A complete reboot in DCEU are coming boys

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Who is this?

Might as well get it down before the snydertards rush in here whining about how deep their garbage is

>getting rid of billion-dollar grossing characters/actors who are immensely popular just as their franchises are getting started

Stop believing bullshit rumours Yea Forums

And where does Shazam fall into?

Nice autism OP. What else you got?

Can't believe they are making a Supergirl movie before fixing the Superman stuff. Guess they really want that Captain Marvel money?

While this is indeed likely bullshit, NEVER underestimate the sheer stupidity of Warner Bros. or their ability to shoot themselves in the foot.

Remember Arkham Knight. Always remember Arkham Origins.

Mark Hughes' scoops have always been bullshit

Don't compare Kara to Carol. Kara deserves better.

While OP is most likely bullshit the only DCEU movie that hit a billion did so by retconning or writing around everything established about its main character in BvS, it's already known Suicide Squad will get a soft reboot from Gunn and their original Superman and Batman already quit. Shazam is mostly self-contained, as was Wonder Woman. Whatever version of the DCEU we're left with in a couple years might as well be a reboot

This would be great if it were true but it's literally some twitter literal who.

>Captain Marvel money
I mean, they got WW84 coming up.

Perhaps, but don't be surprised if WB turns out to be that fucking stupid.

Recall that they were planning to do Flashpoint. Yeah, just go right ahead and shit on specifically the two characters who are making you bank. Fuck are these people on?

>While OP is most likely bullshit the only DCEU movie that hit a billion did so by retconning or writing around everything established about its main character in BvS
Aquaman directly follows the JL script. Mamoa said this.

Your tears

This should be an insta ban.

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>Mamoa said

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A better DC are coming to the theaters and you are mad with that?

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Didn't Mera mention Steppenwolf by name?

Oh there's no doubt WB is fucking stupid but I'm pretty sure Flashpoint was all Johns' idea just like how Aquaman and Shazam borrowed heavily from his books

>No Superman
Fuck this shit.
You give Batman another chance but can’t give one to Superman?

>DCucks seriously believe this
Yeah enjoy your "better" DC

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Some random asshole on Twitter isn't a viable source, stop taking every stupid rumor and twitter screen cap as fact

so I will have to wait something like 6 years until I even just get the potential chance to see a good, optimistic, inspiring and uplifting superman movie?
feel bad man.
in that case I hope all future DC movies fail horrible just so that we get the reboot sooner

Because WB is run by idiots who think that Superman doesn't work today.

>Hollywood LOOOOOOOOVES everyman characters
>refuse to do a straightforward Superman movie
I just can't understand.

He doesn't that's why they're sending him to CW

>so I will have to wait something like 6 years until I even just get the potential chance to see a good, optimistic, inspiring and uplifting superman movie?
No it's going to be much longer than that

>I just can't understand.
The problem is that the general public doesn't see Superman as an everyman character. The meme of Superman being some sort of all-powerful, invincible god who solves all conflict instantly in the blink of an eye without struggling has pervaded the general public consciousness for decades despite not having much basis in reality besides maybe a few years during the Silver-Age.

Yet Supergirl works?

>contracts eventually expire so then studios get new people

Whoaaaa quite the scoop! Thanks OP

No. Truthfully none of the DC characters work except for Batman because he's human and even then he's an expert martial artist, world's greatest detective, billionaire, speaks every language ever, and all sorts of other total bullshit that makes him ridiculously overpowered

Probably in the old DCEU.
Cavill's Superman exists in the setting, same as Batman, Aquamomoa and WW.

I'm guessing theyr'e aiming for a Prime Earth/Earth-2 kind of fuckery.

>all powerful god blah blah
Like, people are generally aware that Clark was raised by farmers, right? He's a nice guy because he was brought up on super idealized mid-western values.

Fuck the Jesus allegories. I unironically want to watch Superman rescuing kittens and helping old ladies cross the street.

Well if true it probably won't happen for some time. At any rate, I'd be happy to see a new Flash and Superman

Attached: Superman poster.jpg (1107x1680, 170K)

>Fuck the Jesus allegories. I unironically want to watch Superman rescuing kittens and helping old ladies cross the street.
I want to see him actually interacting normally with regular pedestrians as he's flying around, doing his patrols, just to make simple conversation with them and to actually flirt with Lois Lane in a sexy, relatable way.

>Mark Hughes

>Aquaman directly follows the JL script.
Then why the fuck would the scene where he goes to Atlantis in JL be retconned in Aquaman?

Is this image a failed meme? What is it even supposed to represent? Why is The Kitchen so big when it's a Verdigo thing anyway?

it's bullshit in the way that there's no "universe", old or new
they'll keep making movies from the previous franchises if they make money and keep making new movies and go with what works

>he can't recognize ladderbro's autistic ramblings

And that idea became so ingrained in the public consciousness because there was an extremely successful Superman movie made at the height of his Silver Age wackiness. A character's identity in the comics doesn't actually inform the way that the general public thinks of them: It's their appearances in other media that have more mainstream success. So a Superman movie that actually portrays him as a "good yet normal man with great power and a heavy burden" would be exactly what's needed to fix a lot of his public image issues.

Exactly. Fuck all this shit, just make a Superman movie that actually humanizes him (and in an actually humanizing way, and not that borderline sociopathic, personality disorder "humanizing" shit Snyder was doing). Superman can be a god without being all-powerful and while still showing plenty of human emotion.

This is why DC will never succeed in the movies as an extended universe. If you are going to reboot reboot the whole damn thing. Don't do this weird soft rolling reboot.

>A complete reboot in DCEU are coming boys

at least it will be faithful to the comics

Margot was beloved. Why recast her?

About 11 years too late to matter.

Getting rid of your actual successes and restarting is just stupid enough i can buy it

>DC movies a decade ago
>DC movies now

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