I work at a comic book store I don't know if you guys give a fuck but I thought I'd do it anyway just to see if anyone...

I work at a comic book store I don't know if you guys give a fuck but I thought I'd do it anyway just to see if anyone has interest.

picture unrelated

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Do you get smelly guys?

Do...what exactly, you buried the lead friend

It got busy sorry

I work at a comic store too. Let's be friends.

Sure, user!

How do you feel about the collapse of several comic shops?

Are pull lists that hard to manage because my comic shop fucks them up constantly and it's pissing me off.

it's sad, but it does give our store more attention. There are only 2 stores even near my shop's magnitude per say. and considering we have 2 locations both within 10 minutes of those other places you could probably blame us for some of that locally, It's not our fault for having a more successful store. But on a global sale of shops closing, it's due to loss of interest in buying physical copies and I think it's slightly disappointing
No, it's not hard but it's easy to mix up. it's very tedious though. The main place I mess up when doing pulls is when 2 of a similar title comes out. I can explain the full process if you're really interested

Have you ever tried updating your business model? Would think of a starting point on how to revitalize comic book store by incorporating things that cold be added

Yeah please do. My store is always forgetting to put titles in mine or forgetting to order shit when I ask them to.

Do you think this is more because floppies are becoming outdated or something else? I feel like floppies need to go. Trades seem to do very well but single issues aren't selling like they used too and are doing much better on the secondary market.

One of our owners is trying to push magic in the location I usually work at, but if it were up to me I'd hold more events and have more freebies to give out and get people into comics. We have the supply to do it.
It's starts with the order. It comes in a few large boxes and our distributor hates to do a good job with it, so they'll mix products but that's neither here nor there. Anyway, we sort the comics out from the TP's and then we lie all the comics out in alphabetical order and count how many we have of each just to be sure we have everything then we do the shipping inventory and say if we need anything replace cause damage or if they didn't send it all. Then from there we print out a list that says "John Smith: Snotgirl #4 B, Westcoast Avengers #10, Detective Comics #1000" or some thing along those lines. Then we put them in the folders. Pretty simple process but there's plenty of room for error.
Yeah, single issues are getting harder and harder to sell. There are some still, like when Immortal Hulk came out. But yeah I do think that there is something missing from singles. Perhaps lower the price or make them longer? Something tells me that won't happen though.

The price being raised last year was the last straw with me. I had to downsize my pull list and had nearly ten books on it but now I'm just down too three. I'll occasionally buy a number one every now and then, last time I did this was with Outer Darkness last year and I'll use that as a sample of whether I'm going to keep reading it online or buy the trades if I like it enough. I quite like what they did with Detective Comics #1000 where it was just a collection of different stories by various writers. Current floppies need to go and something like that needs to take its place.

>Current floppies need to go and something like that needs to take its place.
I agree. Papergirls is what it needs to be, imo. They are 2.99 with thicker and nicer paper and they feel longer to me. A lot of comics are still shitpaper and 3.99. It's frustrating. My pull list went for 13 to 3. I have Doomsday Clock, Snotgirl, Ms. Marvel. The rest I take home a day or two before release day to read then I bring them back so I can give people a rundown as to what the gist is.

Just read your othe rcomment and location could partly factor since there wouild be another comic book store also in the area. That would be a problem

Events could actually help. You would need sponsors to do it, and if you get some advertisements to get the word out then it'll be good for you. Depending on the location that is because I don't know where your comic store is

Also, you should consider some imports on overseas comics and such. By importing foreign comics you can add charges. And maybe with a bit more there would be an option to have it posted

There are other areas you could expand your business. Merchandicing and such

Start with the event thing and see how far you can go. There you can figure out from there how to attract more people and expand your business

We don't really import much, but sometimes we'll out in a "tax' for special ordering something. We are also not really worried about the other shop near us very much because they're more of a gameshop than a comic shop.

game shops are something. Honestly I think why not just have comic stores sell games also alongside comics. The comic store I've been not only sold comics but books, dvds, blu-rays, merchandising, etc. I's why they're doing so well. They too even do events. Even had Stan Lee and Johnny Depp for a signing

Yeah, Our store has 4 or so main sections. We have a whole wall dedicated to boardgames and tabletop, then we have the body of the store filled with comics and figurines, etc. Then behind the counter we have our card game stuff and display cases for MTG and pokemon cards. It's good to spread your store's interest.

Hrm, do you work at Midtown Comics?

No! I've been there though and it's a nice store. Kind of in the area, though. New England that is

Sweet! I'm a Brooklyn native and travel out to their downtown location all the time. Their rewards program is pretty good and all the people who work there are hella nice.

If your store is in NYC, I've defs visited it. I hope your store is doing well, man.

Not in NY, but thanks! My store is in NH. Rewards programs are super important to keeping customers. Ours is pretty good- every $1 you spend, you get a point. At 100 points you get $10 off