So...he cucked Blue Morpho, right?

So...he cucked Blue Morpho, right?

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No, he helped save his marriage.

And then he had the nerve to be ungrateful about it!

Probably, but I'm hoping that he actually did perform fertility experiments on Morpho's wife which in the end were worse than if he just cucked her

Wouldn't put it past him, Jonas is a total monster.

Depends. He could have fucked her. OR he could've just inseminated her with his sperm. Though I would probably lean on the former. Not really much for him to get out of from the latter. Not like he was interested in another son since he'd already had Rusty and had even cloned him once by that point.

He had a rusty clone and convinced them it was their son

He said he'd give his buddy a son, so he gave him a son.

Hold on.

What if Monarch is the real Rusty and Doc is a clone?

>What if Monarch is the real Rusty and Doc is a clone?

Monarch is most certainly not the real Rusty. Malcolm was born in 1969. Rusty had been a Boy Adventurer since the early 60s, and his clone (the Rusty we know now) came out of the test tube in 1965. So even Clone Rusty is four years older than Monarch.

They only perfected cloning technology after Rusty was an adult, Ben said as much in the Halloween special. But it's a plausible theory.

Rusty is pretty much confirmed for a clone in the Treaty Renegotiation episode.

Could be Rusty's one of if not the only lucky successful experiment before he, of all people, perfected the process.

best character coming in

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I love Brock in that episode. It's always fun when he's exasperated.


Yeah, doi. Oops. I like him being Rusty's clone too, though. But I mean, Jonas just flat out cucking Morpho is also funny.

That episode in general was just great. The heist set-up, the CopyCat twist, just a very comfy episode.

>Could be Rusty's one of if not the only lucky successful experiment before he, of all people, perfected the process.

Rusty wasn't a total success. He had a weird teratoma, which really shouldn't have been possible for a clone but whatever.

Sounds like something he would do, his dickishness knows no bounds.
Its a miracle Rusty is still alive.

Shit, you're totally right. Forgot all about JJ.

why do you think the show is called Venture Bros?

Hank and Dean arent the titular Venture Bros.

Malcom and Thaddeus are.

Technically he's not.

Its just awful that once again a bunch of characters are introduced just to be killed off.

>Blue Morpho goes to confront Jonas about their beef
>sound of bedsprings squeaking and muffled moans
>Ah, Don! I'm hard at work on your fertility experiment! Now is not a good time! Rust, get out of here! Dad is doing important work!

>ould be Rusty's one of if not the only lucky successful experiment before he, of all people, perfected the process.

Rusty didn't perfect the cloning process, Jonas and Ben did. Dunno why everyone thinks that. Ben clearly said that he and Jonas did it with absolutely no mention of Rusty.

Only Ram Burgler was confirmed dead.
I could've swore he said he worked with Rusty.

>I could've swore he said he worked with Rusty.

No, Ben said he and Jonas did.

>Only Ram Burgler was confirmed dead.
Which is a shame, because he was great. Takes quite a lot of strength to solo knock Brock Samson off his feet.

They say in the commentary that originally the stinger was going to be a where-are-they-now epilogue that revealed that Presto Change-O is still alive.

Hmm, so what do we make of Helper 2 implying Rusty is a clone?

Rusty dying is the reason that Jonas perfected cloning. That really painted Jonas as a more successful Rusty in every sense, but rather than having none of his shortcomings he's just better at hiding them. He's just as callous and fucked up about his life as Rusty but he's got a better poker face and track record.
Rusty is an out and out loser, you can call him on his shit and back him into a corner and atleast you'll undoubtedly know he's in the wrong. Meanwhile Jonas was lucky enough to be one of the most successful men of his time, you can't easily force him to be accountable for his mistakes.
And worse for Rusty that's what he grew up comparing himself to.

i hope Dot Comm is still alive, I ship her with Gary. She's tsundere for him.

Man, Jonas must have hated getting older. He grew more resentful and vindictive of Rusty as he became a teenager and could no longer play the part of boy adventurer, and a large part of his research was into finding immortal life, probably so he could be an adventurer forever. I imagine cloning Rusty was almost exclusively for keeping up appearances, as the great Jonas Venture had to have his sidekick Rusty. It's probably also why Jonas, acting as psychologist, called Rusty ungrateful. The boy adventurer life is all there is and should be.

Jonas would hate what has become of the world. He wanted to live in his adventure show fantasy forever.

rusty probably died several times on their little adventures like his sons.

We are probably on the Mark #14 by now

If anything, Jonas Jr might be a failed clone

>rusty probably died several times on their little adventures like his sons.

Nah. What's been clearly established is that Rusty had to survive everything. Granted, he died once, but everything else he's had to live through. He didn't get the "save point" treatment the Hank and Dean did. If he had, he wouldn't be the pill-popping mess of PTSD, inadequacy and premature ejaculation that he is today.

>If anything, Jonas Jr might be a failed clone
Nah, JJ was a side effect.

Rusty died once because jonas did make the perfect clone
Hank and dean keep dying because rusty can make them as well as his dad

Rusty being a clone would at least make sense of a lot of things like his being educated in the beds like his owns each time they die. Rusty not appearing to have a mother and being raised by Jonas alone. Jonas seems more like a ditch the unplanned pregnancy with the woman type.

The only reason that I didn't suspect Rusty to be a clone much earlier was the existence of Jonas Jr., which didn't make sense in the context of cloning. But I think they had Ben throw in a line about teratomas so it was accounted for.

How long could Shore Leave put up a fight against Aquaman?

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They heavily imply venture and monarch are related in the last episode

>heavily imply
Outright stating it is "heavily implying" to you?

By equipping the Boots of the Gospel, the Loin-Guarding Codpiece of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, and, of course, the Helmet of Salvation, whilst wielding the Shield of Fate and the Sword of the Spirit. Obviously.

Aquaman could never stand up to such magnificent neck craning.

Shoreleave I'm sorry

But user, that's not HELPeR

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>Jonas cucked Morpho
>JJ and Rusty both cucked Richard
>Dean cucked Hank
What is with the Venture men

Yes. And Jonas used his DNA to do it.
I'm probably wrong and overthinking it, I just feel like "And Jonas cucked Morpho" is too simple, some fucked up SCIENCE answer would be more interesting.

Malcom was in college the same time as Rusty was in college. We know Rusty was not a freshman when Pete talked about Malcom, but this still requires Rusty to be less than 3 years older than Malcom. Since we know Rusty never completed his undergraduate degree because Jonas died, it's even less likely Rusty was even as much as 3 years older than Malcom. The photograph of child Malcom and child Rusty together also implies less age seperation, even if that child Rusty was the final clone.

That doesnt mean Rusty entered college at 18. Especially when you consider the time period he could have even been as old as 30 when Malcolm was a freshman.

Isn't he?

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