"Harvey, Joker’s escaped! Recruit a team of rapists with attitude!"
"Harvey, Joker’s escaped! Recruit a team of rapists with attitude!"
Can I join Daddy?
Go Go RAPIST RAN-GERS da da da dada daaaa... Go Go Rapist Rangers... you disgusting Rapist RAN-GERRSS!
He he he... bueno.
You called?
Blue Raper, ready for action!
GASP! It’s the Green Dragon Raper!
Red Raper, burning with passion!
"Commish, you're not gonna believe this. Word on the street is there's seven jokers loose."
Ready for action
I hate that I know who this is
Would a bat-branded strap-on be called the Bat-On or the Strap-Bat?
White Raper ready for action!
It would be called the batawang
Rapist Repulsa will stop your horrible plans Gordon!
Yellow Raper, ready for action!
Alright guys! Let’s form the Megaraper! Summon The Power Dong!
Ready guys? It's rapin' time!
Just TRY and rape me NOW!
So we have
Red Raper
Blue Raper
Yellow Raper
White Raper
Black Raper
Gordon's daughter
now i wonder what will be the megazord for those