This was sure a letdown

This was sure a letdown.

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Other urls found in this thread:,wn tickle増田敏彦

So to anyone who helped back this uh... did you get the DVD copy yet or nah?

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*And did you upload it anywhere?

Is it actually finished or is what’s on the DVD the same as what’s on Youtube?

But you expected that anyway, right?

>several years of waiting for less than 10 minutes of hideous animation

>there's a bunch of faces in the cans
Where's the joke? There are so many great comedic directions this thing could have been taken in.

Yes idiot, it's EXACTLY the same

Member how hard Yea Forums sucked his cock when the Kickstarter was active and got butthurt at people not supporting it?

Vindication is sweet.

I want to hear from the guy who pledged $10 000 to this

Adult Part Cartoon was good IMO.

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Yeah but that would ruin John's ebic story about his dad who we all know was such a hilarious person.

damn i really hope for a stream, cytube
whatever for when the whole thing leaks.

I guess it's supposed to be a retelling of some childhood memory of his that he probably finds amusing/therapeutic, but most people would just consider to be child abuse.

>Member how hard Yea Forums sucked his cock when the Kickstarter was active
Are you from an alternate universe?
Everybody knew there's no way he'd make the deadlines and the cartoon will look like his Simpsons couch gag.

>over animated trash because someone thought that every single frame needs to be different somehow
>plot is immediately about some bad memory about his father he's tricked himself into thinking is good where he's forced to eat disgusting garbage
>is not funny
If it was just fucking funny then it might actually be worth a damn.

Where can i watch this?

what the fuck did you expect?

John K should've drawn porn

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I kinda like that because it's so bizarre and there's no more information given; what does it even mean for there to be a face in the can? From what kind of animal?

He buys 'em cheap!

At the end it's revealed there isn't actually a face in the can and the kids were just looking at their reflection.

>From what kind of animal?
a human

Only 5 or 10 cents a can!

I’m not really happy at all. I pledged that because I had the money, but it’s been fucking years and this is an incredible letdown.

My dad (for reference, he's about the same age as John K) said his parents used to buy these big crates of fruit at the market and you had to eat the fruit at the top of the crate first despite the fact that it was starting to go bad.

I mean, I get it that that generation of parents had been through the Depression and stuff and didn't believe in wasting food, but that still doesn't mean it's funny or whimsical.

Ngl, the finished screenshots look pretty fucking kino.

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>That clearly blend between 2D and 3D
Yea Forums has no standards

What can I say, it looks neat. It's a cool experiment.

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Yup, makes it look like the CGI is just floating, which is a thing John K complained a lot about regarding CGI.

This is so bad.

Honestly I just join this threads waiting for the rants of people who inevitably won't get anything or will be massively disappointed that someone who hasn't done anything of value in the last years turned out to give a mediocre product

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It looks great IMO.

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>It's a cool experiment
An experiment worthy of a second-year animation student film, not a seven-year project by an animation veteran.

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they look like taken out of a ps2 game, the lazy bastard didn't even have the decency to try to blend the 3D better (like Gumball) or make the own backgrounds and objects himself.

At least now that he has arthritis he won't be drawing any more cartoons

some of his recent drawings are bretty cool ngl

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>chairs have reflections but not the kids or the cans
did he even try?

Donald bastard!
TV personality!

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Where is the flippin mega

>like Gumball
Funny you should mention that. The CGI/live-action in Gumball looks fucking weird too, and even when it's really well-done there's STILL a huge disconnect between the drawn art and the CGI/live-action.

Attached: The-Amazing-World-Of-Gumball-FT-779x400-590x303.jpg (590x303, 50K)

>cool experiment
It's not an experiment if it's already been executed much more successfully by fucking Space Jam in the god damn 90s.

I like this, I didn't know he was doing the whole background in CGI, just the cans. I wish more cartoons would blend 2D and 3D animation like Gumball or something.


John K didn't do the CGI, those were his underlings John Kedzie and Sarah Harkey.

>welcome to eb games

It's not just "2d and 3d", it's a special type of stylish 3d that tries to apply the philosophies of abstract Ren & Stimpy BG's. Saying "Gumball/Space Jam/second-year-animation-students did it first" is such a surface level observation, and it's a tactic used by people who want to immediately dismiss something due to personal bias instead of giving it a properly nuanced thought. Inb4 "b-but John K literally did that on his blog in 2007" well congratulations you're manifesting the worst parts of the man you hate so much.

And this is releavant because...? are you so butthurt over John K. that you need to point this out to make it feel like he did nothing at all when he actually drew this? besides the cartoon has credits so calm down.

A man had people working for him? Wow... and next you'll tell me Bob Clampett didn't draw each frame of Great Piggy Bank Robbery.

It looks like shit, John.

Offtopic, but Jim Davis should have done porn. His girls are pretty hot

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You called me John! Lol! That's crazy, did you come up with that one yourself?

That's a normal looking table with normal looking lets you one inch dick dumbass.
If you want John's attention so much dress up like a little girl and ring his bell.

why cgi?

I thought John Kuckfalusi hates cgi

not really, and not that hard, this is hilarious and low poly as fuck.

You wanna try that sentence again? Too bad Yea Forums doesn't have an edit button.

>John K didn't do the CGI

He is the director and he had issues in Ren and Stimpy for being an strict over-nitpicky prick. If this was approved by him he either didn't gave a fuck or he has officially lost it.

I'm pretty sure the only reason why he finished this was to not get into legal repercussions.

The CGI could have been a part of a sort of beta testing background, where they put the characters over it to know the specific angle and also have reference on where to put stuff in the background and how, it's common within artists, and also explains why in some parts the table has lines and in others it doesn't.

AKA John's laziness was bigger than his hate for CGI.

2 is best, would bang.

Hi john

In his original pitch he said the story was inspired by how his dad would buy cheap unmarked cans of food, and when they'd open one to eat, it'd be a surprise to see what's inside, usually nasty preserved things, and once they opened it they had to eat it all.

I don't think it was really intentional child abuse, his Dad was just a tough cheapskate who thought it would toughen up his son, but it did the exact opposite.

John K's story behind this about his dad being such a cheapskate they'd just buy cans without labels on discount and just risking whatever might come out is way more interesting than the short itself. John K's dad was such a character no exaggeration is needed. I'd rather just read some more about that.

Holy shit. And to think all the cartoon commentary faggots were ripping apart Butch Hartman and calling him the scammer for making his streaming service Christian-focused like a bad goy... I can't imagine what people who actually gave money to this con man must be feeling right now. We fucking warned you.

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>This took like 7 years btw

>touchy response with an ultra specific Bob Clampett reference
he really is in this thread, isn't he?

Its crazy to think it really was that long ago. And anyone with two brain cells to rub together was telling you guys not to give money to this fucking hack. Just like "He totally isn't a pedo! Katie Rice was like his surrogate daughter!" bleating from John K's fans right up until that scandal broke (and even then they still try to deny it). John K and his faggot fans need to fuck right on off back to his blogspot in shame and never return to shill here again.

"Pl0x gibe money I need back surgery."

>spends it all on facelifts and sex tourism trips to Phuket

Are you telling me people payed thousands of dollars for this

I've been browsing through early archives (because I'm the type of loser who does that) and I can tell you there was a lot more John K dick-sucking here back in the day.

Max's Brain Dump manages this experiment a lot better and he's not a veteran from the professional animation world. John K is just a bum now.

Take a hike john


Let's not forget that John is the reason you're not still watching endless Scooby Doo spinoffs.

We just had a new Scooby Doo spinoff a while ago what the fuck are you talking about?

the sad thing is, Tex Avery could've fucking done that

>Wow 99% of people think the Earth is round, fuckin' conformists

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LMAO nigga, we had shit like The Simpsons and Garfield and Friends before Ren and Stimpy, get fucking real.

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Yeah, cuz Garfield and Friends had even a sliver of the influence Ren and Stimpy had on the industry. What causes people to revise animation history this way besides intense autism?

where can I watch the complete version?

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>the influence Ren and Stimpy had on the industry
Gross out humor died in the early 2000s, John.

I meant moreso the lack of ability to come up with a creative response, but I guess you helped my case a bit by using a "flat earth" meme analogy. Congrats, you are in the 99% of uncreative drones, I'm glad you're just a passive consumer of cartoons and not in charge in any way shape or form. You're just a nothing human being.

>"Everyone I disagree with is John! I'm funny!"

Both cringe.

Garfield is a household name user. You can't say the same about Ren & Stimpy, The Ripping Friends. or George Liquor.

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What are you even doing here, John? I'm not gonna pirate Can of Shit in a million years.

No, just explaining myself dude. Nice reaction image though, did you make that? Do you have any more?

John was in the right place at the right time. The 90s animation renaissance was started about 3 years before R&S. He did literally nothing.

You'd like to believe that wouldn't you? It'd reaffirm all the biases you already hold. R&S saved the idea of creator-driven cartoons from dying in a ditch, if Nicktoons launched with just Doug and Rugrats it'd take maybe 20 more years for a network to take a chance like that again.

Nice denial.

The Simpsons started before R&S did, so no.

>bad goy
>loud house image

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> if Nicktoons launched with just Doug and Rugrats it'd take maybe 20 more years for a network to take a chance like that again.

Rugrats was Nick's biggest powerhouse before Spongebob, nice try to make John look more important than he is you normie.

You’re acting like Ren and Stimpy was the only time a network took a chance on something at this time. As Ren and Stimpy started, stuff like Beavis and Butthead was already in development, and the Simpsons achieved astronomical success. It’s true that Reb and Stimpy was an influence, but something would’ve inevitably filled its place in the overall progression of counterculture 90s pop culture.

>Hartman apologist
>reaction image from a show for pedophiles

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Rugrats took about 5 years of life support to really pick up, R&S was Nick's biggest cash cow in the beginning, and it was a better poster child for "WOW, cartoons are back in style!". There was so much R&S merch it'd make your head spin, if you grew up in 1991-1995 it was almost the Spongebob of that era.

The Simpsons did great for adult animation, but it did absolutely nothing for creator-driven cartoons. It was still headed by a writing team and there was a huge disconnect between the animators and the creator. Try again!

That character is from a fucking Weird Al music video.

And before all that was Mighty Mouse, user.

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>huge disconnect between the animators and the creator
I'm sure the majority of the R&S staff would've killed for that disconnect.

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>cartoon nobody gives a shit about
Poor John really could only make one hit.

was it any good? it's one of the few Bakshi works i haven't seen

Absolute based

Nickelodeon let John keep the rights to George Liquor under a few conditions, including that he could never be depicted as a serial killer.

>expecting anything from John "King of Hacks" K

How did a veteran with his pedigree make this crap?

This is newgrounds tier.

He's never been good without much smarter people to hold his hand.

Rumors going around that he half-assed it to not get in legal trouble, like Channel Awesome did with their kickstarter.

poor Brad

>g (327 KB, 500x147)
brad deserves more


>Rumors going around that he half-assed it to not get in legal trouble, like Channel Awesome did with their kickstarter.
Can I get a quick rundown?

anyone willing to upload the finished thing?

atleast he hollowed katie rice's pussy

After the last movie of the ThatGuyWithTheGlasses / Channel Awesome affiliated (I forgot the name but is awful), the crew killed the Nostalgia Critic and opened a Kickstarter to make a new show that was supposed to be a nerdy trivia type of show.

The thing got crowdfunded and after years of delays and air people started to get mad and some called it a scam, to avoid legal action Dough created the show with minimum budget and it was the biggest cringefest there is.

You can see it on youtube, but is really fucking awful.

unironically this - he'd be making six figures on commissions alone

I'd just as soon not look at his awful art style.

Does he still have daddy issues?

He didn't fuck Katie. He did fuck Robin Byrd and knocked her up, so she got an abortion.

John K without daddy issues is not John K

John youre not fooling anyone

I was hoping he used the kickstarter money on therapy and not using it to make this low quality shit cause then that would make some sense

One of the boys reminded me of Bobby Hill

It seems a lot of John K's cartoons are just vehicles to showcase off his roster of characters. Whenever he makes something, you can guarantee it'll contain either Jojo the idiot boy, Slab and Ernie, the dad character and probably Cigarettes the cat, maybe one more from the character sheets he has published. I don't know why he's so insistent on these characters since they aren't especially interesting or thoughtfully designed and are just crowbarred into new projects instead of creating new characters that would fit them better. I mean, he was so persistent on there being a character that was a wad of chewed up gum that he held onto that idea for decades since the late 80s until he could squeeze it into The Ripping Friends.

John K seems like the guy that too entitled to go to therapy.

If he would have admitted his issues are skin deep and went to therapy before maybe he wouldn't be the over-obsessed insufferable asshole he is nowadays.

Wait a few days. This shit will be uploaded everywhere by then.

There's something weirdly attractive about his women.

i thought John K was a perfectionist, this looks so bad

He's a perfectionist in terms of what he thinks is good. However, that doesn't always mean the final product is going to be of quality.

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Meanwhile John Dilworth somehow manages to fund and create little indie films every 1-2 years that all have unique artstyles and stories

And i doubt dilworth gets much money if any from his short films

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John Dilworth isn't a worthless hack.

>maymay arrow John Defense Force posts

>You can see it on youtube, but is really fucking awful.

Thanks for the link and name of the show. I can just guess.

Probably because he isn't just doing "HEY LETS REDO COURAGE". Hes doing more stuff and moving on.

Whereas John K holds onto old ideas like a pitbull onto a yummy tasting tot.,wn

My bad, thought I mentioned it

Why does John think overanimated shit is funny?

He wanted to do a CG courage but CN rejected his pitch after the pilot

Because it can be, if the delivery is right.
The problem is, if everything is over animated, there is no room for delivery.

If all SD spin offs are on the level of Mystery Incorporated I wouldnt mind at all

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Middle panel is how I feel about women 90% of the time.

He liked the first Toy Story a lot

Ice Goose Cometh is one of my favorite episodes of anything.

Wow, that is pretty bad.
What was even the original intention of this, even if let's say everything went just dandy and doug delivered what everyone was waiting on, what even was this supposed to be?
This idea doesn't seem to hold up for a single sketch.

Even the 'complete' parts look like garbage. Like adult party cartoon animation was fucking garbage compared to the original show. Has john had like a fucking decade to work on cans without labels? Like what the fuck does he do all day?
>inb4 no work ethic
It's still insane how garbage this looks, does john even realize what a piece of crap this is, even if it was 100% finished for real?

>Like what the fuck does he do all day?
Try to pick up 16 year old girls at Wal-Mart.

Shut the fuck up john

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Don't take this website to seriously you fucking weirdo

Incel detected

Do you expect anyone in Yea Forums to know how to socialize with girls?
Not even femanons know how to socialize with other girls.

John is a good example that you shouldn't let the animators run the show unless they're visionary geniuses like Anno
Walt Disney knew this

Ren and Stimpy was never funny what did you guys expect

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There's a reason why women hate other women

Who here actually kickstarted it ironically? Like that's how Shaq Fu and the fucking Potato Salad kickstarter made 300% its goal. Is it the same with Cans Without Labels?

>making fun of a pedo /pol/tard Butch apologist means I like John K

I think a lot of people knew it was going to be his last cartoon

>As Ren and Stimpy started, stuff like Beavis and Butthead was already in development

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It's not really a Bakshi cartoon, it's a John K cartoon that was rushed to air in three months so most of the animation is spastic as fuck and the writing is extremely unpolished. It's only interesting because it's the first wacky TV cartoon that came about in many years.

I’m not surprised it sucked ass.

He honestly should have stopped after The Ripping Friends.

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Double feature when?

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Disney was not a visionary, his ideas were actually terrible and he had a very narcissitic vision of the future of the planet

was he wrong

he needed all that money for this?

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He probably has autism on top of fuck knows what else.
Dude's an unfunny fuckup and im surprised he ever became popular.

Didn't he also accuse South Park of stealing his genius idea of a talking piece of poop?

I’m surprised South Park never shat on John K. like they did with Seth MacFarlane.

He wasn't worth their time.

I guess John is THAT irrelevant

>Sody Pop, whom he needs you all to know is very sexy and very underage.
Ugh, forgot that one. I remember he brought it up on the Howard Stern interview and was all like "And remember, she's underage." and Howard was all like wtf man.

>Yea Forums will ignore how dogshit John's art style has gotten if he started drawing porn

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Why would they? He's some crank that posts angry bullshit on the internet, he's a nobody. Seth actually got famous and rich by being a hack.

I’d argue that Ren & Stimpy = a household name
You’re right about the others though.

But seriously, what the fuck kind of parents did Robin and Katie have that they let their teenage daughters hang out with and sleep over at the house of an adult man who was not related to them.

Ok I live under a rock, what did Hartman do

...stage parents?

They were dumb trailer trash who believed John's promises that he'd make their daughters rich, famous animators. Well, Katie managed to grind out a decent enough career anyway.

haha imagine pledging money to this shit

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Devoted his life to our lord and savior Jesus Christ like any honorable non-commie chad would do

Katie is the best artist to come out of John K’s teen girl harem
Whatever happened to that red head he was passing around nudes of?

I'm surprised they both turned out relatively normal and stable given what he did to them.

Tangled > Ren and Stimpy.
There I said it.

He paid for Robin's abortion and then acted super-callous about it.

While browsing old John K animations, I found this.
I’m sure it’s probably not just him, but it’s not that bad. Too bad John K is a prick and can’t finish his projects.

He sent STEVE WORTH to pick her up

He basically hated anime despite knowing jack-all about it outside Astro Boy and Speed Racer until Katie forced him to sit down and watch some.

For most (normally adjusted) cartoonists, cartooning is a job like any other that pays the bills and lets you have fun while you're at it. For John K, it's a religious cult centered around his childhood cartoons and all who don't follow it to the letter are heretics.

The animation dark ages were coming to an end anyway, John was a relatively minor part of it.


I've seen bootleg mockbusters with more convincing animation, to say nothing of the effort invested.

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His Simpsons couch gag was also pretty poor, as if he completely forgot how weight and gravity work.

Talk about creatively bankrupt.

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>children's cartoon shows
Same guy I should note who could not figure out that Nickelodeon was a kids network and some things are not appropriate for children.

Is Yea Forums actually a postmodernist shithole?
These are repulsive as sin.

John is one of those kind of guys who also looks down upon children and rather than trying to uplift them, he thinks they cannot into anything but poop and butt jokes.

Thankfully his hero Bob Clampett didn't think this way and Beany & Cecil was really highbrow stuff for a kids' cartoon.

Literally nothing. He made a kickstarter and went "boy howdy do I have a surprise for you!" Dumb dumbs gave him a bunch of cash and he went "Ta-Da! Christian Netflix!"

Ren and Stimpy was around during the 90's but after that the only things John K made after were what, Adult Party? H-B segments? Commericals? Music Videos? Family Guy on the other hand was a really popular show that ended up staying on the air consistently from 2005 onwards so Parker and Stone would feel the need to take a shot at it.

How many contributors do you think have died since the kickstarter?

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At least until John tried his hand at B&C. It got the plug pulled in 7 episodes and Clampett's widow and son have denounced him. Thankfully Bob himself didn't live to see what John did to his beloved characters.

>Spike TV tells Bob over and over that they're not going to air Naked Beach Frenzy
>he goes and does the episode anyway

I use 3D models a lot in my work, but I always draw/paint over them. Raw, unprocessed CGI mixed with 2D elements always looks terrible.

It's 2:22 AM and I need sleep.

>At least until John tried his hand at B&C. It got the plug pulled in 7 episodes and Clampett's widow and son have denounced him.

This reminds me of when Chuck Lorre recounted his time working on that cartoon.

>Chuck Lorre talked about his time working on the 80's Beany and Cecil in his chapter in the book "The First Time I Got Paid For It" (where writers recounted their early jobs):

>But the good times were not to last. A talented young animator (who would later go on to create Ren & Stimpy) was added to our creative team. He had his own ideas for the show-ideas which would one day work brilliantly on Ren & Stimpy. We had creative differences.

>Try as I might, I could not stand by and let good of Ceec puke up his own eyeballs, or step inside a giant conch shell to (wink, wink) "pleasure himself." It just didn't seem true to the spirit of the show.

>I suddenly found myself in the unlikely position of having to defend the artistic integrity of "Beany & freaking Cecil." I was emotional. I was passionate. I was filled with self-righteousness. Why I gave a shit is a mystery I've yet to unravel.

>Anyway, things heated up quickly. Junior saw his chance to regain the throne and joined forces with the Walt Disney of toilet, let, onanism, and vomit jokes. A formidable power bloc was now allied against me. Every script I turned in was rewritten without my permission. The production process was completely shut down. I screamed my outrage to the network and production company. Lines were drawn, sides were chosen. The widow Clampett (possibly the prototype for Cecil's antagonist) joined forces with her son, thinking perhaps that his genes carried the seed of greatness she had once loved.

Come on, wouldn't you give Wally man's show a shot?

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It would literally have been better if this never came out.

>The final showdown took place in an ominously lit corporate boardroom dominated by a long, expensive, mahogany table. The room smelled of syndication profits and all the limited-animation honchos were there. I dimly noticed that everyone-the the network and production company execs, the Clampetts and Stimpy's dad-were sitting on one side of the table ... facing me. I say "dimly" because I had yet to realize the precariousness of my situation.

>Young Clampett got quickly to the point and angrily accused me of ruining the show. I lost it. At that moment I became so enraged, I literally saw red. When my vision returned, I replied that if it weren't for me, my accuser would be working at a Taco Bell, asking customers if they wanted lids on their shakes.

>Widow Clampett reacted with a mother's fury. She leapt to her feet yelling that I. couldn't talk to her son that way. I said I'd talk to the little knucklehead anyway I wanted and he was old enough to stop hiding behind his mommy's apron.

>Eventually the designated grown-ups in the room restored order and the meeting was adjourned. But here's the really funny part: When I found out the following day that I'd been fired, I was surprised. Didn't they know? Didn't they understand? I was fighting the good fight! I was keeping Beany & Cecil pure for a whole new generation! I was fucking nuts, is what I was. Which was when I learned one of the basic axioms of show business: The people who own the project, or in some cases the people who are the project, have the inalienable right to destroy the project. Which is exactly what happened. The series was revamped by my adversaries, Cecil began farting sea anemones, hilarity didn't ensue, and the show was quickly canceled.

And John K's take on the Lorre situation:

>The year after Mighty Mouse, Sody Clampett contacted me and said that DiC wants to make some new Beany and Cecils. Sody was Bob Clampett’s wife. Bob Clampett’s my hero. I thought, “Well, this might be cool.” It’s DiC, which is an even worse studio than Filmation. It dethroned Filmation in the crap department.

>I was pretty scared and I warned Sody. I said, “This is DiC. This is the worst studio that’s ever existed. They’re not going to be to interested in putting in any quality or life into the show.”

>She said, “Well that’s why I want you to be a producer on it because I know that you care about this stuff and maybe you can push it through.” So we did Beany and Cecil. I was able to use part of the system I developed on Mighty Mouse, but not completely.

>The year after Mighty Mouse, Sody Clampett contacted me and said that DiC wants to make some new Beany and Cecils. Sody was Bob Clampett’s wife. Bob Clampett’s my hero. I thought, “Well, this might be cool.” It’s DiC, which is an even worse studio than Filmation. It dethroned Filmation in the crap department.

>I was pretty scared and I warned Sody. I said, “This is DiC. This is the worst studio that’s ever existed. They’re not going to be to interested in putting in any quality or life into the show.”

>She said, “Well that’s why I want you to be a producer on it because I know that you care about this stuff and maybe you can push it through.” So we did Beany and Cecil. I was able to use part of the system I developed on Mighty Mouse, but not completely.

>They didn’t let the artists write the stories this time around. Instead they had this total hack Chuck Lorre who didn’t care about cartoons, didn’t understand cartoons, couldn’t write, wasn’t funny, just a mean guy. They put him in charge of the stories. He wrote scripts instead of putting them on storyboards and he just was a nightmare to work with. He hated the cartoonists. He was just there for political reasons. Really all he wanted to do was score the music on his Cassio. Because they pay you a lot more to do the music than any other job because you get royalties and stuff.

>He made a deal with the network saying, “The only way I’m going to be in charge of the stories is if you give me the music contract.” And the music was completely awful. The whole thing turned into a political nightmare. There was too many people at the top and the network executives hated us. They hated the artists, they hated the Clampett family and the only person they liked was Chuck Lorre, who was making life miserable for everybody.

I never liked John K. and the Adult Party Cartoon fucking sucks, but could someone tell me what's so egregious about all of these? They're fine. They're certainly not fucking Cowboy Bebop, but they look alright.

Attached: 1542133617341.png (239x235, 92K)

>Some of the cartoons actually ended up looking pretty good. They had funny drawings in them and some of them had pretty good well-painted backgrounds and things. But the stories didn’t make any sense.

>But anyways, it all came crashing down because the network hated it right from day one. They didn’t want artists to have any input. That’s the way the studios were. Cartoonists were not supposed to have input in the cartoons. The cartoonists weren’t considered the creative people. The guys who wrote the scripts were the creative people. The voice directors were the creative people. None of those people knew anything about animation. Cartoonists were just considered the necessary evil.

>“Well, somebody’s got to draw this crap. And the public thinks the cartoonists make this stuff, so we’ve got to have some damn cartoonists in here. We just won’t talk to them.”

It's bizarre.

And this is after altering the episodes to comply with network content guidelines. I'd shudder to think what John's original, unfiltered version of B&C looked like.

This is still one of the most insulting wastes of money I've ever seen.

Mike Michaud/Doug Walker are idiots par excellence.

Because this dude has been spending his entire life shitting all over fucking literally everybody while creating nothing for decades. He got a truck load of cash said 'prepare your anus for a REAL artist' and delivered a fat sack of 'eh'.

I agree DiC was pretty bad and no, just because they gave you Penny Gadget doesn't redeem them.

Why didn’t he pitch Ren & Stimpy to MTV instead? He would’ve had less censorship and more freedom.

This shit is hilarious. It looks like some kind of 'e-money laundering' scheme.

>group of little girls called the heartaches
you can't make this shit up

So, basically APC 13 years earlier. Nah, I don't think that would have gone anywhere good.

I forgot how many episodes they originally intended to make, and how many they actually made.

Robyn had white trash parents. I don't know about Katie.

God, I wish someone would pick up Camp Weedonwancha for a series. Katie deserves it.

It's weird because after he was expelled from R&S, the Bob Camp-run episodes were considerably darker and more violent--they were like Squidward's Toenail and Nickelodeon almost stopped caring about the content of the show completely.

For the amount of time everyone has been waiting it aught to be alot better, at the very least having the cans be actually drawn rather than haphazardly copy and pasted onto frame and cgi with at least some effort put into them.

They were both trailer trash.

I won't deny that a lot of the Golden Age cartoons John jacks off have aged very poorly and I still don't understand why obscure stuff like Cubby Bear gets $20 Blu-Ray releases.

Also Michael Barrier's "Hollywood's Cartoons" is a good and very interesting read about the animation industry in the 1930s-40s that shows the miserable sweatshop conditions that people worked in. Poor pay, no credit, working in the hot SoCal weather pre-air conditioning, etc. John also trashed the book because it didn't portray that era as the lost utopia he thinks it was.

DiC gave me The Mysterious Cities of Gold, and for that, I will be eternally grateful. I wish they had put out more quality stuff, but in their earliest incarnation, they were really trying.

Attached: Original Character Drawings 22.png (1024x576, 144K)

Nickelodeon never really did like R&S to begin with--of the three inaugural Nicktoons in 91, it got the least promotion from the network. They were also surprised and dismayed when it became an overnight sensation.

They still barely acknowledge R&S and try as much as they can to airbrush it from history.

to be fair, the Danes DO call it quality...

>working in the hot SoCal weather pre-air conditioning

I hate SoCal, but having lived both here and in Florida, I will say one thing. You really don't need AC most of the year in California. Only during the hottest parts of summer. It's not the same kind of heat as Florida.

>They still barely acknowledge R&S and try as much as they can to airbrush it from history.

Nick's headquarters is filled with Ren and Stimpy art. Even though John K is gone, the statues remain.

According to Bob Camp, "Every network has the so-called Standards & Practices board which regulates what content shows can and can't have. I was the guy who took the job of handling the S&P people because nobody else was stupid enough to. As it turns out, the rules change an average of every other week. One week you can show characters smoking, the next you can't. One week, you can say the word 'butt', the next they'll tell you it's a no-go, and so on."

>One failed because the money got cut off, Disney poached the animators he trained, stole his setting, and put out Aladdin before he could finish.
>Despite not finishing, the film produced more than 90 minutes of painstaking, hand-drawn animation on ones.
>This failure created and lead to the discovery of so much internal knowledge in the industry that the book he wrote to share everything he learned while failing to make that movie is still the undisputed bible for the field to this day.

>The other failed because John K didn't give a shit and produced, as expected, about 7 minutes of unshaded, poorly executed, computer drawn, CGI assisted garbage

Double feature when John actually finishes a feature.

Attached: Cobbler.gif (380x214, 860K)

>They still barely acknowledge R&S and try as much as they can to airbrush it from history.

They still make merchandise of it, though.

He's an idiot. Nick makes a lot of money from 90s merch.

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That couldn't be it. Nobody is that much of a hucksterish hack. He wouldn't just pretend like that was a finished product r-right?

Attached: concerned bear.png (246x205, 35K)

>chinese tickle time

Attached: 1415078997611.png (450x253, 204K)

Made danny phantom and jimmy neutron

Beavis and Butt-Head was a phenomenon, and it was just as crass as APC and with worse animation.

I like how John's version is basically the opposite, and paints him as the poor defenseless victim who just wanted to make some nice cartoons

John is pretty notorious for never accepting blame for anything. Anytime something goes wrong, or if the product turns out less than great, it's always due to factors outside his control.

Has anything this asshole has made EVER been good?

Nah, the duck totally ate the face man

This sucks and I never paid a penny for this

There's a 99%chance you're BSiting but if not pray tell who in their sane fucking mind would have ten grand to burn and choose to give them to John K of all things

The Elmer Fudd show sounds like a good idea, in all honesty. It's a shame that John's definition of Character Design is "Just shit out the ugliest goddamn thing you can manage to draw between bouts of egomania and let the interns clean it up." tickle

Seriously. I watched the short and then had to watch the Kickstarter pitch to get the bad taste off my mouth.

At this point the only product John K. can make that I'd be willing to give the time of the day to is a book on his childhood.


this was when his character designs weren't too grotesque. also when working for a company there are certain guidelines they would dictate

The amount of power you all give to old white men astounds me

Bad CGI with extremely shiny surfaces, but no shadows or reflections of the characters means that the 3D elements and the 2D elements look like they exist in completely different worlds.

Also this took 7 years. This looks like an initial pass before shading or effects animation has been added.

They keep telling us how great they are and how much we suck! We can't help it!

>(normally adjusted) cartoonists
no such thing

>Bad CGI with extremely shiny surfaces, but no shadows or reflections of the characters means that the 3D elements and the 2D elements look like they exist in completely different worlds.
That's obviously the point. Durr! You think a genius craftman like John K. wouldn't think of that? Herp derp.

not that user but the majority are like the average company employees anywhere else. You don't hear about them because they dont have a noticeable presence on social media, and therefore can't infiltrate people's little bubbles of what they see online because they're too quiet

Just put John in a home already. He must be senile to think this stuff will pass muster.

Jokes aside this true. Old boomer faggots like to pretend like they're hiding some massive ancient wisdom that they can unleash only if you let them hold the reigns. They never deliver on fucking anything and actively make things worse. This for whatever reason happens constantly. It's a real Charlie Brown football situation.

t. Bitter non-white

I've been called a lot of things on this site but that's a first.

Oh god it's like I'm back on Reddit.

But dude
Crapface the Duck.

Every one of these is like he just stuck a bunch of random stuff together and called it a character. Kids noodling on the back of a school notebook put more thought into their drawings.

I mean, what even is that rabbit thing next to Wally Man? I would think that was a drawing by a middle-schooler if I didn't know better.


I don't know when this was made, but boy does that date it to a very specific moment in time.


I genuinely cannot fathom what this could possibly be used for. It's the most unmarketable thing ever created.

The best looking thing on here is He-Hog, and having seen the animatic for that, the best use of it is as evidence in John's inevitable court case.

Is that a real goose that is actually on fire?

>Two Dogs

Attached: 1493195605160.jpg (357x402, 61K)

I think it's a goose standing in front of a fire.

Interesting, never heard this story before.
Why does he have to keep insisting on such immature humor? I could never get into his works because they grossed me out too much. They had that effect on me even back when I was still a kid and thought poop jokes were funny.

These sound like the kind of half assed improv names Oney comes up with.

more than $130,000 of crowdfunding money and 7 years of production only for that to be the result is pretty fucking pathetic to say the VERY least.

Wow the animation is so bad on the bits I have watched, I used to think he was a great animator in his own way, but just an asshole on a personal level. Even the finished stuff in this short looks super stiff and lacking life vs his old work, looks like it was just done in flash but is so clean and still while the mouth flaps all over the place. View the cans short and then an old cartoon of his right after and you can really see the change if you are confused and think this short has anything good about it.

How did he get so bad? This is such low effort, even the way most shots seem laid out is sloppy and dull. The beach party dvd he did was shitty and weird, but just seemed like it had less money behind it. This looks like total and complete shit with no soul.


I'm sure people will eviscerate me as a blue-pill numale or whatever, but the opening of the He-Hog Animatic/short is actually one of the more disturbing things I've seen in animtion. It's like John K is just laying out his pedophilia/exploitation of women for all of us to see. It really is a window into a diseased mind.

It reminds me of those incest comics Chris Savino drew that made it clear to me what kind of a pervert he was several months before his career was destroyed.

Anyway, judge for yourself:

Attached: 2872580956_9cc48811da_o.jpg (1231x1186, 242K)

You said "herp derp" in 2019. Let that sink in.

I think you're reading too much into a joke about horny men.

Attached: LICD.jpg (1232x552, 253K)

Anyone who pretends this was actually John is living in a bubble. This is someone from Yea Forums, no doubt.

Old fucks in general love their


humor. It's exhausting but that's just weird old men. They can't get enough.

Notice how no one replied to this post because it disproves all their revisionist preconceptions.

Nah. It all aligns with John's actual attitudes towards women. She feels exploited and objectified, and John makes it into a joke. She's crying and bordering on hysterics, and He-Hog slaps her around because "HA! HA! Isn't it funny how dames get all worked up about men wanting to bang 'em, when they really *like* the attention?" And of course she has to mention that it all started when she was 12, because John's gotta get his rocks off too.

Funny you post that LICD parody, because that comic is like a roadmap of Ryan Sohmer's own neuroses.

It's funny, because most of the older men I've known have been very restrained and great believers in self-control, and it's only recently I've encountered real "dirty old men". It was a real culture shock to me.

I think he's being ironic.

>having the gaul to call someone else a pedo when youre defending John K
Embarrassing senpai.

Yeah I never found the appeal in that sort of humor when it's super mean spirited either. I mean I'm not adverse to creepy old men jokes but a lot of the time they're oddly vitriolic and angry.

It's weird. I think Animaniacs/Tiny Toons level "boys gawking at girls" is about the limit for me, because it's kind of played for laughs and is light-hearted and silly.

I mean, it's funny when Beavis and Butthead are creeps, because they're pathetic and the butt of the joke. It would be a lot less creepy if the girls that they're hitting on were the objects of mockery. That would be creepy.

John K is creepy.

>It would be a lot less creepy

a lot MORE creepy, excuse me.
And apparently I can't stop saying, "creepy".

>made a kickstarter for a family friendly stream
>a bunch of Youtube cartoon commentary people (think Enter, Pieguyrulz, Trafon, those faggots) make videos about how it will fail
>it doesnt
>Hartman laughs in their face
>SALT LIKE YOU WOULDNT BELIEVE where these YT cartoonfag channels make literally dozens of videos a day calling Hartman a scammer
>they dig up random out of context shit from years ago like Hartman trolling Tara Strong over Mary Kate Bergman's suicide in some hours long stream and play the role of offended moral crusader
>Hartman says something supportive of his religion
>"He is trying to indocrinate kids with Christianity! This is way worse than inserting sexual preferences and shit in cartoons! Mr. Shoahstein told me Christianity was evil!"
>meanwhile, back to reality, Hartman has already finishedhis streaming service's framework
It really only showed how pathetic and kike-driven these YT channels are.

wow you sure told a great story about how people were persecuting you and other like you for your religion
I especially liked the part where you did the exact same thing for a different religion and can't see the massive irony about that

lol this is why i can't get mad at Yea Forums. These people are either children or big ol' goofballs.

>dig up random out of context shit from years ago like Hartman trolling Tara Strong over Mary-Kate Bergman's suicide in some hours long stream and play the role of offended moral crusader

That's not fucking funny, don't defend this you fuckwit. He's definitely an asshole. Criticized for the wrong reasons, but many of them were valid.

The religion criticism is bullshit and I agree.

I'm surprised at how upsetting I found this. The girl's dialog hints at the possibility of mental clarity and empathy, and he's either too daft to make a breakthrough or he understands the objections a woman might feel and he just doesn't care or takes it seriously.

>he understands the objections a woman might feel and he just doesn't care or takes it seriously.

I think John is a borderline sociopath. He seems to understand human emotions, but he doesn't react to them like a healthy person. He acts like his father's emotional abuse was just "tough love" and tries to laugh it off. It's not normal.

John doesn't have issues. He's got a subscription.

>Why does he have to keep insisting on such immature humor?
He lives in monumental fear of being called a girl.

and the reflection of the left chair is misplaced, too

Oh hey, it's the girls from that picture.

LMAO look at all these broads posting on Yea Forums! Show us your tits or gtfo, you'll never be the man John K. is. You know why? Cause you're women!

John K seems to abandon many of his art theories whenever he works with CGI.

got em'

Holy shit that was like an above average newgrounds cartoon from 2004 right down to the constant swearing

Attached: 1557107686924.png (476x372, 206K)

John K's artstyle has become, for lack of a better word, fraudulent. It's impossible for John to qualitatively assess his own work, because there is no right or wrong in this sloppy, arbitrary mess where he can rationalize every stroke, but cannot justify it to anyone else. It's an esoteric shitshow for one.

And to think this is the guy who complained about bunching clothes in Animaniacs.

He probably didn't even remember it was a suicide. The man doesn't exactly have an ironclad memory going by all the continuity mistakes in his cartoons.
Still tasteless, but the bigger issue is these crybabies going all "Ok, NOW I'm offended" and twisting it to serve their own narrative. Anyone who watches Butch's videos knows he just rambles and doesn't make sense half the time, and makes awkward as shit jokes, so they literally dug up the one time he went too far from an ancient stream video well past its relevancy date.

What is this book he wrote?

Maybe he's become so jaded he interprets the world eating up what he considers to be pure shit, that he elected to make shit in the hopes that if he just conforms (i.e. makes as many mistakes as possible) at least he'll make money.
It's the sort of black-and-white all-or-nothing argument a self-proclaimed artiste would unironically make.


>hartman begs money for a "family friendly" streaming service
>never says what the fuck "family friendly" means, just uses FoP and Danny Phantom to get peoples' sympathy
>idiots give him money anyway, even though it's easy to see in hindsight how shady everything was
>video leaks of him talking about how he's actually planning to start the Christlix, without telling his supporters his true intentions
>people start feeling scammed. as they thought they were funding the FoP channel, not the christ channel
>people ask how christian the channel is gonna be (is hart gonna brainwash children into believing in jebus? are christflix shows going to promote homophobia?, etc)
>hart refuses to answer any questions and go full "dude just trust me I made your childhood lmao" mode
>people start asking for refunds
>Hartman refuses to give their money back
>in the last day of kickstarter, he still needed $30,000 - $50,000 to achieve his goal
>magically got it all in the last hours
>nobody has heard about his streaming service ever since

People defending him are just christian sociopaths that have no issue at all with people being scammed.

even the complete parts have terrible timing. John really got worse with age. Compare this to Ren calm rage

This is literally a ploy to pick up little girls
no way John "MY DAD WAS A MANLY MAN ABUSER" Kricfalusi tried to make a girl show for any other reason

>John is one of those kind of guys who also looks down upon children and rather than trying to uplift them, he thinks they cannot into anything but poop and butt jokes.
I don't think that's true. I think he's a person who believes the only way to do cartoons and animation is doing poop and butt jokes. Even adult animation for him is bad if it doesn't have his brand of humor.

Marlo? she gave up on animation to become a vine star, then vine died and so did her career. last I heard she was trying to book acting jobs in commercials.

Go to sleep, PGR. Forever.

It always baffled me that he loves HB stuff like Flintstones and Yogi despite it going against basically everything he insists a cartoon should be

You know i feel bad for her but she isn’t inccocent. fucking someone to get ahead of other people also makes you wrong even if she was abused and hes horrible.

"Those are called end credits Patrick"

Attached: SpongeBob_SquarePants_Doing_Time_Credits.png (1200x900, 1.64M)

She was clearly the one who took advantage of him, he did everything for her and she threw him under the bus

I don’t pretend to know shit about this particular situation but id say a percentage of women are pussy popping to get ahead in every industry anyway.

Jons a pedo anyway.

wtf this is like a community college animation final. Did people really donate money for this shit?

Attached: Dude.jpg (702x878, 113K)

Is it me or does it feel like John no longer knows how to animate? I know he's not a fan of staying on-model but the characters' proportions seem to change constantly even in the same shot. It's so distracting.

Reminder: Ralph Bakshi did a 22 minute film that's better... Let alone with a slightly higher kickstarter budget ($174k).

literal nostalgia blindness

I think it's on purpose
I think he's so rooted in his animation philosophy that animation should be a specific way that he's neglecting to put any other sort of effort into it

and it's not like ren and stimpy was a solo project, so I can't actually prove that he ever truly talented beyond his approach to directing

He's willing to be experimental and uses very limited animation, also leaving the original lineart
adds to the mood of the piece to be honest.
John K is an uncompromising perfectionist who loves having clean lines and overanimating.

>id say a percentage of women
If by percentage you mean 100 then you are correct, they can't be trusted

>destroys his scalp
>bloats the entire top of his head
What the fuck was in that shit

I really wish I could like Bakshi, His stuff shuts my brain down

>>it doesnt
So where is it?

He did previous projects that looked better, right?

That Simpsons couch gag he did had the same problem, it was way too fucking jumpy. Someone mentioned the mouth flaps and yeah, they look like they're on a separate plane of existence.

This. If you go through John K's criticisms of other shows, you can see a definite blind spot for shit he watched as a kid. He gives his childhood favorites a pass and seems to either ignore or just outright not recognize that they make the same "mistakes" as later shows that he rips apart.

>$174k budget

Why is animation so fucking expensive?

If you really want to be depressed:
>John Dilworth started his own short film Kickstarter and only got $6,000 out of the $85,000 goal.
>John K's "Cans Without Labels" Kickstarter got $136,723 out of his $110,000 goal.

Attached: tumblr_nmhp2fQxFd1tky573_og.jpg (500x500, 73K)

This one

Attached: animator surv.jpg (600x400, 99K)

>I'm back on Reddit.
>back on Reddit.
>on Reddit.
Well...time for you to go back!

It's only expensive when you have to pay other people. Indie animators that make most of the animation themselves work for very cheap.

Yo, what happen to this man, why his head look like that?

He's not wrong.

At least he doesn't let things like that stop him and continue to pursue independent animation

>I won't deny that a lot of the Golden Age cartoons John jacks off have aged very poorly
Like what? Don't try to argue slapstick is "old fashion" or some zoomer garbage point like that. Ed Edd n Eddy proved that style of humor can survive and be modernized.

I kind of like the idea of 2D characters in a 3D CGI retro-styled environment. I kind of want to try it with low poly
Most of it goes to paying the voice actors, animators, editors and the people behind the sound design

Attached: 1461851268693.png (380x330, 15K)

It's not even finished

Attached: (932x931, 809K)


>It's not even finished

Nah, those are merely footages uploaded by those who gave up their hopes of John K ever finishing this hunk of shit.

Attached: George_Liquor_family_moments.png (909x629, 790K)


>he still thinks my post was defending John K
Please learn to read

jesus christ. But let's be honest, theres has been any kickstarter that actually delivered something good?

Hundreds, but people don't talk about them in the same vein that the news doesn't discuss when everything is a-okay.

>Youtube cartoon commentary people make videos about how it will fail

People were saying the obvious: you can't start a streaming service (especially one that is going to compete against Netflix) with just $250,000 bucks.
And guess what? They were right

It would have been a niche streaming service(any service that offers specific content instead of general would be) but yeah.
Hartman took notes from Conman Inafune although unlike him, Hartman still has drones leaping to defend him.

i wonder why nobody directly asked her how she knows that's him

The animation is way too bouncy.

his shorts are terrible but still better than anything John K ever did

Attached: GiHH 1_72dpi.png (1600x921, 952K)

>admitting that you came from reddit

He was really good up until around 2006, IMO.

Attached: John K genius.png (372x852, 246K)

Hanna-Barbera were the founding fathers of cheap animation and most of the tropes he hates.

>pigtails on her butt
This would be pretty funny if it didn't have John K's disgusting sense of humor all over it.

I bet you only watched the chick clips, nobody with a semblance of taste can enjoy the whole thing (it´s still interesting in a psychiatric point of view)

I don't know why John thinks these are all potential pitch ideas. They're not bad designs but they're definitely too weird/ugly for the mainstream to really appreciate. Most of these guys would work better as background characters in Samurai Jack.

He only likes their 1958-1962 output.

The cans stand out so much. Shouldn't the viewer's attention be more drawn to the characters then the inanimate object?

Never try to regrow hair with Ayy-DNA.

How so?

Yeah the stuff that happens to conveniently coincide with his childhood.

No, it's when the output was a lot more experimental and still utilized solid drawing fundamentals behind the limited animation. H-B stuff gets noticeably more sloppy and sterile after that point.

That's why he said he isn't JUST advocating for a Courage reboot

It´s more "interesting" than "good", like most John K´s work beyond the original R&S

This. I was a 90's kid who grew up during Nickelodeon's reign of animation and I would always change the channel when R&S or Doug would air.

And no, I would not stream that film as I am not great!

Attached: 1553146103682.gif (360x213, 2.12M)

>two* seasons of R&S + APC
>the ripping friends
>george liquor shorts
>weekend pussy hunt
>music videos
>yogi shorts
>jetsons shorts
I like all of it, to be desu.

Alright, these make sense. Thanks.

its just a severe allergic reaction

Go to bed, John.

>no noo NOOOO you like the WRONG things!!! STOOOOOOP

Attached: mfw-shoyu.png (344x971, 214K)

The Cans without Labels short floating on YouTube looks like shit because it's the unfinished version. Is there a soul brave enough to rip the complete copy from the DVD?

One and a half seasons of a cartoon and a decently competent webcomic chick are his entire legacy to animation.

That looks painful, what the fuck?
How'd his head get swollen like that?

Attached: 1502651689515.png (244x238, 26K)

Not true. R&S was a significant factor in the "creator-driven cartoon revival" in the 1990s. No John K. = No Genndy/McCracken.

What about the other Nicktoons that premiered at the time? Weren't Rugrats, Doug and Rocko around around the same time as Ren and Stimpy? Even if R & S paved the way for creator driven stuff, John contributed very little outside the first 2 seasons of it.

Rugrats was debatably much bigger than Ren and Stimpy. It was SpongeBob before SpongeBob.

Ren & Stimpy was the biggest hit of the three (Rocko came later) and if you can believe it, Kricfalusi was actually consulted for advice quite a bit before he burned all of his bridges. His talks with Fred Siebert are directly responsible for "What A Cartoon!" and indirectly for the subsequent "Oh Yeah! Cartoons"

He just sent them the other day. It'll be all over the web before long.

I'm convinced he does. It's the combination of all the knowledge he displays about animation and its history combined with his total obliviousness to how it works in practice.

Has any backer even confirmed that they received their DVD? John K said he's finished them and they're ready to ship, but I haven't seen anyone say they actually have it yet.
The lowest tier on the Kickstarter offered a digital DRM-free download of the film, and that'll probably end up shared at some point. But I'm not sure that's been released yet, either.

I implore you to reconsider not streaming that movie, since you're so great.

He's probably going to shut everything down, claim the entire short was leaked onto the internet, proclaim that nobody deserves his generosity, and sit back and watch everyone grovel at his feet for the short, thinking he's hot shit.

Attached: 1279836784017.jpg (357x402, 16K)

These here are bootleg Cans Without Labels DVDs. I buy 'em cheap.

Looks like an allergic reaction.

You really get off to this? Jesus christ.

I feel like he's followed his own theories out the window. All the extreme poses and wobbling have taken on a life of their own, making the animation an incoherent mess. I feel like he gets lost in the individual drawings, and loses track od the actual motion of the animation.

Attached: 1512611802128.png (600x383, 282K)

This, I don't know how you go from high quality R&S episodes like "Man's Best Friend" and "Hermit Ren" and end up making a couch gag this shitty looking:

This is the funniest thing to come out of all this.

It's easy when you realize that R&S had an entire team of people working on it, most of whom were much smarter than John.

Jim Jinkins is everything in an animator and showrunner that John K. pretends to be. That live-action Doug motherfuck had them approving Doug halfway through his pitch and pretty much got to write his contract himself. All while being the kind of person John would relentlessly shit on. R&S is the animation equivalent of a hilariously timed fart.

>Woman gets abortion
>Man is the bad guy
Nope, not under the rules we've got chief. Great power/responsibility and all that. If the government gives you the right to kill your kids and you use that right, I'm not buying whatever spin you put on it.

Why does this legitimately look better than this ?

I hate Doug, but even I have to admit Jinkins is much more successful, objectively, than John.

The camera angle and pose looked more dramatic. It seems more toned down in the final version

They're not the same scene. The finished frame is from the beginning of the short and the unfinished one from near the end.

Has Jim done anything besides Doug and that godawful Disney version of Doug?


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>music videos for Tenacious D, Weird Al, Bjork, Miley Cyrus, etc.
>couch gags for The Simpsons
>adult swim bumps
He certainly wasn’t unemployed or forgotten.

Mainly does stuff for pre-school aged kids like JoJo's Circus, but yeah he's been getting consistent work.

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Surely he must be taking the piss here

This thing so obscure it doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page.

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Don't forget based PB&J Otter
He hasn't really worked in 10 years but most likely he's just retired and living off royalties, he created 11 shows

At least half of these feel like jokes.

God, I had to rewatch that a couple of times because what's happening in the last few shots go by so quickly and sloppily. I'm pretty sure I could animate something more coherent than this.

Kaspar had a pitch of his own.
Roxy and Heartaches, along with Curly Fleece Poodle, starred in commercials.
He-hog, Half-life (who is He-hog's own molecule), Professor Mole and Mikey Mantid were all included in He-hog's pitch.
Finky, Pablo, Fump, Jim and Silly all have a distinct artstyle and too were meant as a basis for a cartoon show.

Remember - these are John K's brainchildren. John saw it fitting to put up together a cartoon about "pee boners", starring Ernie and Slab - George Liquor's nephews:

Attached: 1bwindowpanIn_Kaspar_John_K.jpg (1600x1209, 255K)

Towards the end he was running a little studio in Tennessee that did a lot of pre-K programming and even a "christian" show.

I knew he was getting desperate for clients when I saw that.

I hate John K. but this is fucking great
calarts fags in this thread should stop sucking so much fucking cock

>If it's not calarts it's good
Back to the kiddy pool with you.

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John Internet Defense Force is in full blown damage control mode in this thread lel

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I think the short was good but it definitely wasn't worth the money it was funded and should've taken 2 or 3 years at most to complete, not nearly a fucking decade.

I agree.

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I just mean the lighting and color looked better in the unfinished version.

>Feasting on animated equivalent to feces
>To own the CalArts SJWs

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Sunken costs fallacy is one hell of a drug.
And some really did sink a wad of cash into funding John K's animated daddy issues.

Attached: Ead_da_fuckin_FAAAAACE.png (634x434, 426K)

It shouldn't have taken more than a year.

$174k is pretty much cheap, comparing to the movies that ranges from the tens to hundreds of millions...

I'd accept original deadline if John K could have guaranteed that he uses said time to establish a new quality.

But no - we got a disjointed mess with poorly blended CGI graphics.

Attached: Rage_time.png (667x378, 480K)

I'm sorry, is no-one going to mention the fact this man's mouth is parallel to his nose?

Jesus, he looks like the dwarves from God of War 4.

Attached: The fuck is this shit.png (155x206, 46K)

That was for seven minutes worth of cartoon with a sparse handful of voiceactors and the kind of CGI that can be done throughout a single weekend.

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Somebody post the pic of Yea Forums embracing terrible superhero movies because of Reddit embracing the good ones.

God it's like each individual body part is its own living creature, desperately trying to escape the main body they're attached to.
This is what I would call "overanimated".

That's not one of the actual problems this cartoon has. He's just making an exaggerated "thinking" expression.

>it's like each individual body part is its own living creature, desperately trying to escape the main body they're attached to

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>poorly blended CGI graphics.

This is the part that really kills me. Why did he make everything so shiny if he's not going to animate reflections... or shadows!? Everything seems so disconnected.

Yeah, because of shills. Which there still are on here.

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What a vapid whore


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Every time I see John K's recent work (CWL, Simpsons couch gag), it feels like he's doing a parody of himself. Like, all the Ren & Stimpy-era wacky designs got turned up to eleven.

I think that happens to a lot of creators with time. They become their own best joke.

>it feels like he's doing a parody of himself

Everything he has ever done outside of Ren and Stimpy is completely devoid of comedy and comes off as just mildly creepy at best. You know if anything I'd argue John's shit is bad because he never actually does anything extreme outside of the gross stuff. Like all his shit is filled with gross out stuff and "adult jokes" that are just people looking at breasts and wiggling their eyes but the entire time there's this air of waiting for things to get really fucked up. Whenever John K gets brought up I point to that fucking awful Yogi special he did. It's 20 minutes of actual fucking nothing but throughout the entire program I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop and for things to get REALLY fucked up. Like you fully expect Boo-Boo to start mauling the shit out of someone because otherwise it's just that bear being really weird for a solid 8 minutes and since nothing actually happens its all in service of ???. I'm not saying "boy his stuff would be better if Boo-boo just raped Yogi" or "He-hog should have ended the pilot making an extremely racist joke" but all his shit comes off as if that's what these animations are building up to.

that's probably what the people ask him to do
>"Hey John K do something wacky and overanimated here's the money"

They were script based

Nuh uh.

I love how John can't get over his hateboner for "animation writers" when all of the shit he makes is literally nonsensical retard noises and wacky borderline-abstract faces.


Is this what peak schizophrenia looks like?


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Doesn't sound so different from what he had to say about Billy West. Acting like West owed him a favor for getting a voice acting job on his show and John K got his foot in the door for a role West auditioned for like every other role he did.

>Ernest Borgnine
>Tim Conway

Attached: lggh.jpg (146x153, 9K)

Enjoy your vacation, bruddah.

His animation skills fall flat when they're in the service of booger and shit jokes.

John K's work has literally always been extremely unappealing and disturbing to me.

I'm really out of the loop on this but isn't this the guy who argued with a couple of youtubers for some petty reason? IDK.

Don't fucking dis JoJo's Circus

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>I'm too lazy to give the thread even a cursory read-through and love to flaunt my ignorance!


He's at his best when he actually has payoffs on the buildup, go watch the episodes from
for two examples where the conclusion delivers on the tension

Ren and Stimpy was in production first. The pilot was shown at Spike and Mike in 1990

It's just a blonde Jon Arbuckle with dick sucking lips.

These youtube comments are gold

Why is the hand in front of the can instead of holding it?

His earlier work drawing girls was better, like the early drawings of Sody Pop, Powdered Toast Man's Assistant and his caricature of Shelley Long for Troop Beverly Hills.

Still, you're right. He would have avoided most of the controversies if he'd just stuck to drawing porn or become a pin-up artist, rather than trying to make mass entertainment.

Oldfag here.
In 1983 when I was a toddler, I had what I thought was a great idea for a cartoon starring a sentient turd and wad of gum. Both humanized with arms and legs.
No, I'm not saying South Park and John K ripped me off, they had no idea what no-name preschool me in buttfuck CA had done years earlier.

I'm just saying, you know, that these ideas really are so obvious and stupid that a kindergarten brat could have come up with them.
I know because I was that brat!

Welcome to Yea Forums

Literally, the anti-Christian and anti-Jew stuff here is the result of kids spending 20 years imitating Cartman until they take it seriously.

Tim Conway was a comedic actor by trade and Borgnine is one of those, "As long as the check clears," kind of actors.

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Lucky for you I am so great

Attached: If you're so great.webm (294x125, 2.87M)

About .95% of all people die every year. So out of 3,562 backers we'll assume the best and round down to a solid 33 people died a year. Then of course that's spread over the course of 7 years. So I'd recon about 231 of Mr. K's backers died without seeing the finished product (though maybe that was for the best)

Oh wow. You actually answered my question.

231, eh?

In the words of Long John Silver, "Them that die'll be the lucky ones."

Wait a fucking minute, were there actually masturbation gags in Beany & Cecil??

I think it’s purely aesthetic for him, he likes the shapes and some aspects of design. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him praise the writing or animation.

>someone paid to see some hack daddy's issues in animated form
>they didn't even got it

This literally never happened. It's fabricated.

That was pretty hot and funny. Sorry it triggered you.

Chuck Lorre has made some of the worst sitcoms in the world but atleast at some point he had integrity. Of course now he's having the last laugh while John K is struggling for relevance and money Chuck is worth almost 1 billion dollars.

You walking cliche.

It was Ralph Bakshi' Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures that started the animation renaissance in the 90's.

>The Ripping Friends
underrated kino


John K is an asshole and lazy hack, but not a rapist.

>tfw you didn't back Cans Without Labels
Feels good

this literally looks like 2006 newgrounds flashes

he still got a underage girl pregnant and drove her to the abortion clinic

>gave a lift to a pregnant lady instead of making her walk
Sounds like a stand-up guy to me

Again that's not rape, she consented. Still wrong, but no rape or sexual harassment.

>respects a woman's right to choose
Wow, what a monster.

Which state did it happen in?

California. Where it's illegal.

then I don't get what people are arguing about.

Have you heard of statutory rape you god damn retard? Don't fuck an underage girl. Fucking dumbass.

If a man wants new coochie, let him have it

I read "drove" as in coerced in this context, but you guys read it as in gave her transportation. Which one was it?

That's hilarious. I'd heard of that Dr. Sebi guy before. He was like a naturopath alternative health guru type who preyed on black nationalists.

Heat of the moment lust trumps state and local legislation, or haven't you heard?

>statutory rape
>but it's ok as long as teens have sex with each other
Yes we heard about your dumb incoherent burger law thousand times already

No one thinks what John did was right, but it's not rape no matter how much you try to claim otherwise.

Just making a joke, idk. Would be pretty funny if he actually said "Get in the car, bitch."

The later.

>dumb incoherent burger law
That's the whole point though, since it happened in California

Please never defend yourself in court

You mean where you can just claim rape allegations with no proof? Yeah, no thanks dumb burger.

I want a future where law students are analysing the great coochie defense of 2019

You can read the story here:
He didn't force her to get an abortion. Her doctor told her the fetus wasn't viable because of the meds she was on. She criticizes John for sending her to a free clinic instead of paying for a "nicer" abortion, and for sending his employee to pick her up in a 'beat-up pickup truck'.

Yeah, john k did nothing wrong. Fuck this metoo garbage

Did she want a limo or something lmao

oof, John K's apology letter is pretty bad

Attached: johnk_apology_2.jpg (805x1059, 213K)

>john k did nothing wrong
I don't know, did you ever watch The Ripping Friends?

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Yeee-wait for it- ikes

t. Katie

He was just a big meanie asshole and not nice, that's all.
Some women are literally children; they don't know how to say no and than whine later on people were mean to them.

Their complains against him were pretty bad too, not only they consent they kept in touch with him for years until the metoo trend started.

The Ripping Friends is underrated kino

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I bet you enjoyed 2 Stupid Dogs as well, you fucking pleb

>until the metoo trend started
ah yes, the weisberg effect

NOt him but ripping friends, brothers flub, cow and chciken, and mr meaty are all kino

2 Stupid Dogs is shit besides the Secret Squirrel segment

>not liking The Ripping Friends
>call others pleb

>mr meaty
ok, that is pretty kino

>liking The Ripping Friends
>call others pleb

>liked by plebs

>hated by plebs



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>Ripping Friends
Come on now

He ruined both PPG and Dextar Laboratory

Robyn Byrd:
>I don’t find any apology strong or heartfelt enough for taking away a person’s adolescent motivation, her hopes to be an artist, and her sexual agency...
Uh, isn't she the one taking away her own sexual agency? She's the one reducing herself to a passive object and victim in her own story and implying her own choices didn't play a role in anything. As for taking away her hopes to be an artist.. She worked on John K's cartoons which she would never have done otherwise. I don't know if she did anything of note in cartoons or comics after that, but Katie Rice certainly did and has been successful with her own webcomics, MLaaTR, upcoming Animaniacs reboot, etc., and John K's training of her definitely played a role there. If not for him, no one would know her name.

He's guilty of raping cartoons, but not women.

>She's the one reducing herself to a passive object and victim in her own story and implying her own choices didn't play a role in anything.
That's current feminism in nutshell, women are hypocrites and only take responsibility when it fits them.

Screencaps, goy

It does make it clear that they had a lot of fun times together, though.

True, yet he can't get meetood for that.

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Their earliest stuff came out of TMS (while Pierrot did The Mysterious Cities of Gold since TMS rejected it for Cobra) who know what they were doing, their stuff was very high quality and some of the people who worked on those shows (mainly with The Littles) left TMS to find Studio Ghibli they were that good. (sakugaed by Kazuhide Tomonaga who worked on The Castle of Cagliostro and Castle in the Sky) (directed by Kenji Hachizaki who later worked on The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Summer Wars for Mamoru Hosoda, also Tiny Toons) (Directed by Saburo Hashimoto who later went to Disney Japan by being laid off from TMS but the animation director/head animation was the late Yoshifumi Kondo who was one of Ghibli's key players).

Dic only started to slip once they stopped using TMS and when they became too cheap to use Japan thats when they jumped shark.
He blew the budget on back surgery.
He also did the 1985 Jetsons reboot, Bakshi Mighty Mouse and Dic Beany & Cecil as well.

Helped designed the HB Pac-Man Cartoon, Dic Heathcliff and Galaxy High as well.
We still have Toshihiko Masuda & Kenji Hachizaki who are much better then those guys. (unknown who actually animated this but he was the animation director/head key animator on it)
Not until after Ren & Stimpy was canceled.
No that was Gummi Bears, and that came out of Toshihiko Masuda, John barely did anything as it was Masuda that started it.

I mean does he think every cartoonist is also a amazing writer? there usually two different fields entirely, I mean sure theres a few but john K isnt fucking one of them

This is Katie Rice's work, isn't it?

Also, TMS barely did anything on Dennis, most of that was C&D who was very limited in their animation.

I don't think that's enough to make up for the other times they had

>No that was Gummi Bears, and that came out of Toshihiko Masuda

>The series was the first animated production by Walt Disney Animation Television, and loosely inspired by the gummy bear candies; Disney CEO Michael Eisner was struck with inspiration for the show when his son requested the candies one day.

>Produced by Bakshi-Hyde Ventures (a joint venture of animator Ralph Bakshi and producer John W. Hyde) and Terrytoons
>It was a huge springboard for many cartoonists and animators who would later become famous
>The show was considered revolutionary at the time and, along with 1988's Who Framed Roger Rabbit, inspired a wave of animated shows that were much zanier[2] than those that had dominated children's animation in the previous two decades. It is credited by some as the impetus for the ‘creator-driven’ animation revolution of the 1990s.


His girls are really hot. Even in this animatic thing it comes through: I dunno what it is. Some mixture of innocence and playfulness.

Now that #metoo brainwashed them, no.

you fool, metoo is a big falseflag operation.

>Some mixture of innocence and playfulness.

...That's what John liked too.

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>Famicom has entered the thread
I was about to leave anyway, but that's just more impetus.

Like the only funny joke in this is the kid asking why they don't send the cans to starving african children when George brings them up. And I think the reason George can't come up with anything funny to refute that is because John couldn't either.

In Japan shows go by their chief director and not by the creator, it's why Urusei Yatsura is listed as a Mamoru Oshii show despise Rumiko Takahashi creating it.

Petunia is the name of Porky's Girlfriend and those butt pigtails are literally her hairstyle
Do I smell a lawsuit?

>it's why Urusei Yatsura is listed as a Mamoru Oshii show
>despise Rumiko Takahashi creating it.
She created the manga, not the anime. Anyway my point stay valid, it was Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures that started the animation renaissance in the 90's and not Gummi Bears ( I couldn't even find Toshihiko Masuda name in the wiki article).

You're retarded, Rumiko Takahashi was heavily in the UY anime (same with Ranma 1/2 & Inuyasha and every other adaption of her manga) and Gummi Bears did start the animation renaissance.増田敏彦 It's in the Japanese wiki as ガミー・ベアの冒険 = The Adventures of the Gummi Bears.

>Rumiko Takahashi was heavily in the UY anime
Heavily isn't the same is directing/producing you moron.

>he brings Japanese wiki to prove animation renaissance in the fucking west
Listen Yea Forumsutist, there's no single mention of Toshihiko Masuda in the English article nor anything about so called major influence.

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Granted, but she was the reason why Oshii got fired on her show and why Pierrot got replaced with Deen (besides cost of course).

Masuda is on the Japanese Wiki, simple as that.増田敏彦

>Masuda is on the Japanese Wiki, simple as that.
I explained that before, Yea Forumsutist it doesn't matter as there's no single mention of Toshihiko Masuda in the English article nor anything about so called major influence. Furthermore, I tried do reverse search and he doesn't appear in the moon rune article of the show itself.

Attached: Not found.png (1881x1001, 165K)

It's on Masuda's own Japanese Wiki page.増田敏彦

Yes, illiterate moron, I said that he doesn't appear on the article of the show itself.

I will repeat my main point another time to make it clear to you; t doesn't matter as there's no single mention of Toshihiko Masuda in the English article nor anything about so called major influence.

>there's no single mention of Toshihiko Masuda in the English article nor anything about so called major influence.
Not that poster. Masuda is an old school guy who keeps his head in his work, but he is responsible for the look of a great number of shows from that era, he just doesn't get credited because shows back then tended not to credit individuals on the overseas production staff.

He may not get that recognition, but he is the common thread between everything from the Disney Afternoon shows, the Steven Spielberg presents shows, Batman, Superman, Saban shows like Peter Pan, and made for foreign market movies like Little Nemo. He was *the* go-to guy for outsourced projects.

But he does appear on his' own article.

Attached: Untitled-1.png (1704x918, 123K)

>He may not get that recognition, but he is the common thread between everything from the Disney Afternoon shows, the Steven Spielberg presents shows, Batman, Superman, Saban shows like Peter Pan, and made for foreign market movies like Little Nemo. He was *the* go-to guy for outsourced projects.
So he got the layout and made the animation eh? Not the same as creating, and the animation renaissance is about creator-driven shows.

>hurr derr it appears on his article
You don't say faggot! We already agreed upon that, HOWEVER he doesn't appear on the SHOW ARTICLE. If anything as I mentioned above, he got the layout and did some of the animation, but he didn't create the show and the show isn't responsible to the animation renaissance, you absolute Yea Forumsutist.

>Not the same as creating
I didn't say he should get the credit for creating. That's a conversation you're having with the other poster, and I really don't care.

I'm just into the animation. I'm only giving credit where credit is due, and it's harder to do that with the actual visual production side of cartoons because they're overseas. It's like we're missing a chunk of a history book. But the writers know, the directors know. They knew to save their best episodes for this guy.

Semi-related, he did bumpers for CN Japan too. Anyone who has an eye for animation and grew up with these shows can recognize his work.

He was involved in the creating process with the American staff.

>And the animation renaissance is about creator-driven shows.
No it was not, it was about quality animation returning since the 50s and that was because of the Japanese.

>He isn't responsible to the animation renaissance.
He was one of the people responsible for the animation renaissance, it was not a 1 man job. "Points at Don Bluth."

>in the creating process with the American staff.
Top kek, so why he isn't mentioned in the English wiki? Why He isn't even mentioned in the nip article?

>it was about quality animation returning since the 50s and that was because of the Japanese.
>It is credited by some as the impetus for the ‘creator-driven’ animation revolution of the 1990s

>He was one of the people responsible
He wasn't , you dumb, Yea Forumsutist he was just working as outsource animator doing what he is being told

I never claimed the Japanese outsource studios don't deserve credit, that's whole different story and as you said it's not what I and the other user argues about.

The animation renaissance = the return of quality animation.
Simple as that.

It was just part of it, you pathetic Yea Forumsutist. The main issue and also the reason animation in the West become high quality again was thanks to the return of actual animators as directors of the shows, something that was completely absent in the 80's when cartoon were nothing more than toy commercials. Now go back to your containment board, you dumb ignorant.

>so why he isn't mentioned in the English wiki?

Apparently he was important enough to share the Emmy award for Batman and Superman.

Until Gummi Bears, which was because of The Japanese why it was so high quality.

DuckTales as more of that but the reboot failed with the only reason why anyone bother with DuckTales in the first place, high quality Japanese animation as the reboot uses extremely cheep Filipino animation and it's all because Disney was too cheap to get TMS back and thats why every sakuga otaku on earth is worrying about if TMS is coming back to Animaniacs through it's reboot; We're sick of Lupin III and we don't want another Nu-DuckTales to happen again so TMS has to return to Animaniacs to fix the fuck ups caused by Nu-DuckTales and finally put Studio Mir to shame once and for all.

>Batman and Superman.
>not even director or producer
Nice goalposting, pathetic Yea Forumsautist , again go back to your contaminant board.

He was listed as a Directed on Batman and Superman.

>Until Gummi Bears, which was because of The Japanese why it was so high quality.
How many times do I need to tell you Yea Forumsutist?
The animation renaissance was about the return of animators as producers/directors instead of idiot who can't hold a pencil? Mighty Mouse had some of the most well known animators working on the show and later making their own cartoons which spawned the 90's renaissance! You beloved nip artist, has nothing to with that, he is just and outsource animator doing what he is being told to.

Sure thing, but again the show was created by Bruce Timm. You nip artist just followed the storyboard and didn't created it.

Gummi Bears came before Bakshi Mighty Mouse.
Also Don Bluth.

Even better
>animation director - 1 episode
>1 episode

Same goes with the Adventures of the Gummi Bears

Masuda did his own boards.

>The animation renaissance was about the return of animators as producers/directors instead of idiot who can't hold a pencil? Mighty Mouse had some of the most well known animators working on the show and later making their own cartoons which spawned the 90's renaissance
Now fuck for one and for all to

IMDB's details are incomplete.


>brings source to prove his point
>hurr derr don't trust muh source!
Go fuck yourself dumb goalposter