HEROES IN CRISIS Confessionals

Yes, I'm doing it.

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the confessionals were fun. didn't fit the tone of the story unfortunately. I know King is a depressed fuck, but I think he should write a comedy book. stuff like this, and Bat Burger, and the double date, are a lot of fun. i wish he would try to write fun more often

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I'd argue that this whole book was King trying to find a way to work the confessions into a book.

I'd much rather a mini anthology about Sanctuary than what we ended up with.

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yeah. heroes in crisis was overall a mess but there were enjoyable moments. all the harley-batgirl-blue&gold team-up stuff was fun. i dunno. I just get the feeling if King wrote a pure comedy book he would actually knock it out of the park.

you listen to a lot of stand up comics, and they're usually miserable depressed fucks. King's just done so many depressing stories, surely he must be bored of them by now? lord knows us readers are

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>people praise tom king writing style

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The confessionals were the only thing I read 2bh

I fucking hate Tom King and modern Marvel

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Clay Mann draws some really pretty people.

Marvel > DC

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yeah. that Lois splash, and the batgirl confessional... so juicy. I'm a simple man. comic has well drawn women? sign me up. just gotta get Clay Mann on a Betty and Veronica book..

I can't believe I didn't notice that was Zdarsky with the glasses sitting there.

What's this from?

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King seems to really like Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley. Sounds like we need a Gotham City Sirens relaunch!

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This might be the laziest major comic book anyone has ever produced. Which I guess makes me hate it a little less than I do King's Omega Men because I can at least imagine with this one he isn't trying to be a good writer at all and has just settled in on collecting paychecks with shit he threw together five minutes before some meeting about deadlines.

I like the simple things Mann does to avoid repeating panels, like eyes closed vs opened, or an arm/hand in a different position. It's very low effort stuff, but makes a big difference.

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>And one day you read somewhere that you're killing your kidneys. With all the pills.
That's not how it works. Drug addicts don't read a health article and change their behavior based on it. They find out about kidney damage by GETTING kidney damage.

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brainlets will call this a waste of panels

>brainlets will call this a waste of panels
Partially true. It's misguided to single out that one page as a waste of panels when the entire book is a waste of panels.

Dinah best girl once again

Really? I've never hated Batgirl more. She was insufferable and ridiculous.


What the fuck is that costume
What happened to the jacket hipster shit she was wearing

Were any of them molested as children?

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>hey my kidneys are hurting i wonder what it could be?
>*read article*
>oh i better switch to needles

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The idea of Sanctuary is actually pretty interesting. Too bad it's wrapped up in this terrible murder-mystery. A regular Sanctuary anthology series like another user ITT suggested would have been infinitely better.

>hey my kidneys are hurting i wonder what it could be?
Nah, it's:
>I'm experiencing pain of any sort, need more drugs.
Which continues until someone else calls an ambulance on you because you're having seizures or passing out.

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an Original Sin tie-in parody

whatever the case is its always good to see the opioid epidemic get brought up so people could remember its a thing

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is this the first time its been brought up on how fucked up it is she's still called Dr. Light?

>Underneath everyone is ARGHHHH

Is Roy alive again? Sorry, I’m out of the loop.

A former psychologist doesn't believe in trauma? Did they change her backstory?

Wally leaked a lot of secret identities.

It got wrecked, and apparently putting together a version of her first costume was the only option.

All of this reads like a 14 year old trying to sound deep

The best decisions she could have made.

Who the hell is Nemesis?

Man, I feel bad for Sidways, hes problems actually feel real.

I mostly mean the tiara mask thing, the tight gray shit is great

Thanks user, you can see how the book got rushed and change on how the confesions changed with time, they started with some depth on the characters but later they where just one panel comments.

Because he was in that panel, there were many people insisting that he was secretly the villain and everything was part of an Amanda Waller operation (since he's been involved with the Suicide Squad).
He was also a Steve Trevor stand-in after Infinite Crisis

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>Damian, who's died twice, is pretty much fine while all these grown-ass men and women bitch

Based Robin.

I didn't read HIC at all but read all these pages.

Like, Jesus this is depressing. Is the writer dealing with some therapy he had and using it as an experience or something?

Someone should put Barry in fucking jail.
Or preferably execute him.

God that's so fucking funny.

Roy is not your run of the mill addict.
He's more like a professional wrestler addict. He's fucked, but he's got people trying to keep the fuck down as much as possible... But he's an addict too, so it's bound to fail.

So, did tattoo man die?
Doomsday Cock implied something happened to him.

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Fire and Ice are lesbians now?

No one knows because that's the first time they've appeared on page together since the dreadful Justice League 3001.
They weren't lesbians, but were so close that the original Icemaiden assumed that they were a couple back in the 1990s.
Then she tried to seduce Bea

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Damn it, Catwoman

Shit I was in the same situation as sideways with an old voicemail from my dad

Is it Canon tho? Where do we see the fallout of it?

Har, hon. Be a sweetie.

She's following Bruce's way of being a dick to them.

This one’s good

>she sees your dick

Look I actually like Kyle being the hispanic Green Lantern, but do we really gotta go all superfriends with it?

This is cool. Is the rest of the story actually worth reading or what?

Holy shit this. Death is like a revolving door in comics, but there’s no real world precedent to “I was dead, I REMEMBER being dead, several times, and now I’m not”

I don't remember it being this tasteful when originally reading. I remember her being an insufferable cunt.

always read something to see if you like it or not , but what people have to say about it

fuck what people*

I think the point of the scene was to bring up his he as a character neglects his own heritage
I'd like to imagine even in his Spanish voice, he has a "white accent", show how disconnected he is from his family roots

Tits 'n' ass.

Fuck those tits? Okay.

It was kinda sad when super picked up his body and was trying to remember his catch phrase. "He had a thing . . ."
Gnarrk had some good shit.

*when supes

Overall story rating
there is a lot of variability here. Normies might eat it up. People that have been reading for years, not so much. Would love to hear how Yea Forums feels about this as a whole beyond just saying King is a broken PTSD CIA agent (although there is a LOT of truth in that).

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Is that Jessica Cruz? I thought she was Hispanic, not (Bollywood) Indian.

Is she just talking about her fucked up continuity?

Harley is insane, user

>Daywalker. You know, like 99% of the planet.
This is awesome.

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I really don't like King's Catwoman, though.

The Corinthian? Did the Sandman TV show with Starz get released?

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hey you could make your own, just saying.

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daddy issues

>you'll cowards don't even smoke crack

This is hilarious.

Did it like a week ago.

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Drugs aren't bad. They're great! They make you feel good and kill off the nimrods who can't handle substances with moderation. An absolute net win!

That's a real punch to the gut.

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Jesus Christ! Why was this so bad? The fastest man alive was ready to kill/be killed yet does a 180 in that micro second? Why didn't he tell himself this when he first saw him?

So that explains it.

Keep King of it and bring back Dini.

im glad its all over

I have a confession to make: I am jealous of my Earth-1 Counterpart and I enjoy giving blowjobs.

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Catwoman says meow... That's all you had her say? Jesus

>Only Dick and Tim don't have hoods on their costume

I saw some Catwoman fans trying to defend it by claiming that it showed her depth of character and how she refuses to depend emotionally on anyone. "Meow" is apparently Catwoman's catchphrase (which only just now became a thing after King introduced it), which is why King used it there to show her rebellious and defiant personality. Never mind the reason why Catwoman went to sanctuary in the first place. She made the trip all the way to sanctuary just to show the heroes what's what.

It's excusable when it's actually funny.

Wow. I didn't think it was possible to be that delusional. You think they'd be supremely pissed, but they delved right into Stockholm Syndrome.

I wish, odds are the poster won't even get the reference user

I still miss Jason's old Red Hood helmet.

>King seems to really like Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley. Sounds like we need a Gotham City Sirens relaunch!
Please no. Yes relaunch, no Tom King.

anyone have the template of this

Poor Spoiler, she was a Robin too, right?

Read the fucking thread.

I think the big problem with the confessions are that many of them are either too meta or don't fit the story. Some don't make sense in universe.

Like the Doctor Light one works if it was in the old DC Universe the New 52 version is very different. Another thing to note is how bad c-list fodder is in this story. Red Devil was killed years ago in a Teen Titans story, and Lagoon Boy was in a coma since people saw him. Like you only bring these characters out to main again what.

Heroes in Crisis is one of those stories that exist to spite continuity, a story made to be read alone and not think about the whole universe. As the author make meta jokes about the DC characters fans have been making about them for years. I've seen fans makes fun of the whole "will thing.":

Meeoww Boop.

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now this is podracing

She said it in the Burton movie, it has to be her catchphrase!

Now that is truly a King masterpiece.

I took a shot at Edd

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So you guys don't have to tile it, here's a 9x9 one.

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Dr Light before that wasnt a rapist... so like whatever.

>that jason blood panel

It would be more accurate to call the whole thing a waste of the 3x3 grid.

go away hag

Every single one of these is fucking incredible, I can’t even pick a favorite.


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Okay hold up.
Wally pieced all of these confessions back together and sent them to Lois. Did Lois only write an article about it or did she actually make them public? Because that would mean countless secret identities are now out in the open l

So what happened here is that the new 52 story still stands, and the last thing Gar knows about Terra is that after the two of them got in a relationship, Slade killed her and her body is gone right?

They are still best friends and Ice is still in love with best boy Known as Guy Gardner.

cringy. what the fuck is that garbage.

I think so. Writers need to have Terra and Gar meet up, so we can know what exactly is going on with the Titans franchise.

I think that timeline is Lazarus Contract(Terra betrays a Titans team that Gar was never part of/ Slade called off the operation), winds up with Ravagers(befriends Gar and develops a grudge against Rose), Slade catches up with the team and seemingly 'kills her and takes the body'.

not in Current Continuity.

You are allowed to believe that because King didn't clarify but it's obvious this isn't what he meant and he is just making the original version of The Judas Contract canon again, even if this contradicts a big part of the ongoing Deathstroke series.

Fuck, I accidentally quoted halfway through my message. Just ignore that.

Wait. These are all Yea Forums edits, right? DC wouldn't publish this shit.. r-right?

>Yea Forums edits
Come on, user. Give us some credit.

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did thiz the other day

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based joker

>not making it a MEEEEM vs WWOOOOWW battle

Meeoww is eternal.

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Fucked it up, trying again.

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>My name is-was... was Dr. Robotnik
>Now, I call my self, but I used to be called Dr. Robotnik
>Because I...have this nemesis.
>And each time we fight, he'd... he'd insult my weight
>Call me things like 'a giant talking egg'.
>'Goo goo g'joob'

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>*Now I call myself Eggman
Gah, I ruined it.

Existential as fuck m8

She never hurt no body. She's a good girl. She only killed a few thousand children in one night. That's not so bad. She's a good girl.

I hate this suit because of how paper-thin and weightless it looks, as if it's made out of spandex alone, with no body armour component like most other batsuits.

>Based retard doesn’t get the thinly-veiled C O P E of making up any old shit to justify stepping up to stronger drugs.

It’s like you’ve never been horribly addicted to drugs...

>The real questions

I remember him appearing in Justice League Unlimited a lot during background shots.

He’s white anyway so what’s the big deal. He doesn’t look Mexican and never knew his father for so long.

This would be a much better page if it weren't so blatantly cheesecakey.

I'm not normally one to reee about that kind of shit (I mean Frank Cho is one of my favorite artists for fuck's sake) but the sexiness really distracts from how much gravitas it's supposed to have

This event could've just been an anthology of heroes doing hero work with an interview after.

>No Shazam
>No Doctor Fate

Based. Didn't want my bois names attached to this shitstain.

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i was looking specifically for that one which has the borders

Barry is a villain

I don't know how high people's bar for Booster is but King was having a good time writing him.

Siver Surfer.

Why are Marvel's parodies of events so much better than the events themselves?

>C O P E
zoomers pls leave
>doesn’t get... making up any old shit to justify
I get it, it's just stupid and wrong how it was depicted here. No addicts read news articles about drugs causing bodily damage and have thoughts about it. If you do anything related to "kidney damage" as an addict it's getting an ambulance called on you by someone else for some reason (e.g. passing out in public) and finding out about it in a hospital because it's already happened to you.

>When Nabu was going crazy my head...you know when...
>Sometimes I...even when...
>I just sit back and enjoy the show

>I can turn into a superhero with a single word, isn’t that awesome?
>it’s just that
>it’s not that awesome when I turn back
>don’t like being just a kid much, honestly

I tried

Spoiler should be the last one, to complete the joke.

>Beatriz and Tora
I don't care if it's cheesy, that got me. Do a Fire and Ice book, you fun-hating hacks!

Oh child.

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It’s like the Director’s Cut we truly deserve...

This is how i see Tom King's brain working.


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Ack...fixed the border.

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>no pokies
>no cameltoe
Not thin and tight enough.

Flawless mimicry

Alright, 2 points:
>I’m 33
I’m going to try and explain this without being an arsehat
>You have a growing addiction
>It serves a purpose, but you have to keep upping the doses to get an effect
>”Lol yeah, no, I don’t have a problem. It’s for work. Sure, it’s costing me a lot, and the effectiveness is reducing, but hey... At least I’m not some smack head junkie, right?... You won’t catch me doing that... only junkies do that...”
>Time passes
>Pills ain’t cutting it
>But you ain’t hitting the needle, cos’ only junkies use needles
>Still, them pills tho...
>You’re in pain, the pills barely touch you now...
>Heroin sure would be easier, you think...
>Find a magazine in the pharmacy you’re trying to score from again...
>Open it
>”Pills linked to kidney damage shocker”
>Your pupils widen
>”Well that’s it then! I’m no junkie, but I have to think about my liver and kidneys, don’t I? For crime fighting. Yeah. Crime fighting.”
>”Plus, it’s cheaper. And no more pharmacies and doctors. And it’ll dull the pain...”
>”I’ll use it sparingly. Just enough.”
>”Not like I’m some junkie, or anything...”
>”Not me”
>”It’s for my kidneys”....

A true addict will contort like Plastic Man to justify his escalating addiction. Any excuse is the excuse they need. I speak from experience here.

Still, good idea

This. I had an uncle who was a drunk and every time, EVERYtime, he would look for the most pathetic excuse to drink, and no matter how pathetic it was he still twisted it to justify himself. It broke my dad’s heart, and it broke mine to see that.

HAD an uncle. He crashed. Of course he did.

Sorry for blogposting

This isn't even a failed attempt at anything it is just pointless. A couple of failed jokes, but most is just pointless fillers.

>Magnus shoving any affection to Plat
Trash trash trash

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She's lying to herself

Best Boys.

People were mad about this page?

>attractive woman showing off her body
What do you think?