So at their height which was the better cartoon?

So at their height which was the better cartoon?

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ed boys
spongebob was for cunts

Ed Edd n Eddy. Spongebob was good, but EENE had way more good episodes than Spongebob ever did. Most of season 2, and all of seasons 3, 4, and 5 of EENE are god tier.

Is this contrarian day? Spongebob is/was the funniest cartoon of all time. EEnE at its height didn't come close to prime Spongebob

Spongebob had better highs, but Ed Edd n Eddy was good for longer

At their HEIGHT? Do you mean height of popularity, height of the shows' comedic careers, or some other definition of height?

Are we comparing them with the number of jokes that landed? How timeless the best parts are? The movie conclusions?

This is a really ambiguous question you're asking, OP.

Spongebob was funny, but EEnE was consistently funny way longer than Spongebob was.

Spongebob had the higher highs but EEnE was more consistently good.

These more or less. EEnE was way more consistently good for longer, but even its standout episodes never quite reached the heights of Spongebob. For example, the EEnE episode where they go NOWHERE BUT UP is fucking hysterical, but a Spongebob episode like Band Geeks is on a different level.
Both were absolutely God-tier at their peaks though, and looking back it's kind of amazing that there was a time where golden age spongebob was running right alongside EEnE.

Attached: NOWHERE BUT UP EDDY.gif (241x182, 155K)

> You know what's funnier than 24?
> Dolphin noises
> you'll miss out on the panty raid
> Escalators! Escalators!...eels
Classic bob is the most quotable cartoon of all time, user. It is known.

Attached: afaef8538e6d319044f73c746fadf1cf.jpg (539x539, 88K)

>Eddy, why is someone in the kitchen with Dinah?
>Edd playing the steel guitar
>"Home Cooking"
>Rolf's mannerisms in general

Nice try, but no.

It’s always contrarian day on Yea Forums

That's not what the thread is about though
Spongebob had greater humor, but didn't last for as long as EEnE

And I'm gonna say it
I swear bros, I'll say it right now
Nearly all of EEnE isn't as funny as seasons 1-3 of Sponge, not only that but the last season of EEnE wasn't even good once

>just about anything that comes out of Ed's mouth

I have to disagree. Both shows were about equal in making my laugh my ass off as a kid. Season 5 is also great, I don't understand why people shit on it. It has the same quality as other seasons.

also at one point Courage, Johnny Bravo and Samurai Jack plus these two cartoons and many many other greats were all running at the same time.

fuck me Im glad I was born in the early 90s to see all these shows in their running times.

Agreed, as a kid I was hyped as shit to see the Edds in a different setting.

Agree to disagree, but at the very least more people like spongebob 1-3 than all of EEnE

And I'm not basing that off of anything particular, just the fact that spongebob is still around as memes and sicko mode introductions

Spongebob. EEnE is alright, however, massively overrated and usually championed by massive aspies/autists.

now you're just making shit up

Spongebob was quite better but its current quality make people forget that.