Storm Hawks

Hey Yea Forums what do you think of the Jak and Daxter cartoon? I can't believe what great cartoons CN used to air before it went to trash.

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I liked it. Especially the Piper and evil girl shipping

I haven't seen that sure in fucking years. I remember really liking it as a kid.

I remember being really disappointed that they cancelled the mmorpg. The world design in this show was amazing.

Other then league of super evil, most of nord corp's stuff is fantastic.

Cute brown girl character boosts it and I haven't even watched yet

Stork was the best

Jak characters are pretty fucking good, Atmos was good. No need for that

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Looks promising

Like, why would you compare Daxter, an elf turned ottsel, to Radarr, who is clearly a blizzarian bestiality byproduct?

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Was there any merit to that ship or was it just horny yuri fans?

It was horny yuri fans regardless of merit.

Somewhat, Piper tended to be really friendly with any one off girl. Cyclonis once disguised herself to get something from the Storm Hawks. She and Piper become very close and when Cyclonis reveals herself and tries to attack the Hawks with a powerful magic crystal it wont work on Piper cause the crystal wont harm the casters loved oned.

Later Piper moves from trying to stop Cyclonis from taking over the world to just wanting Cyclonis to change. Sadly the series ended before the gay wave and doesn't have a comic continuation.

i wanna fuck stork

>not Finn

That fucking cliffhanger killed me. Now that's how you do a cliffhanger. Season 3 never ever.


It wasted Dark Ace as a villain. He was supposed to be a talented main antagonist but is easily defeated too many time like the others. They should have keep his first true defeat against Aerrow (without help) for the finale or something.

They wasted a lot of side characters actually. It seems the only competent people in Atmos are the Storm Hawks (most of the time), Starling and Cyclonis. All others are jobbers.

> he didnt ship piper and those two dyke bunnygirls

Whats wrong with you

>the fucking show ended JUST as shit was getting crazy

Uuhh hehe?

Piper is so good, she basically became the main character after a while. Even the writers knew she was best girl.

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No Haha is more jovial

>Jak and Daxter cartoon
I fucking wish.

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That ending fucked me up for life too. Shit was getting better and better in season 2 and suddenly poof.

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As I actually knew someone who worked on the show, I can elaborate on this. Piper's coming off as gay was (initially) unintentional. Once they realized that this is how she was perceived, they decided to amp up the ambiguity, but there was never any plan for her to come out as actually gay.

Basically, if the episode is before the mid-20s Piper's "gayness" is by accident, after the mid-20s it's on purpose.

well fuck. any worth to starting? is it good enough to enjoy what is there?

It always seemed just shy of being a good show. Almost like a 90s cheap tie in marketing ploy cartoon

Not really, its a fun show, but all the really good elements come in toward the end.

That's always fun when writers write in something unintentionally.

The world design is fucking amazing.

>That episode where they almost do a recap of the past events/ episodes, BUT they instead do a documentary about the clans, island, dangerous locations, vehicles, weapons and crystals.

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Ah, yes. Storm Hawks. Basically "Wasted Potential: The Show."

Starling > Piper

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I think season 2 deserves a DVD release, BUT THAT'S JUST ME.

A sumble episode btw:



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This shit really changed my life, I met all my friends because of this
Fucking season 3 when

At this point, a comic is possible. But first both seasons need to be properly released.

If there is at least a chance to get a continuation, it will be the happiest day of my life. I can't describe how I want at least SOMETHING
Sorry for being so dramatic, I love this show so much

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I love it enough to buy a Condor model. It's all plastic, but it's big and good so I don't care.

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I guess you can just rotate the image yourself, I ain't reuploading that.

I loved this fucking show.

>Fun/10, sequel never however

Suzi Lu was best girl.

She barely appeared though.

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On the other hand, mmorpgs suck nuts.

I know. Such injustice.

she looks like Narancia

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Ravess < that brat Cyclonis

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Any villain who has a dedicated flunky who plays their own theme music on screen is a 10/10.

Nice. Where'd you get it?

Amazon, and it looks like they sold out completely. I only spent 20 bux on it!

Better than the second and third games

rabbit pussy

>two dyke bunnygirls