How old were you when you realised Marge is the funniest Simpson?
How old were you when you realised Marge is the funniest Simpson?
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I just think she's neat
>Lisa is the funniest Simpson
said no one ever
Quote completed, thread may now end
>replying to someone with opinion
>"Nobody has that opinion!"
That grinds my freaking gears
>That grinds my freaking gears
said no one ever
grandpa is the funniest simpson
I don't know about funniest, but definitely one of the most underrated in terms of comedy.
It really is a shame how she's constantly portrayed on the new show, where instead of being a caring but also un-cool mother, she regrets having kids and just wants to fuck about doing whatever the liberal white upper-middle-class writers have been discussing in the writing room that week since it can be empowering but also a vehicle to portray the last trend they caught wind of on Reddit.
it angers
I think about it is that a good chunk of what makes Marge Funny is that her lameness allows for jokes, she is comically unfun.
Now our marriage is on the rocks.
Around highschool is when I really started noticing how important the straight man was to a comedy set.
The OG writers seemed like their parents were like John K's or something. No idea what the background of Nu Simpsons writers is.
I'm pretty sure Catch 'Em If You Can was the first episode to really manifest this trend.
Aside from this, they also abuse the idea of her being some kind of cartoon sex symbol/pinup.
Marin County hipsters.
user is based and redpilled
This scene always cracks me up for no aparent reason:
I literally just watched this episode 20 minutes ago
kinda weird!
Whenever I found that Ghostbusters was made into a cartoon; that many.
Too bad Marge never got more than 1-2 episodes per season in the show's prime while Homer and Bart got like 5-6 each.
That's not Francine.
ie. average suburban white parents of the 60s-70s
>just flat out gave up on the calves, feet and neck
She's not even a Simpson
Listening to Marge in the latest episodes is a real bummer. Every time she opens her mouth it sounds like it's going to be the VA's last line. I wonder if they'll end up replacing the main cast when they croak or cancel the show.
Man, we've discussed this sorry fact many, many times. There is no need to do it again.
Mothers are extremely hard to make funny, that's why they make her a receptacle for jokes that Homer and Bart wouldn't make sense doing (pic related)
The point of this post went over your head entirely.
Being the funniest Simpson character is like being the best at picking your nose and eating the dried mucus.
I guess in the early episodes she was the town moral crusader (like in Itchy and Scratchy and Marge) but they shifted that role onto Lisa.
"Well, what about in the sentence 'Jim Naybors is way cool.'"
"How often is that one gonna come up?"
I think it's usually because it seems to be difficult to write funny women in general, and also that the wife is usually the 'straight man' to the husband.
Bobs burgers is the only one I can think of atm that breaks both of these.