I took a comic studies class at a West Coast university ama
pic related
I took a comic studies class at a West Coast university ama
pic related
Need the credits. Thought it'd be fun to study comics. Didn't realize how political everything became.
No, why the fuck is he holding the sandwich like that?
To get a reaction
to be a contrarian wank
What kind of comics did they talk about? What was the teachers background in comics?
Now do it with Guacamole and Jelly.
How bad was it?
>how political everything became
Avocado is fruit, so Guacamole is already the replacement for the jelly.
To replace the peanut butter, I recommend another legume. How about hummus?
The teacher's background was your typical academic that focuses on comics using postmodernist junk.
The material was roughly 70% classics and 30% stuff made by people the professor knew so he could sell their stuff and fly them out to talk to us.
Ditko Spiderman
Kirby F4
Morrison Superman
Dark Knight Returns
New shit:
Black Panther by David Walker
Wonder Woman (blanking on the author but he was bald and a freaking weirdo)
Imagine having a professor who was genuinely scared to actually discuss the subject matter. Just walking on eggshells and having discussion in as vague a manner as possible.
And the classroom was roughly 50% women who look like they permanently in a state of agitation and are just waiting for something to lash out at.
Yikes, it's all American capes. You didn't explore the medium at all, just two publishers and one genre in one country.
Also, please give Brian Azzarello more credit. His run on Wonder Woman was pretty good.
I don't care, just do it.
"The Thing was black because he was viewed as an outsider by society"
"Wonder Woman dismantles capitalism"
"The Human Torch was gay because reasons.."
"Peter Parker and Flash Thompson are gay because... they are catty with each other"
Well you just wasted your time with bullshit arguments when you can get those for free online.
I'm trying to save your life, user. A guacamole+hummus sandwich. Do you realize the power that this holds?
Did you ever run afoul of your fellow students or the professor? If so, what did you do?
>una pinche torta de frijoles con aguacate
Congratulations user, you finaly leveld up to mexican, now add some mayonaise and cheese, maybe some ham.
Napoleon was right, kill the intellectuals
you do know why he wanted to kill the intellectuals, right?
Because they are stupid fucks
Oh yeah I had that experience too. My class wasn't specifically comic books it was a general "Pop Culture" throwaway credits filler and it ended up being all about Marxism. Mind you this was way back in 2007 and it was already insufferable, I can't imagine how bad the state of academia is now.
The only time I ran afoul was with a neckbeard who overheard me having a cordial discussion with one of the GTF's and tried to "save" her from my "different opinion."
As far as the professor I he was cool and I genuinely feel bad for him. I think he got into comics with a genuine passion and has seen it get taken over by weirdos. We had to do a paper on criticism and I did mine on 'Ya boy Zack' and got an A.
Everything is Marxism now. Took a foreign language class and we literally learned how to talk about the merits of Socialism in the language.
“Some ideas are so stupid, only an intellectual would believe them”
George Orwell.
went to college in this same period, took a couple of comic classes, never had this problem.
Maybe it's a west coast thing. I hear soon we're gonna have to need to license to walk around with a penis.
It wasn't Azzarello, it was Rucka (had to look it up)
His talk was excruciating. 60 minutes of him doing that thing where you curse in front of students so they'll think you're cool, and talking about how unworthy he is for being a man, How he met Judith Butler and how she was so amazing to be around that he couldn't do anything but stare in amazement. How racist/sexist comics are. Etc.
Like, you hear about soi boys and you think there's no one that could actually be that confident in their own self-loathing, but yeah, that's Rucka. I'm pretty sure he would have cut his own dick off right there if a female student asked him to.
no, it was so no one would challenge his authority or act as a secondary source of thought.
It's to show /pol/ and sjw are governed by the same hand because they are equally npc
SJWs at least respect the environment and try to stop global warming. /pol/ believes that global warming is a hoax, because the only way to ally with politicians who hate diversity was to ally with politicians who hate the environment too.
oh shit. that's deep.
i would vote reublican every election if they weren't so anti-environment
When did Johnny Bravo interact with the Grape Ape
How can people comment on culture even the only thing in their years are fuck everyone who makes more than me and double fuck anyone who has less than le because they arent like me?
It must be so disgusting and horrible to live life like this not even the wordt incel at /r9k/ reaches that low
the environmentalist movement is about 200 years too late to turn the ship around. good luck all the same don quixote.
>SJWs at least respect the environment and try to stop global warming
They care about crushing industry in Western nations. Look up any list of the most polluted cities in the world and you won't find a single Western city on the list. If they cared about they environment that would mean telling Asians and brown people to stop polluting, which of course they can't or won't do.
because we don't control other countries.
Read Arne Næss. At this point it isn't for our benefit.
No they dont
Sjws probably pollute the most out of anyone with their apple phones they change every year and the metric ton of shit they consume not to mention they push for green legislation that more pften than not ends up polluting even more and are big chinese supporters with china being responsible for over 60% of world pollution and against nuclear power
Sjws are a Fucking joke and a cáncer to anything they touch
Tell that to the middle east
I still enjoy Rucka's work more often than not (even if his protagonists can blend together), but he is a truly massive douche.
no no no retard
Good point. Time to go vote Republican and convince myself that global warming is a chinese hoax, asbestos is a mafia hoax, and vaccines cause autism. Yay science!
>Dangerous creature that causes nothing but death and destruction
Maybe your teacher was onto something. He might be based and redpilled.
This has my experience with reading Capecomics in a political/pseudo-intellectual manner.
Profs are just trying to cypher the text, as comics are this alien thing they never read as kids. Students so clearly want to point out the “problematic” or “wokeness” of books meanwhile nerds (like me) make the mistake of trying to “gotcha” people who pretend like they read comics regularly when really there’s no point. Of course they’ve never read comics, almost nobody does.
Unless you’re having a one-on-one with Jim Rugg and Ed Piskor, you’re never gonna actually get in-depth learning or discussion.
>and against nuclear power
This is the only true part of your rambling paranoid insanity. Leftists aren't perfect, and it's a damn shame that they're still afraid of nuclear energy.
because this is just a /pol/ bait thread and OP is lying through his ass
>blanking on the author but he was bald and a freaking weirdo
Perez? My first thought was Morrison but he didn't write Wondy until recently.
> comics are political and always have been!
> no not that kind of politics stop this right now!
Hi, libtard here, also pro nuclear.
what did it mean by this
Might as well. Either one of those choices isn't going to affect the environment in any MEANINGFUL CAPACITY. Genuine apathy vs fake concerns.
Reminds me of ResetERa when they were bragging about FArCry 5 being political, up until they realised that it WASN'T demonising white people inherently.
I'm glad he can resist injecting his comics with that stuff. I'll enjoy his comics while I can before someone accuses him of pretending to be a feminist ally so he can prey on women and his career ends
why on earth would you take a class in america? they have some of the most incompetent curriculums in the word
so why do foreigners keep coming to our universities?