Why settle for fried chicken when you can have quality steak?

Why settle for fried chicken when you can have quality steak?

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The chicken at least has meat on its bones.

Some times I want fried chicken and some times I want steak. So why not have both?

Nigga, that's asparagus.

Show was cute and well put together, but they acted more like college students than high schoolers and were too goody-goody and friendish with none of the sexual tension people that age would have.

Not even best girl.

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>Caitlin will never grind some lemons on her clit to make you a nice tall glass of lemonade.
Does she wear the hat during sex?

>Caitlin will never grind some lemons on her clit to make you a nice tall glass of lemonade.
That sounds painful user.

Hey, lemonade doesn't make itself.

Really? I got a lot of sexual tension from them

Those weird gradients made it look like their foreheads were heavily tanned.

I want her to piss in a cup and tell me its lemonade
I'm sure hers taste sweet

Who else hyped for this? Don't worry, RanRan said there'd be no scat.

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as long as their buttholes get sniffed and licked or anything else I'm down

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Spanking simulator?

But the art is so unappealing

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When I was a teen, I only watched this show because the girls were cute

So what's the steak?

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I keep seeing this,but i don't see any info on what type of game it's gonna be or when it's coming out.

>No scat

Interest killed.

Dumb blonde girls get my DICK

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And what's the fried chicken? And the chicken fried steak for that matter.
