ITT: writers with no bad comics

ITT: writers with no bad comics

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It is literally just him.

Richard C Meyer




Apart from that, I can’t think of anything bad he has written. It’s actually kind of a relief. If Mooreh hadn’t made at least one bad comic I would just be waiting for him to completely lose it and make something terrible. Knowing Neonomicon exists means I know how bad Moore can be. It can never get worse.

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As much as I worship him, even I have to admit he's got a few stinkers in his portfolio, like his Spawn-related stuff.

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>Apart from that, I can’t think of anything bad he has written
Weren't most of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen books complete shit?
Like the one where he had Harry Potter as a school shooter antichrist that shot lightning from his dick?

what about that harry potter one. that was just kind of sad.

Neil Gaiman.

Haven't read everything his. But there's always some minute shit that ruins otherwise perfect stories. Like on miracleman when gargunza doesn't just kill michael immediately. Or more than a few scenes on swamp thing.

Lost Girls

Nobody who writes for a living. And while I’m at it, nobody who writes for a hobby.

Neil Gaiman


certainly not him

Gargunza was over confident since Mike both looked and was a pathetic waste of air and there was no chance he would have survived 1 hour against miraclehound.

Show us your work user.

I'll link one of my most recent ones here:

Moore wrote for Spawn?
Not a comic but American Gods is fucking trash, Also some parts in Sandman really dragged

You start.

no? those are based

I bet the script of this crappy comic was written like this
"and den harry pooper (eksdee eksdee) kill all his faggot friend like in Columbine (KLEBOLDXHARRIS 4 LIFE) den he try to kill people with his dick by peeing lightning (pee lol) but den Mary Poppins (who is cool and awesome) kill that retard wizard because Mary Poppins is cool, Mary Poppins is so much cooler than the stuff we have nowadayz,i wish i was a 1930s kids"

Yeah, he did a single issue of the ongiong and a few mini-series. You can tell his hearth wasn't in either of them.

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I liked American Gods. It is definitely not his best novel work like it's treated, but it's great still.
>Some parts of Sandman really dragged
OP didn't ask for writers who never wrote a bad issue.

We all know his snake god ghost-wrote all his stories

Well, that was short, but your work really has.... identity like other works don't. Keep writing user.

You sound mad. And dumb.

Haha. No.

'League' is solid as a series. The weakest point IMO were teh two first century books - 1910 and 1969. 2009, which has the school-shooter Harry Potter who is really anti-christ actually took that trilogy up a notch.

Also no bad songs, this guy.

Everything he writes is a masterpiece.

LXG volume 2 drops the ball completely after Quatermain and Murray fuck. It soured me on the series and I haven't picked up the later books since.

>Also some parts in Sandman really dragged

I know this was probably out of Gaimans control, but a lot of the art was hard to navigate as well.

Christopher Hastings >>>> Alan Moore.

he wrote lost girls so that's incorrect

You sound contrarian and angry

I found Promethea boring.

He's my favorite comics writer but this is false.
What is this?

Really? I thought the ending was the best part of vol. 2. Hiw do you think it gets worse? I am Interested in hearing a different persepctive.

American Gods is good you pleb. I would say go to Yea Forums but not even you deserve that.

The ending felt rushed to me. Mina and Allan are on an island to track down the doctor, next you see them they are fucking and then at the end, the thing they brought, the disease, it can conviently wipe out the martians. It felt anti-climactic to me and did not feel cathartic at all. Hyde's death felt like he was written out of the future books. It's a shame really because I feel that from the beginning to Mina-Allan's cozy night, this volume was really fucking strong.

He has plenty of garbage work. It doesn't overshadow the truly great stuff he's done, but he has written a lot of junk, as well. Any writer that doesn't have some turds probably never wrote more than a few stories or never wrote anything truly excellent, because you have to experiment and some times it doesn't work out.

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Let's not have him believe otherwise, lest he commits suicide.

Neonomicon was good, one of his weakest comics but still good.

Frank Miller

No, it wasn't. It has superfluous sex scenes so much that I predicted that once we do get sight of Nyar's mouth, he will suck someone's dong.

I refer to Neonomicon, Courtyard & Providence as one comic.

C'mon man, Providence is fucking great.

>All these people hating on Lost Girls

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You're wrong. Providence is Moore's best work in decades. It unfortunately requires a strong familiarity with Lovecraft's stories to really appreciate what Moore is doing.

Unironically Morrison

Morrison unironically created the best tranny ever in The Invisibles. And I'm not even a huge fan of Morrison, The Invisibles, or trannies.

Neonomicon was a mess

>American Gods is trash
Fuck you, it's good.

to be fair I haven't read his Batman story, Mystique, or Dr. Strange the Oath, but if you only count his original creations
>Ex Machina
>Y: The Last Man
>Pride of Baghdad
>Paper Girls
some of them are better than others but none of them are bad

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Literally tranny books. He's fucking unbearable if you're not an emasculated Binging with Babish fan.

Half of his comics are bad.
Saga is objectively bad.

Lost Girls is a mediocre and forgettable story that rides on controversy and Moore's name. But it has pretty art and I liked the paneling, especially the use of the mirror.

Alan Moore and Grant Morrison are raging SJWs and Alan Moore opened the thread

or are you going to try and argue that Frank Miller's Holy Terror was """"good"""" just because it is racist?

All those are horrible.

What are babbling about? When did tranny come to mean SJW, you dunderhead?

Can he write with his beard?

It was ok up until shadow met up with easter. Anything aftwr that was a total let down. The STARS adaptation is a total travesty too.

Neonomicon is fine in light of Providence. It has flaws, but is by no means bad.

Yeah, I don't get how Lost Girls gets purported to be awful when it's just kind of okay-ish. I suppose it's Moore's worst work but his worst is still better than most comic writers' best.

most of his comics are straight garbage

nah, it's not his best novel but it's good, and it setting up Anasazi Boys makes it even better


>ITT: writers with no bad comics
>Fish rape book
Thread quality really has slid since the summer started.

Neonomicon was incredibly good

Yeah, Providence does elevate it. I still wouldn't call it good, but it's less awful kind of. Providence is fucking incredible though. Everybody should read that one.
His short story collections have a bunch of trash though.

Don Rosa
You know it's true

Any love for Eddie Campbell?

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Hugo Pratt has never had a bad comic

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Is reading Lovecraft prose annotated by Moore enough for that or should I be familiar with his whole body of work?

Also has anybody here read Jerusalem by Moore? Is it worth it?

I liked his art in From Hell, he's Hellblazer story was also very enjoyable for me Although it was pretty funny how he moved Constantine from UK to Australia to avoid all the britishness

>superfluous sex scene
>in a comic about the fucking Deep ones

Sex with deep ones is literally the main theme of their story in Lovecraft original novel, is not superfluous. Sex and pregnany is also present on several stories of hp lovecraft. You're literally complaining because Moore choose to be loyal to the source.

Now you're jut acting like a dick, sure there is implied sex in the background of some of Lovecraft's stories but it never takes place in the stories themselves, also Moore is infamous for his obsesion with sex , the rape meme didn't come from nowhere. Just go and read Lost Girs aka Alice, Dorothy and Wendy having sex for 300 something pages the comic

Lost Girls is great you're just a brainlet and have a Puritan morality, exactly what Moore was making fun of

That's what you told your mother when she picked up lost girls?

All of them. None of them have bad comics.

>writers with no good comics

my mom doesn't read fiction

Everything he did after 2006 is unreadable.

>crtl +f "Eric Powell"
>No results.

Fuck all ya'll. Everything I read from this guy has been from "Good" to "Amazing". Hell, Big Man Plans was so good for me I actually make a personal effort not to make fun of dwarf people myself (I don't tell others not to, but I personally choose to avoid making fun of them).

If I was filthy rich, I'd love to use my personal resources to get a movie made based off of it or an HBO mini-series done (obviously starting you know who).

Also to add, Hillbilly has great fucking dialogue.

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