Moments where the internet was wring

This.. So much this.

They're QA session was pretty clear about Hal being the winner

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kuro the artist dilated so fucking bad he won't respond anymore.

Poor Zoomers, all these years of hyping up Ben as invincible and we see Hal stomp him.

Quit shilling this crappy YouTube channel here, thanks.

The only thing wrong is you're spelling, Benfag

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Hey remember that time Rainbow Dash won against Starscream?

I think they mean how people reacted to it and the seething, not the battle. They know Hal would win

There's literally nothing sadder than the gloating about this.

Like, you are fans of an 80 year old property written for 45 year old men gleefully bragging about fanfiction where your "hero" beat a literal child from a 20 year old cartoon made for 7-11 year olds.
Jesus Christ is this ever sad.

Dilate more.

>t. Kuro

Stop making Ben 10 vs Green Lantern threads

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>makes a composite Ben 10
>he would still get raped vs a composite Hal
lmao he so fucking mad


Why did this make people so unbelievably assravaged? The last time a death battle caused this much REE was Tifa vs. Yang.

When people said Ben 10 used to be the Naruto of the western cartoons they meaned it.


one day for each alien.

GL's can travel through time?
I thought only The Flash and maybe Superman could do that

yes. they always use composite characters

get over it god damn



We'll be stuck here for months then

In the Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan, Tom Kamalku used Hal’s ring to time travel to stop Hal from attacking Oa

Wait, so if they used Green Goblin, they'd somehow magically include his Ultimate Comics self and its ability to turn into a horned Hulk with fireballs?

>HEAT is back
This fight was a mistake

>Kuro the cuck

Because people over 21 who watch children's cartoons are often unstable manbabies. Real easy to screw with.
DBZtards, ponyfaggots, Murakami Titans fanboys (look at what TTG did to them), Steven Universe rockfuckers, etc. They're all the same deep down.

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>they'll never do a QA session for Toph vs Gaara

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tell me more

Is he still alive? Last I saw of him was the Phantom Ring fucking up his emotions.
>tfw I just now realized the joke is that it's the ultimate mood ring

Aren't you supposed to be in right now?

I watched the video despite not really caring about Death Battle and I don't see what all the fuss is about. It was a pretty even fight.

I feel like GLs get underestimated a lot just because of how many of them there are. Each one of them are more powerful than any Avengers member, including Thor.

Incorrect, watch superman vs goku 2

Even G'Nort?

they had to nerf Superman in that fight and he still fucking won.

I don't know what that is except weeb for black.
Why don't you be more of a eunuch? Oh wait, not possible.

I’m saying they disqualified Silver Age feats for being complete bullshit

>Moments where the internet was wring
Your post for starters

They just wanted to give Goku a fair shot.

You know everything I said was true.

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Admit Green Lantern could never win

Nah lanterns can time travel normally. Guardians placed a ban on doing it since it fucks things up. but the basic ability is there

Not him, but if somebody calls you a tranny you probably don't want to turn the conversation to their own genitals. It reinforces their point

So why didn't Hal just turn back time and stop Henshaw from destroying Coast City instead of flipping out and turning evil?

because he turned that plan into going back in time and rewriting all of existence only better. Then people stopped him

I am not asshurt.

I keep on digging at how writers keep on boosting hal jordan.

In canon, Hal is an immortal god of will that create anything from nothing, and that time travel whatever he wants that can potentially break speed force barrier.

Also, he isn't human anymore.

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>I'm right and you're wrong!
No. Stay out of Yea Forums, Yea Forumssnob.

So he is a composite one off form. You can't actually believe DC is gonna keep Hal more powerful than the rest of the JL for any length of time.

No they can't. When lanterns could do that they were also weak to yellow. Stop making shit up to wank Hal.

Yea yea, and Kyle is the god of life in the multiverse, while Guy is capable of fistfighting a giant monster that can brawl with Mongul.

>So he is a composite one off form. You can't actually believe DC is gonna keep Hal more powerful than the rest of the JL for any length of time.

Oh they will. Is dc universe still going to fight a writer or a cosmic pencil?

>Yea Forums
Snobbery implies trying to be classy and they invented "leSneed XD", they have no concept of class.
Regardless, you can't deny the fact that people who watch cartoons in their 20s and 30s aren't all there.

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Where do you think we are? Comics aren’t exactly the pinnacle of art either

>In canon, Hal is an immortal god of will that create anything from nothing, and that time travel whatever he wants that can potentially break speed force barrier.
>Also, he isn't human anymore.

That's Alan Scott.

>Comics aren’t exactly the pinnacle of art either
Granted, but comics never did us any specific harm, unlike cartoons did with

>That's Alan Scott.

No, some anons inform me that his natural state is a ball of willpower.

One autistic fandom of a shitty show does not make up fans of cartoons. Even fans of cartoons can't stand them.

That gave me a chuckle.

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Yeah. It’s true. His ring is his goddamn power limiter now.

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Whoop there it is

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/mlp/ only harms mentally ill autists like barneyfag and makes them angry just by existing.

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Hal turned into willpower but Alan is made of a big fucking ball of magic

One off
One off
One off
One off
One off

Is this all the shit you Halfags have?

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Willpower and Magic are the same.


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Still more that your bennyboy.

I'm loving this.

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>Jake Long vs Danny Phantom has been confirmed
What the fuck is a guy that can only transform himself in a dragon do to a ghost?

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Ben casually recreated the entire Universe dumbasses. Hal Jordan gets wrecked by Superman everytime they fucking fight.

>t-they're one-offs
>retorts with a panel from when the Justice League first met
>implying Superman wouldn't crush Ben too

One off

The salt! BWA HA HA HA!

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Current Superman almost lost to Doomsday dumbass
>"H-Hal was new it doesnt count!"
Yes One Off. Hal doesn't have parallax powers or time travel.

DC zeroes are the most inconsistent beings in fiction. What a fucking joke.

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Current Superman is literally Post-Crisis and New 52 combines, dumbass.

Always fun when someone who does not read comics, or even a wiki likes to pretend they know things

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They sure consistently win.

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It hasn't been confirmed yet
Ben's just considering it more now that he knows Jake's fire harms ghosts

So if you are using that version of Hal that means Hal is weak to Yellow.

Dearly reminder that pic related is fucking invincible.

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What is blatant DC bias?

The heroes win, the villains lose. That’s how fiction goes.

hope not, Jake doesn't stand a chance.

In DB both sides are heroes

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>implying Doomsday wouldn't eat most of the Ben 10 universe for breakfast
You keep saying stupid shit
>>"H-Hal was new it doesnt count!"
Yeah that's how that works. Besides, if we count all the times the two fuck up Ben loses even harder


There was that time Rogue beat Wonder Woman early on

not in the DCU.

Aged like milk even back then and wouldn't fly especially since the research team promotion

I want to see them do more of this

That was Venditti's run and it's thrown out of the window because of Morrison.

Really? FUCK. I’ve only read the first two trades of Hal and Pals.

>A shitty youtube powerlevel video between a dumb comic character and a children's cartoon show causes this much butthurt.

Yea Forums is a magical place.

DC fags for 70 years now run entirely on
>Nuh uh! MY hero is the mostest powerfulest ever! No one can defeat him ever evers because he is too powerful!!!!

And this includes shit as retarded as Batman vs Galactus (which is not too different from this scenarios here)

I was angry as well, because it gave us a few good chances for nice stories. But you know Morrison. He'll take a character, write a story (good or bad) and then that will become the DEFINITIVE STORY that everyone will see that.

>having the power of two suns actually means shit when the characters have universal feats
This kind of shit is why DC doesn't sell and no one takes it seriously.

Same Hal that died to a bar of fucking soap.


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Good fuck all the GL wank. Hal doesn't deserve to be stronger than Superman and Flash. Flash should always be the most powerful leaguer at his best with Superman and MMH being the most powerful consistently.

And this is supposed to be impressive when fighting someone who can make as many suns as they want any time they wish?

Ben 10 universe is bigger and more powerful than DCs.

>composite Hal
Stop doing this shit DCucks.

they ALWAYS use composite characters you fucking cuck. Most VS threads online use composite characters.

GL wasn’t rebooted by The New 52, retard. Volume 1 of the New 52 picks up right where War of the GL’s left off. Same with Rebirth.

lol no
DC now has gone far beyond Multiversal levels
There's Metaverse and higher shit going on now

Composite Hal would be giving him Parallax, Necron, a Mother Box, Spectre powers, etc

Bullshit that is NOT how it works
And they need to stop doing this shit since it only ever benefits DC zeroes.

Mean for

You do know kryptonians get more powerful the more yellow sunlight they have right?

It kinda is how it works...

Than how come Rebirth Superman is getting his ass handed to him by Doomsday and the Eradicator?

DC fags seem to really miss this concept. Standard regular aliens are almost entirely superpowered in the Ben 10 universe. Almost everyone as a species is a near unkillable superpowered powerhouse. DC has only a very small few and only have powers under very specific special circumstances. While a major police force still keeps the peace among all of them.


They don’t know how Kryptonians work.

Its retarded as fuck that because Zod looked at two suns now he is a threat on a universal level. Once again this is why DC doesn't sell and shit like MHA continues to humiliate it.

you do know Alien X can unwrite any and all krpytonians if they want?

That was Superbro retard.

Maybe that's more of an example of how weak DC is overall if things from there can fuck up multiple dimensions and no one can do anything about it.

A majority of Ben's aliens are below the shit Hal faces

Fucking this.

Annodites alone would be the single biggest OOC threat in the whole DC universe that no one wold be able to do shit about. And they are not even a major power in the Ben 10 universe.

And Ben struggles with fucking Nyancy Chan

The wiki says they’re weak to magic. JLD stomps.

No it wasn't ass wipe. Face it DC is fucking inconsistent as fuck even under the same writer let alone different ones. A DC hero is only as powerful as the plot requires him to be.

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DCfags need to gloat every chance they can they're they're shitty fictional universe is losing in every other metric.

Glad Green Lantern can beat Ben 10 totally more worth while than having a competant cinematic universe or comic book run.

>dc doesn't sell
In reality, the only medium where Marvel's winning is movies.
Injustice 2 > MvCI
Bamham > Spiderp
>Live Action TV
Marvelshit got kicked off Netflix while the Arrowverse
Sales wax and wane between both companies, but DC hasn't been tainted by Tumblr bullshit
Every Marvel cartoon ranges from boiling shit to mediocre at best, DC's animated shit has been a staple of TV for years

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This is bait isn't it?
Isn't the League facing a multiversal threat now?

That was Pre-Superman Reborn Superman.

It's weird that there never was this level of asshurt when Goku got his assbeat by Superman, TWICE. It's good to know that at least my fellow Gokufags aren't this autistic.

*while the Arrowverse goes on strong

If it was Ben vs Superman, it would've lightened the blow
Everyone knows how broken Clark is
Nobody knows how broken Hal is and he's seen as B-List

It's called Asian Fever.

I think the difference is most Gokufags can at least acknowledge that Superman is strong as fuck whereas I doubt many benfags are all that familiar with GL outside of the JL cartoons.

He was but decided why stop there, I can remake the universe so Coast City will never die.

But the Alien X is anti Superman. If he could destroy the universe with the suns wouldn't Superman lose all his powers?

How many examples do you need?

Despite totally winning 200% in tv animation, direct release animated movies, video games, every merchandise tie-in imaginable, and all culture wars combined?

People will still know who Superman and Batman are long LOOONG after all have completely forgotten who the fuck Iron Man, Ben 10, or anime is.

>Pre-Superman Reborn Superman
And? Post was getting his ass handed to him by the Eradicator

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That’s Cyborg-Superman

Hal is a retarded d_List at best moron who makes green boxing gloves and has nothing but shitty showing after shitty showing for decades.

But put him in a cartoon vs and somehow BazzingaFags come out of the woodwork to claim he is the mostest powerfuest character ever and stronger than 10 Dr Who's turned Supersaiyan.

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Hal’s gone back to using the Abin ring, likely because using the willpower ring is taxing as fuck. He should still be able to summon it in a pinch.

He wouldn't know he's powered by sunlight
Switching to Grey Matter or Brainstorm to figure it out would be unviable since he'd get speedstomped

Nah. Being cut off from the sun puts Superman's powers on a timer. And that timer is usually long enough to hit Ben as hard as he possibly can.

>Half a Superman struggles against a guy that beat up Darkseid.

You don’t say? Dilate more.

t. Johnfag

>People will still know who Superman and Batman are long LOOONG after all have completely forgotten who the fuck Iron Man is
Imagine being this delusional, your shit bag Superman can't even make a billion dollars at the box office.

Mostly this

There has never been any such thing as a decent showing of a green lantern in any medium in any format for 50 years. He makes green things out of light, that's it. Green boxing gloves, green bubbles, green cars. Nothing amazing. In every incarnation of the Justice League, in his own cartoon, his own movie, and any teamup in all animated direct release movies, Green Lantern is marginally above Hawkman or Robin in usefulness. He exists to make green bubbles and fly the more useful heroes to the fight. Anyone with even a tiny amount of superstrength can punch right through anything he makes and every green fist is basically glass when used on any super durable opponent.

Yet somehow now we are supposed to believe he can casually time travel, has access to speed force, large green fists can all of a sudden *not* shatter against a kryptonian, he can rewrite universes, and affect magic. Despite....never doing anything remotely like this ever in any form at all. There is nothing to back any of these claims up because it has never happened before. None of it is real.

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>implying the same wouldn’t happen to Ben.

Ever since Carnage lost to some anime waifu, I have not been able to take this shit seriously as much anymore...

I always took green lantern to be the most worthless JLU member. He made bubbles and shot lasers at people. Even Hawkgirl had ten times more utility than that. Her mace actually harmed tougher guys like Mongul. Green Lantern was just laser guy that acted tough and was usually the first one taken out.

Remember, even a shitshow like Teen Titans Go is more relevant than any Marvel cartoon
And it took them ages to make a game remotely as popular as the Arkham series
Keep your movies, Mousecuck, it's all you got

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>When more people around the world know who Robin and Beast Boy are than Captain America, Thor, or Iron Man

When did he say that?

Gardner Fox alone had him accidentally turn Pie into a bird when he dreamed while wearing the ring, absorb the JLA’s powers from Amazo and redistribute them, time travel, dimension travel, contain Ultraman and the CSA, contain Superman, convert himself into negative radiant energy to enter and kill a space god, and that’s just off the top of my head.

He was only pew pew laser man in the cartoons, which is all you know him from because you’re a cartoon fag and that’s all the media you consume.

It's nice we agree Ben should have won
DCkeks always rely on their conposites, silver ageshit/pre-crisis and outliers
Its not fair!

Would you all shut the fuck up about some retarded fanfic.

always amazes me how DCfags love to roll out the silver age silly shit that even they are embarrassed to have put to paper decades ago and actively pretend never happened.

What are you talking about?
Silver Age is dope

Only mean shit if its only happened once

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>"It's an outlier!"
>"BAAAAAW, he doesn't use that move in every story, it doesn't count!"
It's a non-argument cooked up by a collective of salty weeaboos who ran out of comebacks.
Fuck off. If it happened and it wasn't retconned, it counts.
>n-no we should average out their feats and anti-feats!
These are power levels, not football stats, ya lousy nerd

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GL already won.

>Benniggers hype up Alien X
>Ben’s lease used transformation
Is Alien X an outlier?

Silver Age was legit the best time.

Superman survived a supernova with no injuries. How the fuck is Doomsday hurting clark? Does he punch harder than a supernova? If so why is the planet intact? DC is bullshit and the writers are hacks

Really? Did someone tweet him the cuck pic?

>Where’s the explosion?
Why would you not transfer as much kinetic force into the target as possible?

I hope so.

You know how DBZ guys can blow up planets with a single beam but have terrestrial fights where only a few rocks break?

Like that. Exactly like that.

if you keep defeating universal-level beings then eventually it stops being an outlier.
The strongest person Alien x defeated was another celestialsapien. Hal has beaten entities just as strong and even stronger fairly consistently.
Dials, motherfucker.

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False equivalence.
Bad writing

Except Green Lantern doesn't do this ever. Superman stop the big huge threats to the universe and you fags are running on
>Superman defeats giant space god
>Green Lantern theoretically can defeat Superman
>Therefore Green Lantern is more powerful than giant space god!!!!

Every part of your argument is retarded

How is it a false equivalence?

See It’s not our fault you’re casual as fuck.

glad we had this thread

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It’s having and will have. No had about it.

what's up with the grammar nazis itt?

>Benfags still seething saying he should be unbeatable

Just chuck him at Demonbane and watch him get even more blown up

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God he's such an ugly super robot.

Playing him in UX was like watching a pet rock fight. The dual gun attack WAS cool though.

He was going to, but he was Parallax at the time so he decided to go full crazy with the time fuckery.

Ben can always use Alien X, barring some "malfunction"(usually him slamming the selection without looking as of OV's model) so it's not an outlier.

Hal was a weird mesh of feats, a number of which he never did, with weaknesses from the era of those feats removed.

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Cursed image

He wasn't. He was actually beating the Eradicator while inside a Phantom Zone like bubble, until Cyborg Supes sucker punched him. Supes was blind and he was able to take on Zod, Eradicator and Cyborg Supes as well.

How many times has Ben made a universe? One-off. Ben holding a Big Bang? One-off.

Post characters who could kill Hal and Alien x is under 10 seconds

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>Barring some malfunction
>Like never ever picking it

>Hal has a weird mesh of feats
He's been consistent as fuck since Geoff Johns and that was years ago. Morrison had him destroy a sun-eater (the things that eat galaxies so dangerous the LOSH had to team up with the Fatal Five to kill just ONE) by overloading it with energy and containing a universe destroying bomb.

And this was him powered down by using Abin's ring and not his willgod ring.

He's on the same team as Superman and Flash for a damn good reason.

What other weird characters does VS Battle wiki rank as ominisupercrunkoversal plus?

Didn't he got amped by the Central battery when dealing with the universe bomb?

I'm a fan of both series, I know basically all of Hal's biggest feats besides ones from the mid 1900's. I'm saying that they've taken actions like time travel from an era where he was weak to yellow without keeping those kind of weaknesses. And Hal tends to get cucked in JL battles, though I think the vast majority of writers tend to undersell him. The Ben they're using is just a downplayed OV Ben with sprites from OS. Agree with the results or not, GL is a composite in their fight which is how they usually do things anyways.

Alien X is just annoying for Ben to deal with. If he uses the watch and selects it he'll get it. And just for the record Ben used aliens like Whampire less times than Alien X. He still has access to Whampire's powerset and can become him if he wants.

They routed reserves, but how much he needed them is up for debates. And it’s not as if Hal can’t overcome guardian restrictions on the central battery to use it whenever he wants.

That’s something DB didn’t bring up, likely to soften the blow for Benfags. The dude outwilled Ion and overwrote the guardian safeguards on his ring.

And you know, the time he killed everyone and took the battery.

If he wanted to he could just will Ion to merge with him.

Hal’s ring can time travel during post crisis as seen in this shit.

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Sora from Kingdom Hearts. Or at least solar system level.

I don't fucking even understand this shit

All of Hal’s best feats are post Crisis and he can time travel post to.

What the fuck is this “muh composite” bullshit?

Their thinking goes

>Scary trench coat man absorbed the power of the big heart at the center of the multiverse

>This makes him omniversal even if the most we see him do is shoot disco lights.

>Sora beats him

>So Sora can punch a universe out

>humans can't even understand what's going on in their own seas

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Superman realistically should lose to reality warping.

Hal has shown that it wasn’t just the gauntlet that let him make his will ring, it was him. He might be using Abin’s ring now but he should still be able to manifest it like he did against Sinestro.

Hal is like Barry and Superman. He usually operates at a level far below what he can do if you piss him off because at heart the three guys are policemen and scientists (or in Barry’s case a police scientist) and not soldiers.

But once he gets serious reality breaks around him.

>Benfags absolutely SEETHING in the comments
This does bring a smile to my face.

Isn't that evil hal?

It’s a coin flip whether reality warping works on him or not. Curiously, the more meta an attack is the less likely it is to effect him. If you reality warp him into having cells that reject sunlight you win. If you try to change the contents of his over-narrative (hollowmen, that evil imp from Action Comics, Retconn from Doom Patrol, Vandal Savage’s Hypertime trap, Dr. Manhattan) he flexes against it or outright no sells it.

When it comes to using reality warping against Superman, less is more.

It is, but Hal also gave a good aspect of himself and Pie time travel abilities to oppose him.

Long story. The point is post Crisis lanterns can still time travel. Kyles also time traveled.

Why aren't they using time travel all the time?

Why did the guardians give the lanterns time machines? Why does time travel have anything to do with willpower? How do they even learn to control time? If they can't stop a super guy from punching through their green wall?

Technically Ben won in one timeline, the one where Hal ran away from like a little fucking bitch. So Ben won.

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nah man, they covered that by saying the animations aren't supposed to be a representation of the real fight. Hal won because he has better stats.

>Why aren't they using time travel all the time?
The same reason the flash doesn’t auto win against every villain he fights. Because plot.

I think Parallax Hal was omitted for good reason, or they'd have cited it(especially in the Q&A). Maybe I'm overestimating Celestialsapiens but I put them over Parallax regardless, I'm just specifically talking about time travel feats.

Alien X rewrote time first because Hal was gonna kill him

I like how a thread of shitposting virgins came up with a better ending than the guys who are paid to write this garbage.
>Hal sees that the omnitrix works by rewriting genetic info.
>Hal rearranges Ben's dna to force him back into his human state, uses the ring to lock him in that state.

Not Parallax. That boy with the white streak is Hal’s ring. Tom Kamalku,(Asian guy) Hal’s best friend used the ring to time travel.

>Why aren't they using time travel all the time?
Guardians put limits on time traveling for the obvious reasons.

If the obvious reasons elude you, see Flashpoint.


That was my suggestion! I was that shitposting virgin better than the DB writers!

Wait, what issue was this?


It is stupid to even put in the ring, and to give it random people in the universe.

when will DB stop wanking and using composite versions of DC characters?

likely only when they change writers

Sure, Halfag.

DB cast are lazy fucks, they don't care

>Random people
Random people can't even muster enough will to operate a power ring.

It's true you retard. Go see their QA

Post good ideas for future death battles
Belmont battle royale
He-man vs Superman or Thor
Goku vs Sunwukong
Piccolo vs Martian manhunter

>Modern Hal can do everything retro Hal can do
>Modern continuity (Doomsday Clock 11) shows that inhabitants of the metaverse are the same characters they always were

A composite would be fusing Hal with Super Friends Hal or DKR Hal.

They didn't use a composite.

Dilate some more Kuro.

Joseph Joestar vs Batman

Doomsday Clock 10

>Piccolo vs Martian manhunter
That's an even bigger stomp than Goku vs. Supes

We already know who wins the Belmont BR, it’s either Julius or Richter leaning towards Richter because he’s canonically the strongest.

>same characters
Seems like someone doesn't even understand their own comics. If Hal was even half as strong as you said he was, Blue dick won't as easily defeates him.

>more views than Q&A
>Q&A has more dislikes
>Kuro's vid has more likes than Q&A's likes and dislikes combined
I guess over time more and more people started to see the light. Alien X was misrepresented by Deathbattle so it took some time, but now it's just HEAT diehards left over.

>Belmont battle royale
Solid idea. They really need to do a Robin battle royal first though. That's been a no-brainer for years.

If they put him against Superman they better point out that both of them have astronaut mommies. I kind of want to see He-Man fight an Ultraman though. Seven maybe.

>Goku vs Sunwukong
Really depends on how they interpret Sunwukong's feats. I'm starting to feel bad for Goku though. Can they feed Saitama to Goku instead?

Naw. That's a brainlet tier matchup. MM needs to fight either Professor X in a psychic duel or Captain Planet.

So, did they explain why they didn't use any of Man of Action statements for Alien X?

Animation does matters, also Alien X would've followed Hal to the past.

You do remember that in order to do that Ben needs to have lengthy with those two faces inside Alien X, or was that changed? Haven't been keeping up with Ben 10 for a while

Blue Dick is currently hypertime level and Mr. Mxy was terrified of him. He killed Metron. He's quite possibly even more powerful than Perpetua at this point.

Him being stronger than Hal doesn't mean Hal isn't stronger than Failure X.

I don't know how this would go. Hopefully not a mismatch against Dormammu. I don't know the characters by their comics because I don't read comics but I like the two a lot (from MvC and Teen Titans).

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Why piccolo? Why not sentry?

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Compare the dislikes to total views.

A small vocal minority does not represent the views of the majority.


Lazy hacks.

> I'm starting to feel bad for Goku though.
Yeah, he got his shit kicked in twice in both GvS videos. Though what version of Superman did they pit him against anyways?

He can convince them to give him temporary control while they bicker.

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Goku Black and one of the many versions of an Evil Superman

Green Lantern Legacy: Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan

>Man of Action
"Failure X is not omnipotent."

>Twitter artist
>"Failure X is omnipotent"

Guess which one they went with you retard?

That still takes time, even if only a few seconds.


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they need more backlash.

Richter has the worst track record of the high end Belmonts, considering there are belmonts with double his Dracula kills

They put him against post crisis mainline Superman the first time and I believe Superbro the second.

Their words were that if you ask a creator a question and they give an answer it doesn't really count and a lot of it is made up on the spot. I don't actually think that's a horrible viewpoint, but in this case MOA laid out some pretty pre-calculated answers and it was far from being off the cuff(though they swapped omniscience with omnipotence if you read all their questions).

For these videos(Q&A and Q&A Debunk) Kuro has more views. Obviously the actual DEATHBATTLE will get more viewers since, as everyone knows, animations matter.

More for the aestetic

>Random people can't even muster enough will to operate a power ring.

Are you acting stupid?

I want to say it was a WoG thing but I’ll have to search for it a bit.

Actually really good matchup I could see going either way.

What's the tier list for Belmonts?

None. Because they said didn't even acknowledge that Alien X can only be killed by a omniversal level attack.

Sure. But I don't see Hal damaging him conceivably in that amount of time or at all. Of course DB thinks Celestialsapiens aren't too powerful, but even then Hal would likely have to go HNNNAAARRRGGGH BEWARE MY POWERRRRRR to damage him, which also takes some seconds.

Hal might have enough hax to get into Alien X and defuse them(doubt it) but he doesn't have that cosmic awareness.

Post Crisis the first time, Superbro the second.

Ben gave some thought to a third against Superbro but backed out when Rebirth happened and literally made Superman a composite.

>Attacks strong enough to defeat Mandrakk and 7 entities Krona
That's not omniversal?

One got spanked by a black hole. What was the exact quote they said about "Alien X can only be killed by an omniversal attack."

I thought they never actually used the term omniverse outside the title of that one show?

Worse. The event is retconning fucking normalass humans to have always been one half (and implicitly, the more important half) of a new breed of cosmic supersoldier army designed by the Monitor Bros’ mom to /take on the fucking Source/

After looking into it there’s no clear cut statement, in SotN Richter is described to be supreme among vampire hunters but it isn’t clear if it just means at the moment or not, the English manual states that each generation of Belmont is stronger than the last and I think Julius also has a supreme among vampire hunters description somewhere, he also destroyed part of Dracula’s castle with his Grand Cross.

Sheer power is likley
Julius then Richter then Simon
Considering Julius got the full kill on dracula

Humans were always super special in DC. They're destined to become the 5th World. It's like the opposite of Marvel where humans are just scum and mutants are the super special awesome people with all the potential.

Wrong again. Like read your shit properly. He's at most multiversal and the reason he can affect so much was because he was affecting a universe that can affect the whole multiverse. Basically he affects the metaverse by changing the main DC universe. Other meta characters especially from Marvel such as Gwenpool can easily beat Dr. Manhattan. While multiversal Hal with enough will can at the very least provide more resistance. But we see he can't because Hal isn't multiversal.

That's multiversal.

Ness vs John Egbert

It wasn't a black hole, it was a cosmic anomaly created by a Celestialsapien. ScrewAttack labels it as a black hole. The creators say it requires someone of equal power to damage them like that, ergo Hal can't hurt them.

And it's stupid for Alien X to ever be on the defensive in these scenarios. He could make a perfect clone of himself, or a couple thousand. Hal has never displayed the feats to instant blitz someone with such massive power outbursts simultaneously in multiple areas. Then every Alien X could wipe him. His wipe is stronger than Anti Monitor's, but if we want to use lantern tanking feats surviving one left them all with severely low ring energy. Alien X could just do it again.

Oh not this shit again. Fuck off with your stupid vs battle fanfic terms.

People that actually write stories use omniverse and multiverse to mean the same fucking thing.

That’s a bit weird

Wait wait Sun Eaters eat GALAXIES now? Okay, so I know the one Superman was caring for in All-Star was a baby but how the FUCK did the JL stake down Starbreaker/Luciphage in their most recent bout with some b listers draining his energy when he’s supposed to be an adult of their species?

Hardly, Alien X vs Alien X is a higher dimensional battle. But nice headcanon, user.


I cant wait to see them use a Homestuck character. It won't reach Ben 10 or Goku levels if they lose, but it'll be pretty close. Maybe have them fight a Touhou.

>At most multiversal
>Brings back Flashpoint to destroy it in front of Batman for the Lols
>Kills Metron
>Kills Pandora
>Kills Zoom and makes him cry that he's seen god
>Cucks magic
>Cucks Dr. Fate
>Makes a 5D imp run away from him in fear

They actually don't.

>Being anything more than Quentin's cumsock
Cool headcanon bro. Gwen got BTFO by Deadpool and cried.

Yes multiversal. All of those are multiversal feats. 5D imps are not known for their meta prowess. We see this in World's Funniest where they were weirded out when entering a world resembling ours.

Did they ever explain why Billion Dollar Bates has the whole fucking Anti Life Equation in his head?

>not Ness vs Chara

Who the fuck if John Egbert?

>Someone of equal power
So Hal or anyone that can make a big black hole. Right.

Even the Ben 10 wiki calls it a black hole.

It was a black hole user. Just accept it.

>Hal has never displayed the feats to instant blitz someone
Speed Force Jet

>His wipe is stronger than Anti-Monitor's
Ben has killed 0 multiverses. AM killed 00 multiverses. You do the fucking math.

>Sun Eater's eat galaxies now?
Literally from their first appearance user where Ferro Lad died to kill one. Pic related.

>Most recent bout with Starbreaker
They jobbed him horrible. Silver Age Starbreaker needed the JLA to literally channel the goodness of mankind through a magic spell cast by Sargon the Sorcerer to beat him.

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Is current main timeline Hal without any bullshit composite feats mixed in, stronger than Omniverse Ben?



Why doesn’t Ben use Alien X or Clockwork all the time? Plot

Please keep Touhou out of this, it's far too vague and good for any meaningful powerlevel discussion.

Sonny Sumo also had the ALE in his head. Shiloh had the Life Equation in his head. These manifestations are the early rumblings of mankind's cosmic ascension.

I think you're vastly overselling characters that break the 4th wall.

She-Hulk can bitch to John Byrne all she wants, she taps out easy in a fight against Wonder Woman.

Yes. His greatest feats are from Final Crisis and onward and he had a slew of them during Venditti's run from BTFO himself as Parallax to flying a speed force singularity jet.


user Gwenpoole’s chicanery was overcome by Dr. Doom without him having to become omnipotent

Also doesn’t Mxy have that one page where he talks to the reader about who’s actually imaginary, once crushed he whole multiverse into nothing until Bat-Mite kind of showed up and reached through the panels to attack Supes that one time?

If we’re using general imp feats then the thing that ended up eating Hellmachine in Multiversity was apparently an imp too. Even if Harbinger helped by vibrating the multiverse or whatever and the Marvels helped by throwing shit that’s still damn impressive when 5 Gentry bitched Nix Uotan and the imp had been seen earlier near the Ultima Thule raising the possibility it was actually hunting for shit to eat

Split timeline.

Why is the goodness of mankind so wanked and OP, this is bullshit, the goodness of mankind must be the writers’ waifu to keep beating all my favourite concepts

I bet even Aquaman can kill ben

That wasn't full potential Gwen. Future Gwens is easily more powerful.

>Switches to anything but Alien X
>Get speed blitz by a FTL bolt of antimatter

Touhou is awful weebshit and you are an awful person for liking it.

To be fair, Hellmachine had to be speared by the Marvel family before the 5D imp (I headcanon it as Batmite wanting to help since he's always seemed like the nicest imp) eats him.


The goodness of mankind defeating giant evil gods represents how societal obligations defeat selfish desires.

And what did future Gwen do?

That includes him controlling Nekron right? Easily

>two halves of the fucking Source itself are just immature forms of humanity beginning to awaken it’s full potential

Is DC just a stealth prequel to the Cthulhu Mythos

here, argue with this guy

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>killing anything
This is why nobody takes DCucks seriously

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show a ugandan villager superman and he will know who it is. iron man not so much.

But Present Gwen beat Future Gwen, and both of them are explicitly running on limited...narrative, I suppose.

Having limited narrative kind of seems like a major weakness in a setting where every A-Lister has retarded amounts of canon plot armor (fucking MILK WARS) and the one time they didn’t all the c-listers and knockoffs just fought off the Gentry’s alpha strike anyway

Seriously imagine Gwenpoole face to face with the Gentry. That’s like, beyond rape

>people will forget Iron Man right after Endgame just happened and his god-tier trilogy

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>Even the Ben 10 wiki calls it a black hole.
Come on now, try approaching this rationally. Someone put it down as their interpretation of what happened. By this logic anyone punching Alien X would hurt Alien X because Alien X hurt the Galactic Gladiator by punching it. That attack is a bunch of Alien X's flying around at unfathomable speeds, and when he's dragged in there's a glowing cone of of green energy. This is not how any black hole functions, it's an attack with some visual similarities to a black hole because it's a huge space battle and they want it to look cool.

And no, to hurt anyone worth anything Hal has always had to EEEEAAARRRRGGHHHH before windup and strike the person(weaker than X), contained in one entity. He's not hitting multiple Alien X's across different planes. And creation requires much more energy than destruction, yet X did it in moments while AM's universe devouring took an much longer and could be tanked. Even if Hal survives a wipe then any fatigue means he loses because various Alien X copies could do the same thing repeatedly. Lanterns barely hanging on after AM wipe is such a huge point in favor of Alien X but Screw Attack thinks that means they're unaffected by the whole process.

This is why this is still getting discussed and why SA took such a hit for this matchup. They got Alien X horribly wrong and the more you compare the less this matches up.

Ness would likely fight Raz as the psychic themed fight
Raz is fucked

She went through several arcs in a few pages and then created a time loop for herself. And that's only a part of her infinitely everything powers. She showed more in Deadpool/Spider-man. Where she can recreate anything she draws.

Official show notes call it a black hole.

It's a black hole.

Fuck that, I want John Egbert vs Reimu Hakurei just for the collective headscratching.

Yes. The problem is her popularity. She is at the mercy of her viewers.

Goku Black is Zamasu you dumb retarded shit.

>Creation requires more energy than destruction
Not necessarily.


>Thinking Hal isn't vastly faster on reaction time to the point he can spear Ben 1000000000 times with an Anti-Monitor Vampire spear before Ben gets a single thought in his head.

Meta Knight vs Sparkster

Not them but sauce?

I remember thinking Touhou was just moe and powerlevel shit too.
I actually have pretty low tolerance for weeb shit, Touhou is just a legitimately good series of shmups with surpringly well implemented world building. Fan shit need not apply.

That's pretty low on the power scale desu.

On the MOA blog about the episode.

It's current year, user. Even Family Guy doesn't do the "lolAquamanxD" meme anymore. He's cool to normalfags like you now. Try to keep up.

>Kuro downplays Hal's speed as not mattering despite it being leagues faster than the Big Bang
>Resorts to changing topics by complaining about DB saying the animation is just for fun
>Insists Ben should've gotten one off power ups even though allowing Hal the same rule would mean Ben gets stomped even harder

You leave Sparkster alone! He's suffered enough!

Okay. Sell it to me user. Why is the setting and story and characters worth a damn?

Present Gwen defeated Evil Gwen by saying she won't be her. Which if she did turn back on her word, Evil Gwen would be back.

Yes, she isn't important enough to affect anything in the main continuity but that's only because editorial mandate stop her for doing so.

Eh, I think she can handle the Gentry.

He harmed Captain Atom when he was a multiversal level character who could erase and rebuild universes
Is that good enough?


Hal with all his bullshit is Doomsday Clock Manhattan levels of busted.

Edgardo(at the spirit fountain) vs Hal

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Not him
I like the music

>Putting a vapid teen addicted to escapism that can't into real life against monsters that prey on vapid people addicted to escapism that can't into real life

You just put Gwen against her kryptonite.

And Mandrakk, and Krona, and Sinestro-Parallax, and himself as Parallax, and Volthoom, and...

captain atom clearly strained to make a universe, while X had no trouble doing so

He meant infinity you tard

That's part of her meta powers. She can obviously do more. Just that we don't have enough comics of her showing her true power. I might be misremembering but I remember that Gwen manage to make Galactus join hydra.

Whats the difference between Ben 10's "omniverse" and DC's "multiverse" then

That would be a vastly big inconsistency with Alien X's power. Alien X can't be beaten by black hole no matter what dumb fucking writers say.

Whether or not they're creators, it's a blatant contradiction.

>vapid teen
You clearly haven't finish reading Unbelievable Gwenpool. Finish it user.

>that’s only because editorial mandate stop her
...and so you decided to bet on her against the beings that DEFEATED an incarnation of editorial mandate?

>guy rebuilds an universe
>that isn't a speed feat
I'm having an aneurysm over this. That to me is FAR more impressive than a guy that flew from earth to the center of the universe or whatever.

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As we see from the new lore, DC multiverse is only one of the many more multiverse created by beings like Perpetua. While Ben 10 omniverse is everything.

Not really.

It's quite possible to have more offensive power than you have defensive power.

Him being able to get BTFO by a black hole makes sense. He recreated that death planet he can't touch, so its not like he has full power over whatever he recreates.

>Not lazy
He once thought Ben dividing himself up was a viable strategy to beat Hal even though Ben himself couldn't make it work
He had no idea what the fuck Hal was capable of when he made those videos and still doesn't


I'm curious to see this. If that's what they say it is then I'll have to agree that that's the representation, though my innate point is that it's an attack created by Alien X. The "black hole" exists in the form of several Alien X swarming around Galactic Gladiator in unison. I think everyone tends to get the whole principle surrounding damage between massively powerful entities getting limited to their general vicinity, so I don't understand why a visualization that's beyond a simple punch or lazy energy beam is trying to be used as an anti-feat.

Creation is creating its own infinite timelines. Agreed that some series(probably Dragonball) value destruction as a bigger feat than creation, but in Ben 10 and DC when you consider splitting timelines you're bringing more to the table when you add rather than when you subtract. If the Omnitrix/Feedback could contain the destructive power of the Anihilaarg then X definitely could. Feedback is high mid tier and while he can apparently reach crazy levels of power under the right circumstances I doubt he'll have anything in his arsenal X couldn't effectively replicate. We can assume X wiping the universe would be as fast as its creation if not faster since the way Ben worded it they were "fixing" the universe in Omniverse, or building off of Ben's memory.

As an aside a lot of people only viewing Alien X clips used for feat wanking try to say Alien X couldn't stop the Anihilaarg, but tend not to know how sassy and difficult Serena and Bellicus are(this is part of why Ben tries to avoid becoming Alien X). When Serena says it's too late to save the universe she's likely referring to how it has already by definition been destroyed by the Anihilaarg.

Yes, I indeed not see Hal managing that.

I don’t think the mandrakk feat should count desu since it was the collective efforts of the entire corps and mandrakk was already weakened.
Not that you even need to bring up mandrakk when krona and volthoom are enough

You meant Nix Uotan? He isn't editorial mandate.

Yup. He created the current reality he lives in, Alien X is close to The Presence.

We see him do it. He makes galaxies at a time with fireworks and then a wave spreads across from Earth and Ben powers down.

We don't know how long it took that wave to reach everything in the universe. Not like it matters. It took time for Failure X to launch that wave while Hal's ring which operates on nanosecond reactions can put him FTL that fast.

Assume that he recreated the entire universe in just the time the video showed. Hal is STILL faster than that.

Going with Kuro's logic, a majority of the best fights in the show would only be a few seconds long

The entire Ben 10 setting includes some alternate realities, Generator Rex, and the forge of creation.

Sit your ass down. The setting is fucking microscopic compared to DC.

He’s a Monitor, that’s what they are

It isn't though.

Alien X, not echo-echo. Alien X duplication is perfect, so long as he remains as Alien X.


He created one universe
Presence operates multiple

>Already by definition been destroyed
But we see it working in the background...

But the monitors aren't editors. I remeber we've been through this in another thread before. Maybe not with you

1. Wasn't the entire corps.
2. They were on less than 1 percent power
3. Jordan did the channeling
4. Mandrakk was weaker than he was in the Monitor Sphere, but he was still powerful enough to BTFO heaven and the Specter (and Supergirl). The entire fight consists of him blocking a bunch of Supermen's heat vision with his cape than dying to the green lantern stake.

Hal staked a guy that either killed the Presence or made her run away.

The Anihilaarg had been active for an incredibly long amount of time beforehand, before it even began to destroy the universe. The Anihilaarg itself didn't exist anymore as the rest of the universe was being wiped out. Then Ben uses the terms fix, which means they don't create a perfect copy of the old universe.

The whole interaction was done to do make slight retcons while keeping the same show's continuity.

Please tell me how I'm wrong.

>Hal is now stronger than the fucking Presence
Holy shit. HEATfags are delusional.

Everyone and their mother rebuilds their multiverse in comics user. Umar did it in that one Defenders run. The Richards family did it that one time. Rebuilding your own cosmos doesn’t put you close to the Presence, it’s just the average standard for comic competency at this point

Because it's infinitely everything.


Hes still saying that they completely nerfed Alien X, they used every Green Lantern feat they could find, ramped them significantly, and then called bullshit about trying to scale Hal Jordon to Kilowag's feat of surviving Crisis on Infinite Earth and Kyle Raynor containing a big bang.

He also claims they only used Season 1-5 Ben10 and never talked about his future forms like Ben10,000, Ben Prime, and stated that if they're willing to use and combine all feats from every possible version of Hal Jordon, regardless of writer/timeline/universe/etc, they should have done the same with Ben and all his different alternate timeline forms and given Ben every super weapon he has used in the show, since Hal Jordon got all his super powers, regardless of version.

He has also claimed in the past that the Sotoboro effect is inherit to Alien X, regardless to if Ben knows about it...he can just always sense argument, no discussion.

He also stated that the Omnitrix CANNOT be removed, period. end of story. It doesnt matter if Ben has been tagged and shit in the show, or that 1 timeline Ben DIED....the Omnitrix can never be removed and will ALWAYS react no matter the speed. Therefore Ben wins by default, as Hal Jordon can simply never stop him, never remove the Omnitrix, and never kill Alien X.

He also started the video by covering his ass of saying "If the animation is just for fun, then why bother? If it doesnt matter, dont use it. If the voice actors for Wiz/Boomstick dont always write the battles (as in the Blooper reel, the guy who voices Boomstick didnt know the winner until midway through recording the voice lines for the video) then they shouldnt matter either. Therefore the entire thing doesnt matter...which sounds like a defeated kid trying to make excuses for losing or being wrong.

Kuro is a desperate cry baby who says he doesnt make videos like this and then preceeds to make THREE videos defending Ben10, and berating Death Battle

>Ben uses the term fix which means they don't exactly recreate the universe
That...actually raises a lot of questions about X's power. It's less they created a universe from nothing and more they revived one on death's door.

He destroyed and recreated the universe to resurrect a dog without even knowing he did it.

Post the theme music when Hal doesn't care what kind of power big spaceman has.

I didn't know that. Was that what Morrison was referencing in Pax Americana with the dog scene?

From Ben 10 writer Matt Wayne
>2. Can a Celestialsapien be killed? If yes can maybe only a Celestialsapien have the power for it? Or are they more vulnerable then we may think?
>2. Yes, anything born can die. It doesn't need to be by another Celestialsapien.

We already went over this. You need omniversal destruction for that.

In Universe vs. Tennyson Starbeard says the crime is recreating the universe. It doesn't even seem like an amazing feat to other Celestialsapiens either, but it's a crime for which Bellicus and Serena end up having to pay 10 tayden total. A big in-universe limitation put on Celestialsapiens is other Celestialsapiens, which presumably doesn't factor into a deathbattle.


Not sure honestly but they show the panel during the QA.

Wut. The fuck does my post refuting Alien X have to do with Hal > The Presence

Cope more Ben Tenniggers.

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So, every major DC villain and by association hero recently? Sounds about right, Mandrakk got omniversally destroyed so logically Hal stands a chance

Dude, nobody is listening to Swan though

God this whole argument is getting cringy
can't you fucks just argue like adults, and not get emotional over who would win in a fight arguments

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Mandrakk was multiversal as he was part of Perpetua multiverse. Kek user.

Doesn't say anything about "omniversal destruction"

>say they make characters at their best
>doesn't let Ben have that ability he had as an adult to fuse his most powerful aliens together
Death Battle is dumb.

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But they are user.

But it did. That part where omniverse being destroyed and a bunch of the agreeing can stop it.

Monitor Sphere is actually the "6th dimension" outside the multiverse she created.

>ability he had as an adult to fuse his most powerful aliens together
Oh yeah. I forgot that was a thing.

>Ben is not omnipotent
>but he fought the omnipotent celestialbeing and won
I don't understand anything

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They didn’t give Hal: Spectre, Parallax, White Lantern, Black Lantern, or God of Light. They use characters at their base best.

>A bunch of them agreeing to stop it
I think I found your problem assblasted user.

So did they apparently.

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Okay, they're listening to Kuro more than him

Only his possible future selves used it and even then it wouldn't matter

>Beaten by a bunch of Failure X's flying around him really fast and making a black hole

Wrong again. Everything behind the source wall is everything Perpetua created. Are you keeping up with current comics user?

Who is "they"?

It doesn’t say Celestialsapiens can only be destroyed by Omniversal or Timeline destruction, just that it can Destroy them

Benfags because they’re looking for any excuse to not have to hold this L.

Kuro's wife listened to Swan all night long.

I never said Alien X can survive an omniversal destruction. I said that it would take omniversal destruction to destroy him.

Youtube viewers

Don't call other things failures if you're a DC fan, please. The last non embarrassing DC movie I've seen was Dark Knight Rises.

If it's base then why bother using Ben with the just 1st watch witch isn't that powerful? Best base Hal vs best base Ben is an uneven matchup. It's like putting Galactus against Spider-man.

>1 timeline Ben DIED

Listen here you casual. Vilgax made a bomb that eliminated every single timeline, every universe, every omniverse in Ben 10 but 1.

This Ben had no Omnitrix originally. But the bomb was ridiculous. Even then Some Ben's survived by way of pocket dimensions. Now sit down and shut up.

>claimed in the past that the Sotoboro effect is inherit to Alien X, regardless to if Ben knows about it.

Where's your argument against this?

I honestly don't want Swan to only be known as the guy who wrote the episode where Hal beat Ben 10
Dude wants to be an actor and has a life outside of power level shit especially since it seems he's moving on


Alien X wasn’t in the first watch. It’s just a sprite.

Clockwork X might be one of the only fusions comparable to Alien X in power, but I still think Alien X is the stronger of the two.

Who the fuck is Swan?

>making a black hole
I asked one of you to link to the supposed story blogs on this. I already debunked the concept, but I hope HEATfags aren't getting that desperate to throw out disinfo now.

But if it was any less, MoA would have stated it like when they explain the death planet part. They go indepth with that. Also, a bunch of them can agree to stop it. Meaning the best of them can easily tank anything lesser.

No user. They (Perpetua and sons) were standing beneath the Source Wall when she created the multiverse in her hand. They were on the monitor sphere because surprise surprise they're monitors.

The source wall extends to other multiverses outside her own because the source is the one constant across multiverses.

He still died with it on, that's the important thing

>moving on
He's not doing death battle anymore?

A member of Death Battle's research team
He also writes episodes
Did a Q&A regarding the match to answer questions
Brought a whole pamphlet

>I-It's a SPECIAL black hole
Absolutely pathetic.

You know what else is special? Green scissors.

I meant from Ben vs Hal
He said he still has episodes to write

Swan is a DB researcher who assraped Ben 10 fanboys in the DB Q&A
Starts at 13:40

What the fuck is outside of the universe?

We don't even know

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Holy shit user. You really haven't kept up. The source wall only exist because the Raptor was punishing Perpetua. The same reason why Anti-monitor become so pissy because his whole job was to protect and be a barrier for everything Perpetua created in the multiverse.

Are they all cousins or something?

He should be known for that. Might be good in his resume.


Q&A itself: 8:10 - 55:48
-Alien Reps: 10:19
-Upgrade taking over the Green Lantern ring: 13:44
-Feedback and Chromastone absorbing the Ring's power: 16:02
-Clockwork's time powers 18:10
-Hal's speed vs. XLR8 and Jetray: 19:20
-Ben multiplying himself with Echo Echo into other aliens: 22:22
-Going into Alien X: 24:16
-Ben 10 creators saying Alien X is "mulitiversal": 25:03
-Omnitrix energy feedback stopping Hal's limb removal: 30:42
-Scissors faster than Big Bang: 32:58
-Batman removing Hal's ring: 38:15
- Hal's time limit: 40:45
- Alien X erasing Hal in a "blink of an eye": 41:21
-Omnitrix fail-safe : 42:30
-GL's time travel explained : 43:12
-Sotobro Effect explained: 45:28
-Omnitrix "not letting Ben die": 48:15
-Alien X being above Green Lantern in power: 49:40

The Source Wall was built above the Monitor Sphere to hold Perpetua meaning what she created was limbo and downwards. The previous anti-matter barrier was converted to limbo itself (where all thought and matter and substance breaks down).

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Unlike comics. Our universe is infinite.

Hey Ben, snip snip...

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And you couldn't link to anything. I spit on you, your brown lantern ring should be finding you shortly.

Yes because working on a web show centered on who would win arguments would work wonders for a resume
I'm starting to think the reason why Research Team members are mostly quiet outside of the general inner circle is because they DON'T want the same rabid negative attention the hosts gets even though Chad just voices Boomstick and nothing else

I wasn't that user. But the Ben 10 wiki DOES call it a black hole. What the fuck else would you call it? A space warp?

Isn't the universe actually just expanding?

Well its too late now for Swan to be low profile. Good or bad, he's made his bed.

^an actual good nerd science channel unlike DB

It's a multitude of X clones swarming GG. It doesn't even pull in other surrounding objects or bend light, and when he's pulled after leaving it it's from a green sort of Omnitrix glow. I doubt they'd be forming something that functioned like a black hole so close to Rook and the court.

>Do I need to remind you what that logo on your watch stands for?
>No Hal-dono! No! It stands for Green Lantern! Please don't' make me beware your power!

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Shouldn't have written such a shitty ending then. Fuck him.

So its WEAKER than a black hole?

Superman beats Hal. Sasuke beats Superman. Ben beats Sasuke. Bad news, little ring boy.

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user. The comics themselves show that the source wall is only around the multiverse Perpetua creates. Everything inside it including monitor sphere, god sphere and eveything below that is what Perpetua created. There are other multiverse with all of that too. I'm sorry but just read the comics user. Please. I'm tired of you being so wrong already.

Can you photoshop Swan into the Change My Mind shit Crowder started?

Snip snip. QQ.

>durp durdpppffkfppfpsfgp
You don't fucking know what a black hole is. You probably think they all have the same mass.

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I'm still mad

Presumably vastly stronger(it's a Celestialsapien) and much more limited in range. Think about the general principle of someone like Superman and Darkseid punching each other and not instantly blowing up the planet they're standing on.

>He also stated that the Omnitrix CANNOT be removed, period. end of story.
No he didnt, he said trying to cut it off wouldnt work, for the exact same reason hal trying to take his watch from him wouldnt work.

This deathbattle really brought two of the worst fanbases against each other and god does it hurt to watch

What if its faster than the Omnitrix AI could react?

Are you kidding? The asshurt is hilarious

The real endgame was Rex anyways.

The SW can either be below or above where Perpetua and sons stood when she created them and the multiverse. It can't be below because that places her within the Source which is separate from her. So it must have been placed above making where she and her sons stood the Monitor sphere.
An even better science channel.

Do HEATfags exist outside of Yea Forums?

QT squaw that wants to tame Ben >>>>> generic Japanese waifu

Search your feelings. You know this to be true.

They kissed on the lips at the end of Ultimate Alien

space time isn't nerd science. But it's much better yes.

user. Perpetua race isn't the fucking monitor. Only her sons are that and they are not even her real sons. Just her creation. user please. I can't stand this anymore. Either get the new lore or go back and stay in your previous lore incarnation. The new lore is here to stay.

Best girl was obviously Nyancy Chan who doms Rath

Never said it was nerd science, just posting that to let people know of a good science channel to understand actual science.

Doesn't even matter since it's not even the argument they used.

>MoA hinting more Ben 10 material involving the lore of the original canon
>Morrison on GL
>Most controversial match since Goku vs Superman
We're getting Ben vs Hal 2 in 3 years aren't we?

Did I say he wasn't you raging retard?

God I hope not.

Monitor Mind is the Source though. Perpetua's sons are described as her sons, not her creations. They are of the same race and substance as she is. She is a monitor.

They did
People questioned if Hal's constructs would be faster than the Big Bang for it to kill Ben before the Omnitrix reacts

>He's cool to normalfags
Since when? aquaman is unironically shit

Jason Momoa

no mater what, none of them could defeat the true champion

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>MoA hinting more Ben 10 material involving the lore of the original canon
If you're getting that from what Kuro said in the interview video, that was awhile ago now. I've more or less given up hope on more content from the original. The reboot seems to be doing well with it's demographic, if it DIDN'T do well that would probably just be the end of the franchise, and I doubt the OS will get much stuff of significance.

I can't. I just can't. user just get this. The source wall is created at first with only Perpetua and her race of human/martian hybrid. That's it. Perpetua is not a Monitor. Comics has always contradict each other but with lore you always take the latest one. The Raptor was who is an enfocer of the Source but not the source went outside the Source Wall. I'm done explaining. Either read the comics or don't. I don't care anymore.


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I'm surprised it wasn't a Yea Forums or Yea Forums match that caused this much salt

>One punchest ben and GL away
that was easy

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Take this!

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You wonder why people think Supes is overpowered.

honestly if they redid, I just hope they remove omniverse from canon, there is some good ideas in there like some of the aliens but otherwise its trash.

>oh ben just recreates the universe, everyones dead, he doesn't care

>atomix is so strong yet he jobs or underperforms

>also low 2-C

universal and still has the shittiest recovery in smash

too bad they didn't feed this homo to Naruto.

fucking reddit tier anime, it's truly the Rick and Morty from japan

Multiversal to you trash.

Good luck with that, bald man.

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He's still bodies Superman, so cry harder DCfag.

That dude is so butt hurt.

Even worse than Mac?

That wasn't the justification given for him cutting off his arm, that was something people asked themselves afterwards.

Still not over that one either eh?

he won so many views and subs over this whole debacle it doesn't even mater if he failed to prove them wrong. The butthurt fans all went in droves to his channel to seek consolation. Just look at all those likes in his videos.

I'll never be over that one. It was 1000% bullshit


Lets add a dislike. I think he is to blinded by his love for the character to actually understand what deathbattle did.

this feat alone would kill the entire Avatar universe. That's the fucking Uchiha Madara being pulled by the arm by Gaara. lol Gaara would solo the entire avatar universe

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Belmont recovery is really really good for being horrible.

Ben 10 bros win because we don't spend hours of our lives reading retarded, escapist comic books about Gary-Stu space cops.

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>"Watch transforms ben to protect him fast enough to catch the big bang to protect him"
>Arm gets cut off with scissors

I dont even like either of these shows and I was thrown off by this.

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the dude is a nice guy, I don't wish him any harm.

He's just defending his favorite show. At least he's not a cancerous piece of fuck like Seththeprogramer.

Very fair. I listened to his video. IT was well done. He can have a like.

Protect him from dying. not from being hurt

Hal's constructs are faster


dude looks like a DBZ fan. bet he ws super but hurt at the Goku v Superman fight. I think Death battles second video on that battle was a good way to end that argument. Superman is stupid powerful. It is just what he is.

>Superman is stupid powerful. It is just what he is.
That doesn't mean he's unbeatable retard

This is some "the prequels were never that despised"-tier revisionist history. I know gokufags who are still not over that to this day.

It means Goku cannot beat him dumbass.

Five more posts and were done
If Weiss gets killed in two weeks lets just celebrate like 18 vs Carol

yeah, they can't take another blow, of course they're going to sacrifice Weiss.

But if Weiss loses nobody would be upset
there are no RWBY fans, and Deathbattle only puts them in to shill

>hurr durr superman is strong so goku cant beat him
Based DCuck, kill yourself

Research Team does the show's writing now
They disagreed with Yang vs Tifa
And they are massive fans of Persona

People celebrated that?

on a different occasion, maybe, but they just came out of a heated video, they won't piss of another fanbase so a sacrifice is most likely happening.

>nobody would be upset
Yea Forums hates RWBY, we are fucking celebrating when she dies

>Ben 10 bros win because we don't spend hours of our lives reading retarded, escapist comic books about Gary-Stu space cops.
Instead, you spend hours watching retarded, escapist children's cartoons about Gary Stu space cops
And it's well known that reading takes more brainpower than watching the boob tube, so DChads are objectively smarter than BenTards

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Bullshit. Protects him lethal harm

>giving a shit about RWBY fights

Yea Forums really fucking hates Carol

Losing an arm doesn't kill you immediately

>mfw Shanoa can also defeat Darcula
lol onwards to page 10

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Yeah that's the point
angry arguments last for fucking ever, just look at superman vs goku, or this thread
People being happy someone lost will last at best a few days

Yeah but those few days are better than nothing

How do we know the arm wouldn't turn into Alien X or something that could save Ben? The Onitris AI has taken control of Ben before.

I know but I don’t think Carol vs Billy was as celebrated as 18 vs Carol apparently was

Who cares? The watch protects from Ben losing access to the watch.

No it doesn’t, his body was separated from it during Singlehanded

It's mainly because DC's writers need crutches to help them explain away any sort of multiversal issue but eh. I don't read comics too seriously anymore.

>furfag that only wants to get dicked by as many aliens as possible more than anything that had the most retarded reasons for her winning
>qt mecha musume tomboy that had the most retarded reasons for losing
Ben 10 would really fit as a shounen, it even has the worst girl winning.

Because it was still technically attatched to his limb via portal, and still functioned normally, even allowing him to keep transforming.

Wrong, it was linked together through a portal and transformations still worked.

Haha wouldn’t it be funny if there’s a timeline where Blitzwolfer was the one who impregnated Kai.

I saw the break up scene yesterday
I felt like cringing

Please stop. It has BEEN 10 days already...
hehe get it?
'Been 10 days", like Ben 10 the guy who lost

Kai "won" in two timelines, not in the main timeline.

It didn’t turn him into an alien that would prevent the separation, and while Ben was in the Null Void, did not protect him at any time when he was facing the aliens, Kevin and Gwen had to manually operate the Omnitrix hand that was on Earth

Come to think of it
If every Omnitrix had a failsafe wouldn't that mean the Mad Ben timeline is fucked?
He just needs to try and kill himself or starve or be executed and the Omnitrix will turn him into a form that would last longer and break out of his cuff

It stops separation and death. It's never stopped things in situations where that wasn't being attempted.

And while we're on this topic there are some variations on the Omnitrix and the Ultimatrix was the most unstable of the bunch.

Didn't he die and No watch Ben had to save him?

Kai was a tomboy to.
And a better one.

Omniverse is bad and has should be retcon'd this is known

HEATfag? sorry I haven't heard that one before.

Tsunderes are shit

We've been over this numerous times
Hal's Emerald Advancement Team
Insane Halfags who got mad when Kyle took over, burned Kyle's comics, sent a bomb threat to DC, and raided trucks just to destroy any comic featuring Kyle


Hal’s Emerald Advancement Team. Rabid Hal fans. Burned Kyle Rayner comic books and sent bomb threats to DC demanding Hal be brought back as GL pre-Johns

It's hard to sell Touhou as a concept, in no small part because it's changed so much since its inception, but I'll try.
Touhou is a series that began in the mid 90's when a man by the moniker of ZUN decided that he wanted to create a shmup that harkened back to a simpler era of games. The game's setting, Gensokyo, mostly just started as a mishmash of things he thought were cool, but over time the idea of Gensokyo has been fleshed out rather thoroughly, with the series often touching upon themes of cultural dichotomy, politics, and perhaps most majorly of all the idea of religion, myth, and cultural heritage, and what happens to such things as society progresses. Gensokyo itself is a land segregated from the rest of the world via magic, a last bastion for mystical beings who have no place in the modern world. The series walks this fine thread between lighthearted whimsy and the darker implications of the world these character inhabit, but it's one that I feel ZUN has become rather adept at traversing.
Of course, for ZUN gameplay comes first (often to the point where he builds the plot and characters of his latest games around the gameplay gimmick he wants to explore rather than the other way around), so if you aren't a fan of shmups than Touhou really doesn't have that much to offer you. As well, as the mainline games are made by a single drunk jap, you'll have to be tolerant of his "unique" artstyle as well and somewhat obtuse dialogue make sure to read the omake before playing any given game if you want to have the slightest clue as to what the fuck the characters are talking about. Those things aside, the Touhou Project is worth a look for its solid gameplay and fantastic musical compositions alone. If those end up appealing to you, then I'd say it's worth looking into the greater lore of the franchise through the official supplementary materials.

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Can it stop Hal from fucking with Ben's soul?

But he still died

Sorry I don't normally hang around GL outside of a casual peak so I don't know most of the fan terms.Thanks for the info though.

It was more of an erasure then a death? For the record if he became Alien X and agreed he'd endure the timebomb, but yes he in some context "died" to the bomb.

>yeah Kai now wields a sword now
>yeah Ben broke up with Julie because uh O MY VIDEO GAMES AND MONTHS OF FUCKING CONTACT and uh got with Kai because she happened to be first girl who wasn't his cousin in a throwaway episode
Shit it really does fit a shounen

Not really confirmed. In the OS Ghostfreak(Zs'skayr) couldn't possess Ben and put this up to the logic that he couldn't possess Ben while he was transformed, but we never see him try it on human Ben successfully so all we know is that the Omnitrix prevents it to some degree automatically(regardless of the alien) while transformed. I'd guess that he has to be somewhat susceptible to spiritual reality bending while transformed, but that's pretty abstract.

Rubber nen was a literary masterpiece and made complete sense.

doesn't matter, even if Ben could die he was already as Alien X, Alien X can follow him through time travel and even duplicate perfectly, Hal can't beat Alien X

Is it really duplication or more just alien X manifesting multiple bodies?

also how the fuck did azmuth get a DNA sample of alien X anyway, dont they all just hang out in the forge of creation

Is it true that Alien Force's opening is just an orchestral remix of the original opening?

He just did it very carefully without getting their attention or dire

The horns are a remix but I think a lot of it is original.

The first bit is debatable so I won't answer though I have my opinion.

As for Azmuth getting DNA, Azmuth is Azmuth. It could have involved voluntary cooperation on the part of a Celestialsapien or some that observed his work. I don't really feel like he'd have gone out of its way to obtain their DNA.

Yeah I suppose, I mean considering that just one or two galaxies away had aliens that haven't being scanned like the andromeda 5

Can I get a tldr?

On the lore?
Well, fuck it, let's see if I can write it up before the thread dies.

Long ago a race of beings known as youkai coexisted with humanity. Youkai prayed upon humans, and their existence was entirely dependent upon this relationship in fact, they were created by an ascended race of humans for the express purpose of keeping the rest of humanity from advancing, but I digress. However, as society advanced, and humanity began to reach a greater understanding of the world around them, belief in youkai and their power began to dwindle. This was dangerous to the youkai, as they heavily relied on humanity's fear as spiritually based beings to maintain their existence. Facing potential extinction, youkai cloistered themselves off from the rest of the world (along with a modestly sized village of humans, as again youkai needed humans to prey upon), and with the help of human priests the Great Hakurei Barrier was erected, a schism separating logic from the world of illusion, enchanted to attract the esoteric, and other such things that no longer had a place in a rapidly advancing world.
The series takes place about a century after the founding of Gensokyo, and follows a young shrine maiden by the name of Reimu Hakurei. As her heritage ties her to the Hakurei barrier, it's her job to maintain peace within Gensokyo by resolving incidents (something youkai must partake in, as it is within their nature to antagonize humans) incited by the various factions residing within Gensokyo. Of course, as any actual combat would be dangerous (as Reimu's death could potentially unravel the barrier that keeps Gensokyo stable, and her innate powers make her incredibly difficult to fight fairly anyway), conflicts are instead resolved via a structured system of dueling, known as the Spell Card Rules, which are designed in a way that values ornate patterns and showmanship over raw power.

That's the gist of it, the lore expands upon this premise.

>Hal can't beat Alien X