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Hot take
Jack Gutierrez
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Julian Carter
yawn.....Another Landwhale artist complaining about not being attractive while hating on everything that is attractive
Jordan Anderson
No, there's plenty of shows I hate but find characters fuckable and many shows I like where they characters have no sexual interest to me
James Perry
I agree, we should be judging the shows based on how hot or cute the guys are instead.
Charles Jackson
Are they wrong though? According to a lot of anons, She-ra took the hot out of women and that makes it the worst cartoon in the world.
Camden Gonzalez
Fpbp. They even drew there character ugly.
Jordan Gonzalez
>some shitty cartoonist is mad that guys would rather jerk off to cartoons than to her
Josiah Myers
i didnt watch she-ra because the producer said mean things to the steven universe crew at one point and she's kind of a cunt
Joseph Hernandez
If you're a fat girl you can still get guys to like you by not being a bitch. The problem is that fatties are usually total cunts.
Joseph Watson
Also nothing a little freelancing r34 cant fix
Aaron Watson
¿Porque no los dos?
Your shit needs to be good but if you want my attention put some eye candy in it or I will pass.
It's not one OR the other, it's BOTH
Eli Roberts
I hate Steven Universe and masturbate to porn of it regularly, so OPs pic is both wrong and made by a bitter ugly cunt.
Easton James
Laughably wrong. Proof? Legend of Korra. Some of the hottest girls of the decade, but the show is reviled regardless.
Brody Smith
Finally someone is making some sense!
Jack Ross
Aside from the tweets that are five years old. What mean things did she say to the Steven Universe crew and did the racist, fascist sympathisers deserve it?
Samuel Torres
she accused the crewniverse of giving in to pressure from CN to have a male protagonist instead of a female protagonist, and calling sugar a gender traitor
it got so bad even ian came in to shut her up
Jeremiah Cox
>Come in to shut her up.
Brah, this is a pack of excuses honestly. I don't disagree on you with this though. There's many things to throw at Sugar, gender traitor isn't one of them.
Not that that changes that the She-ra threads are usually filled with shit from people who hate the show for not giving Adora bigger breasts.
Kayden Rivera
Not solely but it sure does help.
Michael Baker
I know right.....
Lets lewd the OC.
Cameron Sanders
She certainly looks like the kind of girl one would throat fuck just to shut her stupid mouth.
Nicholas Cook
>even artists are getting tired of Yea Forums's incessant waifu circlejerks
Oh no no no no
Jeremiah Baker
Sure the show is fat and ugly, but it has a great personality!
Evan Parker
There's a big difference between 'not going out of your way to make attractive characters' and 'going out of your way to make characters not attractive'.
See Prosecution Exhibit A - Mass Effect: Andromeda.
Wyatt King
Yea Forums's not a hivemind, the anons with the worst tastes are always the loudest so it makes it seem as if that's all that matters to users here
Carson Miller
Were you the same seething roastie that thought being disgusting is an appealing property from a few days back?
Jacob Garcia
SU would have been better if Steven was a girl, this is a fact
John Ortiz
must be a different guy
Austin Ross
Care to back up your word salad and actually prove how your statement has anything to do with anything?
Josiah Clark
>Not that user
I mean they look fine. They're nothing special, but they're not revolting.
Also, Mass Effect: Andromeda was made by a bunch of incompetents and the project was led by people who had no experience working in the medium.
Alexander Flores
Eh, the show still would have suffered from too many townie shows, Sugar stifling some of her better writers (because she disagreed with them) and forgiving the space nazis; because they feel sad.
Joshua Rivera
It wouldn't have fixed many of the problems at all, but many of the insufferable aspects of Steven would have been a little better, like him acting annoying and crying so much
Plus there'd be less dumb shit involving him acting gay and effeminate
Carter Stewart
I think people seemed to have forgotten or just outright ignored that there is a strong difference between making a character that is fapbait, and making a character that is intentionally ugly.
I never considered characters like Dot Warner, Mandy from Grim Adventures, Lydia from Beetlejuice or Candace from Phineas and Ferb ugly. They are not great but not terrible either. Decent reasonable design that works for the show and none are made in any over sexualized way at all. Maybe some freaks are fapping to them but people fap to Marge Simpson so obviously nothing is sacred.
Pic related is made specifically to be ugly as fuck. This seems to be a trend to make female characters really goddamn hideous to look at.
Parker Sanchez
I'll try any show once, and shows with ugly art might retain my interest if the writing is really good, but why not make the art appealing and save yourself the handicap?
Ethan Collins
op here
here's the thing, i don't hate sexy characters but i feel as though just having only hot chicks in your art portfolio shows you don't have much in variety on subjects. they can still be hot but in different ways.
albeit it's hard to make them different from the norm without ending looking "ugly"
Levi Howard
thats from your portfolio?
Joseph Flores
You're right there. Even if the fandom has characterised a better Steven, it's not the one that Sugar imagined. A girl Steven would have been less grating.
James Anderson
There's a lot of different faces and bodies that fit under the adjective of beautiful. So, whilst I get what you're saying about variety, a lot of variety can be found in beauty already.
A rule of art is that it should be believable more than realistic. So, trying to incorporate a more realistic sense of character art doesn't make for attractive art. Especially when the goal is to attract your audience.
Jose Ward
don't sell the bike shop, user
Aiden Barnes
I think you are still confusing the two. Simply having boobs does not make a character intentional fapbait.
Connor Rodriguez
But regardless of character design it's still shit, She Ra is the worst example you could give.
Landon Jones
Solely? No. But if the show look disgusting, I won't watch it.
Jaxson Jones
Counterargument. I like Jojo
Colton Parker
How so? I personally think the designs are quite good.
Justin Hall
He's not wrong though, Yea Forums fucking eats up shit provided it has shipping and waifusand husbandos and have been at it for well over a decade.
Here is the nice part of that crowsong though, a competent creator tends to know that they should have one or several "pretty" characters and fanservice to appeal since it is a low effort to reach a bigger audience that won't make a much major impact on the actual story or can spin it as "deconstruction", so the lack of one is arguably sign of a poor show since it shows the creators have no idea how to make something as simple as a fanservice appeal to please the biggest consumer simpletons of all.
Gabriel Bailey
ovals with zero features is truly the greatest design
Luke Morgan
Its characterization is inconstisant and so is the actual animation.
Any decent idea is squandered by poor storytelling.
Also fuck off back to your containment thread you piece of human garbage.
Gabriel Jackson
Based Bravoposter
Jaxson Kelly
You don't get it. Having a bad and ugly art style and drawing which in turn make the characters ugly is different from making ugly characters. Like no one in Gumball is conventionally attractive but that doesn't stop people from waifuing and husbando everybody including Richard.
Carter Wood
Do you have a source for any of that?
Ryan Jackson
You can have waifus or you can have good action. One is enough for me.
Lumpy potato kids doing slice of life stuff and all conflict resolution being talking and crying about their feelings like they're on the fucking pacifist route of undertale ust doesn't interest me.
Angel Adams
Dan Haskett got hired to work on The Little Mermaid because his portfolio was full of sexy women with solid, cartoony poses and expressions. Chris Sanders similarly got hired to work on princess movies at Disney because of how capable he was at drawing the female form.
These are not the exclusive reasons why they got hired, but they tipped the hat in their favor when it came to looking for talent on those projects. Sometimes specializing in a certain subject matter can help you get a job for specific projects. It's often better to have a strong subject matter direction in your portfolio than trying to be a jack of all trades.
Michael Morgan
I don’t blame Sugar for choosing to feature a main character in a show that was ultimately based on her childhood with her brother. But I will argue that “gender traitor” seems like a halfway fair accusation to throw at somebody that chooses to identify their gender as “feminine nonbinary,” because she doesn’t want to transition to being a man or basically give up anything that identifies her as a woman, but she also doesn’t want people to just call her a woman.
Anthony Clark
Explain a recent thread about chest size?
Jason Brown
You're falling victim to the barbie fallacy.
Cameron Davis
>Not all characters are designed to be fapbait
>Yea well, explain these characters that are!!!!
Has nothing to do with what user said at all here.
Ryder Jackson
A broken clock is still right twice a day. Do you know how many mediocre characters, and even shows are held up on this board purely due to Waifufaggotry?
Logan Morris
So your counterpoint is complaining that some characters are intentional fapbait so that means ALL of them are without exception?
Jack King
The problem with your logic is that anything can be waifued or husbandoed.
Look at Harry Potter. Snape is supposed to be a sickly looking asshole with greasy hair, a hooked nose, and a terrible smell, yet fangirls decided he's a sexual tyrannosaurus because they're stupid.
Lincoln Jackson
I can't think of a single show that is kept on tv because Yea Forums faps to it
Austin Morgan
heck, even supposedly unredeemable characters get sympy just because they're hot.
Gavin King
That's always been the case and is a unisex phenomenon.
Benjamin Ward
Based. The only reason people even listen to them is because ugly landwhales are getting more common these days and don't have anything productive to do all day.
Elijah Long
the whole "hammer of justice is unisex" line really falls flat when you realize the only reason batman socked her was she has a manly face.
Benjamin Martinez
They are the most common now. Now it is common thought to assume skinny women are some corporate invented fantasy
Ayden Perez
If the only enjoyment someone receives from a show is the porn that is made of it. That should say something about the quality of the product when people only remember that show for "that one character I jerk it to."
Oliver Allen
When you really get down to it, what is actually wrong with that?
A show managed to grab an audience, might be for different reasons than the story. But it attracts viewers and satisfies the advertisers. Everyone gets paid and the fans have something to watch.
If you do not personally care for it then I'm sure you will have no trouble finding something else to watch within the vast multitudes of entertainment choices out there in the world. The mere existence of a show you do not care to watch continuing to exist without your viewership should not affect you in any way.
Alexander Turner
It doesn't help when you have people like Manveer in the project, a developer who open expresses his hatred towards whit people, and then find out that the character creator doesn't let you create white people.
If that's a coincidence, then that's one hell of a coincidence,
John Cruz
Always had the impression that he lost a job out to a white woman around 2015-ish and he broke down, then never ever got over it. the guy all of a sudden one day unfollowed and blocked every single white person he knew on all forms of social media. That definitely seems pretty reactionary.
Logan Jones
What human being would find THAT character appealing? What are they trying to do? Is it just me, or they're misguidedly trying to fight against human biology? That you hate fapbait so much that you make shit like this to overcompensate? Even John K's ugly characters have some appeal.
Joshua Carter
Um excuse me sweaty but real WOMYN have real curves! Anyone under 100kgs is clearly a deranged anorexic with body image issues and is probably a huge slut.
Owen Morgan
No, but having a hot/cute girl or girls will usually get me to at least try it out to see if it has any merits beyond said girls.
Cute girls are a great hook, but they do need substance behind them to keep the interest going beyond the initial fap.
David Scott
>what is Loud House
Jack White
Fair enough, but what merely CAN be waifued/husbandoed and what is clearly Waifu/Husbando-bait is still a difference that can be distinguished and doesn’t disprove the latter’s existence.
Brandon Flores
>That you hate fapbait so much that you make shit like this to overcompensate?
Pretty sure that is the goal yes
Cameron Gray
>and what is clearly Waifu/Husbando-bait is still a difference that can be distinguished
I'd argue it's more subjective than you're probably aware. If someone wants to dismiss a character they'll just declare it waifu trash no matter what other attributes they have or their role in the narrative is. It's a low hanging fruit for winning arguments these days.
Aaron Jones
You really think a single board on Yea Forums is why that is on tv?
William Peterson
This. Look at how much it helped video games.
>Splatoon and Overwatch and Battleborn are all mediocre because they sell on waifus
>TF2 continues reigning supreme due to sexy AF males
Leo Thompson
I mean irredeemable characters getting sympathy just because they're hot.
The trope you're referencing is 'Draco in Leather Pants'. It's named after a male character for a reason.
Parker Foster
Appeal is a LOT more important in design than people realise, and it doesn't have to be blatantly sexual.
I don't know what SJWs are trying to do, but if they're trying to make us like unappealing characters (sexual or otherwise) then they're barking up the wrong tree.
Liam Carter
Except in this case "appeal" strictly means you want to masturbate to it and creators should be forced to cater to your sick whims
Alexander Ramirez
It helps that TF2 is both sexy and smart. God, I miss Valve's old style of writing and humor.
Alexander James
You want a beautiful show with beautiful colors and detailed aesthetics? Make beautiful characters or their ugliness will stand out and look unappealing.
If you want to draw “ugly” characters, that’s fine. Ed, Edd, n Eddy has ugly characters and most of Yea Forums loves the shit out of it, because the aesthetic lends itself to it. Same goes for shows like Hey Arnold, Chowder, and Invader Zim. None of those shows are “traditionally attractive” either, but they turn out to be very appealing and fun anyhow.
Hunter Kelly
That’s not true. They already masticate to it. The show is just ugly tho.
Josiah Miller
Dominic Diaz
>They already masticate to it.
Xavier Jenkins
> If someone wants to dismiss a character they'll just declare it waifu trash no matter what other attributes they have or their role in the narrative is.
Perhaps, but people mis-using a term for their own agenda doesn’t mean that the term never had legitimate ground in the first place.
I believe there are some criteria that are, if not damning then at the very least highly suspicious, signs of a character being intentional waifubait. The first and foremost being attractiveness of course, but another main difference between intentional and accidental waifubait, is the trend or trope their character follows. With natural Waifubait, it happens spontaneously and by accident, like many things in life, but with intentional Waifubait, where someone is trying to cultivate that sort of following, they’re going to try and reduce what has already naturally occurred into an easily replicable formula.
This is a chief trait of intentional waifubait, that they try and play relatively safe in playing to these tropes that gather lots of fangirls/boys such as the misunderstood brooding loner, or the stuck up snooty bitch. This goes doubly so if said template was used for a character that recently attracted such a large fandom In a show before, in the same vein that a successful anime of one kind will generate a half a dozen copycats soon after.
The second noticeable sign is that, due to the artificial nature of them, they’re far less likely to receive actual character development. An intentional Waifubait might receive episodes explaining their behavior, but rarely will they ever change or grow as a character, as that would run the risk of straying from what made them waifuable. And While it can be argued that a character that grows and learns like a real human being is far more endearing than a static cutout, it still requires the writer to be more focused on making a good character, than making a waifuable one.
Nolan Nelson
*Cough* DC super hero girls *cough*
Jordan Peterson
Owen Gomez
>yet fangirls decided he's a sexual tyrannosaurus because they're stupid
Or maybe because a still somewhat attractive Alan Rickman played him when they were developing as teenagers? Why do you go out of your way to defeat your point?
Evan Wood
I honestly can’t see any other reason why it WOULD be on tv. The show is boring, relies almost entirely on cliches, and the artstyle and animation is just meh at best.
1. The Loud house fags waifufags are not contained to a single board
2. Neither are they contained to a single site
Colton Miller
You seem to be claiming it's got anything to do with narrative, when really, it's all about aesthetics.
Carter Evans
Don’t forget flapjack, cow and chicken or ren and stimpy. So long as your show is good and your ugly style is an appealing ugly look instead of puke inducing it’ll do fine
Matthew Williams
Exactly. This is why appeal is extremely important. The more you fight it, the more you're just setting yourself up for failure and hate the world even more.
Hudson Barnes
>I honestly can’t see any other reason why it WOULD be on tv.
Maybe it had something to do with having a successful premiere and high numbers rivaling Spongebob leading to those in charge to fund more seasons far ahead in time. Prior to the scandal that happened Loud House was already being considered for a movie so I'm guessing the higher-ups had a lot of faith at the time.
The suits make the final decision on what stays on TV not the fans.
Jose Hernandez
Splatoon is not mediocre.
Jace Thompson
>Maybe it had something to do with having a successful premiere and high numbers rivaling Spongebob
You say that like it still means something. Cable television nowadays just consists of throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks while also redefining and loosening what qualifies as “sticking”
>charge to fund more seasons far ahead in time.
Not even Cartoon Network is dumb enough to do more than 2 seasons in advance
>being considered for a movie so I'm guessing the higher-ups had a lot of faith at the time.
Or desperation
>The suits make the final decision on what stays on TV not the fans
And the suits decides based on what panders most to the fans that they get money from
Nathan Rodriguez
Narrative shows whether or not its intentional. Someone who spends all their time worrying over aesthetics isn’t going to be able to bother too much with narrative.
Also you’re still proven wrong by Korra, who is hated despite being an undeniably hot piece of ass.
Andrew Sullivan
>You say that like it still means something.
Of course it means something. Think like you're in a business, if something is scoring higher or equal to your current money-maker then you'd probably want more of it especially if nothing else comes close.
>Not even Cartoon Network is dumb enough to do more than 2 seasons in advance
Not sure what that has to do with anything. Not all businesses operate the same, big shock right?
>the suits decides based on what panders most to the fans that they get money from
Glad I didn't have to spell that part it out for you.
If what you said about the show is true and the cliche writing along with the meh artstyle and animation falls in line with attracting whatever target demographic based on viewer data pulled then obviously that's what we're going to continue getting.
Now you obviously had a better idea about all this beforehand so I ask what makes you think this is all the fault of waifufags and not, y'know, the actual kids who watch this on TV, adding to the viewer data, rather than the former group who tend to watch it via downloaded TV rips?
Hunter Gonzalez
The show's mediocre. So, it's the best possible example. As most people can agree on mediocrity.
Juan Richardson
Well you see, I do, but in reverse, if there's too many cute girls just for the sake of being attractive, it's more likely to be pandering bullshit, much like most moe anime.
Bentley Morales
I disagree.
Andrew King
Unironically kill yourself
Henry Wilson
>Of course it means something.
Cable television is dying. The standards for achievable success have gotten lower and are continuing to do so. Also Spongebo isn’t nearly as popular as it used to be.
>Not sure what that has to do with anything. Not all businesses operate the same, big shock right?
Yes, Nickelodeon is less retarded than modern Cartoon Network and wouldn’t shoot themselves in the foot with a leap of faith.
>Now you obviously had a better idea about all this beforehand so I ask what makes you think this is all the fault of waifufags and not, y'know, the actual kids who watch this on TV, adding to the viewer data, rather than the former group who tend to watch it via downloaded TV rips?
1. Kids watch far less cable TV in General than they used to, in favor of things like streams or youtube, or just drinking in social media memes in general. That, and even the most un-tech-savy kid knows how to type “X cartoon episode 1 online” into google, and are even less likely than adults to put two and two together and realize that shows survive on monetary support, Meaning that they’re no less able to watch shows through less than legal means
2. There are multiple shows of similar type and similar or better quality airing on that Network others, meaning that by means of natural completion its viewership would be no more or less successful going by an audience who purely would care about the actual show
3. The Loud House has 9824 results on rule 34. Considering that it’s not exactly gravity falls at it’s peak level popular where it would have pretty much everyone, it’s enough to give an indication about sort of people take interest in it.
Mason Green
>Someone disagrees with me so they must be the exact opposite extreme
Nice caveman logic, never understood this line of thinking, you know sometimes people have differing opinions than you and can still be moderate about it.
Colton Phillips
Hunter Flores
>i.t.t mouth breathing landwhales.
Matthew Taylor
>Expecting Yea Forums to watch a show for it's quality when half the board is horny virgins with no social skills
That's where you fucked up, OP
Asher Gutierrez
Well, Noelle is a well known misandrist and SURPRISE she is a lesbian! Sometimes, Yea Forums is right about stereotypes.
Evan Stewart
Well, maybe Adora SHOULD have bigger breasts.
Jordan Foster
>well known misandrist and SURPRISE she is a lesbian
Why is this so fucking common?!
Jordan Bailey
Past era from a time when only straight white men were allowed to work for a studio. NOTHING from that has any bearing on the current era now.
Jesus you're referring to the time when all LBGT people were required to remain in the closet, African Americans were still not allowed in most restaurants, and women were not (legally!) allowed to hold down most jobs. Fuck making ANY claims from that time period and pretending it is still okay today.
Easton Long
Didn't you enter this conversation with the mindset of
>Something I don't like is existing....things I do not care for should stop existing now and everyone that does enjoy it needs to stop right now!
Angel Richardson
You're a fucking retard. Artists can still have a portfolio of sexy cartoon women and not get MeToo'd.
Eli Ross
>Spongebo isn’t nearly as popular as it used to be.
Yeah but its really all they have and has been their big money printer. Again they'd want more of something that can top or rival it is ratings.
>wouldn’t shoot themselves in the foot with a leap of faith.
In an earlier post you claimed them having enough faith to okay a movie was out an act of desperation. How do you go from that to "my company can't be desperate enough to do that!" in the span of 2 posts?
>Kids watch far less cable TV in General than they used to, in favor of things like streams or youtube
Yes Nick , like other companies, are aware and didn't sleep on this which is why they have official youtubes and give ability to stream new episodes for a price.
>or just drinking in social media memes in general.
Not only is this an issue for the older crowd as well I don't think you give kids enough credit. They're more than capable of basic time management and can realize that [insert meme here] is not only there for a short laugh but will also still be there for the next week and can set 11-22 minutes to watch a new episode of something. Hell they probably do both simultaneously at the same time if we're talking about pre-teens.
>There are multiple shows of similar type and similar or better quality airing on that Network others
Care to name them? As far as I can see the "Slice of life with a big cartoon family" seems pretty barren in terms of competition.
>Porn results
While I usually think of a high number equating to success I also wouldn't pin it as the only indicator of the audience as that would just be painting with broad strokes.
Easton Stewart
Because lesbians know they aren't the superior homo gender.
Henry James
Characters need to be cute because the show will only last so long but the porn will be made forever
Chase Edwards
She deleted her tweets I thikn but Ian's are still up. Here's one:
Liam Anderson
But the mercenaries in TF2 are ugleh
Alexander Rogers
That user looks so cute I wanna fuck it.
Caleb Mitchell
>sex and violence is one and the same for user
Josiah Perez
Sex sells. Simple as.
You're trying to sell your show, first to the network, then advertisers, and then the audience. Sell sell sell. That's what animation is. Even Richard Williams said as much, "my job is to make the client look good".
Swallow your pride and do your job.
Jordan Adams
That sounds really familiar, as in a thread I read over a month ago. Sounds like a serial baiter.
Kevin Hill
I want to violate women with big noses. I bet she has a fat ass too.
Colton Morgan
Samoan faggot Steven is the most disgusting of all future Stevens. Greg failed.
Luke Young
>sex is the only thing that sells
Smart and bold of you to make a sexy ladies show to hook that retarded kindergartener demographic, user.
Lucas Harris
T. Brainlet
There are many kinds of ways to pander to human sexuality that aren't intrinsically about drawing bimbos. Want to take a guess at what the whole LGBT shit's really about? Because an entire demographic defined by who they want to fuck isn't there for the story, m8.
Owen Foster
Ok phoneposter.
Cooper Lopez
double nigger
Camden Flores
Benjamin Martin
woah man calm down you can't just say that
Aaron Wilson
based. if people who watch shows solely cause muh gay representation are to be mocked, we must also mock the waifufaggots.
Brayden Richardson
>Yeah but its really all they have and has been their big money printer.
The point is that rivaling it takes far less than it used to.
>How do you go from that to "my company can't be desperate enough to do that!" in the span of 2 posts?
There’s a line between desperation and straigh up retardation. It’s not a “my company” thing, Modern-CN is objectively the least intelligent of the Networks with Self sabotage, and even they aren’t dumb enough to order more than two seasons in advance.
>they have official youtubes and give ability to stream new episodes for a price.
again, the things online that have been taking kids attention aren’t other cartoons, and it’s not too hard for a kid to figure out how to stream it online for free
>Not only is this an issue for the older crowd as well I don't think you give kids enough credit. They're more than capable of basic time management
This makes two very out of touch assumptions. This first is that kids don’t look at and spout memes, which is extremely false as i’ve seen kids t-posing in public. The second is that don’t seem to get the point of me listing these activities and assert that it’s a time management thing rather than just what they’d rather be doing in general. Whether or not the meme will be their tomorrow is irrelevant when the point is that it’s another thing they rather do than watch TV.
>Care to name them? As far as I can see the "Slice of life
WBB, Clarence, 70% of Steven Universe, A majority of Craig of the Creek outside of KND-esque episodes like the one with the box mech
>with a big cartoon family"
That’s less a genre and more gimmick, and not a particularly interesting or novel one at that. It won’t really differentiate it.
And if a popular in general show had that amour of porn, it would also have a much larger amount of SFW content, It’s not just that the lewd sphere is large, but that it’s significantly larger than the non-lewd sphere.
Nathaniel Kelly
This could work as a villain pretty well
Kevin Anderson
Noelle was right and Ian has missed the point entirely.
The thing with CN is that they never greenlight shows with a girl protag, because they are targeting boys specifically (or at least used to). PPG is literally the only exception and who knows whose dick Craig McCracken had to suck to convince them it's a good idea. So there you have Sugar, the first "female" showrunner on CN and guess what, the MC is a fucking boy again.
To bring the analogy back to black characters, it would be like if a studio always put out movies by white directors with white MCs, because they're racist af. And then to prove they're not racist they hire a black director. But worry not, the black director still makes a movie about a white guy, which is totally his creative vision that must be respected.
Andrew Garcia
>which is totally his creative vision that must be respected
Isn't it a little presumptuous to doubt that, though? CN greenlit Craig of the Creek, that's a show with white directors and a black protagonist. Why would they even bother strong arming Ian about something like that? Hell, they don't even give him shit for sexualizing all the female characters.
Hunter Fisher
Xavier Flores
>who knows whose dick Craig McCracken had to suck to convince them it's a good idea
He was the only one willing to compete in a swimsuit competition on Space Ghost, with the prize being his show getting the greenlight for WAC exposure, iirc. Other contestants were Van Partible and Genndy. Not sure if it was serious, would be cool as fuck if so.
Blake Lopez
I didn't say anything about CN in relation to black protags, maybe a reasonable percentage of them are black compared to population, maybe not, I don't really care about that. However it's definitely a fact that they almost never greenlight shows with girl protags despite them being 50% of population. It can't be a coincidence.
The topic is literally about studios forcing shows being produced in a certain way, learn to read.
Liam Thompson
>What is hatefucking?
Elijah Clark
I guess my question would be how does a show like the Loud House even make money off of a demographic like Yea Forums?
I'm almost 30 and I haven't had cable television for the entire 7 years I've been living on my own, I don't watch the Loud house but if I do, I'm watching it on illegal streaming sites because its super easy to do so.
I'm assuming this is true of most of Yea Forums, and the Loud House isn't an especially Toyetic show, there's not merch that I'm aware of. If Yea Forums is keeping the show alive, how are they "making money" from us if there's no merch, we're not watching ads and the ads that run with the show do not target us?
Gabriel Davis
You wonder why some men hate other men?
Alexander Taylor
>Not that that changes that the She-ra threads are usually filled with shit from people who hate the show for not giving Adora bigger breasts.
Excuse you for picking on the weaker strawman instead of acknowledging the superior criticism that Adora should have had a feminine penis, you fucking pleb.
Isaac Butler
>It can't be a coincidence.
Maybe it’s because girls just aren’t that creative or interesting.
>inb4 faust
Overrated, and her most notable achievement is horse show, which is also overrated
Kayden Long
Nice calarts face FAG
Gavin Ward
So this entire argument boils down to
>Make the show cater to just my interests or you are racist/misogynist
Liam Lee
How do you expain the fact that there's a slew of girl MC shows coming up, as well as the entire anime industry? There are no excuses for CN (or Adult Swim for that matter) being so skewed toward male MCs.
Mason Gutierrez
Learn to draw noses, jesus fuck
Adrian Jackson
Until very recently girls just did not go into the animation industry. They want to pretend it was a boys only club that just never let a single woman in the door in colleges. But most women were just not interested in it and did not bother in any large numbers at all. Still, it's easy to make some kind of scapegoat to shift all the blame when one just looks at numbers and demographics only and stroke their conspiracy theories over it.
But in reality it was considered nerd shit. And only very recently has it been socially acceptable for women to openly like or do nerd things.
James Cruz
>a slew
You mean like 3 or 4?
Austin Martin
That really doesn't excuse the fact that all shows including those made for a girl's demographic was required by studios to have a white male lead. Even when it makes no sense or damages the story to include them.
Ian Harris
>those made for a girl's demographic was required by studios to have a white male lead.
What are you on about you dumb nigger?
Juan Flores
die in hell waifufag