What caused the end of the renaissance?

What caused the end of the renaissance?

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I think changed president

It was around the time that Chowder first aired when they stopped doing Cartoon Network city promos.

Greed. CN stretched all the good shows way past their prime, and started trying to create a formula from a style that got popular because it lacked one

Icarus flew too high

I remember being incredibly disappointed by Chowder and the other shows from that era, but in retrospect it really was one of the better shows from the later-2000s.

Boston not being able to take a joke

Remakes. Tbh the adventure Time era was pretty good at the beginning

This also


2007 and the Suits.


The events that led to the creation of the CN Real block. It was all downhill from there.

Stu Snyder axed toonami, pushed live action, stop airing old cartoon cartoons and hana barbara shows, and let acquired shows like Johnny Test and TDI dominate the network for too long. This resulted in the network not having much of an identity again until RS and AT had been around a few years at which point said identity started to change again with shows like Clarence and TTG coming out.

How a show like Johnny Test was even made still confuses me. Symbionic Titan could have saved CN

Fuck you, Chowder was based.

Attached: Chowder-was-a-great-show-650x705.jpg (650x705, 83K)

Chowder was like a last hoorah to me.A great show on a network that was falling apart. There were other good shows on with it, but the programming as a whole was going downhill fast.

Chowder got really bad in the 2nd season onward.

Their "renaissance" was one show for a couple of years.

Christina Miller.


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Cartoon network went to shit literally 3 years before Adventure Time even aired, let alone any of the shows in this image.

I'll be honest, fuck you dickbags for going through the entirety of the 2000s and 2010s whining for your decade back.

Now all the 2000s nostalgia is gone and all the babies get to have their time in the spotlight along with you literal manchildren.

*2010 babies

>How a show like Johnny Test was even made still confuses me.
The Canadian government funding Canadian-made animation to help lessen the need to import foreign animation, the same is true for films.

I lived through the renaissance and death of CN. It officially died in 2005.

Camp Lazlo
Juniper literally who remembers
My Gym Partner's a Monkey
Squirrel Boy
Ben 10

I personally think these shows were very mediocre/garbage. Coming off of shit like Johnny Bravo, Teen Titans, Robot Jones, Cow & Chicken, Justice League, Foster's Home, Billy & Mandy, Courage, EEnE ect... It was a very sad and dark time for CN after 2004. It never really became great again and only a handful of decent shows came out since then. Maybe i'm just too old and jaded but I can't even stomach shit like Gumball and Regular show despite people apparently liking them.

i'm a little more generous but yeah. even if i still liked a lot of the shows airing in the late 2000s they obviously weren't cranking out hit after hit like they had been a few years before. especially by 2008

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Aniquity: 1992-1994 | Ended with the debut of Space Ghost Coast to Coast
Golden Age: 94-2002 | Ended with the debut of CN City
Silver Age: 2002-2007 | Ended with the Boston Mooninite Bomb Scare
Dark ages: 2008-2011 | Ended with the order of Adventure Time S2 and the debut of Gumball
Rennaisance: 2011-2016 | Ended with "Message Received"
Modern/Twilight Age: 2017-Present | Will likely end with the end of Steven Universe

Flapjack is coincentally the lynchpin of the CN rennaisance because Adventure time, Clarence, Over the Garden Wall, and Regular show wouldn't exist without it.