What are your thoughts on new Carol, Yea Forums

What are your thoughts on new Carol, Yea Forums

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cute hair

>implying I'm still watching
Btw Lana is the Skylar of Yea Forums

I don't know if I'm going to bother, last season sucked absolute cock, and that's coming from the guy who liked the season before that.
The "archer in a coma" schtick got old and I want it to go away.

cherlene was better

>Short hair

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>hated by fans for not wanting to put up with the shit of someone who is objectively awful in real life
>Makes minor fuckups that fans hyper focus on when the person they root for is a literal muderous psychopath
>Actually does her job well and covers the important shit when MC is tied up in stupid drama because of their own ego

This is actually very accurate.

How did we go from this

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to this?

Attached: pam rock.jpg (354x353, 20K)


The fake babysitter stunt and saying she'd rather lose the baby than marry him were far worse things to do in their relationship than Archer's mommy issues.

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That's why this is a Carol thread.

In that case I'd have hit it 11/10 times before the country singer gimmick, then 5/10 times after since she's legitimately deranged.

I, too, would love a Carol

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daily reminder Pam is best girl and also a bonafide semen demon

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But they made Carol and Lana sexy, please get over your victim complex.

The last season was hilarious, the new episode wasn't though.

First episodes are always pretty slow/meh. I won't deny that there's been a dip in quality over the years but I'll still watch it.

Yeh I'm not too worried, I haven't been disappointed over a whole season yet.

I thought Danger Island was weaker than Dreamland, not bad but not as good as what came before. But I'll stick around.

I enjoyed German Cyril, the return of Noah and Krieger as Crackers.

I like that all the guys speaking German were actually German

WAIT, WHAT, THIS IS OUT ALREADY? How many episodes in?

First one yesterday

God dammit, there's no torrent yet. Anyone know where I can find it?

There totally is tho

>takes his seed without him knowing to impregnate herself
when he freaks out and runs away, she >chastises him for not being there
>when he comes back, she tells him that he pretty much has no parental rights and if she dies(only her) the baby go to her sister, then her grandparents

thats not minor fuckups. and if hes a murdering psycho, what is she?

fuck, did i just fall for bait?


Be a good person and buy the season on google or amazon.

have you heard of showRSS because its good

>Be a good person and buy the season that just started and has only one episode out and doesn't exist yet.
No I haven't, but I'll look into that.

the more she is anally fucked the dumber she gets

I think she's qt
I like crazy

>impregnates herself with Archer's sperm without telling him
>leads him on, then brutally denies the baby is his by saying she'd rather lose the baby than have it be his
>hires an actor to coordinate an elaborate stunt to see if Archer can be a good father, gets him shot in the process

All of the characters are terrible in their own way, Lana is just the holier-than-thou voice of reason that does some twisted shit too

This is just Archer's mind trying to reconcile his affection and throbbing erection for Pam, with her gross and annoying tendencies.

She's the best Starbuck since the original.

Does that mean if we get another dream season, she'll go back to being hot?