Why hasn't every global superpower in Marvel made their own Captain America-surrogate...

Why hasn't every global superpower in Marvel made their own Captain America-surrogate? It's not like supersoldiers are hard to make in their world.

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Why just one? Why not just make their whole army into super soldiers?

The issue is less making them and more not having things go tits up because of it. Captain America is the closest to an unambiguous success and he goes rogue every long weekend.

And they keep bringing in serial killers and sociopathic soldiers

Not much reason to do so outside of wartime, so the only projects to attempt it tend to be dictators creating enforcers. They select for loyalty to the state above a basic moral urge to preserve human life, so they get super-killers instead of heroes.

Case in point: Omega Red

Marble is not just racist but they are jingoistic about it.

Superhero squad had a whole episode about something like that, after wolverine changes his codename to Captain Canada.

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didn't Russia have Red Guardian?

Why should they?
They'll just get called a rip-off. I'm sure most of them would probably go back into obscurity if they don't own how much of a rip-off they are.
The only one I remembered that lasted the longest was Captain Brittain.

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Someone like Cap will keep you honest. America has to put up with her supersoldier but no way in Hell is any other government going to subject themselves to that shit.

I remember Captain Brazil left an impression on me. I never got what was the joke with the little guy, was his country really small?

>It's not like supersoldiers are hard to make in their world.
How many Russians super soldiers where created after Chernobyl

captain china corps

Seven and a half.

That's how it was in the Ultimate universe, but that was probably due to how superpowers were more tech based there

China does have a Green Lantern Corps already. Wouldn't be an issue adding Super-Soldiers to the mix.

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Yes liechtenstein is a small country.

Supersoldiers are not that amazing compared to other perfectly repeatable experiments to make superhumans.

Quite a few countries might pay Zemo a lot to make some more Wonder Man ionic heroes for their countries. Or they can pay Power Broker for some state level superstrong defenders.

Even Kingsley's goblin formula makes better results than all the knockoff super soldiers.

Wouldn't Guardian and Vindicator be more of an official Captain Canada?

its funnier if its wolverine

Most countries do have a state sponsored flag wearing hero. Most are mutants but they have a little bit of everything.

Captain Britain for UK
Guardian for Canada
Red Guardian for Russia
Sabra for Israel
Sunfire for Japan
Red Star for China
Adamantine for France