Let's celebrate PRIDE MONTH by posting gay characters! Fanart depicting non-gay characters doing gay stuff is okay too.
ITT: Yea Forums gay character
Other urls found in this thread:
Huckleberry was always mixed for me on this, I couldn't really tell
Snagglepuss is 100% to the point they officially agreed to that DC comic where he was
Bumping with some cute fluff
Delete this.
their kids are such good pals
Why would Snaglepuss get with Huckleberry when he has the far superior Snaggletooth option
Got that too
>That nose
She reminds me of Connie
There's only one even gayer in this thread and it's OP
Except She-Ra is meant to be an aryan goddess, not a sand-nigger goat-fucker.
>meant to be
According to?
I have no problem with fictional murder, but non-fictional murder is vile and the peak of degeneracy. I wish every murder in real life would stop murdering people. That's shit is not okay and not at anytime now or in the future does it ever deserve to be celebrated.
I wish more people were intelligent enough to see this.
She’s Nordic
There's no Norway in Etheria or Eternia.
So actually a sheep-fucker instead
Question, why its always the flamboyant gaybo's demanding to parade their vices and deviancies? We don't have a straight day so why have this shat?
If we're being 100% honest, they're fucking aliens.
Every day is straight day.
(This is speaking strictly American)
Being white, male and straight is typically seen as the "default". As in, you think of many famous people (Elvis Presley, Walt Disney, Clint Eastwood, Nine Old Men, every single president, etc), they're all straight, white men. That isn't a bad thing, that's just a fact.
Not getting into historical context on how whites came into power, or gay was pushed as sinful by the religion that most white people practiced, straight white men dominated the spotlight. Every other group had to try to rise on equal grounds against straight, white men. Hell, even other straight white men had to fight against them (Like the Irish). It's not a group that was heavily oppressed in America, so there's no reason to celebrate being allowed to walk down the street or whatever.
Often times people express pride in being a straight white men is to put other groups down. Again, it's not bad to be prideful in yourself, but shitty groups have poisoned it for others, so it's become taboo to shout, "White pride!". As for gay parades themselves, sometimes people just get way too excited about celebrations and the parade becomes really sexual. It's off-putting to a lot of the gay community, too.
Trying to give a flat out explanation with the character limited Yea Forums gives me.
shut up
But here is the thing....By making all the other exceptions we are just turning one group againts another. And believe me Asian Pride in america is a facking insult considering pearl Habor.
Also another thing....Isn't more racist to see people only as the colour of their skin then culture they grew up. I am up for a Nigerian Pride day, but a Black Pride sounds moronic.
....So you are saying we are all going everyday on parade in our underwear dryhumping everything no of its sex, or acceptence.
>And believe me Asian Pride in america is a facking insult considering pearl Habor.
Considering we placed them in internment camps, there's still a bit of historical context on the basis of, "I don't want to hide the fact that I'm ___".
As for your other points, yes, a lot of people do become prejudice against white people and think it's acceptable because "You can't be racist against whites", not realizing racism and prejudice are two different things. That's just as much of a problem, but it's typically unrelated to pride parades. Black pride is specifically to the black Americans who are in the country because of their slave ancestors and etc. No different than Nigerian pride as far as "celebrating a specific culture".
Again, it's sometimes a split opinion issue. Not every black person likes Black History Month just like how every Jewish person isn't a diehard during Hanukkah or how a shit ton of women don't care about National Women's Day. And the only reason white pride is so tainted is because neo-nazis and KKK groups hijacked it. People might be able to actually express white pride if it didn't summon a bunch of retarded alt-righters pumping their fist, too.
>neo-nazis and KKK
I am againts White pride because again going for the skin colour. Why are the American blackman so fucking bittched assed about this subject when there were people who had a lot more horrid experiences(Example the Polish).
Well here is the difference between the Hanukkah and the Pride Parade. The one is celebrated in private the other is in Public.
>Actually arguing about politics on the cartoon board again
Sigh, I don't know how you don't have heart attacks by age 25
Hello! I am here to kill "Da Faget"
Do you know were "Da Faget" is?
> Gay Pride character.
We are speaking for Gay pride as a theme that is moronic.
I'm looking at "Da Faget" right now.
>On the internet gay pride shit is everywhere and makes you think society is drowning in this SJW stuff
>Go outside and there's literally nothing outside of a few rainbow painted crosswalks in that that one hipster part of town you never go to
Man, internet and media really does twist your perception of reality.
In other words you don't go outside. Its not the question about letting the gay going around the street, but the question why are they not celebrating pride in private.
That's literally the point, the media gives it so much attention so people will think it's more widespread and normal than it is. The explicit goal is normalization.
Thats cause irl, that would invite the attention of bigots capable of hurting you.
Unless you are going to a pride parade where the amount of quee ppl is more than the bigots.
Please stop using this well intentioned thread for your political agenda. Get a life.
meant for
As long as you keep you sexual life private I will keep my distain for it private as well. But it seems we are not going to have it that way....
post gay to drown the h8
>well intentioned thread
This was basically a lol thread user, bait from the get go, that or OP is one of the most naive motherfuckers on this entire site.
this is the gayest board and there's literally /lgbt/
>God heard the cries of the tortured little ones and took action
...Didn't all but three people die in the destruction of Sodom?
Ever hear of mercy killing? Those assholes will never, ever heal.
I'm risking a small vacation here to post this
But is this gay or masturbation?
>gays ruining calvin and hobbes
No dude, it is you who assumes the worst out of people. You are free to leave you know? go to /pol/ or something and let us share art.
>Forcing his autistic religion on everyone
Hi muslim
This is cute.
Sure, this will be the last post I make in this thread, promise, so if it inevitably blows up just know that I told you so.
Good luck, you'll need it.
Context and where did this even come from?
Better to die than continue to be raped by homosexuals for years.
Those are really cute user, give me your twitter so that I can see your drawings forever more in my life and support your good work with $$$ or however I can.
>all religions are the same
okay retard
Where can I find you?(online)
i may be a gay furry but i'm not a gay twitter furry. these are the only 3 images i have ever posted online. sorry user.
I'm not even trying to be a dick but everything in this thread makes me feel like its intended as a cringe thread secretly.
Welp, where can I find you?
the physiological response that normal people have to seeing gays and faggots feeling each other up is similar to that of seeing maggots and literal shit. gayness is literally biologically cringeworthy.
Is it really? How do we know if this isn't a trained behavior? Like I don't want to take things here at face value.
My first wet dream was about a man and I never felt any kind of disgust.
Those are cute characters.
then you are not a normal person.
thank you.
No one is a normal person, people struggle day by day to be deemed normal.
only here
the image attached to this post is the last of the pictures i have ever made. sorry to shit up the thread. figured i would dump because people asked. bye
i guess that's fair
thing is I feel like I remember seeing your art before, do you post in /trash/?
Didn’t the guy who was saved give up his daughters to be raped?
i do not. i've a pretty shitty and ubiquitous art style. not unlikely that i just draw very similarly to someone else.
Huckleberry is 100% a pussy hound. Faggots are claiming him falsely.
Ha, you do sound like the average /trash/ poster, someone probably saved your art and posted it there.
You are being too harsh on yourself man, I like your art and I think it is unique.
says the furry
I like cute characters doing cute (gay things). If they happen to be anthropomorphic I won't have a hiss fit about it because you have a vendetta against a group of people.
>gay furry thread
jannies delete
All I said was says the furry dont fucking freak.
Uh who did this
Read the OP, you can clearly see what the thread is about.
sorry, I am probably being too defensive here.
gay thread though disgusting still is not technically prohibited by the rules.
furry thread however is. kill furries especially gay ones. i wish i could convey to you how much i hate you and want to kill you. that is impossible the file limit only excepts images of a size that is less than 4 megabytes.
jannies move thread to /trash/ NOW before i totally lose it!!! i am going to kill 500
>Like some gay ships and gay characters
>Disgusted by Pride and LGBT in general
It's an abstract kind of feel
No man, the thing that is going to get the thread deleted is your constant political posting.
Kindly fuck off.
Clawhauser is probably gay. In the mobile game he even uses a suspect's mascara "to see if it makes my eyes pop, which it did" and is way too invested in women's fashion.
He had a female love interest in his own movie.
I am not fully convinced we are gayer than /cgl/ or /fa/.
wasnt tony harrassed by furries?
And here I thought that Moomin was free from Tumblr signaling.
since those characters were based on real people were the writers saying Andy Griffith was gay?
never been a shipper but honestly would have enjoyed them as a couple
did you not know that Tove Jansson, the creator of Moomins, is a lesbian?
>the media gives it so much attention so people will think it's more widespread
Yeah but we do that here too
Huckleberry Hound was not based on Andy Griffith. Huckleberry Hound was based on a southern drawl voice that voice artist Daws Butler had and first used at MGM for a laconic wolf opposing Droopy. This predated Andy Griffith's rise to popularity.
yep, among males there is like an over 80% chance that a pedo was molested as kid too. And the other 20% suicide themself etc
And then there's the whole transexuality thing that still boggles the mind, especially considering that they just taint the whole LGBT movement with their idiocy/deviancy.
This is hot
neither of them is gay
no they were based on real people
Yogi was Art Carney
Snagglepuss was Bert Lahr
Huckleberry was Andy Griffith
What the fuck? I get huckleberry but snugglepuss is like, confirmed gay by warner bits themselves. cartoonbrew.com
Sorry, meant for
>Where do you work out.jpg
This is immensely amorous and cute.
>the physiological response that normal people
>he thinks he's a normal person
lmao @ ur life
That doesn't invalidate what he said.
Didn't she have a male partner at some point?
The only one I need
>bi guy w/ a man
>get coaxed by my conservative work buddies & friends to tell them I'm dating a dude because I keep getting bugged about who I'm dating or memes tossed at me for "lol why are you not dating anybody?" "This chicks hot"
>Same people now bug me for details of me dating or doing shit when I never ever bring it up and generally say "I rather not"
>Literally people who have said the same shit as you, or talk about other people being fags
People are fucking stupid and you're probably a retard. I'm fine with them inferring but you can't treat the idea of someone being gay as "well it's a friend so I'm okay with it". They literally spout the same shit about other gay people doing "cringe" stuff and it usually amounts to people kissing or wearing matching clothes/other romantic shit. I could give less a fuck about any of it, I genuinely hold that value, and when I hear them complaining about their marriage or some woman being a bitch I internally cringe because I don't want to hear it.
kys religious cringefuck, your book isn't real and whatever god you worship doesn't exist. I hope when you're dying you miss that dopamine hit and slowly fade into nothing. No dreams.
>waaaah murder is bad
It's the 21st century, grandpa. Suck it up or lie down and die.
Anyone got the pic about Superboy being Robin's top?
Same user
In my case I just want to live a normal life without having my sexuality shoved into people's faces
So what? We are not the 60s. Just tell them to fuck off and get it over. The only problem is when you are in 3rd world country and Russia and even in Russia if you are not screaming out that you like to play pop-the weasle with dudes they won't bother you. The only problem for Gay/Trans is that they are looking for attetion by being a sore in the middle of society. Keep your sexuality to your self and you will see you will have 50% less problems, but you guys are so sexually fanatical its even starts to disgust the center-lefties.
Also if you want to fit in society don't be flamboyent gaybo. Just be normal person who has interest in man.
Surprise surprise, you're like most gay people who aren't loud assholes on twitter, you special snowflake.
>I- I'm not le the other faggots, Mr. Straightman! Nothing gay about a brojob, heh.
Said 95% of insecure gay guys ever.
That's an arbitrary place to draw the line, especially when you guys are disparaging the people who are out and loud that did the groundwork in order for you to not be beat to death for being gay in the 70s.
>The only problem is when you are in 3rd world country
End this meme immediately. Not every third world country has a mass disdain for sexual orientations other than hetero.
Cyclops and Wolverine should have just fucked it out
Histrionic, camp gays aren't secure about anything other than their collective drug addiction.
Have you been to Africa, India or China? They mob kill you there. Even memes most of the times have their roots in truths.
A lot of flamboyant gays were like that since childhood. You can't change who you are intrinsically like that. There's flamboyant straight men as well.
The parade people you complain about are a tiny minority in the gay population. If they lived through the aids crisis bigotry etc, and have a legal permit to be nude in public, then they should be allowed to be naked and proud in public. That's how law works.
Let some sensationalized section of the minority scandalize you. You're afraid of what others think. I'm in a rural town in the midwest and no one gives a shit that I'm gay or that my partner is trans because we don't act antisocial, yes. That doesn't mean we suddenly get a pass to shit on other gay people freely.
Yeah, and
>i'm so straight- acting bro! I'm not like those other faggots!
Are totally secure. Overcompensation is a sign of simple security. So is bolstering your ego by putting yourself above others. Very secure.
The religious upbringing and deep closet made him so detestable and loveable. Poor kid.
What is this /trash/?
Rimba Racer.
Good for you. As I said before, if you are gay and keep it to your self then everybody else will be cool.
You get a pass to shit on anybody who sticks out from the crowd, no matter in what way he does it. If they are going to parade them self in society in any out of sociatal norm then they should expect to be lambasted by the crowd, This goes as well for politicians, celebreties and posts of authority. Also if the group in which they belong don't as well to shame them for going so out of norm that it harms the entire group, then bigger society will count them in the numbers of that sociatal group no matter if they kept it to them self or not.
Yep, you can't help but feel sad for this dude but his antics were fun.
You just know that that's what they will imply in the remake.
It hurts
What is wrong with you? Did uncle touched you when you were a kid?
one of my uncles died before i was born and the other has never left the state of Massachusetts.
Then what was that?The Majestic Retarted scream of mysterious Autismo?
>I'm gay
>my partner is trans
I-isnt that just heterosexuality with a fancy coat of paint?!
Lets just say he found a partner who he could take home(bet the partner is a tomboy)
There's no gene that makes you act like a prancing fairy. Man up.
*tips cum-spattered fedora
>I'm in a rural town in the midwest and no one gives a shit that I'm gay or that my partner is trans because we don't act antisocial, yes.
So you're a guy who dates a tomboy-looking biological woman and no one gives you shit for it? Amazing!
I still can't believe a couple made up of batman and joker parodies is one of the better written cartoon romances out there.
Did you read what I said? I never denied that there's no mass disdain for every existent third world countries, and I'm aware of the situation on theses places. All I'm implying is that NOT EVERY third world country has popular disdain for other sexual orientations.
it was my hatred of homos made manifest
Those are exception, not the norm.
And why do you hate them? Irrational hate is sign of low intelligence.
Which one?
I just want my gay villains that want to molest the hero back.
You say that, and yet, there are many exceptions nowadays, despite that they are supposed to be "exceptions".
> Being this desperate for attention
The only thing more pathetic than a troll in a gay fanart posting thread is a poor one.
the Collector
gay rights!
you should try it yourself, most fags are /fit/ and would probably kick a cute sexually-frustrated channer's ass like yours with absolute ease
Oh please Fags have always existed. Stop being such hypocrit. The only reason you hate them due to being religios.
Start naming them harambo. Cause I feel you can only name a few europeon ones.
The link IS RIGHT there for you to check it out. I put it there, so to provide the current situation of the same-sex situation worldwide, including every third world country.
Are you baiting?
> not being ironic means I'm not pathetic
> I'm not a troll
> I just decided to click on this thread full of things I don't like to scream about not liking it
> Definitely not a troll
Hey, at least your screaming is keeping the thread alive.
Oh man that movie
Most of the 70s and 80s gay rights people were bug chasing pedophiles that readily associated with NAMBLA people who pushed libertine, promiscuous gay bath house lifestyles and contributed to ruining the public image of gays worse than it had been ever before. They deserve no respect.
In general gays have yet to fully sever the shameful ties to pedophilia thatvpersists among the more relevant "scenes", now they have a 10 year old boy stripping in clubs in the news.
it's my guilty pleasure, I love Nekron.
Is that Fire and Ice or some other movie from that era?
>now they have a 10 year old boy stripping in clubs in the news.
And overweight middle-aged autistic Canadian men that think they're women, have an unhealthy obsession with both fresh and used feminine hygiene products, suing beauty parlors (that specialize in women) that refuse to wax his balls, and making people that disagree with him on on Twitter disappear.
last one. might post different cape ships later
yeah, it's fire and ice.
Haven't both of them pursued girls before? There's Clementine after all.
beards, The whole reason they exist was to stop people from labeling them as gay.
it was well-written until they kept dragging it out and blueballing the viewers by adding more and more obstacles to the point that we're 3 seasons in and it still hasn't happened. i know it's harder to write an actual romance than a "will-they-won't-they," but damn.
I agree that I don't think I'll have the patience for another season of the same, but I've been enjoying watching Saturn struggle to become a better man for Groaner. It helps that we know they will get married at some point.
>random gay wanting to marry is bad because of the existence of pedo psycho trannies
Nice logic.
I wish I'd never seen this
fuck yes. I love it
Based and actually canon
>just walk around in public holding hands with gf
>get catcalled and mocked
fuck you