's pretty consistent about it, he's just sick of being asked about Ben 10 these days because people would spam his social media with lore questions

Why did they give Alien X such an ass redesign? Especially when all the others Celestisapieans have better resigns

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Wyatt really likes his chins, he worked on transformers animated and that had alot of bigass chins as well

dude i love the big chin

Wait what? They had Dr Who in it?

They had an expy, Professor Paradox

Original Ripjaws is sitll the best

Why'd they mess up Big Chill? That was one of my favorites from AF

Attached: biomnitrix_unleashed___big_chill__45_61__by_rizegreymon22_dcry8fv-pre.png (910x879, 259K)

Not when he could have been this.......also no Celestialsapian gf

Attached: Celestials_warriors.png (600x464, 196K)

why do celestialsapiens need weapons?

To fight other celestialsapiens

To strike fear in the hearts of their enemies

Does he fight by getting himself stepped on?
Camouflage himself around other block like objects?

I like how the Fem Celstialsapian's tits are just out in the open

That actually happened in a fight
Sort of

I remember Kuro complaining Bloxx wouldn't fit among the original aliens
Has anyone done Bloxx in the same art style and sharing as the original series?

The sad part is it's not even a bad design on it's own, it just looks ridiculous when so many of Ben's forms are bulky and top-heavy without even being strength forms.

The whole artstyle of the show changed, user. He fit in perfectly

Attached: Who could it be (B).png (472x594, 31K)

Delete everything that's not the original series or Omniverse. Those are literally the only two good ones.

They're sapient though

Perhaps they just appear to be.

Same reason why they need tits. Because they're cool.

I feel it's bad cause it messes up the look it had going

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He actually did those things, yes.
But mostly, he fights with mild shapeshifting.

This alien being used as the primary advertisement for omniverse is what made me not watch the show until 3 years passed

>Ben 10 fags have been reeeeing for two weeks straight

Yes, the GL fans are the autistic ones

It would suck if you stepped on him.

seen way more gloating posts from gl fans than butthurt from ben 10 ones

Removing Humongasaur's growth power was such a mistake. He became a dino-four arms

Were the growth powers ever useful?

Four Arms is a huge daddy.

I think they were useful in at least one of his 23+ appearances before UA episode 4

he held up a bridge once, and i remember it being pretty cool for intimidation scenes

He was already a dino four-arms, growth powers or no
Never noticed that they got rid of the growth powers,myself

Atomix can create his own miniture self sufficient sun that will last forever which is a damn well unbelievable feat. So I think he should take the Position.

Also I think Gravattack should be put in because he's the only alien capable of any form of telekinesis and was strong enough to create a Black Hole. Not sure who he should replace though. Maybe Ghostfreak because Ampfibian can go intangiable and has more attack abilities but isn't stealthy?

GhostFreak really is his best Stealth Alien.

Upgrade from now until the end of time.

I still don't get how Ben gave birth to those little Big Chills.

Attached: 1559007654431.png (1056x881, 43K)

Big Chill is asexual.

That’s just Yea Forums, everywhere else? Asshurt

So it just suddenly knows when it is time to start parthenogenesis? That's kinda cool, and it is less confusing than Ben alien having babbies out of nowhere.

he was designed by Tom Perkins, the same guy who designed the original 10 aliens and most of the characters in the original series.

I never understood the hate. It is a pretty good concept

Muh toys

Nah, I actually really liked that Gazoo expy for the metajoke he was. And despite all that he managed to be a valuable addition to Ben's team.

>you never watched shitverse
>is so shit there is a waifu bowl episode

Absolute TTGo tier

>I just got bored of being insane

>implying the waifu bowl wasn't one of the best episodes of the franchise

If dwayne mcduffie didnt die, what direction you think the franchise would have taken?

honestly it would have just been more in the vein of UAF. Safe, boring characters with a bland artstyle and good plot ideas but lackluster execution.
Vince Aniceto was a much better showrunner who gave his staff a lot of creative freedom. It sucks that McDuffie died but I genuinely believe that the franchise improved because of it.

>the franchise improved

>when the last season of UA and the terrible retcon fest that is omniverse and than the reboot

are you for real?

The last season of UA was largely still influenced by McDuffie

And yeah, I am serious about Omniverse. It was a great show with a lot of creativity. Yes, there were retcons, but honestly sometimes retcons are needed. UAF really gucked up the lore - Plumbers, anodites, the null void, etc.

OV did an excellent job of sort of bridging the gap between the two very different interpretations of the same universe. It god rid of stuff that didn't fit, and incorporated the good ideas like Albedo, Good Kevin, and the Incurseans, even resetting the whole universe in-show to help explain these small changes (and later having an episode to discuss this reset in-depth).

Some of these changes were definitely controversial - the changes to Kevin and the plumbers' helpers, for example, have always gotten criticism. Personally, I think the new backstory makes more sense (how tf could a human and a Pyronite mate?) but I understand the complaints.

The whole tone of the show was way more in keeping with the original series as well. Ben was still a superhero, he still had to get serious sometimes, but now he was just happier in general. It was a good fit, and it made the serious much more enjoyable.

The reboot isn't actually that bad. I'm sad that we didn't get a follow-up to OV, but it's understandable. They had to market it to a new generation. Because of that, it's much more kiddy, but that's alright. It's a kids' show again. Not personally a fan of the artstyle, but it gets the job done. I don't really watch it, but that's not out of active dislike. It's just not my cup of tea.