>world full of all shapes and sizes of creatures
>protags are just blue people with funny noses and ears
Can this shit fucking stop?
World full of all shapes and sizes of creatures
Well it's true this one is a twink for example
But where's the fun in that? You're gonna put is in a fantasy world but the protags just look like attractive humans? It's a cheap tactic to employ empathy.
they need to be relatable
This looks like it should be a 5 minute skit for a European animation studio, not a multi-million dollar 90 minute film.
>I can't make a character relatable without making them human
if the mains were women no one would complain
I would complain. It's still boring as shit to have pseudo-humans in a fantasy setting.
Well, yeah. The audience's ability to relate something is outside your control. It's not Hollywood's fault your neighbor has autism and can't into metaphors and figurative language.
Bet you thought subliminal messages worked on everyone too.
Yeah, you're totally right, no one ever related to Sully, Simba, Marlin, Donald Duck, Bambi, or any of those other characters.
The big boy is pretty cute not gonna lie
those are all examples from universes without humans (or human interactions)
now take Star Wars or Treasure Planet as example, if you can, you always go with the human
Yeah tranny, people don't want to look at a nasty fucking freak like yourself or whatever bug alien you're envisioning as an excellent protagonist. They want to see attractive men and women.
Not that the piss poor garbage in the OP qualifies as attractive.
are you the guy who plays purely monster races in DnD and then tries to ERP the entire party "for the lolz haha"?
The movie in the OP is a world without humans. Learn to read.
Those are all heavily anthropomorphized. Why do you insist on having human features on characters? Why not a plain featureless pebble for a protagonist? Now that's a good idea!
Shrek was relatable and he wasn't just a green human
Cope over bland character design
Alright. Well, they already did Monsters Inc. Now they're doing elves. Elves are pretty similar to humans in appearance. If they were centipede beasts with ten dicks then they wouldn't register as elves to anyone. Not sure what the fuck the OP wants.
>autist having a tantrum because typical humans more easily identify with themselves than abominations, furniture and sentient abstractions
The world is populated with lots of different races. In the trailer we see gnomes, trolls, and elves. You can make elves interesting without just making them literally blue humans with funny ears.
he pretty much was, just a bit wider with freakish ears
Why should they reinvent the wheel to serve some contrarian hot take on Yea Forums?
The OP is a retard for trying to push his weird fetish onto the art of character design and we are roasting him for it. This is a separate issue from the character design in the picture he chose to use.
No one sane is defending that character design. It's trash. It is somehow a carbon copy of Linguini while removing all of his pathetic charm. I don't know how that's possible but they did it.
>this character design is bland
ten cents has been deposited into your account.
and the main characters look like fucking blue humans. your point?
>You can make elves interesting without just making them literally blue humans with funny ears.
Normally they just have funny ears, and aren't even blue. How does that preclude them being interesting characters, or even an interesting take on a non-human culture or society? You seem very shallow. Try to set a goal for yourself to think deeper about things.
Try to refrain from shitting your pants quite so obviously.
He wasn't supposed to be a generic attractive dude, though. Obviously they didn't make him horrendously ugly, but his appearance wasn't nearly the same as the other humans with him.
>hey maybe the character shouldn't just be a literal human with a shit design
That's exactly my point. There were infinitely other ones to choose from. It's boring.
>GET THIS YOU GUYS! What if the leprechauns... were really tall! BOOM! I'm a genius!
>on a non-human culture or society
this setting is literally suburbia though
The character design in the OP being bad has absolutely nothing to do with the OP's complaints. You could easily have a good character design of a blue human with funny ears. I think you're just really dumb and confused.
It's interesting that faggot OP hasn't realised overly weird-looking main characters would detract from the narrative of leaving mundane suburban routines to go on a magical adventure. Extras can look wacky more easily because they're just there to be jokes.
Again, no one said that the shitty nu-Pixar movie is doing anything good or interesting. You say insane blanket statements that are clearly intended to apply to all of media, people roast you for it, and then you try to defend your statements by retreating to this specific movie as if you were only talking about this specific movie when you fucking weren't.
you want a movie about trolls? already exists
you want a movie about elves? already exists
you want a movie about gnomes? already exists
you want a movie about unicorns? already exists
what the fuck is your problem
No, he was Andre the Giant with hulk skin.
>OP image is literally one movie and describes one character
I never meant it as a blanket statement. Sorry if my autism made it seem that way
But can we talk about how shitty a va Tom Holland sounded in that trailer?
Style choices aside, I genuinely have no interest seeing this movie. It just comes off as bland.
Style choices back, if this wasn't labeled Pixar I totally would've assumed this was Dreamworks Animation, and I'm fine with their movies.
Last one is a stretch, but 1 and 2 are almost exactly the same except linguine was charming.
Ink suit actor, I get it. But this is ridiculous.
What's meant to be ridiculous?
>It's a cheap tactic to employ empathy
That's what Disney/Pixar films are supposed to do
Wall-E was a fucking masterpiece
>Make a fantasy/scifi plot with monster races
>Have one of those characters being the designated protagonist who the audience gradually sympathizes with as they learn more and more about the setting
>Introduce humans in season 3/4 as antagonists/tertiary characters with a completely alien character/culture.
Why isn't this done?
If human antagonists are involved, the story is probably already preachy enough without getting really explicit about 'the greatest monster of all was man'.
Not if they're a late-stage antagonist or a minor faction that just exists in a greater universe.