Who, if any, in the CN roster would be a worthy rival for him?
Who, if any, in the CN roster would be a worthy rival for him?
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Is there a mega for the existing shorts somewhere?
Aku would obliterate this fool.
A real villain could do it easily.
You really belive this shitty propaganda? Aku's fairytales had more credibility
I mean, the multiverse still exists so that could be another Aku
I hate this Villain Sue. Dementia and Flug are pretty likeable, but Black Hat's invulnerability just makes him embarassing.
Murdoc Niccals, the guy that Blackhat is a imitation of. He's not a CN character, but he is Warner property and Warner owns CN so they are in the same universe. Murdoc will destroy this poser.
Unironically Ben.
>both made by mexicans
>One is a hero, other is a villian
>both were created in 2010s
I rest my case
>Battle of the villain shows
The only downside is that one still survives.
Probably Coop in Megas because he's wind up causing way more damage during the fight. Black Hat might actually try to buy Megas off him.
Someone who doesn't treat their underlings like shit.
Uncle Grandpa
based Digposter
>tfw I didn't realize Murdoc and Black Hat sound almost the same in voice
Black Hat is just more gravely than Murdoc but they talk the same way.
to defeat a gary stu, you need another gary stu.
Probably Rick