>Toonami will NEVER air My Grilling Academia >Toonami will NEVER air Propane Tank Super >Toonami will NEVER air Attack on Hill >Toonami will NEVER air The Promised Strickland >Toonami will NEVER air Pro-Pain Online: Arlenization >Toonami will NEVER air Hank Hill's Regular Workday: Propane is Inflammable >Toonami will NEVER air Blue Flame >Toonami will NEVER air Bobbyruto: Hankruto Next Generation >Toonami will NEVER air Hankruto: Propudden >Toonami will NEVER air Propane X Propane
It's already fucking saturday? Christ I just wanna sleep.
Charles Scott
Current Series End Dates (accounting for marathons): My Hero Academia - August 17, 2019 Dragon Ball Super - October 12, 2019 Attack on Titan - August 10, 2019 The Promised Neverland - June 29, 2019 Sword Art Online: Alicization - July 13, 2019 JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable - June 8, 2019 Black Clover - TBD Boruto: Naruto Next Generations - TBD Naruto: Shippuden - November 9, 2024 Hunter X Hunter - June 22, 2019
Austin Thompson
are we getting the Lupin promo this week or next
John Ramirez
It was the presidential election but each candidate told the audience NOT to vote for them. Also Leorio told everyone he jerks off all the time
Saw it. Really enjoyed it. Hated that redhead bitch and had zero sympathy for her. My nigga Rodan lived at least.
Owen Myers
Yamada and the seven witches dub actually does this properly and it makes it so much more amusing
Liam Gonzalez
Tonight on Toonami >Class 1-A is confirmed for Smash Ultimate >Monkeys rejoin >Thunderstorm on AoT at 11:30 >MASON, WHAT THE FUCK ARE THE NUMBERS! >Eu-Ge-O meets All Might >Kira vs Josuke part 2 >Elmo makes his debut on Black Clover >Boruto is gonna commit Beastitly >Noruto shit >Apparently the Heroes are Defeated
Another week another shitty MHA chapter >Twice does the zero rush of clones thing that every capeshit fan has seen a billion times >Gorrilaz guy has Sharinghan >Dabi is a pussy >parka man can lower the temperature of ice which barely even matters when he can make ice dragons and shit Imagine if this happened in 2017 when people still cared.
Do you think normal Ginyu was actually his original body?
Ayden Cook
Grayson Reyes
Nobody's really smart besides Bulma
Xavier Fisher
Oh god I forgot Super's episode tonight is about her.
Leo Thomas
I swear I don’t hate gay people but I really fucking hate pride month
Gay culture is already built around celebrating how gay you are, there’s no reason they had to co-opt the entire month of June
That said, I kind of hate every Hallmark holiday that isn’t Thanksgiving because in practice it just feels like a time where companies are trying to cover demographic bases slightly harder than usual, which is shitty for obvious reasons
Jason Hughes
CiCi's looks pretty good but I haven't had it in a long time. [as] please stop advertising pizza.
You're going to have three episodes about the grill saiyans and it's all going to be filled with bullshit.
Michael Myers
Pride Month is pretty insufferable, it insures you see it everywhere.
It isn't.
Fucking god damn it was the fat dumbass girls before not enough?
Gabriel Anderson
Too bad we have to deal with CiCis but not C.C.
William Diaz
Why does everyone appear to have DS faces?
Thomas Anderson
Artist can’t draw faces properly and the anime didn’t bother to address the issue
Daniel Richardson
it's going to be even worse this year. trans are being very aggressive in trying to be accepted
Brandon Watson
Also I really miss June being a bull month
There was always fuck all going on in June in the way of holidays just like May, and I quite enjoyed that. Now the first day of June is stepping into the gay zone
Adrian Fisher
The only part that's bullshit is base Kefla stomping SSG Goku The other parts where the girls overpower him are okay because they're just adapting to his moves and taking advantage of his weakened state. It's fair play and the closest thing to martial arts we've seen in years.
It’s still that way, nobody actually gives a shit about fag month outside of the Internet because it’s easy to shill it here.
Jack Flores
doesnt push the desired narrative
Christian Smith
Ah, my favorite least favorite trope. Body swapping that somehow swaps the voices, too.
Jason Jones
Way too much forehead and not enough hair. Nice titties but that doesn’t cut it
Sebastian Perry
God I hate Gohan
Camden Cruz
It’s like Oda and the promised never land guy collaborated
Ryan Torres
No matter how many times he does it, it's always gonna take time to fully assimilate into brand new bodies. He just stole the body and rushed to a fight in a couple minutes here and the killer is that he didn't even investigate the Kaioken.
Benjamin Rogers
They literally achieve what Goku, Vegeta, and the others took multiple episodes and long periods of time in mere MINUTES.
>more entry level shonen Just what we don’t have enough of. I suppose it would have been better than Shitdum at least
Wyatt Bailey
Oh, I forgot that was on Sunday. If you're talking about what I think you are then it was shit, there's no reason to discuss it here since it isn't directly Toonami related and there's a guy that freaks out about how it isn't and I'd prefer to avoid that tonight.
I keep thinking she's a deformed Robin when I see the thumbnail pop up.
The animation looks different. I'm noticing that now.
Nicholas Sullivan
shouldnt he know better then, since its his whole shtick
Cameron Carter
>rec baseball team blew another lead in a game we had locked down since inning 2 >league manager also revealed to be a shady fuck who takes free agents to pad his own team At least we didn't get BTFO by 8 points
Same, I wish there was more anime style ones on PC that could actually be played offline.
Jace Cruz
Use it one last time.
Thomas James
>Vegeta thinking he's become a super saiyan
how cute
Jason Hall
how do aliens always know to go with 'earthlings'
they should be throwing all kinds of weird guesses out there eartans earthians earthers earthmen dirtniggers
Robert Carter
There's that fucking stupid ceasers ad.
Joseph Roberts
That's fusion for you. Did you complain when Vegito completely obliterated Buu & Zamasu when his components at full power couldn't put a scratch on either of them? The girls reaching the level of a weakened Goku that can barely hold any of his transformations makes way more sense.
Christian Collins
Jackson Miller
and yet three died this school year. The liberals are a bunch of assholes. Twitter is a hive of trump and conservative haters and it's even worse when actors you listen on anime shit on trump. Are we even allowed to discuss politics outside of pol? How did dinosaurs die before adam and eve existed?
Ryan Campbell
I'm really enjoying The Promised Neverland guys
Ethan Baker
Didn’t some kid die too? It’s not like it was a dud not worth reporting
Tyler Thomas
>fusion between legendary ss and ss2 when they fused >bs that they beat a jobber form
Evan Murphy
How do they even scan Earth in their ship and it has the name us humans assigned it?
Ryder Taylor
That's just how we translated chikyuujin (literally "earth-person") in English. They could do something more interesting if they wanted, but in Japanese chikyuujin is the stereotypical way aliens address humans just like "earthlings" is in English.
Levi Cox
Those lifeforms over there. >ayys are on tlot patrol
Problem is, people try to play the hero card and to subdue the shooter, even though there were hardly any injuries. Don't jump in action if the shooter has poor sportsmanship.
Camden Garcia
I saw a few mentions last week.
Landon Kelly
Same, it's really grown on me
Ryder Lewis
>that one Funi dub that just goes on a random tirade about blumpf that is completely out of context for the scene, not even taking into account it happens in japan as if they give a shit anyway
Eli Flores
It's established that U6 Saiyans are more evolved so they've adapted to higher initial levels.
>Are we even allowed to discuss politics outside of pol?\ no you retard How did dinosaurs die before adam and eve existed? >adam and eve >existing based fucking christcuck
Joseph Wilson
>Saiyan girl No?
Angel Williams
I want her to rape my anus with her tail
Ryan Perez
It was perfect for memes.
Alexander Morgan
It just isn’t very interesting, not even Toonami brought it up
It's established that U6 Saiyans are more bullshit
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Seriously, why the fuck did everyone want Hilary? Who would be next in line after her? I remember people wanting McCain, but America wanted some black man.
Colton Myers
Yea it’s in My Girlfriend is a Gal. Couldn’t tell you what episode though, the dub had a lot of drama though
Hunter Ward
Two hours until Toonami starts, what are you doing to pass the time? I'm trying to muster up the motivation to finish RE2 and I may get back into my Impossible difficulty EU run. Fuck Impossible Ironman though or just muster up the motivation to finally 100% P5.
>The girls reaching the level of a weakened Goku that can barely hold any of his transformations makes way more sense. Tossing in fanfic tier girls who are tough and a threat to our man MC is shit
Julian Morgan
rank them:
Z Otherworld Tournament arc Super Universe 6 Tournament arc Super Universe Survival arc
Jacob Phillips
Literally just because she was female. And bonus round this time, because orange man bad.
Why weren't you complaining about the terrible writing over a year ago? Why is this the straw that breaks the camel's back? I recognize this trash for what it was after a handful of episodes.
Liam Powell
as long as she didnt plan it in emails
Dominic Hernandez
Caulifla's voice is so hot
Joshua Peterson
>orange man bad!
Hudson Smith
>Funi dub If there's a just God above Vic will burn them to the ground with litigation. They alone justify Yea Forums's autistic screeching about dubs
Seriously do you have to do shit like this just to get annoyed and argue? Fucking god damn.
Jackson Morgan
Does Caulifla and Kale's relationship mean Goku and Broly will be bros in the future?
Jayden Scott
JEZUS CHRIZT, those are some Huge Tits
Austin Baker
Any villain you could possibly throw at Goku after the Buu saga has to be fanfic tier and have some very convenient writing to be even slightly watchable. It's not about genders. It's about finding an excuse to bring back underused gimmicks and to give the tournament the tiniest amount of stakes.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
noodle saiyans pls go
Mason Perez
>graduated a decade ago. Didn't i talk about this here last week or two?
Asher Barnes
I'm currently eating, but I will do some reading and funposting elsewhere.
Charles Gutierrez
Is that making any progress? I haven’t heard anything
Gavin Clark
no orange man stupid. there is a difference. he thinks hes doing good but hes a fucking tard
>waaahhh why isn't the wall built yet Be patient boomer
Luis Jackson
>>reeee females exist >have sex I guess you really are braindead. Sorry I even took you seriously enough to respond to, I thought there was a chance you could understand basic sentences and points since you were trying to make an argument.
Last I heard a judge ruled the case could move forward. Will probably be a few months before something more devleops
Andrew Jones
user you are only complaining about gender when the sayain girls are among some of the least bs things in super
Jonathan Bennett
Have fun and be safe!
Evan Diaz
Just like how everyone forgets you in time after high school graduation. What is odd? I look younger than any of them. How much does stress do to the body overtime?
Brody Phillips
but shell let goku fight all he wants all chichi does is bitch time to trade up
Aaron Hernandez
Name one time Caulifla or Kale have even mentioned anything about being women even in the dub. The goal of these characters is to bring back the concept of some young whippersnappers becoming Super Saiyan for the first time and having a ball. Goku has to be weakened and Vegeta has to suddenly revert back to being super grumpy for this tournament or any of these concepts to work. It's nothing about empowering women, the Japs aren't as obsessed with this shit as you seem to be.
They're shit in general and my point with the dub part was just referring to the male vs female thing in that last episode of Super. Quit being a fucking piece of shit, I know we're on Yea Forums but you can go one day without spouting those ">im scared of women" tier fallacies and virgin posting. It really isn't that fucking hard and it immediately shuts down any conversation attempts like a baby.
I never said Japan was but you seem to have difficulty with this too.
Joshua Clark
Also it’s old as piss which means it would be guaranteed to fail
Kevin Garcia
>money will fix niggers Upon closer inspection of so-called zombies, you will quickly find out that these moaning, slowly moving, death-smelling creatures are actually just regular living niggers displaying typical behavior.
The niggers in Haiti have chopped down almost all the trees to make charcoal, which they use to cook delicious mud pies. Because of this, the country is 98% deforested and the soil is now largely infertile. The apes depend almost totally on foreign aid just to survive, as they could not grow their own food even if they wanted to. There is almost no tourism, little industry and epidemic levels of crime, poverty and AIDS (duh). Haiti is a perfect example that no matter where niggers are, whether in Africa or the Americas, if they are allowed to run things on their own, the result is invariably the same: EPIC FAILURE.
A wonderful, miraculous event occurred on January 12, 2010, when a 7.0 earthquake completely flattened half the country and killed--as of March 2010--around 230,000 niggers. Lulz were had as the world witnessed the chimpouts that immediately broke out before the earth even stopped shaking. Niggers wasted no time with the "Gibs me dat!", demanding that the rest of the world drop whatever they were doing to come rescue their useless asses.
Open-air dead nigger storage, courtesy of Mother Nature.
The earth-coon-ake produced classic TNB, such as: a nigger dragging a dead nigger out of a coffin in order to steal it, another nigger digging a 12-year-old sow out of the rubble and immediately raping her, and wild feral coons building barricades and road blocks out of nigger corpses. Haiti will continue being an incredible mess for years to come, except for the fact that the earthquake left Port-Au-Price looking better than before. That and all the dead niggers.
Obama started to color his hair again and it looks like he dropped 10 years. The gray hair wasn’t doing him any favors
Parker Hill
>MC just getting SS2 >SSB Goku and Vegeta added The story in that game is really all over the damn place. I remember when they were stuck in Cell territory for the longest then suddenly a bunch of Buu saga and Super shit came out. Very weird.
Landon Wood
I wasnt trying to have a conversation I was trying to insult you. but like a bitch you cant accept it and move on. classic incel tactic
Luke Collins
>literally "obsessed" Why throw shit like this in when you're attempting rational arguments prior.
John Morales
The gray hair definitely, but even his face looked aged, and he can't hide that with Bosley.
Logan Kelly
I would fap, but i don't want to lose my streak. Entering my fourth month.
What episode does Kale go berserk and rapes Caulifla?
Eli Gray
>"Vegeta could only blindside me." >Vegeta punched her in the face from the front
Connor Wood
Desert Punk would be perfect
Christian Gonzalez
sand whale?
Aaron Cooper
Too retarded to understand referencing anything before your most recent response too? Why don't you move on instead of "i wanna insult you incel incel incel", how come if its about female characters its automatically an incel retort? At least try.
Nathan Fisher
the end of this one
Adam Rivera
What's with all these chubby SJW fighters?
Sebastian Murphy
>education will solve black crime This has already been proven to be wrong
Parker Sanders
I think we still have episodes coming with them but I can't remember, that first one never died.
>why use common words in the English language? I'll get back to you on that. >This show and especially this dub sure makes it seem that way Is what you said and now you're going to backpedal and pretend you didn't or answer my question because you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about and are just making up reasons to whine.
Owen Mitchell
because only incels get upset over females? unless you are a girl
Luis Gutierrez
Wealthy blacks commit more crime than poor whites
Aaron Miller
Already seen in person, very passable
Logan Torres
Wokeness is a cancer trying to force itself to every industry and nation
Nathan Robinson
I strongly disagree and I would appreciate if you did not insult her like that.
Carson Carter
>sup nigger
Parker Roberts
>There's nothing I despise more than a monkey Damn Frieza dropping redpills
Tyler Johnson
Are you guys ready to watch Todoroki begin his slow descent into irrelevancy?
Oh cmon, like Freiza wouldn't have been able to wipe the floor with Cabba even if he was at full strength
Zachary Kelly
Makoto a worse. The team's average IQ dropped a collective 100 points as soon as she stepped onto the stage. And they weren't far above room temperature before that.
Jaxon Perez
>>why use common words in the English language? Thank you for proving my point. I already said what I was going to during the chain but it wasn't what you agree with, move on and stop your actual whining over my post that wasn't a chain cluttering this thread until you got upset over it.
>only incels see female characters can be written badly Yea Forums was the first board to really push this so I'm not surprised
Brandon Myers
Was drawing fat Atom Eve for a thread then got side tracked into building a Detolf I got from IKEA and setting up my figures in them. Thread died by the time I was done. Probably gonna be finishing the drawing or play Giga Wreaker ALT, Akane, or Iconoclastsn the switch
Anthony Cruz
Does anyone ever plow the chubby ones with the little red tips?
Liam Cruz
Looks like the mom from Addams Family Probably play Dragon's Dogma
The girl Cabba is fighting is literally just a random alien with an expansion power. Nothing SJW about it. The other chubby bitch and her team is a parody of magical girl anime like Sailor Moon and what not. Just some inside banter because some of the people working on both shows overlap. No statement is being made, the characters just happen to be fat and female cause it's funny.
Because literally everyone in this tournament only cares about fighting U7.
Christopher Butler
On the topic I'm having a hard time finding a good female character in this series outside of waifufagging, I mean neither can I for the dude side but I guess black clown is alright.
Leo Powell
Why was that sub commercial talking about antibiotics.
Hunter Turner
You realize if they're Chinese cyberops agents they don't get the same internet restrictions right?
Colton Edwards
Illegal genetic research I'd imagine as a starting point.
Luis Russell
That's because Toriyama has good moments for his characters, but then can never figure out what to do with them afterwards. So they just stagnate and become "muh strength".
Andrew Wilson
There's some character drama between Kale and Flower but its stupid and not interesting.
Benjamin Hall
So what you are saying is, it’s the first step to having monster girls
>qt >likes me so much she kills me This certainly didn’t lower my interest
Elijah Wilson
I was going to say anthro women... that works too... I guess.
Leo Young
>The team's average IQ dropped a collective 100 points as soon as she stepped onto the stage They all seemed the same to me. If anything you just noticed how dumb everyone is once the smart people started showing up after words with Makoto and Futaba
>a girl having any interest in me at all I'll take whatever I can get even if it kills me
Charles Walker
You guys do anything cool this week?
Austin Myers
wew laddie
Jeremiah Anderson
>lazy cgi shaded books The worst part is they keep them visible for an extended fucking shot and get upset when people point out how fucking terrible it is. Also no, breasts will still surpass ass any day of the week.
>found out the pornstar i emptied gallons of cum to back in middle school is doing porn again >she is pregnant and much less attractive >still fapping to her anyway
It’s really easy and fun to make aesthetically appealing shit
Pic related is my best attempt at making a bloodborne hunter
Also if you put a certain tattoo over the boobs the game won’t censor them. Since there’s a tattoo that’s basically a circle, if you color it right, you can make nips
Nigga, it’s fucking Adult Swim, they do shit like this sometimes
James Carter
it's a lot better than all of the shit they had before
Brandon Gonzalez
Get ready for another "glitch" for extra time.
Caleb King
>smoking gives you ed Interesting
Aaron Baker
He is saying that because of the huge hissy fit Demarco threw over the SAO rape where he claimed AS doesn’t air any rape
Luis Morales
It's literally about to happen to a young boy right now. But a comedic guy licking a girl's legs had to be fucking censored.
Bentley Davis
>tfw my childhood friend is pregnant. >and her husband is a marine >and he looks....the fuck did they do to him? I should've married a rancher
Charles Martinez
user, she did that so the gang could get access to the Kaneshiro's giant floating palace. Makoto was literally their key in thanks to her doing that as they had no other way in since no else had access.
Asher Gray
>get to spend time with a qt girl and free myself of this clown world without feeling guilty about being the one to hurt the few people I still care about
That the writers wrote the characters into said corner, doesn't make her actions to get them out of that corner any less retarded.
There was also absolutely no proof that it would work. Given that the bank was sucking money up from ATM people. There really wasn't a logical reason to assume that if he knew who they were, the bank would land and let them in.
Dominic Stewart
Asher Ortiz
why cant the meeseeks just make more meeseeks to kill themselves
isnt that what they want
Gabriel Rivera
I've been having a lot of WEIRD dreams lately,guys. The weirdest part is that I've been thinking them to be real for much longer than usual. >trying to help polar bears float but they just kept telling me to fuck off >fall through the ice into the sea >fall through the sea into an infinite void >fall onto a surf board and transform into a Maori surfing the Pacific >surf through a wall and start lecturing some kids about how the ocean is actually no bigger than Georgia >then my Xbox broke What does it MEAN?
Aiden Flores
Yea this sure isn't bad or anything. Thank god they cut those grown computer women getting their legs licked without consent.
It's not even a gag here.
Jackson Hall
Did people tweet their support and condolences to Justin Roiland after having to perform this scene?
He fucking wrote it. It's fine because it was a boy.
Cameron White
>one of my childhood friends gets pregnant >for some reason she really gets into the artsy pregnant nudes thing >posts them up for everyone to see Sometimes it’s benefits us all
Jayden Taylor
>Rape and Shooters
>have dream where I’m fuckin some black girl from high school I haven’t thought about in a decade >in the dream she has a bunch of tattoos she didn’t when I knew her >look her up >she has tattoos now But how did my brain already know
Isaiah Phillips
I have less time to relax before having to stay up for hours and hours until its finished.
Hunter Sanchez
If you have any lyrical or singing talent that'd be a killer alternative indie song
>just sitting there covered in his blood burning a ciggy
wew lads
Jackson Baker
Why is he naked?
Leo Young
>know a guy who runs a big local tattoo shop >he also does cover ups and adjustments >told me in 2018 he had seven clients that had R&M tattoos covered Gave me a good kek
When it's a partial adaptation of an ongoing 136 chapter weekly manga.
Brandon Butler
Oh they were in a sexual relationship? I thought it was that she was stalking him
Landon Davis
>I wish I had someone this devoted to me
No you don't user
Carson Baker
Everyone dreams, dreaming is a natural part of the sleep cycle that everybody experiences. But not everybody is able to recall their dreams. I'm the same as you, to me it is as if I don't dream at all because my recall is so bad. There are some days I wake up in the middle of a dream and can recall some of it for a few minutes, but then I lose it and can't remember what happened.
Jason Collins
part 6 is going to be redeemed by the anime adaption, mark my words
Jace Powell
such a creepy qt
Adrian Rodriguez
black moms have to do the work of two parents after all.
Dylan Edwards
...she decides to start writing it in blood. No idea who’s blood it is, or what kind it is. But I’ve got a pretty big hunch it can’t from one of two people.
I’ll be honest. I want this a lot. I know I’m no different than those floozies that wanted to fuck Jeffery Dhamer but dude cmon I get a girlfriend and I might die, there’s no downside
>all of this for a male bar host that she paid for attention This reminds me of that anime with the mouth mind control things where the prostitute girl tricks the bar guy into becoming her slave
She was, this guy only knew her from work. We don’t know what happened before the stabbing, but there is strong evidence in that pic that she fucked him before/while stabbing him
Brayden Ross
Do they even try to leave?
Jonathan Ortiz
That's hot
Landon Gomez
Not since high school Trust me user, crazy chicks aren't worth it I hope we get to Spider-Man's hand but more than likely we'll see Baoh Oh I remember that show, it was weird how much Jamaica got brought up in that show.
I'm going to Memphis for my Great Aunt's 100th birthday. I know a chick in Mississippi,she lives about an hour and a half away. She showed me the count down clock she has. I'd be lying if I said I don't have Misery nightmares.
When I smoked, I noticed I was horny less which was honestly a blessing. Dick still worked fine
Jordan Clark
Jackson Diaz
Gohan, Piccolo, Puar, Master Roshi and Vegeta aren't exactly stupid. Pilaf is on Bulma's level in robotics. Prof. Briefs, Dr. Gero, and Norimaki all beat Bulma with preptime, but she's better than them at field work. She's more of a scientific adventurer than a scientist.
Jace Parker
Truth commercials are actually funded by the tabacco industry. I'm still convinced they're purposely made to be terrible so people don't listen to the message.
Asher Ortiz
They are airing Origin >technically it’s new Wro
Charles Gomez
Every gundam series they aired was less than 2 years old.
Aiden Powell
lmao they dead
John Cruz
When is Gundam again?
Kevin Collins
Alt-righters hate her because she called out Vic for being a piece of shit.
Carson Sanchez
Cronenberg Jerry is such a chad.
Ayden Watson
I notice those commercials for electric vehicles that VW is obligated to make because of the diesel scandal are similarly cringy and inaccurate
How long has pride month been a thing? I've literally never heard of it until today.
Benjamin Edwards
>that one time when Jerry actually had character development and wasn't the go-to punching bag
Man, S1 really was something else
James Foster
Actually it aired in 2015, the TV cut is nothing different, just suited for TV
Thomas Reyes
Brody Hernandez
Please stop posting that childish gif dude.
James Bennett
Why the FUCK won't Morty calm down?
Mason Price
They won't air anything old because it's not in HD and has the wrong aspect ratio. Demarco doesn't want to put up the bookends around shows anymore, he only made exceptions for DBZ and Samurai Jack. So if it's not HD and widescreen it's not getting on Toonami, that excludes basically anything made 20 years ago or more.
What is the point of doing an OVA if you're just going to recut it for TV? Bigger budget? Better scheduling?
Connor Stewart
Vic doesn't even have a case. He agreed to the terms of his departure, and there's dozens of people willing to testify against him.
There's almost 20 years worth of proof all over the place.
The only propaganda out there is coming from the people defending a homophobic creeper.
Ethan Garcia
Women gained an interest in video games more this decade than before for many reasons and only sometimes is it because they actually like playing games.
Easton Butler
Her voice range honestly isn’t that bad in comparison with some other VAs who can’t be fired so they just use the same dumb voice for everyone. At least she tries to mix it up and not use her little girl voice for everyone.
It’s the fact that she became a self important cunt in recent years that overestimates the relevance of anime voice actors on the celebrity totem pole
Josiah Jenkins
Maybe I'm misremembering, but the Whirly Dirly episode had some good character growth, teasing the idea that Rick and Jerry could get along. But then of course the writers pissed it away and made him an even more pathetic punching bag.
Liam Sanchez
Why didn't Rick just get the cure for the cronenberg from a different reality and use it to save his reality?
This website is 60% childish gifs my man. The internet isn't serus bizniz like you think it is.
Julian Gray
I looked up the scene and she didn't "rush in" for say. After being told by the gang that she was useless in the situation, and hearing they they just needed to get in contact with Kaneshiro, she went on and helped them get what they wanted. She just asked some thugs if they knew Kaneshiro and to take her to him. She didn't just find and run to his location or anything. Now while what she did was dumb and rash, it was also the gangs only option as they had no way to get up to kaneshiro's palce. So talking to him might have been the only way up there. Also they were able to get in sole because Makoto had a account/debt with Kaneshiro and needs to let them in and out to add further to her and the gangs debt by giving them a loan that adds 10% interest in a day. Them getting in was sole because Kaneshiro's shadow wanted it
Yes, though this one is cut in a less retarded way than Unicorn was which often just felt at random
Aiden Kelly
>It’s the fact that she became a self important cunt in recent years that overestimates the relevance of anime voice actors on the celebrity totem pole
Gabriel Richardson
>there's dozens of people willing to testify against him. Yea like those who were caught doing photoshop. >homophobic creeper. Nevermind, I can see both sides of the case but you using these terms outed you as a shitpost baiter, I know you'll try and keep it going but be less transparent next time.
David Wood
Wasn't that the one where they had an entire scene about everyone bitching at Jerry for being sexist.
Ryan Cooper
Vic has a concrete case, try looking into it >20 years worth of proof >NO ONE will provide any
Xavier Roberts
>cuckfla fags BTFO soon
Jayden Thompson
There's a difference between spongebob slipping and those uh oh, oh you! images.
Jeremiah Ross
Recutting it for TV let’s them make something “new” without actually doing anything
Dominic Perry
Funimation's internal report on Vic got leaked. One of their reasons they listed for firing him was one time where Vic and Monica were at a panel together and Vic wrote Monica's name on a jellybean, ate it, and joked that he "ate Monica."
Jack Wood
She is a D lister who acts like a B lister
James Ross
If this is true I'm really gonna be hot blooded all night and my face can't afford 80 degree blood again after last Toonami.
Wyatt Evans
how the FUCK do you write someone's name a on a jelly bean?
Nolan Edwards
>Tfw Georgia boy and suddenly people are shitting on us en masse
We make your soda and your chick fil a you ingrates
>Nevermind, I can see both sides of the case but you using these terms outed you as a shitpost baiter,
Because I said what everyone in the convention scene has known for years?
>Vic has a concrete case, try looking into it
I mean, you could try explaining how he can have a case when not even a single voice actor in the industry has made any attempt to defend him, and most even admit to outright hating the guy.
>She is a D lister who acts like a B lister
Since when and how?
Kayden Nelson
>Family Guy into MHA
Jackson Price
Too lazy.
Parker Martinez
>wrote on a jelly bean I still don’t understand this. Did that retard actually write with sharpie and eat it? This story has lots of problems
Ryder Campbell
No that was a later episode. The one user is talking about is the one where Rick calls out Jerry for being a predator who uses pity to get prey
Anthony Ramirez
She's a cute Sayian girl,people have been asking for that for almost 20 years.
Nobody is paying them for this though. Sunrise studio is owned by Sunrise Inc, which owns the Gundam intellectual property rights. They head the production committee that funds any Gundam anime. BD sales are nice for the studio branch of Sunrise but what really keeps gundam afloat is merchandise, especially gunpla sales. And the thing is, the OVA series would already have accomplished the goal of bumping merch sales, not to mention BD sales.
There's no real gain for Sunrise going through the trouble of fronting more money to recut the series and then buy air time for the show. What do they gain?
Ayden Thomas
Jeremiah Walker
Hey did you guys know that Horses don’t have a delay reflex
Samuel Myers
You literally can. No one is going to involve themselves in this shit after seeing what happened to Vic with no evidence. If anyone showed support for him, the twitter brigade would find a crime they are guilty of
They used to but then when they started doing it that first instance was extremely prevalent and it never went away. It's just such a dumb thing, I don't know why they decided that should be recurring.
Daniel Miller
Why is Family Guy so edgy?
Easton Morris
Writing convenience. Although Vegeta in particular happens to speak English.
Thomas Collins
That doesn’t exist, you can’t actually do anything with them. Dogs though are a whole different story
Jayden Stewart
It is a lot better than the shows we usually get. But I don't expect it to do well.
Brandon Martin
>implying the adaption won't be a giant black square
I'm going to take a guess that some people in this thread here don't think that "grabbing them by the pussy" is sexual harassment.
Robert Watson
How many shows are switching out over the next couple weeks/months? I know JoJo is ending next Saturday but nothing else beyond that.
Jonathan Miller
>no u
Charles Wood
My god dude have you read nothing about what all this is about? It's that fans were complaining about how they didn't ask for this and just wanted a pictures. At least do all the homework before you try to defend someone.
Evan Myers
Well I would think that a horse jacking off other horses is normal
David Martin
>le Blompf and Vic are in it together! literally go anywhere else you dumb faggot
Josiah Jenkins
How'd you figure that one out?
Gabriel Butler
Kill yourself
Easton Gonzalez
Xavier Kelly
Strictly speaking, no – it's sexual assault.
Cooper Rivera
That “normal”, especially if they were breeding the horses. She was probably saying that just to fuck with people who don’t know better
Landon Phillips
Many times women have consented and then when somethings going on they just randomly say they never did or they were forced to by being scared or intimidated or put on the spot.
William Jones
Truth campaign now laundering their money with animated shorts
Brody Cruz
Titty meat should be appreciated from all angles user.
>repairman regularly visiting the house to fix Peter's weekly destruction One of the few great jokes in this show
Noah Thomas
>And how do you know this is one of those occasions? How do we know they're telling the truth? We don't.
Leo Hall
When it's legal everywhere probably. Is it odd I kinda miss the Above the Influence commercials? I'm weirdly nostalgic for them.
Aaron Long
I'm sure some of them have said it before.
Colton Long
Man, between this and that Mister Jellybean Episode
These episodes are gonna get banned
Hudson Morales
As long as she makes my death quick and painless, then I might consider it. she can do all the cutting and stabbing she wants after my consciousness is gone.
Wyatt Baker
You know what? How about all of you shut up about this Vic-Monica thing. Since you apparently can't approach the subject with any degree of intelligence or decorum, let's try to avoid turning tonight into a piss-storm.
I feel like it doesn't matter. Sexual harassment just seems like the girl who cried wolf with a bit of double standards at this point to me because of just everything.
Blake Wright
>sexual identity isnt a choice! >75% of college chicks go through a bi phase
>tfw did the exact same thing >never have I felt so much shame >except I was completely sober, I was just really fucking horny and I had the place alone to myself
I know how he feels. except I cant blame it on the booze.
Jack Fisher
Reasonably. Because of the holiday, the classes moved up the self-study week, so I've been idling pretty much all week. Also, picked up the Seekers xpac for FFXI, and been playing through the story missions I could never do back when FFXI was newer.
>shut up! Your right to free speach triggers me reeeeeeeeeee Neck yourself
Christopher Butler
>belong Fascist.
Colton Powell
Women are naturally bi. When off their cycle, they prefer the company of women and familiar men. When on their cycle, they prefer masculine men and are repulsed by familiar men.
It is one of many reasons in the age of the pill that marriages fail. The woman comes off, starts having cycles again, and finds literally everything about her husband utterly repulsive on a instinctual level.
Landon Perry
Even if they were vaporized, the little particles would be conscious, helpless to complete their task, and in pain.
Anthony Taylor
You have a right to free speech. I hop you also have a brain to know when to stfu.
Anthony Cox
He's a quarter Mexican.
Aiden Cox
Almost gets raped, but kick's the guy's ass instead. It could work.