Remember how good JailBreak was?
Remember how good JailBreak was?
Best ship
Literally only watched it for Lapis feet.
I love Jailbreak but sadly it brought a lot of shitty people in the Steven Universe fandom.
I liked it but I wish the spread it created wasn't so big, SU has become a joke partially because of the clusterfuck that became the fandom.
I'd say the worst part about it was that it brought the retards in who didn't believe in the show at episode 1
Back when they fought people occasionally, hell yeah.
If it was a season 5/6 episode Steven would've just asked Jasper politely to put the ship down and she would've seen the error of her ways.
Easily the peak of the show.
it was a plot shifting episode, one of epic proportions.
Yeah because Jasper was a good villain unlike the Diamonds
You forget the part where they would have agreed. But only because they realised that Steven is the special and, before that, they were all up for killing him and everyone he loved. A motivation, on Jasper's part, that would have justified Steven's use of violence as a reaction to Jasper's whole character being built off of the use of unprovoked violence.
Rebbeca Sugar really just doesn't understand basic human morals and it kind of sickens me.
Everything from Giant Woman to Chile Tid was perfect, but The Return/Jailbreak is still the best season finale. Things didn't start getting shitty until after the season 3 finale.
So we all know how good Jail Break was, but we also need to appreciate Bismuth was just as good and the last time the show peaked
>Bismuth was just as good
Based and redpilled, the episode was great and people calling Bismuth aggressive are stupid.
Only bad thing about the episode was that it created the SU critical train.
It was weird, Steven flinched and winced at Bismuth smashed a boulder but cheered Sugilite smashing a tower
I think Jailbreak wrote a check the rest of the show couldn't cash. You can't really de-escalate the show after that, but they desperately tried to.
NO Su event after had the tension, the surprising plot twists, the best art after Jailreak, it was the peak of the show
It was because of the implications.
Steven is a pacifist, and I really, really hope that season 6/the movie teaches him that doesn't always work.
I like that Bismuth's extremism was talked about as wrong because it's something that we need nowadays, all this people saying that we need to bring the guillotine back seem to forget that the reason why we took it out was because the idea of killing people that don't fit for power didn't work before, since that person who climbed there knew they could be next and, as such, turned into dictators too to save their own asses.
Even then, hope the movie/next season proof that violence as self defense is needed, and I hope is Bismuth the one who tells that to Steven.
Bismuth was where the show solidified how shit it was going to be.
They took the coolest character in the show, who felt like a breath of fresh air, and then immediately yanked her out again to make a stupid argument about pacifism. Not that they actually made that argument. The show doesn't even try to prove her wrong, instead just expecting that the audience is already on board with Steven being right; because he's the main character.
Also, people should have known that Bismuth would have turned on Steven. How would you know Bismuth was going to turn on Steven? She was butch.
Hot take, The Return was a way better episode than Jailbreak.
Also friendly reminder that this episode got a sticky, and now cartoon SERIES finales don't even get that, let alone season finales.
Good for a SU episode? Yes. Good in general? No way.
Cool horseshit bro
Cool newfaggot bro
Bismuth's plan was to shattering the diamonds, when one got "shattered", everything turned worse, that's the show's argument against her idea.
Which is kind of true, but I still think a way to fix her character is by having an opportunity to proof Steven that pacifism isn't always the best answer and that self defense is necessary sometimes.
this episode have me such high hopes for the future of this show, little did i know that that would be its peak.
>demonize bismuth for wanting to bring the diamonds to justice and lock her up in a bubble even though she was just one of their and rose's victims
>then portray the diamonds as steven's sad misunderstood """"family"""" , forgive them for their countless atrocities, and let them get away without punishment
I don't know about that one chief
Seeing the first reactions to Jasper makes me feel warm and sad at the same time
Do you retards even think before you spew this crap or are you mad because the show actually has convictions and doesn't buckle to morons like you throwing temper tantrums when it doesn't go your way.
Steven has fought, or attempted to fight, every major antagonist that has come his way in the show. Not only that, but Bismuth shattering a Diamond would've meant the end of the gem race. No one benefits from a Diamond actually being shattered for real. You have the memory of a goldfish and I'm being generous when I say that because otherwise you're attempting to straight up gaslight people by spouting nonsense.
>the only two options the writers had were making steven forgive the dictators and lett then get away with their crimes scott free or making steven shatter them with his own hands
You might be the retard here
>All that hype, hope and happiness
Where did we go wrong?
Season 4. Seasons 2 and 3 were still full of hype and season 3 with the summer of Steven was probably the peak hype of the show, even if the season definitely dragged down towards the end. Season 4 was a mix of mostly mediocre episodes and extremely long hiatuses that turned a lot of people that used to like the show against it, and it fed into the relentless hatebase the show had already garnered by that point.
Can confirm. A guy at my office would call the show silly and for babies. After Jailbreak made the internet rounds, the same guy started gushing about how fucking awesome Jasper is. Now, to be fair, SU is definitely for babies while Jasper is definitely awesome.
Can confirm with , I've been in the fandom ever since the beginning, and s4 is the one that turned a lot of the fans skeptical.
I'm still hoping for Jasper and Bismuth to have their own proper arcs in the next season, if we get more of them, and what we get is good, i'll be worth the wait.
Also is based
Great episode, but it probably wouldn't even hit my top ten nowadays. Too much good stuff happens after this point and it makes Jailbreak seem small and insignificant by comparison. The Return is probably a better event episode even if Jailbreak has spectacle.
The pillar is just a pillar, the "boulder" was a training dummy meant to represent actual gems. Nice try though.
No one's forgiven anyone, retard.
>Bu bu they're smiling at each other
Yes and I'm sure the cashier girl who smiles as part of her job will fuck you any day now. Get a grip.
No, the random boulder outside the house in the training scene
The denial is strong in this one
Bismuth is extremely intense and Steven wasn't expecting it. He knew Sugilite was gonna "smash things with her wrecking ball(?)"
What is it about you guys and Steven Universe that confuses you so much when it comes to subtext. D'you just not have the capacity to take things at face value while still understanding intent? Steven may be on good terms with the Diamonds but they're still out there colonizing planets. Redemption is not absolution. Pick up a thesaurus one of these days.
>massive spaceship hand pointing at them as it descends to earth swathed in flames
>pearl walks toward it while unsheathing her spear
I forgot how cool and tense that whole scene was.
Season 5 was good though.
Also, even though Jailbreak is a great episode, most of the show's best episodes happened after it. We Need to Talk, A Single Pale Rose, Mr. Greg, the list goes on.
It was the peak of my hopes for the show. By all rights, it seemed like they were gonna start moving up from the monster of the week/slice of life stuff. Except the towny episodes never stopped.
If you shatter ALL of the diamonds, then there are no problems and everything is solved forever, not just for Earth, but all the countless other civilizations that would be eradicated.
I mean the monster of the week stuff stopped for quite a while, but you are delusional if you thought that this show was suddenly going to stop being slice of life.
Season 5's worst crime was that it was clearly rushed towards the end because they didn't know whether or not they'd be renewed. I'd still say it's like my second favorite season and I agree that most of the best stuff in the show came AFTER season 1 whether or not some fans want to admit it.
What happens to the gems on Homeworld? The ones who were enslaved? Plus Steven is a Diamond, you'd have to kill him too if you were truly sticking to your plan.
I wasn't denying that season 5 was good, in fact I'd consider it to be a return to form in a number of ways. Season 4 sent a ton of people into a negative mindset though, and since outrage culture/cynicism/negativity is in vogue these days they cling to it hard.
They dropped the ball on all the action and plot episodes too after this, i'm laughing at people in that thread saying Emerald is gonna be a menacing big bad like Jasper and not the meme gem it turned out to be
None of those episodes top Jailbreak. What the season one finale did better than the rest of the series was provide satisfying payoff to all the buildup the second half of the season had towards it. Anticlimaxes became a huge problem with a lot of different plot points after season one, starting with the cluster and Malachite, White Diamond was the worst though.
What's funny is that when seasons 2 and 3 were airing, the consensus was that season 1 was the WEAKER season of the three. The idea that season 1 was the golden standard didn't emerge until season 4.
Not really guys, I've been here since the beginning and season 2 was met with pretty mixed reception up until Sworn to the Sword.
Also it was before the show was cemented as the SJW Cartoon since before jailbreak it was relatively niche, but when that episode aired its popularity skyrocketed and it attracted a sour crowd.
I guess in terms of "climax" its the best episode, but most of my favorite individual "moments" comes from other episodes.
Also, the White Diamond arc was never about white diamond, it was about Steven coming to terms with accepting himself and on that front i thought it was pretty well executed considering it spans the entire series.
Season 4 is fucking bizarre in hindsight because it has:
> A handful of OK episodes like Know Your Fusion
>A few excellent episodes like Mindful Education and Storm in the Room
>The best arc in the show (Steven's Dream-That Will Be All)
>A really good finale (Doug Out-I Am My Mom)
On the flipside it had
>Some of the worst hiatuses the show's known that served to magnify every flaw
>Some of the worst townie episodes in the show (I'm actually generally positive towards these because I like the characters, but beyond the excellence of The Good Lars they mostly fucking sucked this season)
>Did I mention hiatuses? It bears repeating
I like season 1 a lot. How could I do otherwise, I'm a fan. It just reeks of making it up as they went along and while the highs are high, everything else is just sort of middling until Peridot shows up. I find season 2 to be kinda bland outside of Peridot too. Every season has its good and bad points and to me, even after the subjective post-S2 quality drop the amount of good to great episodes dwarfs the mediocre or bad ones.
>"The best arc in the show (Steven's Dream-That Will Be All)"
I'll never forget what happened to /sug/ after jailbreak. Oh well things were pretty comfy when ocean gem was airing. Anybody remember Rust or the crustal gems? Good times.
Name a better one. The Return and Jailbreak is a two parter like Lars of the Stars + Jungle Moon so it's not really an arc.
I honestly forgot that both the Aquamarine arc and the That will be all belonged to Season 4 jesus fuck how much hiatus was there?
A lot. There's a reason people like Robobuddies made their review during season 4.
Its so weird reading this thread and nobody calling it tumblr shit.
Friendly reminder that people were initially against /sug/ altogether at first before it started to really catch on around the time of Rose's Scabbard, and before then they just wanted SU threads without an express general
Friendly reminder that there was crazy discord drama during season 2 which persisted in the threads for years afterwards
Friendly reminder that /sug/ experienced a literal reddit invasion during the French leaks
I know, right?
God the old /sug/ days where great
SU was legitimately the most popular show on Yea Forums in late season 1 bar-none, and tumblr basically didn't give a single fuck about it until those exact episodes aired.
That Amethyst Arc/ Jasper Monster Hunting was really good. And I liked the Pink Diamond Arc a lot.
These are some mind numbingly stupid arguments. I hate siding with Yea Forums. But, they're right. You guys have koala brains.
Both of those are really good, but I think Beta and Crack the Whip's art lets the first arc down. HOTCG needed another episode or two, maybe a second 22min one for Bismuth.
I was gay for the red bionicle as a kid, especially his Nuva form
Thats the final episode in season 1 yea? I've seen that epsidoe more than any other, helps that Garnets song is pretty good
Agreed, and I like the rest of the show quite a bit but this is absolutely the peak
is steven universe a good show
I like it
> WE
goddamnit /pol/ stop p-
uh, right. the intro song. not the we wuz kangs meme.
Not him but
>What happens to the gems on Homeworld?
CGs have demonstrated gems can be independent of their initial programming and masters. They have no need for sustenance or reproduction so they can stagnate all they want without needing to invade other planets. Basically doing bullshit all day CG style without really needing a government to keep them all alive.
>Plus Steven is a Diamond, you'd have to kill him too if you were truly sticking to your plan.
He's not even really a full gem at this point first of all. And you say that like it's a bad thing. He contributes nothing to gem society as a whole before the end of the last season and only the CGs and a couple of humans with minimal lifespans would have actually cared when he goes.
Steven has all the abilities of the other Diamonds. It's highly likely his sweat can make gems if Familiar is anything to go by. That's essential to their race expanding.
It used to be
IMO season 4 was the only really notable dip in quality, and even then it's not so bad now that hiatuses aren't an issue. It's simultaneously overhyped and overhated, but it is good.
This is the best answer you'll get desu.
It's an okay show, nothing amazing, some people love it too much and hyped it too much, some others loathe it for stupid reasons, but is neither, is a good show, with some good lessons and mostly good character interactions (We are NOT touching Peridot and Lapis in their barn episodes before the break up)
Nah, it was just poor writing. They needed the audience to know off the bat that something was off, like how Steven suddenly hate Kevin's gut for asking for a dance, but overlooks both Sadie and Lar's shit.
I remember when SU episode threads would get 1000+ replies, easily. Star vs series finale barely scraped past 600 or so.
SU threads at their peak were some of the fastest moving threads on Yea Forums period. IIRC some of them got over 2000 posts before getting archived, and I definitely recall a few breaking 1900. Fucking crazy how big it used to be.
Did anyone, besides Rose, even care about the Diamonds colonizing planets? Even Steven didn't seem to care that much as long as they left earth alone and fixed the corrupted gems. Hell, the crystal gems barely give a damn about earth itself and are only there because the Diamonds were too overbearing, not because they were colonizing planet.
They where super fun too, I kinda miss them.
No evidence of sentient life outside of gems and humans exists in-universe yet and it's not like you can shut down an galaxy-wide operation by worrying about it. Peridot will most likely come up with a planet-friendly way to make gems in future
Peridot mentions earth is full of resources that wouldn't be exploitable if they continued the sucking thing, I wonder what that plot would take us to once they address it again
>The Return was a way better episode than Jailbreak
The farming shit. Peridot has mastered sustainable farming and will use the same methods to grow gems. The barn was actually relevant all this time.
I always liked Lars and his redemption arc was kino
How can it be poor writing if it serves as both a gag and a call-forward to Bismuth's more extreme nature? Also, Steven was intentionally written as OOC in Beach City Drift. It's done for jokes but playing it straight would've probably served the message of obsession=bad better.
Based and feetpilled
How responsible was Zuke for the show going to shit?
>4 years go by
I want my life back
Star vs. dropped the ball hard when they decided to make the queen of evil into a misunderstood quirky girl instead
And SU died because of neverending filler and a rushed conclusion
Her biggest mistake was Peridot's meme-ification due to the ship, so not as bad as people claim it to be, her writing before that was really good, and if you see old /sug/ threads you'll see that people loved her episodes, and her Peridot particularly.
Zuke fucked up because of trying to keep going while her mental state was shit and turning working in the show and making her ship cannon the only way to cope with it, she made a comic about it before leaving Tumblr entirely due to harassment.
Altho and I wanna clarify myself in this, the Peridot and Lapis episodes in the barn where awful, glad the team sorta fixed it by giving Peridot a reason to be so flanderized, which is why I say the only worthy thing to came out of that arc was the confrontation episode.
Gem Harvest was hands-down my favorite episode. Jailbreak was great on it's own but Gem Harvest killed me.. The last thing I expected in SU was fuckin' Carl of all things. I lost my shit as soon as he started talking.
The videos that came out of it were pretty good too
> meatwad as amethyst
the only good episode of this show
True, but lets be real it was suppose to be a long episode instead of two.
The Zoo arc is practically a 2 parter since Steven's Dream and That Will Be All are the only good episodes.
That aside, Peridot's redemption arc starting from Catch and Release and ending with Log Date 7 15 2 (though ignoring The Answer and Steven's Birthday). Jail Break may be the peak episode of the show, but this was the time period where the show was consistently quality.
Meh. Woefully underwhelming if you want focus on story line and plot, and though many would say it's good if you're more interested in characters and their interactions it still drops the ball on that aspect several times. Notably with several side characters getting shelved or unexplored (Jasper and Lapis), devoting very little screen time to the Diamonds who are supposed to be the main antagonists, and main characters appearing less and less in the later seasons (main three Crystal Gems in season 4 and early season 5).
Their race doesn't need to expand since they're immortal and will not die out.
Pretty much yeah. She's highly responsible for Peridot's characterization during her redemption arc being one of the boarders on her first episode out of her limb enhancers, and most of her episodes where Lapis and Peridot aren't together have nice art and decent writing. But her attempt at making lapdirt canon devolved both Peridot and Lapis' characters. They were fine when they weren't together, or not in an episode written by her, but she somehow got a monopoly those 2 characters so we rarely saw anything but her version of them throughout season 3 and 4.
You can notice Peridot acting wildly different from Barnmates to Too Short to Ride and Beta to Earthlings, and Lapis in Barnmates and Beta is not the same character from Same Old World and Alone at Sea.
It's her one and only crime, but it's ultimately a big one since it dictated a poor direction for two fan favorite characters. Well that and being unable to handle internet trolls and criticism.
i remember how many horrific theories it spawned.
and how the very next episode killed the hype almost immediately.
1/8 of steven universe is a gold mine. the rest is a septic tank.
Not to mention that Stronger than You was unironically a banger
The official peridot twitter that became obscenely popular with fans died because zuke likely refused to give CN the account.
That unfortunately always happens when a show has a long hiatus, giving fans plenty of time to spin better and better stories as predictions.
Why can't things be the way they were before?
remember in the summer of 2016 when the Steven-Universe-Edits tumblr whitewashed all the characters? truly the golden age of the show
I remember when they whitewashed Ian and he got such a fucking laugh out of it he made it his actual twitter avatar for awhile. SU fandom will never reach highs like that again.
naw, he said he thought about making it his avatar, he never actually did it. However the account did accrue 3000 followers in 72 hours before it was banned
Immortal =/= Invincible. If a gem gets shattered that's it, no more gem. No fix for that currently exists and only Steven can heal cracked gems. They will eventually die out without further (clean) methods of reproduction.
> main characters appearing less and less in the later seasons
To be fair, the gems always had their featured episodes every season and were present for the plot stuff.
>If a gem gets shattered that's it, no more gem. No fix for that currently exists and only Steven can heal cracked gems. They will eventually die out without further (clean) methods of reproduction.
They don't die, they just continue living in a semi-conscious hell and can be fused back together frankenstein style into a constantly in pain abomination
Remember when Steven Universe had ambience and mystery?
Pepperidge farm remembers.
You don't remember the Change Your Mind thread?
Gems can be ground into dust. We've seen one of them before...can you remember the episode?
I actually did forget just how active that one was. It makes sense, that was a fucking wild ride and most people were in full pessimism mode before the episode aired.
Having mulled it over, I think Reunited is the better event episode (better pacing etc.) but Change Your Mind is just fucking nuts. The only thing it needed was like 5-10 more minutes at the beginning and end.
Jailbreak was okay, I don't like the kind of fans it attracted though. The show has improved a lot since.
sucrits already existed, all the bismuth/pink stuff is what made them reveal themselves. Just goes to show how pathetic the whole community was. It's worse than outsiders realize. Too bad the whole's series reputation has been hurt by what they did in their early days between Jailbreak and Bismuth.
It was a good series finale.
>series ending on a cliffhanger
it's shit
It was cancelled after all.
> the gems always had their fearured episode every season
Not really. Garnet didn't have a featured episode throughout all of season 3 and 4 since Hit the Diamond was more about Ruby and Sapphire and Mindful Education was more about Connie and Steven. Amethyst also didn't get a featured episode in season 4 since they for some reason made Tiger Philanthropist more about Steven than her. It's a far cry from season 1B where she got On The Run and Maximum Capacity in a short time frame and season 3 where she got an arc centered around her.
Mirror/Ocean gem was when the show peaked, everything from that point was a downhill curve until that hill became a bottomless canyon
Together Breakfast with the implication being the scroll was painted with pigment made from ground up gems. I also remember the resulting smoke having enough consciousness to possess Steven's breakfast, so Gems are stupidly difficult to permanently kill off.
That's the one!
Tiger Philanthropist was about Amethyst moving on because she didn't need wrestling to feel good about herself anymore. Wrestling itself was just a thing she and Steven did to hang out.
I know why Amethyst quit wrestling in the episode but I don't consider it a feature episode for her because she's barely in half of it and the story of the episode is more about Steven attempting to wrestle on his own than Amethyst quitting and why. Hell, one of the composers for the show didn't even realize why she quit until a fan wrote a fucking essay about it. It's a rare and bad case where what was supposed to be the background plot to get characters to interact and emotions rising took precedence over said interactions and emotions.
>one of the composers for the show didn't even realize why she quit until a fan wrote a fucking essay about it
I'm not exaggerating, I laughed so hard when Garnet started singing "Stronger Than You" the first time watching I thought it was a joke. I couldn't take it seriously, and yet that permanently cemented the direction of her character from then on.
It was a fun arc and a good jumping-on point for 2nd wave fans (I started watching when it premiered). The Stevenbombs kind of lost their novelty after the second one though, especially when they were the only outlet for new episodes.
Well i mean, it couldn't hold it's prisoners so it was actually a pretty shitty ship overall.
But what about lapiven, Rebecca?
Yeah that's fair. I still stand by my original comment of them being present for the important parts of the story, but the background stuff? The aside bits? Yeah the main three CG's fell out of focus for a bit. Guess that's the consequence of having 11 minute episodes with a decently large cast.
>especially when they were the only outlet for new episodes.
That's what I think the biggest flaw of SU's existence past the first season was, the first time we got a stevenbomb it was like
But eventually they became more and more common to the point where we ONLY got episodes through it, so it felt less like a cool event and more like nutting after jerking it for months.
The annoyance with how infrequent episodes were, overpowered the cool nature of the bombs
>Binge watching the series after discovering it shortly after the mid-way point of Season 1
>Early /sug/ threads
>initial hype around Stevenbomb and that fucking finale
>actual genuine hope when we got the comicon trailer with YD
Take me back Yea Forums
I'm desperate for another show that will fill the void, and I've yet to find one
I jumped in roughly around mid-late S2 myself. I wish I could remove all my memories of the show and start fresh, but not in a bad way I just want the wonder of starting something that's meant so much to me again from scratch. That's life though I guess, everyone only gets one.
Iktf. For me, 2016 was the last year I felt any real hype for this show.
Who remember
>faster than a Rebecca Sugar can fellate
I think the show's slightly degraded quality is from Rebecca's trust in her boarders & trust in the series' townies. Copying the method she spawned from Adventure Time which mostly worked out, letting each of the boarders branch out a bit on their own while supporting the grand plot slowly.
But she was just too polite to stopping things like invader Peridot or demoralized Lapis yuck up the show that was supposed to be about Steven's universe. Half a dozen moms, their friends & their broken relationships are just a part of his world as a young man and his inherited royalty baggage.
It also doesn't have an entire world for the cast to explore or develop like AT, being locked in to a beachfront was claustrophobic.
Overall it was very good, but the lows were misguided trust in boarders to always come up with something interesting with only Steven's POV, only on the beach and with the limited gamut of a female cast.
I really feel like S6 will be more like the first couple seasons now we're done with plotPlotPLOT and characters who need fleshing out can have some time to get it.
I also really like 95% of the townies. Sssh, don't tell nobody
Who /prelapis/ here?
I like the townies in the later seasons a lot more too, but just compared and right next to the major strides with Homeworld & PD they seem out of place unless they're helping directly somehow.
That's the trouble with side-characters and an ongoing plot. If they're not directly furthering it people can brush off any individual developments they get and sometimes rightfully so.
And actual fucking fighting with stakes in it.
As opposed to what? You could easily twist that to say season one had no stakes until Jasper. There's always been consequences for fighting in the later seasons, even if it's just temporary.
Well Jasper was redeemed and it appeared like there could still be some unresolved feelings about her whole ordeal so at least there's that to look forward to.
Also the movie.
Man I wish SDCC was June instead of July. I really need that info.
It was good but you're all overrating because nostalgia. Change Your Mind is the best shit yet.
It had some pacing issues and the arc desperately needed a few more episodes but yeah it's still pretty up there for more in spite of that.
>4 years ago
The painting screamed in pain as it was being permakilled. Even as dust particles they still suffer. Being a gem is a curse.
That is how nostalgia works, actually. Not meme marketing/shitposting nostalgia, but actual nostalgia.
Am I the only one who got into the show by seeing random episodes on TV instead of caring about "fandoms" or whatever?
I saw some gifs of the first episode on tumblr back when the fandom wasn't as big and then binged "all" the episodes, which was only about 10 or so at the time
I'll give you that we're overrating it but Change Your Mind wasn't that good either. This user is right, the episode needed more build up so it could have a chance of not being rushed to shit. The whole of the episode until Steven's confrontation with White is all spectacle and no substance, and White needed to be fleshed out more before hand as well as more time during the confrontation. Pink Steven was the only really good part of the episode.