How come capeshit isn't as big on webcomics as it is on on mainstream comics?
Specially in this era of capeshit movies one will expect there to a lot of them lying around
How come capeshit isn't as big on webcomics as it is on on mainstream comics?
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I know jackshit about webcomics but from what ive seen its mostly geared towards all tumblr users for some reason, with pandering and ship plots a priority.
DC had Zuda back 2007-10
Didn't really work out but Night Owls was cool.
Can you tell me more about this? I didn’t know DC had webcomics.
I like The Power of Stardust.
Zuda was a webcomics imprint and didn't had any cape stuff as far as I remember.
>The Power of Stardust.
I'll have to check this out with care but Stardust isn't really a balanced character to work well
Because it doesn't really sell, especially since the capeshit market is basically covered by the Big 2. It's the same reason new indie capeshit has such a hard time gaining traction. Slice-of-Life material is also more accessable for the short-form style of webcomics. Just like the funnies sections of newspapers
>Zuda was a webcomics imprint and didn't had any cape stuff as far as I remember.
There was that one book about a ghost girl (?) It was pretty Cape-y IIRC.
Webcomics and regular ones share the same audience since you can read both for free online these days.
Making a nonironic capeshit webcomic is suicide as the market is saturated.
Because comics are nothing but capeshit for the most part and the people making webcomics have other stories they want to tell that would normally get drowned by the waves of rebooted capeshit
Capeshit may feature untalented writers, but it requires talented artists. You are unlikely to find many talented artists who give their work away for free in a webcomic.
Not everyone can do action sequences.
i agree with though if i remember right one punch man was a webcomic with bad art that got transcribed into a full comic with good art so i guess there is always the opportunity out there.
Most people who want to write cape comics don't want to write any old cape comics, they specifically want to write for Marvel or DC. They want a chance at warping the characters to suit their vision.
Someone who wants to write for Marvel or DC isn't going to get any satisfaction from just doing a cape themed comic, so they probably aren't going to do one. If anything I'm willing to bet they're more likely to try fanfiction.
because its a really weird genre that blows my mind every time im reminded it exists. despite reading a fair amount myself, i could never understand the draw. Honestly it makes as much sense as having every japanese comic released from this point on exist in the dbz universe and try to emulate its style. Its just so strange that weve been fixated on the same style of story for so long, even if its been "reimagined" countless times. I think a lot of webcomic artists simply have their own fantastical worlds or interesting characters that they'd like to see come to life. It's hard to be dedicated and creative enough to become a good artist without coming up with new ideas of your own.
I wanna say I've read a few cape webcomics.
The ones i remember tend to follow the formula of
group of heroes comedy,
side female character become main character,
suddenly she's gay,
I stop reading the comic.
most of the rampant capeshit enthusasts are attempting to get actual comic work with marvel and dc. capeshit requires a distinct universe to work its best, which is another obstacle.
also this. non capeshit comics used to exist, romance and the like, but now they are mostly just graphic novels. webcomics are usually the graphic novel crowd.
Because capeshit artists think they can make it big and don't want to do webcomics.
The comic doesn't go for "well balanced"
Really? All those shitty 'woke' webcomics like SMBC making fun of Batman for being rich seem to have had more influence on how the internet sees the character than anything actually in print.
Are you retarded?
Nice comic
Find me one criticism of Batman on the internet that doesn't parrot the same bullshit "RICH MAN FIGHT MENTALY ILL!1!" spiel.
What'd the original webcomic version look like?
Webcomics are almost entirely made by people who are really fucking sick of print being nothing but capeshit
Webcomics didn't have their genres destroyed by the CCA.
Kyle Baker had the best advice: don't even bother making a new superhero comic. The last truly popular new superhero was Spawn, and that was brief. The only reason to make a new superhero is as a means to a story (like a lot of indy expys for DC/Marvel characters) . Most webcomic authors are trying to market their characters , not the story.
That he can never be happy and the angst of his life is exaggerated to soap opera levels?
Harlequin was made after Spawn.
That's something even the fans and writers affectionately acknowledge.
This. Despite their apparent popularity, superheroes are actually a ridiculously niche genre that doesn't leave much room for growth. You're better off working with a different premise.
That's because you don't realize "superhero" is a macrogenre that absorbed other genres like scifi and crime.
Harley is a supervillain.