So we really can't have Star Wars comics without some kind of political message shoved down our throats, can we?
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I'd suggest not reading anymore scifi since slavery of alien races is really common.
man, you must have hated the old EU when the Empire was openly racist and sexist.
Ugh ... this, basically, the old EU was super problematic
Not OP but that's why the increased number of female Imperials for diversity reasons bugs me
People like Daala were exceptions and there's nothing wrong with keeping the Empire white male human
I'm going to be real with you. Women in power and female badasses and female villains are hot.
So was your point? Slavery good?
Have you ever tried not reading/watching Star Wars? The best years of this franchise were before you were born.
I thought you little shits were contemptuous of our old stuff.
What's your argument here exactly?
It's another springboard for more discussion of how WE DINDU NUFFIN and look how progressive we are for pointing out that slavery was wrong! Because blacks sure can't shut up about it even though it ended 200 years ago.
Ah so you're just retarded and thunk no fiction can ever show slavery as bad ever again
To get Yea Forumsmblr into a self-righteous flurry to devour the bait and then wonder why /pol/ shit posts all over the board and refuse to take any inventory to see they're a as big a cause of the utter lack of quality in this place.
Well man, you got a bunch of black people to here by force and now you complain about having to live along side them, maybe it's your fault after all.
how is that a controversial statement.
>So we really can't have Star Wars comics without some kind of political message shoved down our throats, can we?
in the original trilogy the stormtroopers were nazis and the ewoks were the viet cong. star wars has always been a shallow political allegory.
>Ewoks were Viet Cong
That...doesn't seem right.
Are you implying slavery has no implications for Black people today? You think two or three generations is enough time for a whole group of people who had nothing to catch up to everybody else? Not to mention Jim Crow, redlining, housing discrimination, the war on drugs, etc.
Is slavery being bad a topic of contention for you?
As a Chinese man, I can safely say that this whole thing puzzles me.
Many people are kept in slavery. There might not be collars, chains or whips, but all of us are basically enslaved by our employers or our government anyway. Migrant workers who work for extremely low wages are basically slaves. I see no problem with slavery as an institution, since we still have slavery with the names filed off.
If you did not enslave black people, they would have been killed. Being enslaved saved their lives. If there was no slavery, there would be need for them.
That was solved decades ago and black people still complain
I see you like onions
200 years is over 10 generations, retard.
>not even been 150 years
>"Slavery is bad" is too political
Nigga that's the least controversial thing they could've said.
Jesus Christ this website is fucking stupid
You forget that Chinese have literally no empathy.
That's just all chinks though
Is about having the chance to decide what you want to do. Actual slavery actually involved the slave owners salling the children and punishing with violence their slaves.
After that there was the Jim Crow laws. You could be punished for going to the wrong place. Is not some metaphisycal bullshit.
Jim crow laws are fake news made by liberals to make it seem like blacks were still oppressed after slavery
We still have all of this, but for Chinese people. It's basically the same thing.
3 things
-Jim crow ended only 50 years ago. Redlining around 30 years ago
-15 decades is not enough time to recover, the south is still recovering from Sherman's March
Especially when your people still don't have land rights, which is the real power in the US. As you'd guess, land was mostly distributed in the 1850s though and now is unaffordable to anyone who's not a rich bourgeois
-slavery didn't end 200 years ago
Ugh Male Gaze, can you just ugh, just uh, not.
Why is slavery being bad a political message? It's generally considered a bad thing. At most this is a morality message
>When the Chinese government isn't paying you enough to make propaganda that makes sense
Because esstentially if your not dead you should be grateful to be alive and ask for nothing more than basic life. Basic bootlicker logic
>we tried using their labor but they suck at everything
>so now we're using their labor but as slaves which totally solves their aforementioned ineptitude
>even though they're basically pests and should be on schedule for extermination >notwithstanding the fact that we told them very comprehensively to cut it out and they never listened, which they would have if they had a sliver of sentience as you say
Are there ever any writers to touch political issues that aren't retards?
What part of this is propaganda? Life in China is kind of terrible. I am just saying I have no issues with slavery. If slavery was an official institution, I would own and use slaves if I could afford slaves.
>slavery bad
is that really even political? i feel like its pretty normal stance in any civilized society.
owning people is bad, not even just from an ethical standpoint, its bad for society, how is anyone supposed to get a decent paying job when business owners just buy slaves?
Found the libcuck
Slavery is bad you autist.
Are trumptards really like this? Do you honestly think slavery is good
There is literally no reason why slavery should be considered a bad thing. If people consent to selling themselves on the free market, they should be allowed to.
Do you want to be my slave?
Not that guy, but there's nothing especially horrible about slavery. There's no reason for America to treat is an original sin. At worse, they should offer all black people a free trip back to Africa to set up Wakanda or whatever.
Imagine actually wanting to be a basically-slave wagecuck instead of having the slaves do the grunt work in your shop.
That was when america was great so yes
I feel your missing an important point here.
If someone consents to being a slave they aren't a slave. You can't consent to being a slave, it's involuntary. This is the most retarded spin I've had the displeasure of reading on this board
When will a true government superpower bring the hammer down on intergalactic crime? Just set hellfire down on the likes of this wretched hives? The Republic didn't. The Empire didn't. The First Order didn't. Who will be the space fist of JUSTICE?!
all these pro slavery people imagine themselves as slave owners, not realizing they would much more likely be slaves in a society that allows slavery.
>retards never heard all the blacks that volunteered to be slaves to get out of Africa
Most of the slavery is consensual: people sell themselves into it. It's actually really fucking hard to keep people chained against their will, it takes nothing short of a cage with riflemen posted on perimeter.
>Slavery bad
The North should have finished the job and executed every Confederate for treason.
>There's nothing wrong with forcing people to do something they don't want to against their will
Do you even have morals?
>Thinking a significant number of black people volunteered to be slaves
>Thinking slaves are volunteers
Literal brainlet logic
To be fair, if you're white, you would be a slave owner or at least not a slave.
Well most likely itd be effectively irrelevant to them.
That's right you little puppets, dance to the tune of your overlords and bicker among yourselves so that it'll be easier to control you all. Or do you not see that we are all slaves? Well, not me, not anymore. For I have broken free from the shackles that have held me in place for all my life until now.
I am truly free from this SOCIETY.
Mostly no, its just another part of outrage culture and them being thirsty for (you)'s.
>So we really can't have Star Wars comics without some kind of political message shoved down our throats, can we?
Are you defending the concept of slavery? Fucking retarded faggot
So what you're saying is freeing the slaves was a bad idea, because now they shit up the place and dont even work anymore.
>It's actually really fucking hard to keep people chained against their will, it takes nothing short of a cage with riflemen posted on perimeter.
Alright mods it's time to shut this shit down
It has come to the point when they actually believe slaves were asking for it. By God.
This. If you were going to free them, you should have sent them home or shot them. You should have never let them stay.
Everything is political. Even attempting to avoid political messages is an inherently political act.
And yes. Slavery is bad.
Slaving another human being is wrong, I shouldn't have to tell you that.
You can abolish it after I get my twi'lek clone slave.
the vast majority of slavery in history was not done by race.
the idea of slavery being tied to race is uniquely american concept.
The Antebellum South? Nah, it was a rape filled shithole.
>There's nothing wrong with forcing people to do something they don't want to against their will
Like be forced to provide services to African Americans?
If you are a free man, you have ownership of yourself. If you have complete ownership of yourself, you can give that ownership to someone else in exchange for money or services. Thus any free man can consent to slavery by selling ownership of himself. It's not rocket science
Except for the places where white people were slaves, which was, uh, everywhere there were white people.
I have yet to see any actual evidence that slaves were mistreated in the US. It's always struck me as a fabrication perpetuated for sympathy.
Its fake news like the holocaust so white people feel guilty
Kill yourself you clown ass retard
>a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.
this is definition of slave,if you choose to become a slave and obey due to said agreement you are not a slave.
what you describe sounds more like indentured servitude.
>a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.
You can consent to being forced to obey someone, brainlet.
So if you voluntarily choose to become your master's property (e.g. for compensation to your family), you're not a slave?
>Welfare is slavery haha
Literally comparing a bandage solution to centuries of nuance and privilege and systemized racism to actual slavery. Paying taxes isn't slavery. Get some help
You can't rescind slavery. It therefore is not voluntary. Even following your argument which is dumb both in context and real life, because no one sells themselves into slavery, it'd be more profitable to work in all cases.
Also humans aren't commodities you can buy or sell. Again a basic moral concept that seems to ask trumptards who are more interested in tribalism
Remember when star wars didn't have politics in it and the only problem was a trade embargo?
>You can consent to being forced
I haven't laugh so much in a while. You win.
Firstly retard argument no one would do that. You'd make more money in almost every case just working on an hourly basis.
Secondly if you can't rescind consent it isn't really consent. Slavery isn't right in any case
>black people are the only people who have ever been slaves
No, you're a medieval serf.
>humans aren't commodities you can buy or sell.
Someone needs to read Hoppe