This is your new daughter

this is your new daughter.

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Mmmm. I'll pass. I'm scared she'll betray and ruin my entire military career.

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No time for introductions. We gotta hit the gym, nyah.

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who are you and why are you at my home with a strange cat hedgehog child in Jolly, Clay County, Texas?

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I didn't raise no poofter.

Alright, honey. Time to go to the doctor

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It's 2019 grandpa. Get with the program.

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No thank you. I already have two cats to take care of.

Besides, Imp is my son.

Outlaw star is one of the best Scifi shows ever made.

Daughter is a bit of a stretch.

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What's this a reference to?


And the Blu-Ray is fucking amazing (no pic related cause cannot make screenshots of BDs right now).

I say this as someone who enjoys Outlaw Star: if you think it's one of the best sci-fi shows ever made, you haven't watched enough sci-fi.

Would a cat-human child be easier or harder to raise than a human child?

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Easier because they will survive easier, but harder cause you will have to deal with the hair.

I'd love and cherish her

I'm hesitant to agree. Knowing that those better sci-fi shows are political dramas that are also hungry for profundity.

Say hello to your big sister

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How many soi-ra threads do you subhuman little shitstains need to vomit all over the catalog?

is there a mega for s2 yet?

Is there even a mega for season 1? Not that I need it.

there is but i didnt save the link sorry

Like I said, I don't need it.

>Catra doesn't even get to sit on the couch
Gets me every time

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>dyke ra

This is a daughterfu thread user. Mind your manners.

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Stop having shit taste for cartoons then, OP

>Thinking I'm OP

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>Literally seething at any mention of She-ra
>Lashing out at anyone who doesn't agree with you.
Grow a thicker skin.

Stop supporting garbage cartoons and then maybe then ill stop chastising your for your proclivity to consume trash

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Wipe away those tears of anger, bitch boy. There are more useful applications of one's time.

No this isn't correct, I wanted the octopus girl. With the eyepatch.

Look! It's you!

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>bitch boy
Perfectly describes the male feminist faggots that sell out their dignity by watching this

grow up and get pegged


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Devolving into a passive traitor isnt being a grown up you legitimate cuck

You're really just showcasing your own insecurities now.

Go back to masturbating to traps, Adam.

Correction, Outlaw Star is one of the most forgettable shows ever made, with Aisha being the only reason people remember it.

I remember it because it was the first show I ever saw where the MC had a magic gun that shot a variety of spells that had to be pre-prepared like a DnD wizard via crafting special bullets made with exotic components

I remember caster guns being cool, in addition to a couple of the evil magicians. And Aisha, in addition to fans faking how gross she was for not being normal looking. There was an annoying little robot, that stupid kid... the ship was kind of neat, but the grappler arms were lame. Other stuff not worth mentioning. That's about it. Aisha is the main take away.

Pets aren't allowed on the couch.

>Hates baths. A lot
>Weird fetish freaks want to fuck her 24/7
>Hair. O god the hair
>Will need to be netured by teens or becomes teen prego.

You can literally control her with a laser pointer. It'll be messier but also easier.

You say that as if Aisha was the only waifu.

Question that is related to she-ra because fanfiction: Should the girl getting raped start to like it half way through or not? Which is better?

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When will Catra get a break? S2 was basically 70% Catra abuse and 30% Adora having irrelevant adventures.

>that top right cat

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When she starts being a good girl, and stops pushing shit off the shelves.

>world's best daughter
>world's best mom

not being raped at all but instead being sexual aggressor and overeager to the point of giddiness

when Catra gets banished to monster island only to realize she actually loves living off the land and winning fights against all the local beasties that try to eat her. no adora. no shadow weaver. no hordak. no war plans. none of the things that made her feel stupid or weak or vulnerable. just a girl in the jungle, doing whatever she feels like doing with nobody to judge her

Dementia = daughter of Rogelio and Catra

I will love and protect her.

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Far from true.
>Jim unwittingly killing the girl he was falling in love with
>that gruesome shit with the caster straight up sucking a gal into a singularity
>the eerily silent and strange structure of the galactic ley line
>the progressive reconstruction of Harry McDougal until he's literally just a consciousness integrated with his brother's ship
Face it, you just throw shade at it for having a hot cat girl.

Sorry but I'm allergic to cats.

Fun thought, but I'll do you one better: initially it's rape, but gets so creepily into it that the rapist becomes the victim.

>a cute little kitten
Better limber up, lil' bit, 'cuz daddy's going to teach to handle a big, hard longsword. Yeah, gonna take those lessons from Joachim Meyer and Fiore de Libre.

That's what I'm gonna do.

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Wholesome broken kitty, would protect and love.

Someone needs to give Catra a fuckin rest, she's had enough.