"Harvey, Joker’s escaped! Recruit a team of rapists with attitude!"

"Harvey, Joker’s escaped! Recruit a team of rapists with attitude!"

Attached: B6C5E811-1AAA-409F-8CE8-327812315F2B.png (1504x1001, 1.35M)

Can I join Daddy?

Attached: 1540784863310.jpg (750x568, 50K)

Go Go RAPIST RAN-GERS da da da dada daaaa... Go Go Rapist Rangers... you disgusting Rapist RAN-GERRSS!

He he he... bueno.

You called?

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Blue Raper, ready for action!

Attached: A7439-13.jpg (640x480, 34K)

GASP! It’s the Green Dragon Raper!

Red Raper, burning with passion!

Attached: 603-6035958_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-justice-stopman-the-iron-fist-of.png (1028x1147, 1.33M)

"Commish, you're not gonna believe this. Word on the street is there's seven jokers loose."

Attached: BTAS_Harvey_Bullock.png (699x707, 433K)

Ready for action

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I hate that I know who this is

Would a bat-branded strap-on be called the Bat-On or the Strap-Bat?

Attached: 2423C1B7-7758-4942-87F6-912E1CD97C40.gif (500x345, 408K)

White Raper ready for action!

Attached: 2F4B7E7F-F36C-45FD-BF16-87528C2461A2.jpg (596x999, 173K)

It would be called the batawang

Rapist Repulsa will stop your horrible plans Gordon!

Yellow Raper, ready for action!

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Alright guys! Let’s form the Megaraper! Summon The Power Dong!

Ready guys? It's rapin' time!

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Just TRY and rape me NOW!

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So we have
Red Raper
Blue Raper
Yellow Raper
White Raper
Black Raper
Gordon's daughter
now i wonder what will be the megazord for those

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