So, looks like Bleeding Cool is 10 years old today. What is Yea Forums's stance on Rich The Leech's rag? Does it do good or harm to the industry?
So, looks like Bleeding Cool is 10 years old today. What is Yea Forums's stance on Rich The Leech's rag...
Happy birthday, Rich! I don't know whether it does good or harm but I love BC. I check it out every morning. I grew up reading Wizard and the site is its equivalent.
The site gets some good scoops occasionally but most of it is just SJW bullshit and clickbaiting.
I don't read news from them solely because their site is full of adds and malware.
hey rich, whatever happened to the "worse than jimmy savile" stuff you teased a few years back?
>I grew up reading Wizard and the site is its equivalent.
Shut your dumb tranny mouth.
It's fucking retarded and I wish newfags would stop linking directly to BleedingCuck
It's fine. It's probably a net positive it exists as most comics media is just lauditory for access. "Jude Terror" is cringy and embarrassing though.
he promoted the sjw/feminist invasion of comics which ultimately lead to many standard things in comics like fanservice being proclaimed "problematic" and eventually censored.
People like him turned the comic industry into the husk it now share the biggest blame for why sales keep going down and stores closing.
Rich the Leech is a typical woke male. He loves to make grandiose editorials against the sexist treatment of women in comics. Meanwhile the servers for his own site is paid for from money made off of jungle girl porn and slasher porn, with covers of naked women being cut open by men. Avatar and it's Boundless imprint literally make a living selling sexual violence. Avatar needs to stay in business by selling men jerk off comics about the rape and mutilation of naked women.
Enjoy your afternoon lurk, Leech. Hope your kids see what your company pushes.
>harm to the industry?
He helped kill McDuffie
I have no idea how this site exists. Who the fuck reads Bleeding Cool? The writers are overly dramatic teenagers.
the hush-hush money keeps the site alive
Yea Forums helped him kill McDuffie.
It's funny how nobody points that out to him.
Remember the Rich/Slott feud?
Remember when Rich ratted out Scanbro?
Remember Rich betraying Marvel and started sucking DC dick?
>Remember Rich betraying Marvel and started sucking DC dick?
No, when did that happen?
This. It's only gotten worse with the Mary butler chick who's spelling and grammar is even worse than rich too boot.
I see what you did there
Bounding into Comics is better and doesn't need as much adblock as Bleeding Cancer.
When Marvel was doing all that sneaky shit during their ANAD stuff. They also broke the story on Marvel's supposed push to change the industry and it was just covers. And Marvel heavily denied it and it turned out to be true. Before that BC was pro-Marvel and heavily anti-DC.
Don’t forget all the anti-HydraCap articles.