Going to a comic con this morning, what should i do and what should i avoid to not sperg out at this social gathering?

Going to a comic con this morning, what should i do and what should i avoid to not sperg out at this social gathering?

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The last place you need to be afraid of 'sperging out' at is a comic book convention. You'd have to actively train for months to be the biggest autist there.

What should i do in order to make friends and talk to people?

Channel your inner Shake.

So i go up to people to talk about korras baby girl or what?

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Just be yourself, you're good enough already bud.

>what should I do
Shower. Wear clean clothes. Get there early to get in without hours of waiting but you'll still wait hours anyway. Don't touch people without consent. If someone invites you to a private room that reeks of BO and pussy fucking run.

>Wear clean clothes.
Semi done. My shirt underneath my cosplay has some cat hair on it
>Get there early to get in without hours of waiting but you'll still wait hours anyway.
>Don't touch people without consent.
Do i have to?
>If someone invites you to a private room that reeks of BO and pussy fucking run.
Why should i run away from an orgy invitation?

>Why should i run away from an orgy invitation at comic-con
Assuming you aren't sloth from goonies with ten kinds of STD's there are lots of reasons you should run from comic-con orgies

But its probably my only way to crush nerd girl pussy in like forever

There'll be crushing alright, but you won't be the one doing it

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What did he mean by this?

Serious: bring something like hand sanitizer that you can hold near your nose in crowds to overpower the extreme BO you will encounter. Getting trapped in a sweaty, pungent crowd every couple minutes can be disgusting and it helps to have a smell to overpower it.

I think I've only ever ran into smelly people at a con a few times. When I was at ACEN two bowsette cosplayers walked past me that reeked, but I honestly can't remember any other time.

>two bowsette cosplayers

Is it really that bad or are you exaggerating?

I mean were they hot?

I was at Wondercon this year and it didn't occur to me till I was there that it was basically a big shopping event.
Bring cash, there are some good prices on shit

They were... ok? They were thicker but not really super fat. They stunk bad so I didn't stop to get a picture. I did find a really cute Boo-ette cosplay, she was good and I didn't smell anything awful from a mile away.

I hope you have a copy of this book and have read it thoroughly. If so your are set to live a fulfilled life at the expense of others. It changed my life.

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I always thought women smell like scented candles

Not the kiinds that go to comic conventions

The ones that look good smell like sunflowers and unicorns.

Not that, definitely not that!

If you interact with normal human beings on more than a once a month basis at best, than you're gonna be the least autistic dude there by default.

Master Shake you sick fuck don't you dare!

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Real talk, the reason folk stink at cons isn't because of a complete lack of hygiene (not all the time at least), it's because most con halls are disgustingly hot, combine that with a heat trapping costume and it don't take very long from going freshly showered and pristine to "oh god, the deodorant does nothing!"
Light airy clothes, maybe a few spare pair of socks in your bag, some strong anti-antiperspirants, lots of nice cold water, hell, maybe even some baby whips in your bag so if you start to get really muggy you can run to the bathroom and give your pits and crotch a good wipe down, they'll go a long way.

Why do people cosplay again?

better yet, cosplay as a plague doctor and stuff your beak with fragrant perfumes, unctions and herbs to promote clean blood, yellow bile and good humors(and also mask the smell of the disgusting nerd BO)

Are you going to Denver comic Con? I'll be there as well, dressed as a Jedi and my sister is Leia

No, heres a hint
dana snyder is going to be their

The shopping is a big part of it but your missing out if you don't go to any of the panels. Was at star wars Shakespeare yesterday and it was better than I expected. A new hope took about 50 minutes

Okay, not related to OP, but

He’s everywhere, man

It gives you a sense of accomplishment by making something yourself and it draws attention.

Never experienced a stink beyond what you would on the street if you got next to somebody who doesn't shower or deodorize like they should. And even I did, moving away from them gets rid of it. Then again, I think asian markets smell fine while others tell me they reek of fish, so maybe I'm not a good judge in general.

As far as talking to people, you all have similar interests, so it should be easy as hell to find somebody wearing or buying something you can relate to.

Also, Dana is very funny, go to his panel. And he sells voice recordings for fairly cheap, get one and get you a unique answering machine.

Dana stop.

Hydrate and eat beforehand. Thirst and hunger can make you do stupid shit.

Thx for the advice


Make sure you clean your foreskin.

I dont have my foreskin

Put deodorant on your balls/dick/asshole and smear some Vicks Vapor Rub under your nostrils. Spray the soles of your feet with Drakkar Noir.

OP here, got danas autograph. I felt like i was gonna sperg out especially when i shook his hand but i made it bros

Will post pics later if thread is still alive


Cosplay. Cosplay is always a great conversation starter. I don't go to cons if I can't cosplay.

bring hand sanatizer but thats more of if you worry about germs
instead use like peppermint oil or some shit to rub under your nose or just hold your breath

>game rooms are ok but thats a high funk chance
>dont buy food at the con its always jew tier
>if youre there for panels plan out your route becuase some panels will have more people than others and will get crowded
>if you plan on buying merch take a couple of laps becuase youll always find some other shit when you walk around
>if you see a cosplay you like just ask for a pic no need to sperg

what is it with guys in glasses?

Is this convention by any chance called Epic Con? Just asking.

