Do you like new characters being added into the adaptations when no such charcter existed before?

Do you like new characters being added into the adaptations when no such charcter existed before?

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I don't mind it as long as it's not a 1 to 1 adaption. If it's something like Doom Patrol or Batman the animated series which is only loosely based on another storyline and actually draws from a whole bunch of stuff it can even be interesting and refreshing

Also Fish wasn't completely awful but her actor played it just a touch too hammy a lot of the time.

like harly?

Say what you will about what her character is being pushed as now but she was a pretty good character in the cartoon.
Another example is Baby Doll who had one of the best eps of the series and i'm pretty sure was an OC

OC Donut Steels is the least of the things that make Gotham nothing like the comics.

Baby doll was the best OC to come out of Batman

Harley wasn’t in the comics at first either

I still wish she isnt

Man, that was such a great episode. And her serious acting bit Robin was watching and the end were tops.

yeah I hate because it always done by liberals to turn something that never was about "social justice" into just another boring feminist propaganda product

>Fox said goodbye to Gotham on Thursday, and the drama series said goodbye with an all-time low in the demo. Gotham Season 5 Episode 12 scared up a miniscule 0.5 rating in the demo, and 2.2 million total viewers.
who even watched that shit?

Fuck man hating dykes. Literally incels that need sex.

>If anyone hates something a woman does, it's just misogyny; women are never at fault.

Honestly that's why I liked her she genreally felt like she was having fun channeling Eartha Kitt

Barb was someone i hated though. it's like the writers wanted to mae something intresting from her her but they constantly kept failing to make it work

It's fine, and it sometimes even helps grow the source material

I got no problem with it, you have to make new characters sooner or later. It's certainly preferable to taking an existing character and changing their personality to the point where they are unrecognizable.

Anyone bitching about Fish because shes not from the comics in fucking Gotham has their priorities in the wrong place

Have they considered that Gotham is just shit?

The difference between Harley and Fish Mooney is that Harley was simply a henchman at the time she was introduced. She never played much of a significant role in the Batman animated series. Fish, on the other hand, was a crime boss with a significant role in the Gotham series, and plot armor so thick that she literally came back from the dead. Fish was constantly in a dominant power role compared to everyone else. Even when she was disadvantaged, she was cocky and smug. She was the ultimate female power fantasy. Nowadays Harley fits that same bill, but it's a status she gained as her popularity grew. One could argue that she "earned" that power.

>. She never played much of a significant role in the Batman animated series
This is a pure lie.

Anything Harley did was because it was Joker's will to do so. If she needed to keep Batman busy, it was because Joker needed someone to keep Batman busy.

Harley was just a henchman with an unfortunate choice of lover.

She had several eps based just around her and her relationship with Joker. That's pretty fucking major in a show like btas

From the start maybe but she took a life of her own very quickly. even forming a bond with Ivy in the first season.

You mean like Coraline's friend?

I like good character
I don't like bad characters
Bad writers that wank off their new characters are shit. See Silk and Miles
Silk had a pretty decent run after getting out from under Slott, but Slott's Silk was putrid garbage.
Miles' repetitive 'important-character-tells-him-he's-totally-Spider-man' thing was really grating, not to mention that his shift from Ultimate into 616 was such trite nonsense that people don't believe me when I tell them what happened. Much like Pete selling his marriage to notSatan. It's so bad and dumb that people don't believe it happened.
Now, a bad character isn't eternally doomed. A good writer can make a bad character palatable. But that doesn't always happen.

If I remember right, Harley got popular and then got more screentime. She was meant to be a one-off
She wasn't given screentime because the writer wanted her to be popular
But I could be mixing her up with someone else. Someone with time could fact-check this

She was developed within the context of the show, as any well-written characters should be. But she was still a secondary character, even when she had the spotlight with Ivy. That's the best way to introduce an OC, in my opinion. If they interact with the canon cast, it's not in a dominant role but rather a passive one. That's why no one has ever rightfully accused Harley of being a Mary Sue.

I think it can work so long as they're not intrusive and mesh well with the fiction without demoralizing other characters. For example, Harley Quinn was fine in the cartoon (you know, before the character went to hell), and even though I HATE the CW show ARROW I think John Diggle was a fine character worthy of being added to canon. Other examples include Livewire, Music Meister, and arguably Arkham Origins Copperhead. I think it's great when an adaptation creates something new, and a huge compliment when it's added to canon. Fish Mooney though? I personally don't see the appeal myself

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Fish starts out as a club owner under Falcone. She moves to power through Season 1, then loses it in the end. She gets resurrected by Dr. Strange as a metahuman, and becomes the leader of metahumans. Then she just dies (I don't even remember if it was S2 or S3). She was a recurring threat, but rarely significant, much less dominant.

No, but I sure hate Twitter outrage threads.

No one is raging at the tweets though?

Actually this is a nice one.

I don't see how that's any different

Oh lawd he even has the glory hole mouth.

I think what makes Fish Mooney shit is that she has no real relevance to modern Batman. Like say you did decide to put her in main canon, she's still just a footnote in Penguin's rise to power

One's the writer reacting to the audience, the other's the writer telling the audience how to react

Yes. there's nothing wrong with new characters being added to adaptions. Madeline from Static Shock, X-23 from X-men Evo, Harley from Batman TAS are all newcomers.

Why the fuck would anyone want to watch a 1 to 1 adaption of something they've seen somewhere else?

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>Why the fuck would anyone want to watch a 1 to 1 adaption of something they've seen somewhere else?
I dunno, ask the ever growing anime and manga sales.

even those aren't 1 to 1 user. Arcs are lengthen or shortened, new arcs are added, the fate characters are sometimes altered depending on their popularity.

Sometimes it works like For the Man who has Everything and Mad Love.

I don't mind the introduction of new characters, but they have to be good characters; even if they're meant to be hated AS characters they still need to be more than a walking plot contrivance. Fish Mooney had a point to the story, then died in service to the Penguin's ascendancy at a more or less natural point.

Then they brought her back to life, gave her BS mind control powers and had her stomp through what was left of the Hugo Strange plot, clad in plot armor so thick I just left the series. When I finally was told to go back and at least finish the season, there were plenty of other problems I decided ii wasn't worth my time anymore.

She had several episodes dedicated directly to herself. If she counts as a secondary character it's because the show is about Batman, otherwise she's more prominent than most of his rogues gallery.

I stopped after season 2.

I only liked penguin.

Good place to stop then, they did him dirty after that point.