There's a correct answer

There's a correct answer

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Wrong. It's Foster's you fucking retard.

Nope. Ben 10.

Yeah I'd agree with this. It has the lowest highs and also the lowest lows.

It's either Ben 10 or Fosters for me. I'd personally go with Ben 10 because I never cared for the franchise, but Fosters was a real mixed bag too.


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Kid's Next Door. Easily.

What's wrong with you?

I actually thought more people would hate Teen Titans. The hate for the original usually appears during Teen Titans Go threads.

Also fosters for me.

Rugrats (at least before Dill got introduced), Rocko, and Hey Arnold.

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I hate knd and foster.

Only right answer.

Something about this era of Nick cartoons always gave me a headache as a kid. I think it was just the art styles for some reason but it was always hard for me to watch

shit thats easy
1. Rocko
2. Hey Arnold
3. Angry beavers
possible alt for 3. Catdog

Hey Arnold!, Rocko's Modern Life, Doug. Everything else in that pic is shit.

Beavers, Arnold, Rocko

Correct answer is Fosters. I love the show, but the rest are objectively better.
Commit forever sleep you worthless invalid.

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I'll give you 4, Ben 10, Teen Titans, Samurai Jack and Courage

Rocket Power, As Told by Ginger, and Doug. This is unbeatable.

It fucking sucks.

>Choosing Rugrats & CatDog over Hey Arnold!
Absolute shit taste.

>Samurai Jack
>fucking Courage
Gobbling cock is not a hobby, user.

Gonna be real, I somehow overlooked Hey Arnold there. Don't know how. Actual list:
>Hey Arnold
Apologies, friendo.

Benlo and Fisters could very well go and I wouldn't be very broken up about it

>The show with the Bendy episode
>Versus 8 shows that didn't have the Bendy episode
Real tough choice here

What's it like to be a idiot with shit taste?

Samurai Jack


I get that the Finale was shit but it's stupid as fuck to hate the entire Series over it.

Oh I don’t hate it. I’m just more indifferent to it then I am to the other shows. I always found Jack a boring character

Yeah, Foster's can go. The pilot was good, but too much assholishness in what came after.

Monsters, Rocko and Beavers. I'll miss Arnold but the others are just more fun.

Ben 10 or KND or Teen Titans?

Garbage taste.

So share your choices.

kids next door. just sort of bored me

I already did:

The entire left column. It's not even close.

OK, explain why Doug works for you. I always found it pretty boring.

I was too young when it came out and still don't give a shit about it.

Rocko, Hey Arnold and Rugrats but I’m sad to see Ah Real Monsters go

Eh, pretty comfy, very cheesy but still way better than Angry Beavers, CatDog and anything Klasky Csupo has out besides their work on Simpsons.

Replace Rocket Power and Doug with Rocko and Hey Arnole and you've got my pick.

my niggas

Samurai Jack and leave. Everything on here stood out far more. And 3 of these generated iconic porn. Jack has produced nothing.

This thread isn't spicy enough
Choose one and only one, the other two will be erased from existence forever. This applies specifically to their golden ages for Spongebob and the Simpsons. Failure to pick one of the three options will result in your favorite three pieces of media from all types of media being removed from existence, including all three of the options.

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Nigga, Simpson’s always

ben 10 isnt golden age
get rid of that shit

I never liked KND

Fucking awful man.

EEE, Simpson's just isn't fair, should be a Disney flagship instead.

Ed Edd n Eddy

>Top Tier
Hey Arnold

>High Tier

>Mid Tier
Ahh! Real Monsters
Rocket Power

>Bottom Tier
Rocket Power
As Told By Ginger

Angry Beavers Rugrats, Rocko and Hey Arnold.

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Samurai Jack go fuck off.

The best cartoons in this list are only ed, edd n eddy, courage and KND.


Hmm. This is tricky. I hate EEnE and Kids Next Door equally.

Eh, fuck it. I say both of them.


Fuck off, Boco.

Doug, AAAH Real Monsters, Angry Beavers.

Yeah yeah.

Stop giving him attention faggot

As Told By Ginger, Hey Arnold, CatDog

Kids Next Door easy

Only objectively good one is Ben 10. Only ones I enjoyed besides that were Samurai Jack, and Powerpuff Girls. Dexters Lab and TT are passable. Courage is bad but original enough that it has that going for it. KND, Fosters, and EE&E are terrible but people get the most annoying about EE&E so for sure take that one out.

Ben10 omniverse? Sure, but not the Og, come on.

As much as I despise KND I gotta agree and go with ben 10. KND may be the fucking worst but ben 10 is the most out of place.
1.rockos modern life
2.angry beavers

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All Ben 10 Series' are shit. the 1st, Alien Force, Ultimate Alien, Omniverse, Reboot: All garbo that is remembered fondly soley from nostalgia.

Ren & Stimpy

You sure do have yourself some awful taste.

Hey Arnold
Rocko's Modern Life
As Told By Ginger

Ironically it's one of the only rewatchable shows up there. Ed is such a grating show and only people that grew up with it can stand it.

Which part exactly?

If I had to pick one it'd definitely be ppg

All of it.

Why such shit taste?

>Ed is such a grating show and only people that grew up with it can stand it.


Dexter's Lab.

Garbage taste.

Fosters, easily.


Angry beavers, Rocko's, and reluctantly Hey Arnold

Ben 10, it’s just a giant toy commercial.

Really? Nobody is going to say it? Fine...

Powerpuff Girls.

And yes it's painful but you do kill MLP in the process due to severely neutering and possibly killing Faust's ticket into animation whilst saving Yea Forums years of torment.

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Cause I prefer everything else in that list to ppg. I liked ppg when I was 4 but I lost interest after that

Rocko, Hey Arnold, and Angry Beavers. Cat Dog comes close though.

Ben 10 without stuttering

Imagine being this salty about people liking a good show

All I really care about saving here is Samurai Jack, Dexter's Lab, PPG and Courage, any of the others can go.

Hey Arnold, CatDog, Rocko's Modern Life. Angry Beavers very narrowly loses out to either CatDog or Rocko. The rest aren't in contention.

Ed, Edd and Eddy can go, I don't care. Spongebob vs. Simpsons seems like a really hard choice but like. It's 3 and a half seasons and a movie of a really great show vs. at least 7 but possibly as many as 9 or 10 seasons of absolutely god tier impeachable television. I love Sponge, but it's gotta be Simpsons.

Rocko, Hey Arnold and Angry beavers

Only 5 of those are actually golden age CN.

Fosters, no contest. That show is shit and the two main characters are completely unlikable.

Golden Age:

Silver Age:
2001 - 2005

Horseshit Age:
2006 - 2010

The Renaissance:
2010 - 2015

The Reshitening:
2016 - 2020

The Dark Ages
2021 - ????

Ben 10
Hey Arnold

Boco has shit opinon who knew

Absolutely nothing is redeeming about Doug except Skeeter. Doug is pathetic. Why would anyone like him as a protagonist?

It's not about liking Doug. It's enjoying his suffering.

I fucking hated powerpuff girls. It was always on

These are all good cartoons.
Even the worst is easily great.

Rocket Power
As Told by Ginger
Hey Arnold

Talking animals and babies is pretty lame

I want to pick Ed, Edd n Eddy because it was my favourite, but I think erasing Spongebob would be overall worse.

Simpsons can fuck off though.


If we get rid of Teen Titans, then Go never happens. It is a necessary sacrifice.
The left column.

From best to worst:
Samurai Jack
Teen Titans
Ben 10
Dexter's Lab

Absolutely wrong

Unscientific Yea Forums tally:
Ben 10 = 10 votes
Foster's = 10 votes
Kids Next Door = 6 votes
Samurai Jack = 4 votes
Teen Titans = 3 votes
Ed Edd n Eddy = 3 votes
Powerpuff Girls = 3 votes
Courage the Cowardly Dog = 2 votes
Dexter's Laboratory = 1 vote

Three to what? Get rid of? Save forever?

Objectively correct and I hate KND and Ben 10.

From best to worst:
As Told by Ginger
Hey Arnold
Rocket Power
Angry Beavers
Aaahh!!! Real Monsters
Rocko's Modern Life

It's terrible.

>Hey Arnold for life lessons and comfy bants
>Rugrats for dry humor
>Angry Beavers for slapstick

All you really need

>liking Doug more than As Told By Ginger
You disgust me

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This is maybe the first time I've seen a polling here informal or not that I think is pretty much true.

>user got a stiffy during the puberty episode and is obsessed
Look Ginger was good but Dougfags are the BTASfags of nickelodeon, they're singularly focused and obsessed.

The entire left column

there's no way catdog is better than all those cartoons

Arnold, rugrats and Rocket Power. But that is a pretty difficult culling.

Which would you give a new season:
Symbiotic Titan
Motor City
Megas XLR (includes American distribution returned)

Titan definitely.

Your taste is so fucking awful.
How in the fuck could you think As Told by Ginger is anywhere near even being close in quality? Same goes for Rocket Power, Angry Beavers, CatDog, Aaahh!!! Real Monsters, Rugrats being over Rocko's Modern Life

Rugrats, Hey Arnold and Rocko's

Several of those can go, honestly. I only really liked EEnE, Courage and Dexter. Classic Nickelodeon was so much better.