What do you like best about Wonder Woman?
What do you like best about Wonder Woman?
I like how she's kind of complex. She is at once kind and compassionate, but also stern and even a bit haughty at times. She is also a total dork, which is adorable. What makes her interesting is that she has many facets to her which can be drawn on for stories.
God it's almost like you can do political humor without it being a giant autismo finger waggling screed if you're not a garbage writer.
She's got moves.
Diana, you fuckin' dweeb. This will never get old.
That panel had clever commentary and I thought it was well written which is very different than a lot of other "clever commentary" I see posted here.
Anyone got the panel of her sticking her tongue out at an animal?
I don't really like anything about her.
Are you a homosexual?
It's okay, I won't tell anyone.
Diana is cute. CUTE!
I kinda want to know what they're talking about.
Oh, okay.
This is sick. I like how the fight isn't just standard punching and kicking but actual grappling and WWEshit. Fun.
Thanks user, I forgot what animal it was. I think lizards calculate thermal levels with their tongues, so they're probably talking about how balmy the weather is.
So is she straight?
I've never consumed any Wonder Woman material. Are the men the homemakers where she's from or are there simply not any men?
There are no men. She is bi.
How in virtually every elseworld where she's closer than good friends with Superman she becomes both his stooge and tyrannical enabler.
She's spent most of her sex life slurping pussy until she finally laid her eyes on a dick and decided she wanted a piece of that action as well.
Because she's the fall guy for Superman's shenanigans.
Her body of work is good too
She was recently truly confirmed as Bi
Wow the world is just an open buffet to her.
Hot take: Wonder Woman should see the point or appeal in being monogamous, since her island is a matriarcal society and basically a lesbian open orgy.
Her villains are pretty great. Really underrated
If they're so great why aren't they used? Checkmate.
Nothing. She's pure magical realm made by a fetishistic psychologist quack.
I only recognize about a third of these. Who's that cutie in the blue robo suit?
Blue Snowman
I mean, that is kind of a thing in Wilson's run right now. She is very much dedicated to Steve.
Though I dunno, I think it would be interesting to see some polygamy.
Damn right. The "problem" with Wonder rogues is that because Diana herself has relatively few adaptations, her rogues rarely play a prominent role, and thus lack exposure. The obvious solution is to just have them appear more.
Also, top three favorites are Circe, Giganta, and Silver Swan III.
>I mean, that is kind of a thing in Wilson's run right now. She is very much dedicated to Steve.
I fucked my own post. Wonder Woman SHOULDN'T care for monogamy. It's a patriarchal concept. Wonder Woman came from a matriarcal society where everyone was her sister and nobody belonged to anyone. She shouldn't understand the appeal of monogamy.
She can be dedicated to Steve, but chained to him? Nah. I liked Morrison take on it in Wonder Woman: Earth One Vol. 2.
Which unfortunately DC condenses it down to “she’s like Hercules with tits right?”
She is chained to him and he is chained to her. It's romantic.
It's nonsensical. It doesn't fit the character and her background.
Have you seen who’s running DC? If it’s not a Bat villain they can force into a story they put zero effort
I love how she genuinely loves EVERYBODY and wants to redeem any wrong-doers, including all of her bad guys.
Wondy has a rogues gallery that could be one of the best if people properly utilized them.
Possibly correct. Steve could be the favored concubine or whatever.
But then again she’s immortal. So roughing it with one person for a couple of decades until he dies may not a be difficult task for her.
Either way we’re bringing up far more interesting character conflicts that COULD be explored but DC is content with rehashing sword and sandals crap
Oh. Agreed. And there's some options as well. Mala, speaking of EO, Artemis, hell even have senpai finally notice Io. Not Etta though, they're just friends and it would be weird.
I really just can't understand why it's so hard for them to get it. And you always here about how she's "contradictory", which is ludicrous because most people possess traits that are "contradictory". Do writers and editors struggle with her because she's not one-note? Cause if so, that's just sad.
Normies seem to like WW more than Supes and Bats now, after her solid movie vs their shitty ones. If DC was smart, they'd ride the wave by making more WW stories with more from her backlog of villains. If 1984 manages to be good, the popularity wave could finally be a consistent thing.
>WW doing a little twirly spin as Superwoman kicks her off her
Over the years they’ve tried to over complicate Batman and Superman to appeal to the edgy crowd but always seem to reduce her to one or two traits. It’s been whittled all the way down to just “Greek.”
Wonder Woman in general could be used to explore all the intrinsics of gender relations and patriarchy. She as a character is someone who's completely alien to all that stuff. So you can use her question all these notions we take for granted.
No they’ll do the exact same thing after the success of her first movie: give her a one issue spinoff before announcing 30 more Batman titles
Never got into her, aside from a few storytimes. Can anyone rec some good or essential runs? Also in what run does she wear the black leather jacket? That was nice.
I'm shocked by the lack of WW and Cap porn/shipping there is
this isn't political humor, if anything it's just mocking feminist political commentary without saying anything about it other than "it's annoying and often inserted into things inappropriately"
She could. But you know why that won't happen anytime soon?
Do recall that people got legit pissed off when the then current writer of Green Arrow described Ollie as a literal social justice warrior, even though that's 100% accurate.
What's funny is that Superman and Batman already had their own complexities. Dumping a bunch of edgy shit on just about any prominent DC character is not only pretentious, but wholly unnecessary.
>A GOOD Mistress could do wonders with them!
O-oh my...
George Perez if you don’t mind 80s weirdness. But it’s trippy art and does a good blend of her original villains and public domain villains as opposed to current runs.
Also if you want to see secret agent latex Wondy that’ll be Simone’s run. I wanna say the leather jacket is Byrnes run but not so sure
I’m sad there isn’t a Wonder Woman comic that has a recurring bondage theme anymore.
Yeah this. Because DC has been run by absolute morons for the last like, 20 years now.
>Monogamy is a patriarchal concept
Wondy hit her peak during the Golden Age and will never return to that glory unless she’s shipped over to Vertigo or something.
Orgies of women dressed up in deer costumes. Flying into fucking space on rocket launched by a bull. Trapped in kids only land that simultaneously carries some weird undertones about spanking...frankly modern Wondy pales in comparison
It was perfect for someone like Morrison. It’s a shame he had to make it all so mean spirited when he should be enjoying that shit. Perhaps he’s jealous a dead pervert out-Morrisoned him decades before he was even a sperm
Thanks, senpai.
>I wanna say the leather jacket is Byrnes run but not so sure
Maybe it's the JMS run? A bit before Nu52?
Is JMSs rub good? The guys in my comic club are kind of split on it.
The leather jacket was J Michael Strazinski.
Yeah, don't expect DC to capitalize on success that doesn't come from Batman. Detective Comics Comics is outright obsessed.
Speaking of WW84, still not sure about Kristen Wiig as Cheetah. Like, I trust Aunt Patty, but that is just weird.
Jesus christ.
>Yeah, don't expect DC to capitalize on success that doesn't come from Batman. Detective Comics Comics is outright obsessed.
I've started to genuinely hate DC for this despite that I've been a huge fan for over half my life now. I'm just so sick of Batman, Batman, Batman. Fuck Batman, there are so many other cooler, more underrated parts of the universe. And even when it comes to mainstream stuff, characters like Superman and Wonder Woman deserve a bigger push than him. I hate that they're trying to figure out Batman still but no news on a potential MoS2 that fixes Snyder's bullshit.
>Speaking of WW84, still not sure about Kristen Wiig as Cheetah. Like, I trust Aunt Patty, but that is just weird.
Same, same. I really hope it's not a comedic performance.
I’m more worried about the look of Cheetah than any of the acting. I don’t want another BvS Doomsday
Or maybe--just bear with me here for a second--maybe being raised with one societal norm doesn't preclude one from seeing a better way. Plus, people kind of rebel against their upbringing all the damn time: see everyone who was ever raised religious and became an atheist or vice-versa.
Her being bi is a recent thing. It depends on wether or not they make new Amazons or immortal amazons that never Age. If it’s the latter, it can get really weird when you’re slurping the snach of a woman who practically helped raise you.
>seeing a better way
What's better in being monogamous? You seem to already be speaking from a position of bias.
It’s probably like Byrnes run. Has some really fun stuff in it but is hampered by typical Bronze Age/90s problems.
But if it’s anything like Byrnes run it’ll be a fun read at least, nothing too deep or ground breaking
>I hate that they're trying to figure out Batman still but no news on a potential MoS2 that fixes Snyder's bullshit.
Justice League was already them trying to "fix" Snyder's bullshit and all they got as a thanks was Superman figuring the last place in every poll they did about that movie. Warner Bros main problem with Superman is finding a way to sell him to normies. People are always complaining about his portrayal one way or another.
Personally, I think it's okay. I don't really get why people were so salty at it, since it was clearly meant to be a temporary thing before Nemesis was defeated and the world went back to normal. As a story, it's serviceable.
A mainstream audience is simply not capable of simply engaging with frank discussions about sex, regardless of political leanings. It's either "ban this sick filth", or "I am entitled to T and A at all times". Sex can't just be a thing that just exists but is also kind of important. Everything is a battleground.
Kingdom Come. But more importantly...
Because she has superpowers. It’s that superficial. If the greatest super hero alive becomes a tyrant, than logically the greatest super heroine will also be a tyrant.
Why do you think that every time Superman becomes a tyrant, Batman is still the heroic character?
DC fans don't like this when i mention it, but Wonder Woman main problem as a franchise is the same one that Captain Marvel/Shazam face. Wanna hazard a guess? Superman. DC sees Wonder Woman as a rival to Superman. That's why Wonder Woman's always portrayed as nothing more than an axillary Superman's character. DC is afraid of Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel/Shazam exploding in popularity and overshadowing Superman.
Nuclear family is better than your bullshit. Yea Forumsmblrtard
DC sees Wonder Woman as nothing more than Superwoman. You know this. So of course if Superman's going to go play King, she'll have to follow suit and be his Queen Macbeth.
>Wonder Woman
God, now you reminded me of the time where Wonder Woman beat Shazam in an arm-wrestling contest. I think she did something with him after that, forgot what it was.
Took his anal virginity
I can write fanfiction and only use more rogues than Cheetah, Giganta or Dr Poison & Dr Psycho and be praised for my creativity.
Use Circe
What Rogues did you use?
Another problem is the people writing/in charge. Men are always going to relate to male characters more and there’s nothing wrong with that. The issue comes when they view the characters they are writing as extensions of themselves and of course they all want a strong mommy to have sex with so whether it’s Mark Waids Superman or Bruce Timms Batman
People mocked the "Fuck Batman." Bit in the Titans show, but frankly Dick is right. Fuck Batman.
Give me a Dirty Pair style Fire and Ice series. Or hell, even a straight up JLI revival, why not.
>Same, same. I really hope it's not a comedic performance.
The only way a comedic Cheetah could work is if it's Priscilla Rich. You just can't do that with Barbara Minerva.
Writers, editors, and audiences alike have a very hard time accepting that Clark Kent is ultimately just some guy. That's the whole point. He is not Jesus, he's just some rando schmuck from bumfuck nowhere Kansas.
Silver Swan, Devastation and White Magician are my favourites. And Angle Man to fill the loser rogue slot.
Who is the perfect partner for Diana then?
source pls.
>DC sees Wonder Woman as nothing more than Superwoman
Get in line. Superman has been suffering from that kind of character assassination much worse than Wonder Woman has. They made two best selling video games and a best selling horror movie with that shit.
Crisis on 2 Earths
Etta Candy. Always has be, always will be. That's the true patrician choice.
Steve Trevor. Duh
>Orgies of women dressed up in deer costumes.
Those also managed to be cute and wholesome.
Angle Man is really cool though.
Use Crimson Centipede instead.
>a best selling horror movie
I was told it flopped.
That doesn't stop what i said about Wonder Woman from being true. If Superman is to go villain, Wonder Woman has to follow suit just because, and the reason for this is because DC sees her as Superman with tits. So of course she has to follow suit.
At first it looked like a reboot, probably a pre-Flashpoint test to see if it would stick.
I don't remember if it was alrightish, but JMS hadn't been that great since his Spider-Man days, so...
Jimmy olsen
Didn’t Jimmy already have not-Catwoman?
It was pretty much Sabrina the Witch, starring Wonder Woman. Oh, and she has a bit of attitude as well.
Also DC fans are shit. The majority of them care very little about their Universe and just want constant Batman crap. I know this because of how many times “muh sales” is thrown at people who wonder why DC isn’t doing more to expand their marketing of other characters despite clearly suffering from a very small portfolio
If Marvel were smart they could easily finish DC off by launching a Moon Night movie at the same time as the Batman one
It’s not meant to disprove your point. Wonder Woman is the most famous super heroine in DC. And she has superpowers. As if she’s going to join Batman in fighting Superman when they can have the two most famous paragons be the villains for shock value.
Thing is, WW if it’s a terrible trend for Wondy, it’s not exactly any easier for Superman. It’s worse.
I mean she’s got plenty of characters in her own world. She doesn’t need to become a Superman supporting character or Batman supporting characters when she’s been pretty much independent of all of them since her inception
Too bad they probably won't make a good Moon Knight movie unless they ditch the shared MCU shtick. Seriously, I think it's done more harm than good at this point.
Nobody cares about Moon Night
It had a weak opening, but it made its money back and then some, I believe
>Thing is, WW if it’s a terrible trend for Wondy, it’s not exactly any easier for Superman. It’s worse.
Not, it isn't. Specially when they throw Wonder Woman under the bus and have her be the one to corrupt or manipulate Superman into the path of villainy.
The problem with Superman in JL was that it felt forced as fuck and you also had Superman joke about wanting to die, which felt really morose, depressing, and out of character for him.
>People mocked the "Fuck Batman." Bit in the Titans show, but frankly Dick is right. Fuck Batman.
>Give me a Dirty Pair style Fire and Ice series. Or hell, even a straight up JLI revival, why not.
>tfw no JLD movie
>tfw no Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld movie
>GLC is still in the very, very early stages of planning
>same with New Gods
>tfw no comedic, light-hearted Power Girl movie
I know that, I’m just curious because Wonder Woman flip-flops a lot in terms of relationships.
Nobody cared about Guardians of the Galaxy, Dr. Strange or Captain Marvel either but here are. Moon Knight with that Marvel Studios label on it is a guaranteed win.
>tfw no comedic, light-hearted Power Girl movie
This, so much.
They could always buy their own tickets again, I suppose.
I just hate what it’ll do to Moon Knight though. Fucking hate current Guardians of the Galaxy.
Shit didn't thought of that.
That was anons point about the writers though. They want their self insert to have sex with her, hence the flip flopping.
Yes it is. This constant flirtation in making Superman into this edgy tyrant has been MORE prevalent than Wonder Woman simply being his Lady MacBeth.
Why do people want to screw Wonder Woman so much? There’s already a ton of women out there in DC. Is Wonder Woman the perfect Woman?
...Pretty much
Isn't just Superman and Batman, though?
>I mean she’s got plenty of characters in her own world
This is more of a broader problem in the Big 2, but Diana's supporting cast is woefully neglected. Supporting characters just aren't used much anymore and it's sad.
>Etta Candy
>Steve Trevor
>too many other Amazons to name
>Julia Kapetelis
>Ed Indelicato
>Diana's space pirate crew
>those private detective guys she worked with for a while
>Trevor Barnes
>Tolifar and the gorilla knights
And that's not even counting the Wonder Girls.
She is the hottest of them all
Artemis is now a Red Hood supporting cast member. She’s been Donna’d and Cassie’d
Goddamn, I would kill for a good Amethyst flick.
>Justice League Dark movie
Structure it like a straight up D&D style quest. Have Diana be all "I'm putting a team together.", and collect a bunch of magic/mystery based characters.
Only question is who she gets. Zatanna's a given, of course.
Sometime I have the feeling she's written like she wouldn't hate me for being an autistic robot incel.
They are DCs most popular characters. But apparently they were going have Hal and Diana be in a relationship at one point but it never came about.
After the verbal shellacking Hal got from her in the N52 I can’t say that wouldn’t be a hilarious idea though
It fucks me right up that they paired her with the black sheep Robin nobody but edgelords care about, when Artemis herself is on par with Diana and was created to be her equal.
She's, like, so iconic, y'know?
Porn/shipping aside, a WW/CA one-shot set in WWII would be interesting.
WW: "Who is that foolish man going into combat with a shield but no sword? What in the name of Zeus?! He threw it! Is he insane?"
>WW: "Who is that foolish man going into combat with a shield but no sword?
I hate it.
She should try being from SPACE
It sounds like a Golden Age WW thing to say.
>Structure it like a straight up D&D style quest. Have Diana be all "I'm putting a team together.", and collect a bunch of magic/mystery based characters.
My idea would be to make it a genuinely dark and sometimes sad movie, but with the whole point of the darkness to highlight the beautiful aspects of life and the brighter, more whimsical and 'fun' elements of DC's magical stuff, with a sense of wonder to it all at the same time. I'd have the soundtrack be a mix between ethereal shoegaze, dream rock/pop, and dark wave from real musical acts, with an orchestral component to it too with a sound that's partly ethereal with a dark, creepy vibe to it juxtaposed to a brighter, more dreamy sound. I think something like this would be appropriate for DC's magical stuff as a lot of it is really dark but stands next to a lot of the more conventionally 'brighter' stuff like Shazam.
I'm thinking stuff like this could be in the soundtrack:
The fact she keeps being depicted using sword and shield nowadays soured the idea pretty badly though.
Same. That's what I love about Diana. She genuinely loves EVERYONE, even people like us. In an age where incels are put down a lot and actively feared (perhaps justifiably so, even if at least partially), where's Diana who would gently calm us down and try to change us for the better. That's why I love her.
That is so cheesy, but it feels like goddamn genius compared to DC's current output.
But that is the funny part.
Yeah, I remember that.
But is this really canon?
>best selling horror movie
user DC sabotaged Shazam because they thought he might get big as Supes.
There is no goddamned way the actually make an attempt in making someone they think should be his bottom bitch bigger
Why was 90s Wonder Woman so cute and comfy?
Wonder Woman hasn't been tainted by politics and doesn't have super autistic fan base. With Diana, they completely ignored the retards and like Gal Gadot do whatever.
I like that Wonder Woman's sense of justice is more paternalistic in that she feels it's her duty to punish or reform evil. Everything she does is out of compassion rather than the need to uphold modern law.
Does that count as /ss/?
What do you guys think of her recent more aggressive portrayal?
Fucking hate it more than i do my ex, that legit sucked my dog's dick and sent me the pic because she wanted to make me hate my beloved dog as well.
> Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength, and power. Not wanting to be girls, they don't want to be tender, submissive, peace-loving as good women are. Women's strong qualities have become despised because of their weakness. The obvious remedy is to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman.
She does a legit elbow drop. It's great.
Eh, it works sometimes but they often forget how caring Wonder Woman is. Like I want her to be assertive and shit but I also want her to care about other people regardless if they're evil or not. Basically, I want Wonder Woman to be act like a parent.
Technically yes but I think it's just a dream.
I'm a big dcfag and I still don't really get what her character is supposed to be
>feminine archetypes having force means they're violent douchebags for no reason
Not what he meant by that, writers.
Diana has to be into wrestling, yeah? The real question is; Is she completely unaware of kayfabe, or is she one of those fans play into it hardcore?
What a bitch. No dog deserves that
>What do you like best about Wonder Woman?
her ass
(please help me identify this comic)
I like Diana, as others have said, given her own complexity in comparison to Batman and Superman. She's kind, but also fierce. A warrior, but also a diplomat. The cool thing about Wonder Woman is that by being a champion of truth means that she can be a calm pacifist but also take up the sword to defend the weak when diplomacy has failed.
WW's rogue gallery is probably the most creative one in comics. The biggest problem is that they never get used.
Yes she uses a sword, stop getting fucking triggered over it already. I prefer the bracelets and lasso, but also have no problem with her having a sword either.
Holy shit that last panel. Was this serious or just a joke? I can't tell anymore.
The sword is a fucking dumb idea and goes against everything WW stand for. It's like Batman using a gun or Superman wearing an armor.
it's billy wet dreaming
Cry me a river, bitch. EVERY goddamn Wonder Woman related thread you come in and fucking whine about the fucking sword. You pretend likes she's a monstrous Barbarian killing people left and right just to fit your own autism when that's not the case at all. Furthermore, do I even need to comment on the gun thing when Batman fucking carries tools FAR more lethal than a standard issue police pistol in his belt?
Yes, It was all a dream.
Also, Solomon basically threw the game off because he knew that Billy really wanted to get pegged by Wonder Woman.
Why would Diana need a fucking sword? WHY? DC gave her one just to make her look badass because GRRR GREEK WARRIOR CHICK. It's stupid. Why carry a sword if you're a character who's all about resolving conflicts non-lethally, preferably through diplomacy?
Because her costume was reimagined as something like gladiator armor, and a sword just goes alongside with that.
Well, it's fucking retarded. The lasso is great. I hardly ever see she using the damn thing. Fuck the sword. While i am at it, fuck the shield too.
You carry a sword hoping to never have to use it, etc.
She's Wonder Woman. She can kill someone with a punch. Hell, she can slice someone's arm off with her nails. She doesn't need a sword.
ussually I use a same quote I use to comment on second wave feminism
>woman exchange a virtue of femininity for vice of masculinity
I would be fine with the sword IF it were a magic blade that non-lethally incapacitated people. The shield is pretty dumb though, completely useless when the bracelets already project a force field.
>Why would the warrior princess trained in nearly every form of combat/weapon and faces robots, monsters, and aliens need a bladed weapon
Gee I fucking wonder why? Just because you HAVE a sword ready doesn't mean you'll use it for every fucking occasion, you damn moron. It also plays on the dual nature of peace and war. You can want peace, go out of your way in every sense to resolve a situation through diplomacy, but the unfortunate truth is that you must be prepared for war regardless otherwise you'll lose what you're fighting for. Even Gandhi once said that impotence and cowardice are worse than violence. You're just a not muh autist
She was fucking woman because that's all the option she had. Once she found out about men, she realised how much better cock is.
Also there is no one on her level to ship her with who is also bi so she'll never have a female love interest unless it's some nobody Amazonian in a backstory.
So she's straight.
>tfw no comedic, light-hearted Power Girl movie
I wish it one where she teamed up with Supergirl and she's like the sexy older sister that keeps embarrassing her with her big tits.
What would she be like as a gf?
She was blessed by the gods with wondrous powers, including intellect and wisdom. She comes from a group of immortal ladies that live in a literal paradise island. She's all about finding a better way and being a better person.
Wonder Woman should be the last person to be pragmatic about the "realities of war".
So living on a sheltered island gives you the right to think like a child and ignore the realities of both peace and war? You sir are a fucking child
No, but Wonder Woman should be shocked by senseless violence, pointless bloodshed, sickness, hunger, and, specially, death. She might be aware of those things intellectually. That the outside world face such terrible conditions. But experiencing such things face-to-face should rock her world. Leave her speechless, even traumatized.
This idea of Wonder Woman being this seasoned warrior who's all pragmatic about killing is just... really goddamn stupid given her background.
Minecraft Steve Trevor
>I love how she genuinely loves EVERYBODY and wants to redeem any wrong-doers, including all of her bad guys.
She's the original magical girl
*And his wife but let's ignore that because it doesn't fit my narrative.
>and she's like the sexy older sister that keeps embarrassing her with her big tits.
This needs to be their dynamic in the comics too, but with PG also being a genuine, serious big sister to her.
But DC won't do it because they're allergic to good ideas.
Transformation sequence and everything. I wish she still did that.
A bit of Disney Princess in there too, what with the talking to animals thing.
Just because you're pragmatic about those things doesn't mean you're casually open to killing for fuck sake. Christ if she was so traumatized by the realities of war, she'd get nothing done and wouldn't do shit against Ares
>I wish she still did that.
Occasionally, they have her do it in the comics too. It depends on the writer, really. I know that Gail Simone had her do it way back when.
>A bit of Disney Princess in there too, what with the talking to animals thing.
I love how much of a feminine heroine Wondy is, even for all the punching and shit. In fact, I really wish the angle Morrison took for her with Earth One stuck in the mainstream continuity, with her trying to negotiate and solve conflict through peaceful means instead of fighting constantly. It's exactly what a female superhero WOULD do imo.
Carrying a sword everywhere like it was her handbag is still fucking stupid, because it implies she's always ready to maim someone.
Given the world she lives in that sounds like a good reason.
Again, that's your own autistic headcanon at work here. Christ I'd hate to hear your opinion on the second amendment. Superman can burn a man alive just by looking at them, and Batman is backing a lethal arsenal in his belt but I don't see you bitching about them. But waaaaaahhh, Wonder Woman is carrying a sharp object! Think of the children!
So that's her go-to tact of choice then. See how badly she comes off?
Hey, remember the lasso? Remember how cool and iconic it was?
Oh look how you're trying to shift the goalposts now. Rewind: I already said I prefer the fucking lasso you retard. Furthermore, Wonder Woman is STILL remembered to wielding a lasso first over the sword, so your argument is still weak. She still regularly uses that too. And no, that's not her go-to tactic of choice.
You're either stupid or just baiting at this point
You see more of the sword in cross-media stuffs, promotion material, and even in comics than the lasso.
my fav thing is that she beats some battles with love and hugs
>B-But they show the sword more!
Give it up already. Or you just going continue to ignore everything else said in this discussion?
You said nothing of value. You even think that Wonder Woman being pragmatic about needing to kill someone is good characterization.
Post the pic
I wonder if this scene will be in the movie.
>Gal Gadot holding Kristen Wiig to the ground and gently telling her that everything will be okay
>Nothing of value
Have a final (You) and fuck off
But what if an Amazon is bested in battle by a prospective mate, what then?
I honestly think GWW's run will end up being in the list of her best runs
>those legs
oh look, you autistic fag again. It's for fighting things that aren't alive, she can use it against constructs and golems or against robots. She fights gods all the time, so constructs are a regular thing she goes against
>This idea of Wonder Woman being this seasoned warrior
all the Amazons are seasoned warriors. You know they have a pantheon that they have to fight?
She makes a top tier loli.
You know a sword can be used to parry as well? It's a defensive weapon.
>tfw you buy her ice cream and she begins to eat it seductively
Having a job is a vice?
I've been meaning to get into Wondy for a while, what's a good place to start?
Why are those so few unique stories with Wonder Woman? Historia is coming everntually but the only other spin on Wonder Woman is her Earth One. DC needs to give her more love.
Anyone else like Steve and Wondy as couple?
Gods, imagine her in bed
Reality is relative, but you've been living in one world for so long that yours will look like the objective truth.
Anyone who pairs her with anyone else is a plebeian of gigantic proportions.
>diaper saying Powergirls costume is bad
what trash is this?
They've wasted the potential for several Elseworlds already. For example, the one with her set in Victorian-era Britain could've been fucking great.
Messner-Loebs is GOAT.
Which universe is this WW from?
The 50's atompunk one
DC Bombshells
Bombshells. Alternative WW2 timeline with current heroes. It is good on its own but if you like the pin up era you will cum buckets. Every superhero looks awesome in it.
Huh, looks cool.
Are there any other versions of Wonder Woman that are cool and awesome? I think she keeps getting shafted.
No, it's too hot.
Jeeesus what a shitty drawing.
George Perez wrote her with a sword.
Then no snu snu.
Does anyone have good Wonder Woman reaction images? I need some for my folder.
Hard to say because everyone writes her very differently. The quality of her stories vary wildly. Everybody loves he George Perez run but other than that she doesn't have many consistent stories. And in team ups she really get shafted for most of the time. Early Bombshells is actually one of the few exceptions.
I'm a brainlet when it comes to runs. Someone else may help you with that. From the top of my head I can suggest a few shorter stories.
Wonder Woman by George Perez for the (modern) basics
One shots
The Hiketeia
League of One
Modern shorts:
Wonder Woman/Conan 1-6
Legend of Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman Earth One
IMO modern cartoons do her bigger justice than the comics.
Wonder Woman (2009) animated movie
Justice League Action
DC Super Hero Girls
There was an online video game which died quickly with DC heroes. I didn't play it but I still keep hearing their alternative timeline "Atomic Wonder Woman" was great.
I have a webm
>League of One
Damn, I love that one. I've never would've thought that Wonder Woman fighting a dragon could be so cool.
Also, does that artist still do comic or book work?
Not him but is that one actually good?
DC Bombshells had some excellent designs. Shame about the comic being so-so (from what I read of it).
I was hoping to see exactly something on this level with Gadot and Jenkins
But we only saw stunts in uninspired fight scenes
It's good to say that Wonder Woman in comics does not fight like that becasuse the writers never exploit this side of her
What a ugly wonder woman
Art is a bit messy sometimes but overall it's pretty good.
>beat Shazam in an arm-wrestling contest.
She has about 2 thousand years of experience in fights
But that side of her is never explored in comics
>She has about 2 thousand years of experience in fights
Did they ever explore it? I mean, I remembered she's about as fast as some Flashes too.
_ ____ __ ____ ____ ____
God I want her to pop my head like a watermelon with her bicep
Fucking rarely.
>IMO modern cartoons do her bigger justice than the comics.
>Justice League Action
Come on
She can punch things. You know that, right?
>You seem to already be speaking from a position of bias
And you aren’t?
Still haven't gotten around to fixing some of the issues in this
lol holy shit, now THAT'S a fuckin power move
Joke's on the bitch, she just made you eskimo bros
Anyone interested in Amazon Historia?
with that art, YES. but I will not blind buy this one. This is a read online first and decide later. I haven't read a good KSD book yet
>amazing new directions
Yeah, definitely a "pirate first" case.
Yeah, he's really putting his work into this.
I'm mobile posting, so I apologize for not posting the images directly.
I'm wary of KSD too.
To answer your question tc, it's because she's always wanted Supes' dick and existed as fetish fuel for boys and girls You thought she ever deserved anything good beyond the Lynda Carter series that actually defined her? Especially when Donna exists?
What is this? Are they finally gonna clear up the story of the Amazons?
The SMWW thing was always something contrived so Superman wouldn't have to bang his own cousin.
i don't. I actually cant sexualize her. She's my favorite superhero. To me, she is pure, a symbol of femininity and diplomacy, a physical embodiment of objective truth and morality, a no nonsense type of person who revels in the heat of battle. Shes the best.
As much as I dislike Denny's Wonder Woman, I've always liked I-Ching. I felt bad that he died, he could've been used a lot more.
Everything she said is technically true with a big old asterisk and applies to both sexes. The problem isn't that there are no good slaves- some people legitimately just want to be told what to do and be fed and watered and left alone: There are just no good masters/mistresses.
I know 1 2 3 6 7 10 12 14 and 15
Who's the rest?
>Amazons were created by the goddesses to spread peace and love to the rest of the world
>they rarely leave the island
I really wish DC would just let the Amazons do their jobs. It's really fucking boring to have a potentially interesting faction just sitting there not doing anything.
They had an embassy user. Also, I don't think the goddesses meant they had to leave the island.
Yeah, they did have an embassy. Once. And it was destroyed. And ever since, they've done nothing but sit around and not do anything, because DC is staffed by blithering retards who only care about fight scenes and shoving pretentious garbage down our throats.
>I don't think the goddesses meant they had to leave the island.
The goddesses left it entirely up to them on how they would actually go about accomplishing their mission.
Not like it'd be hard to figure out how they'd operate either. Negotiate peace agreements by acting as impartial mediators, hold sermons, organize charity events, send supervillains to their rehabilitation facility on Venus, crisis relief efforts... Basically all the standard superhero stuff on a larger scale.
>Superman wouldn't have to bang his own cousin.
Did they ever do something with this?
I heard during the silverage Supergirl went on a quest to find a girl for Superman to marry.
Donnas a Titans ho. She’s barely a character let alone Wonder Woman one